It looks like Slow Down Molasses, the Saskatoon dream-pop band, never really stop working. Just over a year after the release of their third album, Burnt Black Cars, the five piece have announced the release of a new record, 100% Sunshine, on Sept. 2. In the meantime, the five-piece have released “Moon Queen,” first track off the new album.
“Moon Queen,” which was mixed by Tony Doogan (known for his work with Mogwai and Belle & Sebastian,) is a strong statement from a band that has reached the balance between a hazy and forceful sound. By bringing the two together, this first song from 100% Sunshine fittingly represents the moving force behind the album: The extremes that come by being born and living on the Canadian prairies – a blissful summer dream and harsh winters – that need each other despite their antagonism. Through their new music, Slow Down Molasses acknowledge the trick is to always bring out the most of both, despite the tongue-in-cheek feeling this thought can instill.
The upcoming album is the first to be released with a steady lineup, rather than a coming-and-going of musicians that earned them the “Broken Social Scene of the prairies” nickname from Exclaim!. “As a result there was some serious live energy to the writing and recording of this album,” singer and guitarist Tyson McShane told OurBasement.
Joining McShane are bassist Chris Morin, Jordan Kurtz on drums, guitarist/keyboardist Aaron Scholz and Levi Soulodre on guitar. Keyboardist Jeanette Stewart will not join the band in the supporting tour for 100% Sunshine, but she was part of the recording process and provided the last track on the upcoming album.
100% Sunshine – the artwork for which was created by Mike Dawson of Library Voices – is available for pre-order via Noyes Records. If you feel the need to have a piece of physical music on your hands before then, Slow Down Molasses are throwing a sale on their Bandcamp, where you can find vinyl for $10, CD’s for $6 and a bundle with four releases for just $20.
Good morning!
mornin’ ya’ll
Garfy, how are you doing today?
Chiming in from California! Good morning!
Good morning.
It’s going to be a scorcher in Ottawa today. 33 celsius (air), feeling like maybe 41. Which is still not Death Valley heat, but seems like it to me. (Yesterday, a tad less warm, was like the government: taxing.)
Ooooooh, the burn! That the Drumpf doesn’t (seem to) feel, of course. Sort of a fun read. Make sure you read the very last line.
Hi all,
In case you missed it I am donig a mini email contest for one of four bucky pins. If you want one email me with bucky contest in the subject line. So far I only have three emails so the odds are good. I will mail them out inside canada but if you are outside I will ask you to help with postage. I am gong to do the draw at the end of this month.
And the NY Times doesn’t like it one bit:
@Hotpatch 6:07am
I am good thanks, better than yesterday anyway.
On Monday night our dog couldn’t get up without help, he couldn’t move his back left leg so he was taken to the vets yesterday morning and prescribed painkillers for some arthritis and he seems to be able to get around now.
I was convinced yesterday morning that we were going to be dogless.
This band is awesome.
This song is awesome.
Good morning all!
Awesome post! I love the following quote:
“As a result there was some serious live energy to the writing and recording of this album,” singer and guitarist Tyson McShane told OurBasement.”
If I could underline here I would do so on the words TOLD OURBASEMENT!
I know I’ve already said/typed this but I’m so impressed with you guys. @Nickzamlungs you hit it out of the park again!
This blog gives me hope for more than a continued connection with R3-ers.
It’s empowerment!
(well, vicariously because I only read ’em but..)
One amusing detail in this Ginsberg-Trump “exchange” is that Trump immediately proves her right by tweeting : (…) “her mind is shot — resign!”
Once more, he’s done *exactly* what she said about him: “He says whatever comes into his head at the moment.” Yup, he called her crazy, or senile; and this when he had a “proper argument” available, namely that a judge should stay out of presidential politics.
I completely agree with NYT and partially with Drumpf (that hurts.)
As a member of the courts, Ginsberg should not be discussing her opinion of politics upon which she may have to rule in the future. It’s the opposite of what happened here in the closing months of the Harper Government. They were railing against our Chief Justice, saying she was politically biased, when she was merely providing legal counsel that is her right and responsibility.
