Back in August 2015, Kathleen Edwards posted on Facebook that her rare and valuable 1957 Les Paul Junior guitar was stolen from her house in Stittsville, Ontario. Today, the Ottawa singer-songwriter posted a picture of the instrument on Instagram, with the message “Today I got an early birthday present. Story to follow”. So… eventually Edwards herself will update us on the details of the happy news.
“If the guitar is returned, I can accept a ‘no questions asked’ agreement,'” Edwards said on her August 2015 Facebook post. “I can promise you that the instrument will not make you money, it will not go unnoticed and you will at some point be caught. Do the right thing”.
Update: According to CBC News, a Good samaritan came into Quitters, Edward’s coffe shop in Stittsville, ON, to let her know he found a garbage bag with guitars while he was out walking his dogs. The songstress later confirmed the guitars were hers.
“They were dumped in Stittsville, a kilometre or so from the shop. Undamaged. I am over the moon,” she wrote.
Info from CBC News
Picture taken from Kathleen Edwards Facebook page
Brilliant news! There is a measure of justice in this world after all.
(Some days I just don’t know….)
This is great news.
Good morning?
i am just about finished packing.
just a couple of things to go
On the go train to work. Testing commenting from phone.
i may have set my alarm too early

1-commenting from phone=:)
2-This news makes me so happy for Kathleen
3-Hii fellow basement dwellers!
hello Miss Maloo
Hi Garfy!
Hope your trip home is smooth sailing/flying!
I’m more worried about security than I am about the actual flying
Good Morning!
Garf, I hope your journey home is all good and stress free.
I also hope you had a nice trip.
Ditto on that, safe travels!
I am off to hand in my key and start the journey to the airport
I’ll try to get on here from there
Safe travels Garfy!
Good morning!
morning folks
Plans are being made for a road trip to Home County and then a ferry ride from Tobermory to Manutolin Island for a few days! Woo hoo!
Manitoulin, that is better spelling
@shonica – in Ontario??
anonymous is tiff
Anonymous, yep
Who’s planning on going to Home County this year?
I’ll be in Vancouver.
We’re coming Sat., leaving Sun.
Good morning.
I won’t be going to Home County…
I won’t be at Home County either. :-/
Hi in general, thx Shon, and hello miriam.
What’s everyone doing for Canada Day?
I will be sulking a little with ROMO . I wanted to be at a show at Red Rocks, CO but it didn’t happen. I will probably go to the park for a bit. We have Doug and the Slugs here so not too interested. Regina, always stuck in the past and way behind things.
For Canada Day I am going to Three Dog Winery and drinking mimosas and eating bbq hot dogs. Maybe. Or I might go to the beach and go for a swim. Or perhaps both. If there are fireworks about I would like to see those too. I like fireworks.
What about Tiffy?
@Darbar – Not interested in Doug And The Slugs?!? That’s *Too Bad*
Good day to you all, friends of Our Basement blog!
*packs bag in disgust.
Hello from the airport
Just about to check in
I’m taking a break from the city and I’m staying in Burlington with my mom right now. Not sure what my plans are, but it won’t be much. Downtown Burlington always has lots of things going on. I’ll probably take a walk down by the lake front (Spencer Smith Park)
But other than that – keeping a very low profile.
@Old Abe – Har har. I will be Makin it Work for me I guess.
Garf, I’m wishing you safe and pleasant travels home. I hope they have good movies on your flights!
Hi Samara!
Keep on rolling along Tumbleweed.
@Darbar – Ha! Well played
Plans for Canada day.
Spend a lot of time picking a t-shirt. Pick a crappy pouting and a crappy pseudo-beavertail from a food truck. Feel ROMO.
Pouting = poutine LOL
@reginula you may actually end up pouting if your poutine is *really* crappy!
@Shonica – If you are going up to Tobermory, you are of course welcome to stop and see us in Meaford. We are not to far out of the way and would love to see you!
Yeah, your own poutings are first class, I’m sure.
@Shonica I give a big +1 to Old Abe’s comment at 8:59am. It would be fun to see you guys if you can swing by!
So there is no new post on the R3. Maybe just a weekly article now?
My pouting is better than any poutine this land can offer.
@Samara @benoit bahahahahaha
I thought the stream was broken but my speakers were on mute. Benoit, have you checked your speakers?
@shuffle – well, we are going to have a daily topic here!
Ya’ll might be interested in my friends new book, documenting the Hamilton music scene 2006-2011:
Love is Love is Love post of Andrea Warner’s looked new to me.
@tiffy I loved your comment yesterday that it feels like all the adults have gone and we’ve been left to our own devices.
