(Editor’s note: Please read this in the voice of infamous infomercial spokesman Bill Mays.)
How are you with word association? Let’s try some.
- Hannah Georgas
- Wintersleep
- Little Scream
- Monster Truck
- Black Mountain
- Tokyo Police Club
- free
Did you say Dine Alone Records? Nice job, but what’s the “free” doing in there? Well, it’s once again time for Dine Alone to give away a whole ton of free music!
As has become their tradition, last week Dine Alone released their annual Summer Sampler. All those bands and artists above join 20 others to make up this free collection you can download right now! Just check out this playlist.
But wait! There’s more!
They’re also giving away five amazing prizes!
Four runners up will receive:
- A Pair of Vans shoes
- Skullcandy headphones
- HEX iPhone case (sorry, Android fans)
- A Day In My Shoes Agency T Shirt
- Various Dine Alone Records releases on CD
The Grand Prize winner will get all of that PLUS a Crossley C200 turntable and a bunch of DAR vinyl!
Don’t wait! Order now!
Good morning!
Good morning sir
So muggy. Can’t breathe.
83% humidity
Good day.
Did you here Messi was “convicted” for tax fraud? i think he declined to take the penalty…to discouraged from the last time he took a penalty
i need someone to proof read my life
@sit – where about do you live? Are you based in Canada?
@tiffy yup, I live in Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
sitrucj, do you ever go to the irish pub there, the one with all the whiskey bottles on the fireplace mantle
@hotpatch if you mean the Irish harp then no, I havent been there in years. But If you mean the angle inn (which sort of feels irish then yes). But I have a feeling you mean the harp so no.
If i go for a drink i tipically go to Corks because they have unibroue on tap and I love me some Fin du Monde.
Modern, tiny, programming problems.
I downloaded the above sampler, and, when I uploaded the songs to (opened with) iTunes, maybe 10 cuts listed independently, and the rest as one sampler. I found a workaround: typing (copying) “Various artists” in each of the rogue tracks — they were commanded by the artist’s name. I suppose not everything is coded identically.
But here’s the funny part: track 3 stubbornly refuses to group with the others, even when both the sampler title and “various artists” have been copied directly from the otherwise complete sampler group.
@benoit Stuff like that makes my brain burn. That is equal to a christmas song playing from my library any other time than december 20-25. They all had to go. It wasn’t worth the risk.
right, it was the harp, i stopped there a couple times while passing through town, a bit pricey but not too bad. i still dream of the melted cheese sandwiches
Good morning everyone!
Oh to have any Unibroue (except the Blanche de Chambly) on tap nearby!
Also, who recommended Folly & the Hunter yesterday? Thanks, they’re great!
Good morning!
I’m a huge fan of the initiative here. Our own blog posts with our own comment section. This is incredible guys!
@sless – thanks!! It’s been alot of fun putting this all together. It’s only going to get better.
I think I know your problem.
You’re using iTunes
@sless… definitely! We are working on it….
Totes @Sless, this is so awesome:)
How’s the babe?
…Diarrhea Planet?… A band by any other name would still sound/smell as sweet…?
Diarrhea Planet is a great band with a terrible name. Memorable, though.
Good morning. Krib is traumatizing me with pictures of HUGE BUGS on Facebook. How are you guys?
Doing well Loweeda.
I also love dragonflies!:)
dragonflies = cool
giant beetles and cicadas = not so cool.
The Loweeda Scale of Insect Appreciation
Good Morning Folks!
Hot one out there today!
as far as record labels go, dine alone is pretty good.
BEETLES! Japanese beetles, may it be said without being branded a “racist” (as if the Japanese were a race)
The frigging J.b.s are back. Off to get some lures in order to capture them and despatch them! Cycling, which is going to be hot!
@luckymaloo It was me! AND THANKS!I love them so much! Everyone should hear their sweet sounds <3
Most excellent @sitrucj!
I am having some trouble juggling the 3 kids & tasks that need to be done.
Summer is lovely but challenging. Pass the tequila please.
Tequila Moms
yo blog!
Yo shoe full
Hi Reg
evidently, loweeda is freaked out by big bugs
If my dream all-female local punk band (which will consist of folk & classical musicians…?) manifests we may have to consider Tequila Mothers or thereabouts as a name!
Okay… off with the Littlest…I can do this. Like Brutus. ‘Cause we always knew this!
(yeah boyeeee)
yes, she is.
I’m freaked but mostly all bugs.
My word associations, from @topofourlungs entry for today:
Hannah Georgas –> Great singer
Wintersleep –> Amerika….
Little Scream –> ? none
Monster Truck –> Brodozer
Black Mountain –> Darbar and modern prog rock
Tokyo Police Club –> Good band
free –> “Free is a good price” ~ Tom Peterson
We’ll work hard on bringing you new cool music, guys!