Thanks, but this post was all Reg. I just editted and made the graphic (and forgot to adjust the author when I was posting it last night.)
There was a rider out in the front of the Tour named Lee Howard. Every time the British commentators said his name, my brain is for confused.
Garf, 6:40, my dog Ranger is 12yrs old and he’s doing great, however, he’s a big dog and sometimes he gets weak or unstable, problems getting up or down and stairs. I feared he had the wobbles. fortunately i found giving him 1 or 2 prednasone steroids really seems to take care of this condition. we (the vet) reasoned he had water on his joints.
(This here blog is garnering more activity that R3-facebook.) Kudos.
Back when I was in 7th grade, there was a kid in 8th grade named Lee Howard. Called to the vice principal’s office more than once because of that confusion.
@reg APPLAUSE!!!!!! Please see #2175!
Love SDM, their vinyl deal on Bandcamp is a steal! Thanks for this! (& thanks still for your efforts @TopofOurNick)
Gosh you are the best, you folks
@sitrucj thanks for the reminder. Email sent.
Good morning friends!
I’m still on a WFF high (no not that kind), the high of wonderful live music, artist collaborations, discovery of new artists and sharing it all with family, friends and fellow volunteers in the beautiful Birds Hill Park setting of our wonderful festival.
See you tonight!!!
All of this was very exciting. We had a musician telling us about his band and his music for OurBasement for the first time! I’m very happy. And they are awesome. I strongly recommend picking up at least a copy of Burnt Black Cars. Fantastic album.
Thank you! And thanks for reading. Your words mean a lot
Found out the hard way that you shouldn’t post a comment while playing an embedded track… You probably all know this already from the Spotify playlists, though.
(Burnt Black Cars for those who aren’t familiar with it. “Summer sun” and “Home” were played on R3)
I just ordered my vinyl bundle. $36 with shipping. Less than 10 bucks a record! Absolutely amazing.
I really don’t know what went wrong with the Spotify thingy this time.
@Zammy Whaaaa? What happens?
If you don’t want vinyl, they have a bundle where you can buy their entire discography today (7 releases) in digital for less than $30.
Posting a comment refreshes the page so Soundcloud stopped playing.
@Nickzam Tonight! Woo! I think it’s safe to say that it will be a tad too hot for toques but I may still bring it & wave it around. One must represent!
@Shonica – When do yous guys arrive for Home County?
…which makes me think…
is it too early to desire ourbasement paraphernalia?
Good morning everyone!
Um, neat? From Monday.
Chinese Space Station ‘May Crash Back To Earth’
@MissMaloo 7:47am
I don’t think we have talked much about merch yet
luckymaloo, yes, probably too early, as anything should be based on the more permanent site.
It’s not too early to desire it, but it is too early to design it. I haven’t put much effort into designing a logo. I want to wait and see what the new site will look like and what kind of space I’ll be working with before really getting to work on it. No sense making a wide banner when you need a portrait.
I forget how to do the link embed thing that krib described the other day. I even had mr. lucky write it down for me. Oh well, sorry…
The Canadian Indie music goddesses are answering my plea for free shows!
More Peterborough free music! Great line up! Woooo!
(sorry about the facebookness)
BADBADNOTGOOD on KEXP, (even called them out as a Toronto band) that’s the first time i’ve heard them, me like it!
now playing NYC band Morhpine . twas a good band and i saw them long a go at a small venue called the Point in ATL.
now playing Moonface …YESSSSSSSSS!
I have to fly.
Be nice & don’t fall down kids!
Whoa… Peterborough is getting cool! What the hell is happening around here.
Hey! Don’t The Burning Hell (Mathias Kom) come from the Borough of Peter? That makes it cool, automatically.
We’re in Sat. AM.
This Toronto band started to follow me recently, I thought some of you might like their sound.
So do most of the region’s drug addicts and criminals (including former MP Dean Del Mastro.) Decidedly less cool.
FYI The band in 8:34 are playing the Blacksheep this month.
