(That title feels like a tongue twister, eh?)
The announcement of the 2016 Polaris Prize short list is in about two weeks. What started as a list of 40, will be shortened to 10. This year’s nominees include some great surprises for Canadian indie fans and some… unsurprising names.
The Polaris Prize is award given annually to the best Canadian album, based on artistic merit. It was created in 2006, and currently, the winner receives $50,000. The eligible albums for this year’s edition are the ones released between June 1, 2015 and May 31st, 2016.
Are you familiar with all the 40 long-listed acts? Do you know only a few of them? You’re here just to see Drake ignore the whole deal again? We got you covered. Our friend Darlene Barss aka Darbarspecial made a Spotify playlist with the nominees to get you ready for the shortlist announcement. Let us know who’s your favourite!
The 2016 short list will be revealed on July 14th, while the Polaris gala will be on Monday, September 19th.
My show last Friday focused on Polaris nominated artists… check out the playlist, which was free of Bieber, Jepsen, and Drake.
Is this thing on. Check check.
if you refresh the page you should see a change
titillating new blog world
oh and the comments don’t auto update here yet, sorry
Listening to KEXP right now.
Oh, and good morning!
morning folks.
i’m trying to change my picture, but it’s not working.
I think you might need a wordpress.com account to change your image
I have one…
style suggestions for the blog, make the lines 1 point thinner and the avatars 50% bigger.
Don’t you need Gravitar?
It won’t let me right now…
Is anyone else here?
@Tiffy, I don’t want to spend too much time on style here for it to be discarded when we go over to the full site in a week or so
@Russ, this was a hastily thrown together site using wordpress.com, the full site would be on our own server giving us more control
Hey! Blog!
I’m listening to KEXP as well, Russ.
Hello, new blog. How are we all doing?
I don’t know what time zone this thing is in, so I can’t figure out how long it’s been since anybody posted. Guess we’ll find out.
@loozr, I think it is running on GMT / UTC
It runs on GARFY time!
Ah yes. I was thrown off by the fact that Greenwich is not on Greenwich time right now.
Also: I take it I’m not the only one the new stream isn’t working for?
Oh, KEXP is playing Japandroids right now anyway! Who needs ya, new R3 stream? :p
Random info: I use a Fax machine A LOT at my job. A FAX machine! I’ve sent 6 Faxes today already!
KEXP playing japandroids, yeah:>)
Wait, did they guy on KEXP just say my name??? Or was I hallucinating?
Did you have Japandroids stuck in your head?
gaaaah I just sent out our monthly newsletter and there was small mistake with the returns. I was suppose to put 0.47% but I put 0.44%. Small mistake but it’s actually BIG.
I’m going to go spend 0.03% of my net worth on a bucket of fried chicken at lunch time.
I wasn’t imagining it! The KEXP host’s Twitter handle is @loserboy. Like he’s a long-lost brother or something.
Hi all –
I was wondering if someone could post the last comment or two from yesterday? BFO gave me a link to facebook where it resides, but I can’t see it because I don’t facebook.
I think the “official” last post (although there appear to have been a couple short ones after) is this one written by @Zammachus and posted by @marie_curious:
All good things do eventually come to an end. While we could keep this going ad nauseam, the more noble route is to let it die.
It is only fitting that our nation finds ourselves locked in a debate about assisted dying as Radio 3 has long been assisted towards its current, untimely end. First, we had to watch as our day-long hosted broadcasts were shortened as hosts left, first as a trickle, then as a rush. With them went the podcasting and the breadth of variety that exposed listeners like myself and so many others to genres to which we previously would have only scoffed.
Then we were subjected to the merger with CBC Music – and the closing of The Basement – wherein Radio 3 was buried under a pile of pop culture drek. After that, we had the long and tear-filled goodbyes as our live hosting was stripped away.
Now, the Radio 3 we once knew and loved is but a memory, one we will all cherish forever. Fortunately, while our beloved home is no longer, we still have each other. The marvel that is Radio 3 would not have existed were it not for the internet and it is the internet that will keep us as one.
Perhaps, one day, Radio 3 will be reborn. If so, let it not be as some horrid remake of a true classic. We would all rather remember it as it was than see it bastardized, much as seems to have been done to it now.
Thank you Grant, Lana, Lisa, Vish, Craig, Tariq, Graham, Lauren, Pete, Odario, Alanna and all the other hosts and everyone who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to entertain and engage with us over the years. I hope we some day can find a way to truly express our appreciation for all the time and effort you have exerted for our behalf.