I’ve booked my interview with my fave Canadian indie comedian for my first blog post. He’s promoting an album so I think it’s valid for ourbasement.
My word associations:
Hannah Georgas = Grant calling her “gorgeous” all the time
Wintersleep = Weighty Ghost was the best song they’ve ever written
Little Scream = love the new album, sounds like Jane Siberry
Monster Truck = Steph Ramsahai
Black Mountain = stoner rock
Tokyo Police Club = I liked when Graham Wright hosted on R3. he was funny
free = “free as in speech, not free as in beer” aka a phrase we heard a lot in library school
I don’t think I’ve ever played word association. It’s just saying the first thing that comes to mind?
reginula: yes, that’s how word association works. Obviously I did it wrong, through. I guess I was playing “phrase association.”
Related: one time my friends and I tried to play Word DISassociation, where you try to say something completely unrelated to the word the previous person said. It’s harder than you think.
Ok, let’s try.
Hannah Georgas = Red hair
Wintersleep = Loel Campbell
Little Scream = Guess I heard them on R3?
Monster Truck = Same?
Black Mountain = DARBS
Tokyo Police Club = Cooool
Hannah Georgas = Frente
Wintersleep = Ghost (I agree with Loweeda)
Little Scream = Prince (someone mentioned that one song sounds Princely and it stuck)
Monster Truck = rednecks (nothing to do with the band because they’re not really my thing, anyway)
Black Mountain = woohoo!
TPC = Graham (fill-in host. I think PJrocks hated him, but he hated everyone except Grant)
free = all right now
(early) Hannah Georgas
btw, if you ever stumble across Marvin the Album by Frente!, just buy it.
It’s great.
that and the first (and only) Fairground Attraction album
feeling kinda like the Homer-mega man here…
Got nobody to talk to krib?
huh. the association of Free got me looking up stuff.
Paul Rodgers is a Canadian citizen now and lives here in Canada
DAR vinyl? Sounds like it was made just for me.
don’t sneak up on me like that, Darbar. you scared me.
thought I was alone in here
So, he REALLY left bad company.
Hannah Georgas = wow!
Wintersleep = the best
Little Scream = big sound
Monster Truck = cluster fuck
Black Mountain = Led Zepplin tequlia
Tokyo Police Club = stole my plaid shorts
free = base
I have Marvin the Album on cd. Like it.
Hannah Georgas = Gorgeous Hannah Georgas
Wintersleep = Drums. I have so many thoughts at once for Wintersleep but I do love the drumming most of all.
Little Scream = is good for you
Monster Truck = denim jacket. The cover of their album had one.
Black Mountain = WOOOHOOOO!
Tokyo Police Club = Graham is what I always think of too.
free = spirit. I want to set mine free.
I’m starting to like this game!
may Fox “News” be flushed down the toilet tubes of history as soon as possible
just say’n
Hello, everyone. If you’re going to enter the contest, please do so through the link I posted on FB. (All of the entries…)
@hotpatch or as I call it Faux News
No use mine! hehe
Hannah Georgas = Christine’s old neighbour
Wintersleep = meh.
Little Scream = no idea
Monster Truck = Hamilton, Ontario
Black Mountain = WOOOHOOOO!
Tokyo Police Club = graham wright.
free = nothing in life
I like BRONCHO that is in that sampler.
I hate Frente
@garf, or as i call it; a lie wrapped in shit broadcast 24/7 from the good old USA
Hannah Georgas = weird nose
Little Scream = help
Monster Truck = fuckin eh
Black Mountain = smoke weed everyday
Tokyo Police Club = not japanese.
free = usa
guy: I like your name and your word associations.
hate Frente! ??
I don’t think we can be friends anymore
yeah. He married a model from the Okanagan and now lives in Surrey, according to the ol’ wikipedia
@hotpatch 11:14 am
We get Faux news here as well.
When CNBC had just started broadcasting here in Europe they didn’t have anything to show on a weekday because all the markets were closed due to it being a big holiday so they so they gave us a day of MSNBC. The next day when it didn’t come back I emailed them and asked them not to leave us with Fox News to represent the USA.
why hello there.
I’m drowning in raspberries. And psyched for new (free!) music. I couldn’t get the sampler to download with my phone, I guess it has to go to a computer first.
just realized you have to refresh the page to see other comments. D’oh!
@guy… who are you?
@guy – Andrew, is that you?
Little Scream isn’t really my thing.
I rode my new bike to work today. I haven’t ridden to work for a couple years. I was tired and sweaty and it was only a 20 minute flat ride but I did it. Hopefully it gets easier.