I feel the same way!
it really does feel that way!!
Alberta has a province wide radio station CKUA. It has repeaters all over the province and can be reached pretty well all over the province. It is run by volunteers and has live hosts that play music they love. There was a management problem years back and the community banded together to save the station. They have funding drives annual like the college radio stations. That’s where I envision my R3 going. Unless that’s what they are already doing at indie88
How cool would it be to not only write a blog post or be a co-host, but actually host 3 hours of music a week?
But I’d get bored of DarBars three hours of Black Mountain followed by Reg’s 3 hours of Rah Rah
shufle: yes.
Speakers don’t get forgotten except for a moment. I’ve been trained on muting R3, lately. Sad trombone
Well, let’s try this. Bonus: I’m not blocked on my office computer! Now to get an icon to go along with it!
@Shufle Isn’t distance one of the issues?
I found this super tough Canadian trivia quiz and my butt was kicked. Only got 11 out of 20:
@shufle HOW DARE YOU! :-p
I am far more than Black Mountain. Diversity is what I crave and is what I listen to.
@laurabeth Sounds awesome!
Greetings Lee! Glad you made it.
@Lee – Hi! I am glad you are giving it a try.
R3 isn’t playing for me again today Benoit. I am sure it will work at some point if I hold my tongue just the right way.
@Shufle HOW DARE YOU. I’d play you 140 minutes of Rah Rah. 30 minutes of Library Voices and 10 minutes of the Weakerthans.
Whoa… Don’t worry everyone, I have updated my name to “Carlyg”. PHEW!
@Garf Where are youuu?
@shufle – 9:23 – Thanks! I’ll give that station a listen later.
Hi Carly!
@shufle – I do think it would be cool if we could make our own radio station.
The blog is alive!! It’s so great to see so many here. Just brilliant.
@Lee and anyone other new people – The page doesn’t refresh on its own, you have to manually refresh it.
@Reg Garf is at the airport
@reginula Garf is on his way to the airport – or maybe in the sky.
@darBarSpecial – we are working to fix that for the proper launch. As well as some other things. This is just a temp site while we put together the more permanent one.
Re this page: I’m sure autorefresh and thumbnails will be organised. Garf’s on his way home (via how many countries…) (I think he came over through Germany!)
Please ignore my latest and pay attention to tiffy’s.
And you can’t edit either.
@Tiffy – I am aware and I am thankful for what you guys are doing.
I was just pointing it out for them now.
Finally got the stream going in another browser. Is it just me or is it more guitars (i.e. more like it used to be?)
Doug & the Slugs?
but Doug’s been dead for years
the jazz festival is on, so i’ll go catch some music, and I think I’ll go see Ben Caplan at Amigos that night. Might even have to give the fireworks a miss this year
@darbar – no worries!! It’s a lot of fun
Ha! Yes, Darb, I found out I had to refresh the page. But if it can be done, it would be great if our posts would be numbered for reference! Remember that when the original CBC Music page dropped, they didn’t have numbering either.
one thing that would be nice on the permanent new blog is to have links auto-open in a new window or tab
Doug’s dead ?!? Aw, I didn’t know that.
Incidentally, as for Further Adventures of the Shaggin’ Wagon, my best friend of 45 years is flying up today, and tomorrow, we hit the road for 10 days of camping in the usual places in northeastern California, something we’ve been doing annually for 25 years now! Peggy won’t be joining us, as the timing doesn’t work, but she and I will be off for a week in September. ROAD TRIP!!!!!
@krib – I thought Doug was dead but apparently the band is keeping it going.
Wiki sez yes, Doug is dead (cirrhosis-liver); “After a gap of several years, the original Slugs (Baker, Bosley, Burton, Kendall, and Watson) reunited in 2009 and invited singer Ted Okos to be their new frontman. The group still performs live dates as Doug & the Slugs, although now none of them is named Doug.”
@lee we just had a going away party for my band’s roadie who is moving to California. I may send him your way.
Greetings, lovely R3ers! I just want to express my appreciation to anyone involved in creating this site, and I look forward to it getting better and better.
Wiki also sez, just before the part I quoted: (Doug) “Bennett acknowledged the fact that he was a heavy drinker, and eventually all of the years of playing bars and heavy drinking onstage compromised his health. He succumbed to liver cirrhosis[12] after falling into a coma in October 2004, passing through Calgary from Saskatchewan”
they should call themselves the Dougless Slugs
@lee – thanks. That is on our list. We might have to find a new messaging system for this. I was considering one that has user profiles. If that is appealing to anyone…..
