By Nick Jean
Last week, I asked you for suggestions of “summer” songs. What made a “summer” song was entirely up to you, and boy did you deliver. We’ve once again broken the record for longest playlist. (At this rate, by the end of the year it will take all week to play through.
Whatever you’re doing this summer, we’ve got the music to soundtrack it. Chilling at the beach? Check. Spontaneous road trip? Got it. Gotta portage? We’ll power you through it.
Thanks to everyone who contributed. Now enough chat. The summer’s wasting away as we speak and you’ve got a lot of listening to do. CRANK IT!!
Good morning!
Nice playlist.
Hello there people,
I finally have a Friday off so came to check and see what you guys have been up to. Congratulations Nick, this is a great thing you’ve created!
I’ve taken a new position at work so can’t really be here during the business day but I’ll poke my head in when I can.
Happy to see you here and thanks! I can’t take all of the credit, though. This has really been a group effort between myself, Reginula, Tiffy, Justin and Garf.
Good morning from sunny and warm California, R3ers!
We signed papers yesterday to refinance the house so we can replace all of the flooring and remodel the kitchen.
good mourning everyone ;(
i must say KEXP is helping get through
Excited to be seeing For Esme tonight in Oshawa!
Two shows in one week. This would have been unimaginable a year ago.
Good morning!
You might be getting tired of me yelling this every day but..
The fact that I couldn’t finish reading yesterday’s comments if i wanted to get to reading today’s before my time runs out is so freaking great! I’m so proud of you guys. Thanks so much for making this transition from R3 basically painless.
(KEXP has helped me too. My rebound radio)
I’m loving all the different styles of this list. Mismatched Eyes is my new favourite song! I didn’t know about Whitehorse at all, they’re making me nostalgic for The Submarines ;_;
Don’t forget CFCR – Saskatoon and CKCU – Ottawa for your listening pleasure.
Good Morning. I took today OFF! LONG WEEKEND!
Great playlist Nick! Thanks!
Good morning. Great show last night (The Holy Gasp, but it turned into a PUP secret show). More on that later. Hi TRH.
Good morning folks!
We got most of the WinteRp3g gang together last night for a Goldeyes game and fireworks.
New project from Shad!
Under the name Our Boy Tony Braxton. Adult Contempt stream it, warning he is not rapping but singing .
[…] today’s daily discussion, head over here Background photo credit: Justin […]
We were just about to push a post about Your Boy, but you beat us to it Shonica.
Oops I miss typed it is -YOUR Boy
Nick : )
oh, and thanks for the playlist!
Slow getting to the playlist but now it’s time for The Standwagon!
The song that evokes the strongest ambivalence in me I can think of.
I can hardly stand to sit still…
Good morning! thanks for the playlist, Nick (and everyone who contributed songs).
PS. I like the name TooLBox a lot.
Looking at the histogram reporting hourly page views makes today look really sad, but that’s only because yesterday’s traffic was so massive!
I hope you like next week’s name for my lending out the playlist to Regina just as much. (No spoilers)
What’s making me sad this morning: my right-wing radio talk show host cousin is saying nasty things about the Toronto BLM movement, apparently. Sigh…he does not represent my family.
Hello all!
Loving the playlist.
Brasstronaut! It has been too long. I’m enjoying the playlist too!
Good morning everyone!
Thanks for the credit Nick! RE @TheRadiohead…. although especially you and Reg have been the content writers which I so appreciate and is badass.
weird…when I look up the “ourbasement” account in Spotify (both the web player and the desktop version) I can’t find this playlist. There are only the Our Anthem, Cross-Country Tour BC, and Canadian Indie Summer Tour playlists visible. If I try to start playing this through Nick’s link here on the blog, it won’t play–it just says “this song is not available” for every track.
What’s up wit dat?
Oh I see…it’s because it’s under Nick’s Top of Our Lungs account, not the Ourbasement one. I still can’t play it, but at least I can find it now.
@topofourlungs …. just fired up the playlist to get in the zone for programming…. thanks man.
funhugs to all!
loving the playlist! on D2D S.0.S. Can’t wait to see them again this summer!
thanks again everybody for creating this space! You are all amazing people.
Hi Funhug! Thanks for hanging out here.