Nicely done, DarBike.
guy is me, you know me. I forgot this place existed and then I remembered and I found you.
Thanks Russki!
Is anyone Pokemon Go-ing already?
I rode in today as well. Now it’s raining.
glad I bought new fenders yesterday
@reginula – I am sure Devin would know what you are talking about but ummm what?
I like what you’ve done with the place. where are the articles coming from? pulled from other sources like cbc music etc? this one looks like it’s written for here.
I just heard Diarrhea Planet – Announcement on KEXP, not bad. They are playing the Tractor in Ballard (Seattle) on Saturday, August 27th. … For anyone in Van or Portland.
@Darbs I’m not really sure either, hahaha. It’s a… virtual reality thing in which you can catch and train pokemon in real places? People all over the world are losing their minds about it. Maybe Devin can fill us in, indeed.
@guy… there are few of us doing the writing like @topofourlungs @reginula @tiffyleeson and others coming up like @shufle. But, if you have a good topic to write about you are free to contribute.
@krib – I have a growing list of things I want to add to my bike. A fender might need to be added. After my ride today, I am thinking I could use a mirror. My neck just doesn’t turn like it should.
@guy Yes, every single post you see here is written by us for this place.
@reginula – Ahh yes! Devin was talking about that! He for sure could fill us in.
Wintersleep does raise my “Spirit”.
or lift my spirit I guess is a better way of saying it.
OH hey, I just thought of how I am going to Sappyfest soon and would respectfully offer to write about that for this very site, if that was something that would be interesting.
@Loweeda – I think that sounds like a GREAT idea!
@loweeda group chat myself, Reg, Tiffy, and Nick on FB group chat about your idea and we’ll look at the content calendar. When is Sappyfest?
@Donna That would be awesome!
@russ gordon #1241
you called?
I would like to read about that loweeda.
re #1294 but it didn’t used to exist so … back to #1289. was there ever an answer?
We’re more than happy to invite others to contribute to OurBasement. (It takes some of the work off our shoulders, after all.) Pitch us your ideas on Facebook or send me an email (zammachus @ Gmail . Com) and we’ll discuss it
I did not go to a show last night but I can share about a fun musical evening that involved a box of cassettes from the 80’s and 90’s. Anyone remember Black Box? How about their controversial album cover?
I’d be happy to discuss ideas here in the comments, but I’m not always around so those methods would be best for pitching stories. Eventually, we’ll have a dedicated email set up for pitching
I may be riding home in the rain after work. That should be interesting.
@darbar #1318 rain + no fenders = wet ass! good thing it is on your way home and not on your way to work is all i can say.
fenders are very helpful. On both the rear AND the front.
ride slowly if it’s really wet – reduces spray
also, yes. I’ve had a mirror for years now. I feel naked and vulnerable when I’m riding a bike that doesn’t have one
I see Jason Kenney is riding into Alberta on his white horse to save it from the scourge of the left…
Yes with no fenders right now I should have that lovely racing stripe going on. I need a fender, rack, bags, mirror, bell, water bottle holder, gloves….. whew.
@darbar #1322 you are making the gift giving easy for those near and dear.
general question; i see i am the only one referring to post #’s. do we not do that in the basement?
The best and (relatively) cheapest mirror is the Cat Eye convex. I buy it rather than spiffier, more expensive ones because eventually, they get broken It’s a little fiddly though. The first one in https://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=n%3A3375251%2Ck%3Acateye%20mirror&tag=duckduckgo-ffsb-20
morgana, not everyone knows you can get the post number (end of url, above) by clicking on the date-time. Hasn’t generalised as a habit (yet?)
I do hope I only have to submit text and links and someone will magic up my blog post or else one of the posts won’t look like the others.
Sappyfest is July 29th-31st.
the great thing about riding home in the rain in July is that 1) you’re heading home, and 2) it’s July! It can’t possibly be cold.
I rode to work in an absolute deluge last week. I had to hang my socks and shoes on the heater in the office. Lol.
mind blown benoit
sorry re 1326 mind blown benoit
@Morgana #1324,
Nice trick, I hadn’t thought to do that.
Thanks for that tip Benoit. Turns out my man friend has a mirror he got as a gift and hasn’t used.
I am glad it will be on the way home and hopefully it will even wait to rain after I get home. It is helping me think of things to add to my wishlist for my birthday next week.
#1330 shufle; I’m brilliantly informed since someone said it last week.
I had learned the post number trick and was using your post #s morgana. I haven’t gotten into the habit of doing it myself yet.
I think it was justin that pointed it out.
And darbar, yes, you’ll get in cycling shape fast. Do some most every day, if you can. (Skipping is o.k.!) In as little as two weeks, you’ll get much better — which isn’t saying you’ll stop raising a sweat in 20 minutes, but you’ll get to feel more and more like you *own* cycling, rather than it taking a lot out of you.