Thanks for the heads up, Shonica. And Nick…
Sam Roberts Band was on my R3 player just now. They were so good playing the main stage at WFF. It was an all Canadian night.
Sam come of the stage and went into the crowd to hug (including chrispyprotools) and high five a lot of folks during the final song.
Haha remember how friendly and happy (and slightly intoxicated) he was at NxNE last year after the Paperbag 100 showcase. : )
@Shonica Hahaha, I do remember! Didn’t he said one of his kids had a kinder promotion the next day?
Yes, he was heading home because of kindergarden graduation.
Listening to K’Naan ’cause now I’m seriously daydreaming about him joining Hamilton (the big musical). He would be amaziiing
I would love to see K’Naan be the next breakout rapper/musical theatre star! He could totally do it, especially in this musical.
Greetings, all and sundry.
Hi Donna! How is it going?
It’s going pretty well. It’s raaaaaaining here agaaaaaain, but I’m dealing with it.
I looked up Hamilton tickets in Chicago and I could one for a Saturday matinee on New Year’s Eve for $600. I don’t think I will do that.
Hey Hey Blog! I just got the Lee Howard reference. I couldn’t determine the female anatomy that went with it like the last fun names conversation we had.
@Donna I was wondering if Chicago would work better for you distance-wise. I hope they are releasing more tickets soon. $600 is more than the plane ticket!
reginula: Chicago would work better distance-wise but I still have my heart set on New York. I guess I’ll see how long I can hold out ($600 is too much, though)
A map of Pokemon GO locations in Toronto:
So beautiful.
There’s a new song by The Band Formerly Known As Viet Cong. Kidding , People Still Have To Refer To Them As That To Get Clicks So That Name Never Really Died.
Did they actually change their name?
@Shufle Yup, they are called Preoccupations now.
Indie 88 is giving away trips to Osheaga. And if you don’t win, you at least get to hear Lana’s voice over the phone <3
(I saw her answer the calls live and it was lovely. Except when people were kinda rude for not winning
Preoccupations is not a great name.
Right. I got sick of the ads so I have now subscribed to a premium Spotify account.
One of the Toronto Pokemon locations is Dawn’s (lovely R3er dawndoth) desk! I don’t really understand this strange game* or how Dawn’s desk could be involved in it, but she tweeted that this morning.
* because I am An Old
There are now conspiracy theories about Pokémon GO. They have to do with your consenting them your data, and you’re going all sorts of places, including private ones, viewing “augmented” reality, sure, but reality nonetheless; and all is geolocated, or can be. Etc. etc.
So: who profits??? See your favourite conspiracy site.
@Donna I’d like to ask her if she gets a lot of random people hanging out there to catch Pokemon.
The stops are neighbourhood landmarks. Like, easily identifiable.
@Zammy Let me know and we could sign for a family plan! We split the costs and I get a Canadian account
to clarify: I think it’s probably her workplace in general and not just her desk.
But yes, the thing that bothers me about Pokemon Go is how much location-specific data it’s collecting. I’m not into virtually sharing my whereabouts too much, so that’s one of many reasons why I’ll never play it.
@Donna Oooh! Well, people must be stopping by (outside) still.
I’m not fan of what’s happening to all the data they are collecting either
Although it’s lots of fun and they are making people exercise and explore the outdoors. This is one of the things Reginula, the youngster, would feel bad letting go. 
“Boris Johnson named Great Britain’s foreign minister. Pro-Brexit leader will play a key role on negotiating with EU leaders.”
A bit of a Gong Show, Great Britain these days. Quite a few ‘top’ politicians who thought they would, aren’t, and some who thought they wouldn’t, are.
So I’m working on mixing the TooL playlist for Friday and I’ve got to the Beer O’Clock segment. Usually, I listen to the last 30 seconds or so of a song then the beginning of the others to find one that transitions well. For these ones, I’ve been finding myself listening all the way through.
I do not have the time for this, but I can’t help it.
The Polaris Prize shortlist comes out tomorrow. I haz hope. (Which will eventually be crushed or whatever)
No Jeanette on tour with Slow Down Molasses? Is she working on a solo project? I like that quirky girl.