Many quotes have been bandied about on this site in tribute to Radio 3, but I truly feel I have settled upon the best of them. I shall paraphrase Zach Braff from Garden State.
Perhaps this is what a family is: a group of people all remembering and longing for a place that no longer exists.
Black Mountain on KEXP now
note to Garf to put in notes for new site: I have to refresh the page to see new blog comments, so we’ll want to fix that.
@Old Abe judging you by your profile name I would never expect you to use a fax machine
I had a messenger pigeon, but sadly it passed away. Just getting a handle on this new fancy Facsimile transmitter.
A fax machine’s nothing but a waffle iron with a phone attached.
Well that was a surprise to see my name on the new blog post! Hi all.
@Old Abe – I wasn’t very happy last week with the medical world insisting on using faxes still.
hiding out in this bunker isn’t so bad, at least we’re still alive….alvvays alive ahhahhhhahhhhh (…. creepy laugh envelopes the cavernous unerground slagheap)
Un Blonde was the only artist I didn’t find on Spotify for this Polaris playlist.
@hotpatch – That made me think of this song my son loves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6ljFaKRTrI
Thanks Loozrboy
I am not sure about the whole assisted dying analogy, but it is a great post to end with. I also really like the quote – maybe a bit dark, but I think that is all what is in our hearts
our blog now has its own spotify account under the name ourbasement
I have a ham radio.
is that just a normal radio with bacon on it?
I have a (veggie) ham sandwich. I’m getting hungry…
R3 stream is fixed if you care to listen.
R3 is sounding good to me right now.
I wonder if it’s possible to rig up a widget for the R3 stream… Doesn’t solve the geofencing problem, though…
BONES ATTACK!!! is playing! Damnit, it really IS sounding good right now.
Am I correct that nobody will be at the same spot in the R3 stR3am at the same time? I assume with the ability to skip tracks, it must be a big playlist that rolls around back to the start when it gets to the end? Am I making ANY sense?
Ah, there we go. So is the “stream” just a playlist? i.e. did it start with Shotgun Jimmie for everybody no matter when they started it? Seems like it conveniently started right at the beginning of the song, anyway.
The R3 stream just picked up exactly where I left it last night. So yes we would all be in different places in it. I will be sure to yell out Black Mountain when it comes up on mine still. Just so you know.
@Old Abe: Damn, you’re right. They used to have that skip forward/backward thing way back, but the stream itself was its own fixed entity in time. If you skipped anything you were outside of time, like a Time Lord. But not a very good time lord… More like a companion really.
I need to stop watching Doctor Who.
…No I don’t.
it’s dark in here
Although I see it says you can only skip 6 songs per hour. Choose your skips carefully, I guess!
Also, weird.
the stream isn’t working for me. Just that spinning circle, endlessly….
Filthy Haanz playing on my stream now. Nice.
@krib: Did you try clearing your browser cache? It worked for me after I did that, although correlation does not necessarily imply causation.
I just scrolled through this page trying to find what song was playing.
Hi friends! Here we are! This is exciting! (!!!)
Lew Zerbowi FTW! that worked
@shufle, does that mean this feels like home?
Hi Samara!
@Garf I would say yes!
my home’s a little messier.
and brighter. lots of windows
@darbar hello! I am so glad to find friends here today.
Ooo, : + ) =
on this site…
Hmm I have a repeat already. The Zolas Male Gaze. It may have been last night though.
Where’s Reg? Rah Rah is playing
Haha we can use emoticons on here.
wow. there’ve been 5 songs in a row that are guitar based
Having You Around by July Talk is on mine.
wordpress told me I’m posting comments too quickly
jinxed it. now come the synths
Re the blog topic…I put a song that seemed to have more likes from each album. I listened through to get an idea and clicked the + on the ones I liked. I then went back to those ones to listen to their full album. It was just a helpful tool for me to take a closer listen. I hope it is of some use to others as well that want to take a closer listen to the long list. Thanks.
mine says Jazz by Thor by Devours
is the song Jazz and the band Thor by Devours, or is the song Jazz by Thor and the band Devours?
Jordan Klassen on mine.
It is Jazz by Thor the band with the song Devours.
Nope Devours and song is Jazz by Thor haha
I like that song and have it saved in my Spotify.
I will be back later. Have fun in the basement kids!
yes Mom
Hello. This lives! I’m at a press conference but at least this is mobile-friendly.
Also, the Canadian visa to Mexican visitors is over and I have mixed feelings. I can visit with my mom or my boyfriend, but the prices will skyrocket from all the people who’ll want to visit asap.
