By Regina Sienra
Brandon, Man., just witnessed the closest thing to a The Weakerthans reunion there has been since the split of the staple Winnipeg band was made official. John K. Samson was joined by drummer Jason Tait and bassist Greg Smith for the headlining set at the 32nd annual Brandon Folk, Music and Art Festival.
The three Weakerthans members were joined by Rusty Matyas, who has supported both The Weakerthans and Samson as a solo act. The always humble and shyly breathtaking Samson greeted the Brandon Folk Fest audience, mentioning this was the first time in 25 years he was playing there.
The set had a massive start with “One Great City!” Samson then played the title track from the third Weakerthans album, Reconstruction Site. As it happens in many festivals, it takes some children to start a dance party in front of the stage. The upbeat “A New Name for Everything” and “Plea from a Cat Named Virtute” made some grown-ups get up and join the affair.
Samson included a few tracks from his solo LP, Provincial, like “Heart of the Continent”, “Cruise Night” and “When I write my Master’s thesis,” and some new songs like “Vampire Alberta Blues” – for which Shotgun Jimmie came up on stage as a guest – and “On the 21st day,” which give us hope for a new solo album sometime in the future, although he has been playing these songs at this solo shows for more than a year.
“Sun in an Empty Room,” “Aside” and “Confessions of a Futon Revolutionist” were also part of the brilliant show delivered by Samson and his more-than-guests. With “Left and leaving,” a very intense finale to the main set and “My Favourite Chords” as a beautiful acoustic encore, the now-historic performance may not have given us enough hope to see The Weakerthans together again in the future, but it was a great reminder of those songs that have brought comfort to generations of outsiders, and in doing so have offered a lot of people a place where they do belong.
Thanks to Donna Lowe for making this review possible. Featured image by ShonicaR3 on Instagram
Good morning!
Good morning!
DARBAR (for later!), I learned that if Black Mountain was shifted to Zaphod’s, last week, it wasn’t (as I thought) because they couldn’t fill Ritual, but rather that “there’s a notice on the front door of Ritual saying ‘pay your bills’ “.
So there you are, there I am… Oh, and Zaphod’s was full, one of the better crowds I’ve seen there: a good show. In addition, you would have liked the openers, Man something: 4 people on drums, 2 on a full kit and 2 others. No other instruments, one 30-minute drum piece. A little slow to change, but it did get interesting.
good morning, thanks for the post Reg!
Great, Ottawa’s had a cops-on-suspect violence incident. The guy’s critical. Head smashed into pavement repeatedly, according to his brother who saw it from 8 stories up. The person arrested is mentally deficient, according to him. I just learned police tried to collect smartphones (several of them, and apparently there’s a long video.)
Sounds not very different from other incidents down South. (Of course, there’s a wait-and-see attitude that’s prudent, but at first whiff…)
reginula got to hear Samson and acolytes! Good for you!
I remember one year when Danny Michel skyped an entire Black Sheep performance of his for Amanda Putz, who was in (perhaps) Shanghai at the time (husband, Kathleen Edwards’ brother, is with Foreign Affairs). So she listened to it at around 4 in the morning, her time.
hi everyone
I spent most of my weekend in bed sick
and now I feel all weird being out in public again.
Good morning, and holy smokin’ Sacramento summertime! Looks like we’re in the middle of a string of 100°+ days. Miserable!
Just found out that my second cousin has a AC/DC / Judas Priest tribute band and I’ve been invited to come see them play – but it’s the same night as The New Pornographers show here in town next month. Isn’t that always the way it is?
Glorious rain!
@mcfflyer – but it’s the new pornorgaphers!!!!! You have to go see them!!
mcff, maybe you can leave the NP show a little early, if the metal band is performing later (which may be likely).
Tiffy, seen TNP twice, as well as AC Newman twice, and have tickets for this show. Saw them twice at the huge -and gorgeous – Oakland Fox theatre that has a 3000 capacity. But here, a club downtown that probably holds 400. Will not miss it!
@mcfllyer – I am SOOO jealous. They are one of my absolute faves.
I feel like that won’t happen for a long time.
I have yet to see them with Neko though
oh I LOVE small venues. So much better.
Benoit, second cousin’s band plays in Auburn, about 40 miles away. Alas, don’t think it’s gonna work.
Tiff, first time I saw TNP Neko was on tour with them. I don’t expect her this time.
Are they called JP/DC?
Russ, close: Priest/DC.
I really hope it just keeps raining here in Toronto. Woke up to a CRAZY storm at about 4am with tons of thunder and lightening.