I am excited to hear the Polaris short list. I need to give more of the long list albums a listen. I haven’t gotten through them all yet. I will skip most of Drake’s though.
Hi Daaaaarbs.
From what I hear she now has an awesome job and got married and there’s other cool stuff in her personal life that limits her time to play with the band but they still adore each other and they hope to play again with her in the future.
Aww nice. Sounds like healthy life choices.
I took my son to that CT Scan appointment. Finally got that done a month after his kidney stone adventure in Edmonton. Good thing he isn’t in pain anymore. Now we shall see how long before he gets in to see a urologist. Ugh.
The skies cleared and I was able to ride my bike to work again. yay!
I really need to get some work done here. I am away again tomorrow.
@Darbs Hope you guys get that appointment soon. Good to hear Devin is no longer in pain. How is he doing on Pokemon Go?
as someone who is not 10 yrs old, I can’t stand this pokeman fad. It doesn’t affect me personally, but it’s ruining the internet right now because everything I see is “pokeman this” and “pokeman that”.
Pokemon Go is in no way a game for kids. They first came to North America 20 years ago. Most of the people playing are my age.
30 year old men (or women) should not be playing with pokemans. It’s for children.
@reginula – Devin doesn’t have a smart phone so he is not playing. I might consider checking it out on my phone for him. Maybe…
it’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye, then it becomes a sport.
@lee – But they were children when Pokemon was huge. You don’t like nostalgia I take it.
@lee – Is your name actually Andrew? Are you from Selkirk MB.?
nostalgia is fine, but I find it odd when adults play with games meant for children. Isn’t that odd? Or am I odd for thinking that’s odd?
@Darbs The plot twist there is going to be you being the one who loves it and ends up chasing all the Pokemon. I’ve seen it happen!
@Lee, Who are they hurting?
I just don’t think anybody has right to decide what another person ought not do, so long as nobody’s getting hurt.
Did a pokemon hurt you, Lee?
In North America, notably, there has been a massive, um, refusal isn’t the right word, perhaps a massive tendency not to (want to) grow up. Started post WWII, with my generation, or perhaps with the older generation of 50s bikers, but it certainly flourished with boomers.
An example: Housewives of _____, which I religiously avoid but can’t help running across, often features some 40-50 year-old fish-pouting bottle blondes acting like I wouldn’t want my 18 year old to behave (not that I have one anymore). The aren’t-we-having-fun-wheeeeee-we’re-so-crazy approach to partying.
@reginula – That is what happened when I tried out his game World of Warcraft. I started a character and just played a bit but then I was the one that became the hard core raider. Haha!
@Darbs Then it’s totally going to happen with this one, hahaha. It’s also very nice to discover quirky landmarks on your neighbourhood with it. One of the closest to my place is a restaurant with an Elvis statue outside, and the closest to my office is a taco restaurant with a plaque that a very famous Mexican movie was filmed there.
I’d say your hurting your own sex life by being an adult who plays pokeman!
Benoit From Ottawa, I agree, there are more adults than ever before still living with their parents. People just can’t figure out how to “grow up”.
@Lee 1:00pm
So your idea of being grown up is having sex?
So you think that there’s enough activity generated by Pokemon Go users to clog your newsfeed, but none of them will be able to make an intimate connection with each other?
There are male and females playing and this does get them out of the house looking for them. They are bound to run into each other out there. hehe
no no, you asked “who are they hurting?”
My reply is that the “who” is “your own personal sex life”…
Perhaps I’m mistaken and there’s a whole world of pokeman sex play that I don’t even know about. akin to furries, perhaps.
NIck Jean,
There are also going to be Pokemon meet ups happening. Yup I think they will find each other. Common interests and everything bringing people together. It’s a good thing.
ooh, I love that we are having a real debate about something!
I’m not playing Pokemon Go partly because I’m just really bad at videogames of any sort and therefore I never developed a taste for them. For that reason they kind of feel like something that adults don’t do, but I realize that’s just my own personal bias.
If adults want to play Pokemon Go, I can’t stop them and I won’t try.