Testing… (because apparently one cannot delete wordpress gravatars? I don’t have a wordpress site anymore, but it insists I can login… )
it was telling me that, to SamaraS, but I just used a different email address
Hi Reg (& Samara)
@krib I will have to do that too. (Use my alternate email address.) I don’t really want to be tied into my old wordpress stuff, I thought I had gotten rid of it, but I just searched and apparently it is impossible to delete a gravatar account, which I somehow started with wordpress. How creepy.
@garf Hi mate! How are you today? I couldn’t believe the soccer yesterday (football, I mean). I was happy for Iceland but felt pretty bad for you. :/
@Samara, It is normal for England to be crap, you get used to it after a while
I’m OK using my Twitter.
@garf nooooo! But I get it. It’s been a rough week… Hey, do you have a kickstarter or something for this site, to cover the cost of set-up, etc? I can’t offer much, but I’d pitch in a few bucks to help out if it’s needed.
Hello from the TwittSamara! Thanks for the tip, Russ CDNz1!
WOAH!! The Blog is ALIVE

Hey Guys – I am sussing out a new logo / branding for our basement. Ideas??
@Samara, The site is covered for a year to see if it catches on but there might be one advert on each post when we go over to the full time site along with a patreon page for those willing to chip in a dollar a month
But thank you for the offer
@Tiffy, I have asked somone if they would be willing to supply us with a logo based around Wild Raccoon (or he could be our mascot)
That’s a cool idea. He is just so angry looking though. I would only want a friendly looking trash panda.
We could have a few made and then do a poll.
yay democracy!
sounds good to me Tiffy
@garf OK, so long as it isn’t all coming out of your pocket. I will definitely pitch in once you have that patreon thingo set up. I’ll shake a few coins out of the piggybank and send those loonies and toonies rolling Our Basement’s way.
Hello! It sure is nice to be able to comment from my iPad
he is only angry when nobody leaves him a cookie
@darbar (when you get back!) thanks so much for sharing your list for this inaugural post! I really must either get Old Abe’s login deets so I can use his account to listen, or, I supppoooosssee get my own Spotify account.
@Samara, It’s comming out of my bank account at the moment, but if this works I will claim it back on expenses when we can actually afford to have expenses
Agreed for money to garf.
And thx Samara.
Yay Benoit is here now too!
kamloopsplow.com will sponsor the site, but I expect my logo to be very prominent on the site.
So happy! Hi everybody! I’m about to go do some yardwork, whew!
Listening to KEXP on Russ / Old Abe / Loozrboy’s suggestion. Nice.
I should work on that Spotify thing…
I still can’t get the new site to stream streams for me, even after clearing my cache. And it may seem paradoxical, but really it isn’t at all, I can stream embedded videos just fine. They come from Youtube, AND THEY KNOW HOW TO STREAM. Grrrr
@garf do you know why I can’t login to this site via Twitter from my phone? Is that perhaps because this is a not-permanent site, and I will probably be able to log in with Twitter when we have a real, live site? (Sorry for so many comments and questions!)
@Samara, I have no idea why you can’t log in using twitter on your mobile device but I hope that will be fixed on the new site
I really like Rae Spoon
Also, “small detail” (sigh), on the new site when you mouseover R2, up left, you get a drop-down menu that offers “playlog”; the R3 one, right next, does not have a playlog option appearing.
What a complete evisceration!
No kidding, Benoít, no kidding.
Yeah, the new site is an affront to R3dom.
Nick Cave!
I am off to get some food, ttfn
@garf I figured it out (sorta). I switched from mobile site to desktop site (which works just as well!) and was able to log in with Twitter.
man, the tumbleweed’s gonna be pissed….
*Rolls past glaring
And one thing I don’t want coming at me is a pissy tumbleweed.
OMG hahahahah tumbleweed find his/her way over here ahahaa
Posted by reg on the other, minor competing site (starts with f)
Well worth scanning, esp. parag. 2.
CBC Music: ” Hey, you fucked up. You trusted us.”
@BfO: Stream still not working for you? Is it possible you’re American and just didn’t realize it?
Nope, still no streaming streams from the new site, even after auto cache purging. Only streaming Youtube content.
i wish i could fix my picture.
Grnat has found an extra e
loozrboy, God is an American, said Bowie (I think). Ummmmmmm nope. Obviously not me.
Bowie said that? I know he said “I’m afraid of Americans”
Michelle Shocked said God is a real estate developer, way back in the days when she was normal-ish
Benoit the stream isn’t working from my work computer. The itunes stream still plays here though. Transitions are hard!