Hi Donna!
hey, I just thought of something. Nobody from R3 will be sending BfO reprimands for his behaviour on this site, as it’s now out of their hands
not sure if that’s a good thing or not…
@shuffle – Where in California?
There. I changed my name to what you recognize!
LOWEEDA IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SamaraS & Old Abe It is possibility!
Hello Carlyg and Lee!
Hi Krib! Ima try to be more active around here again (ie. more proactive in my work procrastination, I guess. That sounds positive, right?)
is it pronounce “Shoofle”?
like Suuns is supposed to sound like the uu in vacuum…
Hi Loweeda! Glad you dropped in.
Loweeda! How was Hamilton?
Shonica, I like that last-minute tendency of yours! I was so happy to see you guys at Tiffany’s NXNE brunch.
@loweeda Hi! and Yay!
Oh Shonica re Hamilton: alas, due to some subway “switching problem” on another line, we were stuck on the subway for almost the entire first half of the show. I was super-sad about it, but now I can tell people that without getting choked up, so I think I’m recovering. And I did see half of it, and that was wonderful.
@loweeda Oh, I didn’t end up messaging you in the end, did I… Old Abe told me about Hamilton and I actually felt sick to the stomach. I wanted to DM you but I just didn’t know what to say. I’m really glad you caught the second half and were able to enjoy it. xo (Also, I was so disappointed to miss seeing you at the picnic…)
iI am at gate F64 awaiting my flight
Security was fun (sarcmark)
Loweeda, oh shit, I’m sorry!
@garf what was the hassle at security? Are they just being extra slow and nosey? Ugh. I am glad you are through now and can just relax.
@Lee The foothills between Fresno and Bakersfield
@Krib It is “shuffle” but great grandpa had a fight with his brothers after he went to prison for stealing horses for a lady and the spelling got changed.
I was disappointed to miss seeing you, too, Samara! But these things happen–missing out on things is part of life, I guess. But I’ve already resolved to go back and see Hamilton again next summer, whenever I can get tickets. I will get my vindication!
By weird coincidence, one of the brothers ended up in Bakersfield. Looks like a rough place.
@shuffle – Visalia? Porterville?
I forgot to take my braces (suspenders) of before the metal detector and ended up leaving them behind
So, Garry, sounds like you’re going shirtcocking. Grant would be proud.
My pants are currently being held up with a shoelace
Don’t ask
leaving them behind? why didn’t you just take them off and run them through the scanner with your carry-on?
@lee both those places sound familiar. What can I say, he was just the roadie
IIRC, that’s not the first time, Garf
@krib, because I forgot until I set off the arch, then I set them to one side for the pat down and forgot to pick them up again
Nobodys fault but mine
No, last time I didn’t pack a belt
This time I am using your technique with a shoelace
In not totally unrelated news my shoes are now easier to remove for security checks
I am going to have a quick wander to see if I can find anyone selling cheap kindles
I will try to log in from Dulles
Good luck garf!
So, Garfy’s flight was suspended in Hamilton because someone brought a stolen horse on the plane?
Today in Regina Hangs Out For Too Long At Flight Sales Sites, I just saw one to go to Ushuaia (The southernmost city in Argentina, and therefore, the world) for 755 CAD TT_TT
(My 10:47 comment also means It’s cheaper getting to the end of the world than to Saskatchewan)
OHMYY Don’t let me kill the blog
I may have fixed my Canada Day plans. The ice rink not far from my place is throwing a Hockey-jerseys themed party on Friday. Hmmm.
I don’t have a jersey ( ._.) But I have a very decent Canucks tee.
Good morning everyone!
Flying in and out of Regina sucks.
Hi justin!
Wintersleep playing on my R3 feed now. Woot!
@DarBar …. still listening to the feed off of the old site… I haven’t changed my hosts file yet to see the new site.
Oh I didn’t check on the old blog. I just have that going there on my laptop I haven’t changed any other computer’s host files.
I am liking the music on the new R3 stream.
Feed off the old site?
I’m having trouble getting the stream to play or stay playing when it does play.
@CDNz1 … yep, listening to the music stream off the old site still. Until the end!!!
I am on the programming committee for our Playing for Change Day event. I should get reginula to convince Rah Rah and Library Voices to play and then she could fly in for that. September 24th work for you reginula?
oh hey there. It is I, fresh ginger, testing the waters of the basement.
Hello fresh ginger!! Grab a bucket.
Howdy @fresh ginger!