Or perhaps they are perfectly normal individuals who happen to be able to tap into the simple pleasures of their childhood.
Out there somewhere is a lawn that needs to be gotten off.
@Lee 1:14pm
But don’t they have the choice to not have sex?
Who, other than themselves*, are they hurting?
*not that I agree with you
I’m 46 and started playing video games when I was 8 years old. There are a whole lot of people out there who were raised with video games.
Personally I don’t get much from games anymore, but I don’t view them any differently than movies or other forms of entertainment.
It’s cell phones that churn my butter.
@Lee it’s cool that not everyone can appreciate or like Pokemon Go, but now you know how people who aren’t into sports feel every time there’s a draft or some big sports thing. I was completely lost during Euro Cup, lol. It’s nice having something to talk about with people that I can understand, and I’ve met so many people in my community through Pokemon Go. As someone who suffers from anxiety it has been really useful in getting me out of the house and talking to other people, which seems to have been Nintendo’s goal all along. The really nice thing about the internet is how fast paced everything is, including fads. Last month everything was Overwatch and SpongeBob memes, lol, so I’m sure it will blow over soon.
@Aconyte Very nice and interesting perspective. I agree.
@aconyte (Also, hi! Welcome!)
Re: “pokemon hurting people’s sex lives”
Bahahahahaha, if people only knew.
@Lee – Are you a Pearl Jam fan from Manitoba?
That’s really great, @Aconyte. It’s stories like yours that make me think I can’t really be critical of this Pokemon Go fad. I mean, we all know each other because we posted on an internet forum, right? And that’s a thing that maybe some people would think was stupid and nerdy and ‘just for kids.’ So, um, ya…that. There’s always something to criticize if you look for it.
also, hi @Aconyte! Welcome and/or welcome back to our basement.
Thanks for the warm welcome ( >//w//<)
My two kids never got into it when they were younger, it will be interesting to see if they do now that they are adults. I ask one of them earlier why they never did and the response was we didn’t have gameboy.
I’m listening to Lana’s show right now because since the most recent update happened on the CBCmusic app, the app on my iPad is has been “waiting” since yesterday. I tried a few things to fix it but none worked.
I think video games are fine, but there is a difference between who they are marketed to. But Aconyte is right when he/she says the fad will pass quickly as it is after all the internet.
I stick by my statement that adults who play pokeman probably aren’t helping their sex life by doing so!
*SINGLE adults – important caveat, probably.
Boy, I’m glad I’m not part of this discussion!
@Lee, Why are you so interested in other peoples sex lives?
@lee you’ve never been to an anime convention then, lol. I have some pretty wild tales about cosplay and kigurumi hook ups, so in my experience sex lives don’t suffer any more, and probably actually thrive more, than say… furries, for instance. With video games on the rise, both genders playing games pretty much equally, and with the genre of games you play as an indicator to other interests the amount of couples coming out of video game connections is pretty interesting. The old adage in the video game community is ‘the couple that plays together, stays together’.
I really don’t know how it would be a problem with their sex lives. People out meeting each other seems like a good way to lead to sex to me.
hello, other Lee!
And greetings back, Lee. Or should it be “lee”? Let’s see if you can narrow down your location to a province, as you have admitted that you’re in Canada.
As for Pokémon, I have no opinion/interest. As for sex, well now, that’s another matter.
Whoa… Drake and The Weeknd were not getting votes from three of their biggest backers. (They’re live streaming on FB right now)
Off topic from the off topic: More on the new UK PM:
Maybe I should start playing video games.
Well, as Loweeda stated earlier, I don’t feel entirely comfortable sharing my location with the internet!
@Donna This the closest I’ve ever been to a video game in my life. I never had Nintendos or PlayStations or any of those, but I did love the Pokemon tv show.
And Aconyte, I am not familiar with comic-cons and the whole world of fantasy sci-fi, anime, etc.
Not really my thing but I can appreciate that people like that stuff. I just watched “Paul” on netflix, it was good.
You’re so right. They’re probably zeroing in on a “lee from Canada” right now. Probably gave up too much information already. Better keep looking over your shoulder.