I can’t stream either. I’m back to my regular stand-bye
Fucked Up on KEXP!
Hi Grant, hi 124th Street Beat, hi DarBarSpecial, hi Krib, hi BfO, hi tiffyleeson! Please forgive if I miss anyone…
@vjpdx Hi, I was SamaraS over on the old blog, but I don’t think we ever chatted…
Nice to see you over here. The blog lives!
Grnat, the number of posts is indicated at the end of the url. Just up there. I suggest posting a comment yourself to get a refreshed count.
Hi, vjpdx!
Hello again! Finally back in the office. I need to figure out my picture too. Thanks for sharing that, Benoit.
Darbar, yes, the via iTunes feed: still good until Thursday inclusive. Then, pffffft!
(Too bad. Great “EQ”)
Hi VJ! Note that it is not Grant but Grnat. He likes to fill in when Grant isn’t around.
Hopefully Garf can block Grnat on this site.
Because sometimes old Hip is better than new repeat tunes, I just played Thugs, off Day for Night. Great track. Great album.
Right. I guess we better figure it out or go listen to KEXP with the Americans. I do like that station.
Hello word!
Let’s see if I have an avatar now…
They’re subtle, but you get italics when surrounding a word with two *.
Hi sbarbara!
A teeny tiny one reginula.
You don’t look very avatarish.
what happens if I do this?
ooh! it likes HTML tags
I think it works? Baaaaah. They’re small anyway. I like the new temporary format tho.
Click Here!
oh. not ALL tags.
probably only text formatting ones
Hi sbarbara9! Hi everyone I haven’t said Hi to yet.
Also, thanks for these formatting tips, Benoit and krib.
this commenting section DOES NOT LIKE TIFFY.
I feel smashy and punchy
Kathleen got her guitar back
Can we embed gifs? Because that would be really annoying and disruptive.
top 5 things I like about the new CBC Music site:
you can skip a track you don’t like
you can pause and resume where you were
still thinking….
damn, this is hard….
(apparently the answer to my question is “no”)
I read that Old Abe! Good news!
can anyone else see an edit button next to their own comments?
going to try again…there was supposed to be more than that:
you can skip a track you don’t like
you can pause and resume where you were
@garf nope
yeah, only basic text formatting, like bold and italics and such…
krib: you can play it.
I don’t see an edit. and it keeps asking me to log in everytime I post. I even made a seperate gmail account so I wouldn’t be tied to my other online life (facebook lalala)
@Benoit BABOOM!
wait.. that’s wrong. basement.tiffy@gmail.com
garf, no; also, little circly avatars were there for one cycle, then, gone again
I don’t see an edit either. Tiffy it is keeping my details so I don’t have to keep retyping them.
@Tiffy – When I comment, the email and user name fields are auto filled. Not for you?
Well, it’s our home, so we can figure out what sort of commenting we want. There is also an option to add in a plugin so we can make member profiles. Just a thought.
It’s working now that I am on my mac – but when I was on my PC, and working off of many different accounts for my job (in different tabs) it was not OK.
question: does everyone have to refresh the page to see new comments?
@Tiffy – Yes, I have to refresh to see new comments
did you make sure you’ve cleared the actual cache when clearing history? Not just browsing history? that fixed it for me
Bye, y’all! So nice to see you guys! (btw, I’m vjbeauchamp, but you knew that)
for the permanent home…no point doing too much to this if it’s going away soon
although, it’s WP, so it won’t go away, ever
So I just posted the Kathleen Edwards news on Our Basement and this is giving me life: https://ourbasementblog.wordpress.com/2016/06/28/kathleen-edwards-gets-her-guitar-back/
So this is where all the cool kids are . . . hey everyone.
I need to find a plugin to make comments auto update without the need to refresh the page
Hey, Jon!
Hey Jon! Glad you found us.
krib, 12:13 Yes, I just checked my preferences for FF; I had checked CLEAR CACHE in addition to the prexistingly checked HISTORY, and both are still checkmarked; and I did go out and come back; so, barring really annoying gremlins…
I must get some work done. You all are distracting me.
Yaaayyy! Sless and heyjon are here now!
Laters, darbstar
@BfO: have you already checked if Flash is enabled for the site (little lego brick icon in the address bar)?
So weird. I just clicked play again on the site and it worked this time. /shrug
I’ve heard Male Gaze by the Zolas twice already on this new-fangled stream
OK, well I have a few non-computery things to do… I’ll check back in to see you guys in an hour or two though. I’m so glad we have this place. Many thanks to ALL of you working on this site, and particularly Garf, for everything you’ve done to get us set up here.