This was a summer song and I just remembered it thanks to the Shad article (it would make me very happy if you read it)
But I think it’s not even on Spotify…
Def one my favourites when I’m ready to party in the summer…. Muneshine/Liquorhoud from 2010. Heard this on R3 what I just discovered the blog and live streaming.
So have you guys attempted to attract Grant Lawrence as a guest blog post contributor?
(not that I think you need to, you’re doing a great job as it is!)
We haven’t even managed to get him to comment
@topofourlungs @funhug… I am guessing it might be sort of a conflict of interest because Grant still works for the CBC. I could see them getting weird about it, just speculation on my part.
However maybe we could get Lana to comment or contribute? Unless Indie88 would prevent that….
I see no conflict of interest as CBC music is so sterile now. From my perspective , it could only be a viewed as conflict of interest if this site was offering a similar service; a place for fans to discuss music (and whatever else they want to discuss). That service died when cbc switched to the current state.
Old Abe
You still around? I just got notice that Milos has pulled out of Rio due to concerns with the Zika virus.
Justin Trudeau is speaking on the murders in Alberta and the truck massacre in France… live.
Prime minister addresses homicides of Taliyah Marsman and Sara Baillie, France attack that killed dozens … at the Calgary Stampede.
I wonder what Grant’s going to do on the CBC when he comes back from paternity leave. Is there anything for him to do on so-called R3 anymore?
Grant is wondering the same thing. My guess is he will move to some local BC program at CBC.
that would be my guess, too, darbar. And he could do worse, I guess. But it’s just all part of the decline of a once-great thing
♫…In that Northern air…♫
@loweeda – It was so great and it meant so much to so many of us. It will take awhile to get over that loss but onward we go!
Canada, what the hell?! Although she’s awesome for playing in a boys team.
Yes it happens in Canada too. Good for her for getting it out there. Being silenced doesn’t help change things.
New video for you from Little Scream
The new Polaris cover album looks good.
@Darbs I didn’t know this Feist cover by Joel Plaskett
<3 _ <3
I picked up the album with Sarah Harmer covering Caribou’s “Odessa”, Whitehorse covering The New Pornographers’ “Bones Of An Idol” and Great Lake Swimmers covering Sarah Harmer’s “I’m A Mountain” for myself and got one for Funhug for Xmas. I enjoyed it and I just might get this one too.
Hi Darbar, I listened to that record last night on some new speakers I picked up at the thrift store!
Thanks for another great week, everyone.
I love looking at the sidebar on my Spotify and seeing all the TooL playlists there.
I’m off to join a friend for dinner before we hit For Esme at The Moustache Club.
I’m not sure if I love the music or the club’s name more…
See you Monday! (And maybe over the weekend if something big breaks.)
See everyone at Home County!
I am still here.
Hello still here
Har har :p
I don’t know if I have mentioned this before but I really really like Black Mountain.
I hadn’t noticed that
I know. I should be more vocal about it. hehe
So what are your plans for the weekend
Out for a bday supper tonight. Biking and maybe heading to the park for a Carribean Carnival. Hanging out and relaxing are my main goals. What are your plans?
No plans for me but I might have a wander down to the high street
What is on high street?
Bought plates and insurance for my motorbike yesterday. Going to go get it tomorrow! (was $185 for 4 months with $2 million liability).
Have fun and be safe!
The high street is what we call the main shopping street in any town
Which in our case is called Newbottle Street
Ahhh gotcha. Cool.
think of it as the original strip mall
BSS is playing Pitchfork festival at 7:20 Central and they are streaming it
Turkey army group announces takeover on TV
Garf @ 3:08 That situation seems as certain as Britain before — ans since — the Brexit vote. Zing!
From reddit, one of the better explanations of why web commenters argue over stuff posted by people who actually do the stuff:
“We have to argue because we’re the internet and we know everything. Or if not everything, at least more than the OP and his business.”
(OP = original poster)
Have a great summer weekend!
Oh my GOODNESS this is a thing of beauty! You have outdone yourself yet again, Zamm! Thank you especially for putting Romantics II on there; it doesn’t get a lot of love and it’s just so evocative…I’m so glad
Too bad Hey Ocean’s Sprawl II cover couldn’t make it, seeing as it’s a video and all.