If anyone is in for a Pokemon story from the wee Regina times:
My parents were out on the eve of the day the Magi bring presents to the kids (Just like Santa but for Hispanics, on January 5-6). They had crossed the city looking for the talking-Pikachu plushie I had asked for. They found it, and as they were waiting in line to pay, some lady started screaming at them about how did they dare to buy an evil toy from Satan for a little kid. I guess they just ignored her, but they did have a good laugh.
great story, reginula! I also liked your description of a holiday as “like Santa but for Hispanics.”
In my church organist days, that whole Magi thing was referred to as Epiphany. I like your name better
@reginula – They are out there all over!
That feeling surrounded all the Harry Potter stuff as well.
@Donna If you are a big city person you get gifts both from Santa and the Magi. For example, in Spain, it’s mostly just the Magi. It really depends on where you live and your parents.
Even better, the literal translation of how we call the Magi here is “the King Wizards” (los reyes magos). So Epiphany is “the King Wizards day”
@Darbs So you got it?!
lol, King Wizards! I’d much rather get presents from King Wizards than Santa. King Wizards sound badass!
(although I bet the churchy people would go nuts over that label)
Haha! Evensteven posted a video of Pokemon Go people stopping traffic for a rare Pokemon. Yikes!
@Donna It’s also very nice because the getting-gifts is not shadowed by the Christmas craze. And it also has it’s own pastry that allows yet another family get together. The Spanish even have this huge parades for them and they give away candy at them.
And! There’s people who get presents on Christmas, but not from Santa. They get presents from “baby Jesus”. My grandma did that to me. I never questioned Santa or the Magi but I was all “How is he going to get me presents?! HE’S A BABY”
@reginula 2:33 – I meant the religious fanatics like the ones that yelled at your parents. hehe
reginula: An excellent point! I’ve never gotten a decent present from a baby.
@Darbs Hahahaha, yeah. Hopefully there are more pokemon than religious fanatics… or not?
Identical in French (to the Spanish): les Rois Mages.
The word “magus” actually exists in English: *The Magus* is a novel that was made into a movie a long, long time ago.
Remember Broken Social Scene?
@Reginula My family is Dutch so I get two Christmases every year, as apparently Dutch Christmas is a bit earlier than regular Christmas? I don’t care about the specifics as long as I am presented with Speculoos and almost cake <3
Broken Social Scene is not dead, guys!!! (check Zammy’s link)
I totally meant almond cake, lol
yay, Broken Social Scene! They should Meet us in the Basement!
(I expect that to be the title of the blog post when you guys secure an exclusive interview with them about their new album)
tricky business, having two posts on one day. You almost lost me!
Nice new BSS!
yeah, I’m not intentionally anonymous.
@Anon the BSS post has been up for like… 10 minutes. Where were you!? (And uh, who are you?)
reginula… I’m late to the party! and also, not intentionally anonymous.
@Fresh Ginger No problem! You’re welcome anytime. Sorry if that came across as rude. I was trying to be Grant-ish. And trying to keep anons at bay *shifty eyes*
reginula, I don’t think you’ve ever come across as rude — here anyway…
Ha! I just got a “Popular In Your Network” email from twitter, and the first three links there were from Craig Norris, Lisa Christiansen and Steve Pratt.
Aww gee.
@ McFly – We’ll tell Craieeeeg that you said HELLO when we see him this weekend.
Thanks, Russ!
Not even a full day in office yet and we get this
Theresa May could launch huge attack on privacy and internet surveillance protections as prime minister, campaigners warn
Well, granted that they didn’t give her any rest time, but they are talking about her record. At least at first (only scanned it).
I only found out about that because I was searching for something on the “snoopers charter” the EU stopped her from implementing . I wonder who will save us from her this time.
Home-grown popular-based politics? (will save you…)
Certainly, G-B hasn’t shied away from being invasive, IMO: virtually continuous automated camera surveillance of the motorways, ASBOs (tho’ many are applied to extreme arseholes, some apply to less arsy people).