Loozrboy, thx; it took me a while to find said lego brick; and yes, the thing is on — and my version of Flash is recent.
krib @ 12:32 /// See, same old! They don’t plan on varying the frequency of play, just to give you some chances to — it’s just like IndyCar — some chances to use “push to pass”!
Grant (not Grnat) posted a “so what do you think?” post on the faceb. group page, in case anyone…
yep, but at least I can skip
Nice IndyCar reference, Benoit!
First full day and we have our first “you might like this” tweet
The Dark Afterglow
Jun 28
@our_basement Hej…maybe you like this song: soundcloud.com/the-dark-after… cheers! Alex
It’s book marked now. Eventually it will auto update if Garfield UK can sort it, right?
My stream paused so I went to take a look at it. It is spinning again and what song is it? Male Gaze by The Zolas again. They have some kinks to work out for sure!
oh hey, DarBar, I finally hit Push + Pull
Are all the other talky bits gone? Grant’s been eradicated from R3?
Thankee, Russ.
Adding to woes, I tried to get to MusiquePlus (the French streamy CBC thing) via the new CBCMusic site: got an endless static wavelet. Better, tried from a browser site; got a 404.
It’s not going very well right now.
@heyjon, I want the comments to self update but I need to find a plugin for that
I still can’t get it to work for me. Could be my work computer I guess, although I have never had any problems streaming before.
As for what I think – I don’t need to listen to the stream to know that Radio3 is pretty much reduced to a streaming playlist like all the other ones. Without hosts or commentators the only thing that appears to be left to set it apart is the podcast. But I don’t even know if that is still a go??
I didn’t hear any talking bits. I have switched back to the iTunes R3 version and probably will stay there for the next couple days.
he July Talk song I heard was Having You Around.
holy carp!
don’t walk away, eileen!
hakuna matata, baby!
Male Gaze by the Zolas again
something is amiss….
It’s Pride Week baby, we’re all about the Male Gays.
Mistake in my 12:50: replace MusiquePlus with IciMusique.
i wondered who musique plus were
This site had a better launch than that new R3 site.
MusiquePlus is Much Music’s Quebec station.. oui?
MusiquePlus is the French-language equivalent of MuchMusic, the Canuck MTV.
@Russ, just to be clear, that’s an insult to them, right
Nope, that would be childish.
You obviously planned well for THIS launch.
Hey hey.
I like that when you refresh the page it doesn’t scootch you back up to the top.
Check back later…
Funhog is here! 3 JEREMYS ON THE BLOG!
I left but didn’t pause the stream.
BLACK MOUNT……nope Public Animal. Nevermind.
guys…. this is fun. I fell like the adults have left and we’re left to our own devices.
Agreed Tiffany, this has been a fun day.
I am heading home folks!
The Male Gaze song system glitch should be fixed tonight.
before everyone leaves I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that hung out here today
thank you!
Are you guys aware of what’s going on in Istambul?
And thank you to our gracious host!
What Garf said. Thanks everyone! This is a dream!
What Loozrboy said!
I’m back on my desktop and look at all you guys here : )
There was also a massive explosion in Mississauga o_o
@reginula re Istanbul (and Mississauga) all I can say is that I’m glad Kathleen got her guitar back today so I can enjoy that good news story.
@Samara Yeaaah, two very scary stories. At least we got some good news. I’m still curious about the details on that.
There are “247 thoughts on” this post.
Good work guys!
Imagine if there was a live host prodding the conversation…..
I was just thinking that myself
@reginula, @Samara – I’ve just seen a little on Istanbul, and nothing about Mississauga. I don’t like the outside world. (no, that’s not true, but I don’t like seeing the news)
for those of you still here and those that will return to see what they missed, I have a little homework. In the vein of “Canada lives here” what tag line do you think our blog should have?
Home of the R3fugees. :p
I can only think of silly things.
I’ll ponder it…
Are you pondering what I’m pondering?…
@Samara, silly ideas are fine, you should see some of the ones we have come up with
I think so Benoit but where will we find the hippos in tutus at this time of night?
Is this what I do? Am I doing it right? I love that you guys made this site (I’m not sure who is 100% responsible!)
I probably won’t be on much, but I’ll be creeping as much as I can
I miss the ol basement days! They were much simpler times – in so many aspects of my life.
I just wanted to say that I love you guys, and this blog, so much. I’m happy to attempt (key word, attempt!) to write a blog post sometime if y’all like!
We over here today