It’s still really muggy here though. I am so sick of this heat. It’s so damn gross. I’m ready for September and fall. I love fall.
wow, reginula, thanks so much for writing that review! It’s great to have a detailed record of the setlist. It’s almost like you were there
They actually did a couple more songs after my phone almost died, though: Virtute the Cat Announces Her Departure and…uh, can’t remember the other one. maybe Shonica will.
Good morning!
Last night in Brandon was AWESOME!!!!!
I got to see loweeda and share the JKS and the Winter Wheat concert with her, Reginula via loweeda’s phone (you are a superstar Donna), and the Tarp King too( thanks to him for driving there and back).
The whole day at Brandon Folk Fest was amazing actually, there is so much talent in this province. I love you Manitoba, my beautiful prairie home.
Shonica, it was great to see you and Tarp King! I felt bad afterwards if it seemed like I wasn’t offering you a place to stay the night–of course you would have been welcome to, but my spare bedroom only has a single bed in it. that’s a problem I should fix soon.
Anyway, what a great show that was. do you remember the last song in the encore? I couldn’t.
Good morning!
I hope everyone had a nice weekend.
Great review! Wish I could have been there!
Despite the thunderstorm it’s still super humid here too but infinitely easier to deal with than the city, I feel for you tiffy!
The Tich Maredza Band played Arly on Sat night, they’re from Zimbabwe (3 of the 4 members) but now live in Toronto. The drummer toured with Thomas Mapfumo & played Afrofest years ago when Mike & I saw him. Pretty awesome. Still recovering mind you…
Thanks, we only brought stuff to stay over for if the show went late. We made it home by 12:20 after a quick stop for a jug of coffee for the Tarp King (and timbits)
Encore song, I honestly can’t remember right now either, I’m a little tired(but happy) today.
Good morning everyone!
Hello all
hello @lucky @oldabe @garfielduk @justingrady @loweeda @shonica !!! lol
Yo @tiffyleeson what is with you username change?
@tiffyleeson, And I hope you are feeling better today, happy Monday, back to work, all that…
Hi Tiffy!
Hi Garfy!
I never start off by saying hi, but I figure you all know I’m glad to see you or I wouldn’t be here.
but ya, hi, or whatever.
And here’s your video of a young rhinoceros galoomphing around. Name of Warren. Rhinos are made to run.
oh no idea lol. who knows. I’m switching between computers and browsers.
@justingrady thanks! I am feeling better. But, I could have used another day at home I think. Oh well. It’s better to get out and get your blood moving.
Warren is awesome. I’ll say hi to you, Warren.
Baby animals are so cute, even baby rhinos.
I once knew a prawn called Simon.
Russ 8:55 But you only knew him for 5 seconds, right?
Shonica, 8:46 Yup, sure-fire cuteness.
I have heard bad things about Simon, some people say he is shellfish
Hi! Hello! Thanks for reading! Thanks to Donna for livestreaming the show for me (THAT MADE MY LIFE) and to Shonica for letting me borrow her picture for the post.
In other news, I’m very confused right now.
Suuns just announced a show here. As in, Mexico City.
Like, Suuns. Suuns?!
@reg – looks like it!
Reginula, Suuns are great, that’s great news!
reginula, is it sometime between sept. 25 and oct. 14? (I’m looking at their Book “tour” page: )
Reginula, I missed Suuns the last time they came to Winnipeg I couldn’t go, I think I was out of town or something.
I got to hear Suuns in perhaps not the best place, St Alban’s Church. Although there was beer, the sound was very good and we could stand — them pews are hard –, it still wasn’t a prime boogieing venue.
Awesome, Reg!
Suuns played Phog – capacity 60.
and how was Simon?
Does your food taste different if you name it?
I’ll get back to you after I enjoy Charles, the Sandwich.
Bye for now, I’m off to work for a bit.
loweeda, I think naming mostly prevents you from eating food with eyes that look at you, all misty-like.
Thank jeebus sandwiches don’t have eyes.
The Suuns show is on Sept 30.
Benoit, that just proves that there is always something to be thankful for.
I’m interviewing a good American band I just discovered for workwork in a couple hours.
*Shifty eyes*
@reg – that one that you posted about on facebook?
10:23 Yes, for instance “cockroach milk” being tomorrow’s superfood. No not really. Although it’s exactly true. From a cheap and sensationalistic source, yet probably true science.
@Tiff Nope! Another, they are called AJJ. They sound like… punkier Arcade Fire.
(The one I posted about is my current obsession, they are called The Crane Wives. AND THEY RULE)
good day! Such a great blog post, and how awesome that it happened through the power of mobile devices and friends! When I first started to read it I thought “wow, Reginula is back in Canada? ” Loweeda, you get serious points.