@Darbar YEEEEEEESSSSS (Although I don’t know what it takes to get them all together since Erin lives in Van and god knows where Mike Dawson hangs most of the time)
King Kahn and now Shred Kelly playing on my R3 feed! Nice!
@reginula – That is a problem! Haha!
We did have The Whiskey Jerks apply. They have been in Searchlight and one of the bands I voted for. I am excited about them coming to play.
But I probably shouldn’t talk about that. :-p
I can’t get R3 to play. The infinite spin cycle is all I get. Whatevs, there’s music other places and you’re all HERE.
@Darbs You could get Carl + Marshall. I’d swoon so hard.
@fresh ginger – Some times it won’t play for me and then it does. Kinks need to be worked out still.
@reginula – That would be very cool!
And then John Farrell Buffalo by LV comes on my music feed!
Tuns are playing for me.
KEXP here.
@Darbs And it must be easy-ish. I see them annoucing solo shows there all the time. Do you book the artists?
I’ve had KEXP on, but am now switching over to the Blue Jays game.
@reginula – Sort of. We are just sending out this form for performers right now.
Then the committee of 2 of us will look at what we have and plan out the day. It’s a charity thing not a paying gig. We do plan on asking some directly if they would like to be involved but right now just getting the word out via social media.
I’m giving up on streaming R3, now it is playing the same half dozen songs over and over! WTF?
Going to listen to the Jays game too.
I am thinking KEXP should produce a Canadian indie specific show, heck, Grant could be the host of it! If he’d be open to it. KEXP is only 229km down the road. He could do it from a studio in Van.
Listening to a Grant podcast as I cut the lawn!
@mcfflyer… are you retired now?
Well, I have listened to the stream for a few hours now. It is OK. I am actually finding that it seems to repeat less than the old one. However, except for the fact that it is called “radio3” and that is plays only Canadian music, it is exactly like any other stream. The announcements on it that I have heard so far only say “CBC music” and it looks like all the little things they did when they scrapped hosting (features on new songs, some vignette from a band about some adventure) are also gone.
Conclusion? Radio3 is dead in all but name. It is an OK stream that I will listen to occasionally but not that much. Back to NPR podcasts, CKUA and BBC. Might mix in a little KEXP so I have something to talk about here.
I am going to write a letter though, as little impact that will have, but I want them to know how disappointed I am. I think CBC seems to be forgetting that they are here to promote Canadian culture these days.
Call any vegetable, call him by name.
Call any vegetable, the vegetable will respond to you…
My previous: both because it’s, I feel, appropriate to the response one will get from CBC; but more to the point, because CKCU is playing some live Zappa & friends.
I need to start listening to all these Canadian stations.
More of CKCU
@Russ –
In regards to CKUA, if you like the Grateful Dead and classic country and folk, I highly recommend “Dead ends and detours” and “wide cut country” on Saturday mornings and “Folk Routes” on Sundays.
They have a lot of good stuff on demand as well
I was about to post that I haven’t had any problems with the stream then just realized I’ve been listening to the same song for the last hour. “I don’t mind” how apropos
Thanks, 124!
People here are laughing their butts off at the pictures from the North America summit. Our president is waaay shorter than Trudeau and Obama.
I have been listening to the R3 stream and not finding it repetitive yet, other than Male Gaze yesterday which has been fixed. I am still testing it out but so far I am liking it. If I switch to this and am not listening to Spotify I will probably go to KEXP and some Indie88 and some CJTR our local community station.
@reginula –
Funny, you sent me on a procrastination tangent and found some good photos here:
@reginula – have you seen the gif of them shaking hands? It’s HILARIOUS
Dan Mangan released a new EP a week or so ago, I have no idea. CKUA is playing a song from it right now. I really like it.
@124 This one is awesome too:
@Tiffy Hahahaha, so awkward
Holy shit, they did, for Weber!! Wow. Well, they need him. Pissed though because I love Subban and Edmonton was trying really hard to get him.
But we just traded Taylor Hall! Zounds. Heard he was poison in the dressing room though….
I apologize for my hockey post. I made a nice hockey html looking tag but the code ate it
hello from Dulles airport, I am actually at the correct gate this time
I was waiting at F64 when I should have been at F97
On more hockey, I just ordered a Canucks jersey ’cause it was $40, haha. It’s youth size, and the logo is printed… But that’s what I can afford ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
Hi Garf. How is ‘Murica?
Oh hooray! Look at all these comments to catch up on!
Oh hey! Look at the 110 emails telling me so!
Off to fix that:)
Wait…Suuns is pronounced Soons, not Suns?!