@DBS #1336, I must have missed that one
not sure how post # helps…
some people have put time in their post
ex: Darbar @1:41
unless you do this…
re: https://ourbasementblog.wordpress.com/2016/07/06/free-music-here-get-your-free-music-dine-alone-records-summer-sampler/#comment-1335
lorem ipsum etc
Darbar 1:41, BfO 1:40, i was doing the time thing silly mMEeee . i might stay keep doing it. i like to aggravate people with silly things
Awesome Benoit. I am really hoping I keep at it. If I get that rack and bags it will take away one of the excuses I come up with. There are still a lot of days I need a vehicle but I hope to work on that.
@krib 1:47, That’s what I have been doing
ya’ll trippin
The time stamp works pretty well.
or maybe it’s just me listening to The Verve on KEXP
well i am certainly not the first to talk about it as there is no way that i break any technology records BUT i was just trying to get a sense of what we want to be doing in general as we evolve.
so are we going to fight for the 11:11 throne? What Arkells song do you want to hear?
@Morgana 1:54pm #1347
We are currently on a temporary version of the site and one of the plans for the full site is to have numbered comments so they can be referred back to
continuation of #1347 it just took me two days to book an air miles flight due to technological issues! not all me it turns out so i got 25 bonus miles for my agro but seriously, two days!!
@garfielduk #1349 oh cool. just don’t move when i am out of town and off the grid. or you could leave me a bread crumb trail on FB if our times do collide.
chores, must do chores so i can go paddling tonight.
back to knives don’t have your back … cranked so i can hear it upstairs:)
@Morgana, we will leave the raccoon and a trail of cookies to lead you back
garf, 1349 (potatoes)…..maybe can we count the posts in potatoes? 1 potato, 2 potato, etc
i’m out
We could have the chip throne
@Darbs (if you’re still around) Any chance you’re going to the Summer-something at Wascana with Rah Rah and Library Voices this weekend?
@reginula – Possibly but not sure. I am helping out at AfroFest in the park downtown on Saturday.
And then Rah Rah comes on my R3 feed trying to sway me in their favour. :p
Now I’m hungry.
Pretty darned good. In Africa, how do you keep cows from being eaten by lions (which, having good taste, also like a good side of beef)?
Simple: you paint eyes on their butts: “It’s the same kind of “psychological trickery” employed by woodcutters in India, who ward off tigers by wearing face masks on the backs of their heads, and butterflies that avoid becoming bird food thanks to eye-like patterns on their wings.”
@Darbs Their set is at 10 PM, so I’m guessing Library Voices plays after 8:30 at least?
Why not boooooth
shufle, thankfully, you’re not in Bangladesh. Or Ethiopia.
@Darbs Also, please picture me wiggling my eyebrows*
*(I had to google the name of that)
@reginula – Haha! It might happen. We shall see. Because I know how much you would like to be there is an added push.
speaking of thrones, where’s comic book guy?
I think he dropped in once.
G’night folks
Night night Garfy
CMac is waiting for our first true Iron Throne to stop in.
tucking in the tumbleweed … g’night @garfy
so grant lawrence and family should be in town soon if not now. they are at the elephant mountain literary festival gala on friday night; $25. man, i hate being broke!!!
@morgana – Just hang around outside and stalk Grant.
morgana, if it’s any consolation (and, as I like to say, whenever one says that, it isn’t!
), I’m also in that situation since running lots of red ink in May. No shows for me!
i just came back to call myself out on my crap. i have so much; a garden full of food, a kayak that i am going out in with my hubby tonight, a lovely house with a basement full of stuff that i am culling to give away and sell.
what i really should be saying is that right now i have very little cash to spend on extra’s.
@darbar #1372 chances are he is staying at or at least dining with friends of theirs a few houses from mine but i am not cool enough for “accidentally” bumping into people.
morgana… you’re cooler than you think. Just consider that a general rule of thumb.
@Morgana Excuse me, you’re very cool. No. You’re cooler than that. You’re cool enough to message Old Man Lawrence and tell him you want to say hi.
(Think of “Old Man Lawrence” as an endearing name)
@morgana Grant would be thrilled to see you!
@morgana – I am not near cool enough for that either but maybe if you stroll by at just the right time.
you guys are so funny and sweet:)
maybe i should just crank the polaris long list so loud that it can’t be ignored from those few houses over …
@Morgana, you shoud reach out to Grant, he told me off for not letting him know I was in Toronto while he was there
YES! Do it!
thanks for the encouragement friends. FB message sent. If I get egg on my face you guys get to clean it off OK?