No Suuns west coast concerts, hardly any in the US… Hopefully on their next tour they’ll play the Vancouver, Seattle, Portland trio.
HI Fresh Ginger! Indeed. Loweeda is the best! I was really looking for the way to go to that show but oh, it’s always very expensive. I’m so glad I got to see it. Technology and friends, eh?
@Justin Maybe they’ll announce them later?
loweeda, did you have a tripod or some kind of rest for your device?
Dig it… Holy F on KEXP! Has anyone seen them live? Speaking of Canadian electronic bands….
I’m not remotely the best! All I did was hold up my phone!
And I was too shy to go up too close to the stage to do that, so Regina had to watch it from kind of the front row of chairs (which is luckily where Shonica and Mike were sitting so I could join them). It probably wasn’t the best view, but I hope she could hear it OK.
We saw Holy F*ck /DOOMSQUAD on Friday 7/15.
@Benoit Nope, she held it with her hand the whole time and it was so still I really thought she had brought a stick for that or something.
Audio was greaaaat
Loweeda is the best. End of discussion on that topic. Don’t forget to pick your goodie bags at the table when you leave.
….do I get a goodie bag…?
loweeda, nope you’re wrong, that makes you the best! Nyah!
Me: out for a while, getting rid of evidence (beer cans) and biking a couple of other errands. Ciao!
Thx for info, all.
@Loweeda Indeed, you can even pick more than one. Although there’s buttons with your face in them. Hope you don’t find that toooo weird
Thanks for that comment at 5:41 Benoit! That sounds like a night I would have loved.
I have a bunch more comments to catch up on but will eventually. Nice article Reginula. I am glad Donna was able to include you in the show.
Reginula: it would only be weird if i wore one
PS. I’m listening to AJJ now and they’re alright. they have some bizarre lyrics, though, speaking of weird.
Hi Darbs! Thanks for reading! It was a greaaat show!
Glad to hear it reginula!
FB memories reminded me that I missed Gateway Fest this year and gave me a case of ROMO. There was a pic of JKS yesterday. It was such a great set with just him I can imagine how great it was.
Newmarket woman charged after firing pellet gun at Pokemon GO players:
‘MUR… wait. Is it the pellet what makes this Canadian?
pellet gun?
it’s a little mini bullet, but it’s fired by compressed air or a spring instead of gunpowder inside a casing.
is there something Canadian about pellet guns?
also, MUR?
Also, just checked with CBC and the Tragically Hip livestream won’t be geofenced.
Party at my place or what?
@Krib I was going to sat ‘MURICA because… guns and angry people. But it’s not a gun-gun. I’ll be over there.
And the guy from AJJ I interviewed was very kind. Check them out if you haven’t.
In pokenews about my sanity or the lack of it, I just rushed out of the office to catch something (._. )
@Reg, I don’t know what you caught but if you keep taking the tablets it should clear up quickly enough
(I caught a Flareon)
(It’s a fire puppy)
ah, I see. I thought it was an acronym
when is that Hip live cast?
@krib Saturday, August 30. 8:30 EST
and by the 30th, I think regina means the 20th.
Oh, yup! 20th! Sorryyy
OK. I am heading out because this heat makes me want to hurt everyone and I should probably be alone for a few hours.
I am showing my place tonight to two ladies, who on paper seem like they could be good roommates.
Wish me luck!!
Oh man, I’m Fomo-ing, or Romo-ing, not sure which, over the fact that I completely BLANKED and forgot Brandon Folk fest was this past weekend! I love that little fest (minus the all night drum circles).
I would have very much enjoyed a John K. Sampsonite performance. Not to mention the Right Honourable Shotgun Jimmald!
Among others.
good luck in your roommate search, tiffy!
hey Tom, I feel like I could have reminded you about folk fest. Why didn’t I do that? Next year I will, I promise.
the Right Honourable Shotgun Jimmie was present, and came up to do a hilarious guitar solo on one JKS song. It was great.
Shotgun Jimmie was out at Gateway this weekend as well.
RFF is coming up this weekend. I will miss you guys being there!
*Not this weekend but next*
I am off to Edmonton this weekend for The Hip! Woot!
So sorry you missed BFF! Damn, you could have come with us yesterday, we had room in the car, as both of my children had planned going to Gimli Film fest.
I saw the DCBB play and talked to Andrew and Monica afterward. Those guys seem to be playing everywhere this summer! Are you planning to go to RFF.