Couldn’t even make it through the day without a dunce cap…
It would be great if it wasn’t for all the well behaved orderly Americans
The first (and only) NHL game I attended was in Montreal and Subban was the best player of the game. I’ll always remember him because of that.
(Having my US visa will mean chances to see games in Dallas, Arizona and California… hmmm)
I got my new kindle fire for about $50 US
@Garf That’s very good, isn’t it?
Subban is one of my favourite players as well
@garfielduk – hey! If you get a chance, can you please take a look the msg I sent you on fb. Thanks!
@Garf sooooo……about 1500 pounds?
(You guys are the only ones I can talk to about hockey. I love you all)
@Reg, I paid out of the $200CDN I had left after my visiit and they cost around £50 in the UK so it is a saving
Hello, Internet Friends!
@Reg and Vegas?
@Tiffy, when I tried to get on wifi with my iphone it wouldnt connect but I only have 15 minutes of my 30 free minutes left on this device so I will try again when this gets booted
If my math is correct, I have the first cumulative Iron Throne of the entire basement.
Woohoo! BLACK MOUNTA…..nope Public Animal again, dammit!
We couuuld put together some Iron Throne reward…
whos idea was it to teach shufle math?
We’ve had 510 comments as of Garf poking fun at shufle’s mathing. That means Tiffy would have the cumulative Iron Throne. If that were a thing.
Hi Top of our lungs, did you go by a different name on the R3 blog or maybe our paths never crossed?
Off to celebrate last day of school! Woo!
I was Zammachus. Top of our Lungs is my blog on WordPress and the likely name of my freelancing business so it made sense for me to use it in my official capacity here
The blog posts numbers are a continuation of yesterday too
good afternoon friends!
thank goodness we are in our basement, it is so hot outside today.
Ah… I did wonder @topofourlungs/Zammachus….
well i have the time and day indicated on my screen but where are you all finding the number of posts?
test; Post # at the end of the url, up there, after you post.
My previous = 519
I see #508
I last commented at #483. Is that what that number means?
It only updates the number at the end of the url when you *post*; it doesn’t when you simply refresh. Go figure.
If you click on the datestamp of any comment, the url will change and the page will recenter on it.
This functionality is there so you could send/email some one a link to that direct comment.
So Darb’s comment above this one is #522
Taking requests!!! I need three song picks for each the following artists:
July talk
Sam cash
Hannah G
Black mountain
J. Grady @ #524 Ok, good.
What do you need them for? Are you making a playlist?
That number thing was helpful.
Black Mountain
Stormy High
Mothers of the Sun
I was blocked from posting
Headphones (of course)
Tokyo Summer
Hannah G – Robotic
July Talk:
Summer Dress
Blood & Honey
Black Mountain – Old Fangs
July Talk:
Guns & Ammunition
OH MY GOD. The guys who run social media for the Mexico City subway just posted that a possum gave birth there and we’re all making “Did they call the big one Bitey?” jokes. It’s a good day for my people.
Yep yep. Working on future posts and I am not 100% familiar with those artists, and the last thing I would want to do is pick the wrong Black Mountain song!!!!
I think I would get a HOW DARE YOU lol
@Reg…. that’s funny….
Go Mexico!!!! Lol
@tiffy – I don’t think it is possible to pick a wrong Black Mountain song! Ha!
@DarBar unless you pick Public Animal
Devil’s Got a Gun
Passenger 24
@shufle – I don’t even know what song you are talking about.
It’s the band that sounds like Black Mountain. I keep getting excited then disappointed. Then excited again cause it is really good. Tiff I request the new Public Animal song.
And I request the Whitehorse song I like and can’t remember the title.
Haha! Oh gotcha. Now I understand.
I loved C”Mon and Public Animal has Ian Burton so I like them.
That explains everything. I’m 90% sure that Ian was at Black Mountain in Vancouver.
Switching between the blog and the stream is kinda annoying. Apologies to anyone who can’t get the stream at all.
I loaded up Google Chrome and lo, I can now get the stream off the new site.
Just heard a promo from Tegan and Sara on KEXP and a *new* song by them…. think of that!
so busy getting the grubber ready to leave for work/camp and now i must leave for work. sorry that i can’t chat with you all today …
Yay for Kathleen Edwards!!
Hey y’all, if we’re thinking of all the folks who make themselves known as R3ers, are there some outside of North America (inc. Mexico) and the UK? What countries?
@Tiffy 3:31 – Do you need our picks tonight?
Hannah Georgas – The National, the Deep End, Dancefloor
This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test.
Funhog is in the house!
How late is the basement opened till?
Testing from my Phineas
Damn autocorrect