Mr. Shotgun Jimmie danced and sang along to all of the JKS songs at the side of the stage until it was his turn to join in for Vampires Alberta Blues. Made me smile. : )
I should have better prepared myself for Brandon… I just plain forgot! I will try to not forget for next year.
I wish I could come to RFF too! I feel like I’m overdue for a Regina visit in general.
Such is life. I gotta run, hope summer is killin’ it wherever you are!
That’ll be great, DarBar! Being at one of those Hip shows is going to be one of those landmark musical memories, I’m sure.
ya, it’ll be strange not to be at RFF this year, but I’m trying to focus on Interstellar Rodeo instead, because it’ll be great!
I am really excited about the next 3 musical weekends and then I go camping for a week after that. Yay!
My seats for The Hip are like the very last row but we will be there and I am happy about that.
Wow, so many were out and about this past weekend. it looks like canada’s busiest weekend in music did not disappoint.
Morgana? Is that you?
hmmm, my last comment is in the computer abyss …
I was just saying how cool it is to hear about all of your adventures from this past weekend and how Canada’s busiest weekend in music has not disappointed.
well i really am having a go of it …
this is morgana
yup, this is me blundering onto the site, sigh!
Hi! I wonder what’s going on.
@tiffy, good luck with the room mate search.
I just crawled out of a perfectly freezing tub of water after about four hours of yard work. That is how I deal with the heat. Man I love that outdoor tub:)
@reginula not sure. last week when the power when out it made more sense that i needed to sign back in.
@reginula remember how last week i noticed that a smaller town over an hour from mine seemed to be scooping the booking that usually come here? Well I phoned the general manager of the local business and we had a good chat. He said he just hasn’t been getting the crowds; Cave Singers were 120 and The Dead South was less than 100. He is going to be at the same festival as me this weekend and wants to talk about who to bring in and how to market. can you say, “in over my head!”
@Morgana That’s a great example of getting things done and finding answers! Awesome! Get the bucket list ready, I guess? Although, we still need a way to send you back and forth for the shows!
@Morgana, Does he do much promotion via something like CJLY?
@reginula, yup i just picked up the phone and introduced myself as a passionate concert goer and what the heck is up with him not booking the music i need! i always have a list in my head of who i would love to hear but the piece around how to get folks into his venue is another story …
Hi Morgana. Good for you. I get that feeling though. My guy introduces me as some expert on Canadian Indie music to people and then they expect me to have answers for them on the industry. Haha!
@garfielduk I see posters around town, show listing adverts in the paper and they have a FB site but that is about all that I am aware of. What is CJLY?
@darbar That is sweet of him:) I just love the music and have all of you to talk with about it. I already feel like I am not on the inside track any more now that R3 is gone (I know it isn’t but it is dead to me) I find it is harder to keep on top of “breaking new sounds”.
@garfielduk oh! coop radio. nope, two different worlds of music. certainly perceived to be different markets as well.
I would love to see one of our newspaper reporters do more interviews of upcoming bands to get people talking more. that is rather old fashioned of me to think that people read the paper though.
Yay! Three music weekends! We’ll see at one of them
@Morgana, They have a few Music shows on there as well as talking heads
so, the guy the Ottawa police beat up has died
@morgana – It is sweet but I am always then telling people that I just am a music lover that listens to a lot of Cdn Indie music. He also tells people that I am a drummer and then I am in fear that they will ask me to play something. Hehe. It is definitely harder to stay on top of things with they way R3 is now. Ugh.
@garfielduk #3497 is peter gabriel back in the business?
@darbar I am hoping that when the summer frenzy of fun is over that our peeps will return to the fold here and we can all share our musical finds.
krib, 3:05 And the blue is closing ranks, “the man was belligerent”, etc.
Lots of video though, apparently. The truth will out. FWIW
@garfielduk I love that you stay connected to my wee town by listening to the local radio station
This is what I am liking from R3 this year so far.
@darbar #3905 i was listening to frazy ford in prep for hearing her this coming weekend but i am game! thanks!!
OK kids, thanks for hanging’. that was a wonderfully restorative lunch and cup o tea but now I must attack the inside of the house. still around but i have dog hair filled dust bunnies to chase … and this playlist of @darbars is just the thing to propel me through it:)
Nice morgana! I am looking forward to Frazey Ford at RFF the weekend after.
Someone recommended Common Deer to me the other day. That’s Friday at the Black Sheep, I think I’ll be there.
Somersault by Royal Canoe just came on my R3 stream. I am liking their new track.
The Common Deer sounds pretty good. Thanks for passing on that recommendation.
@reginula, You interviewed someone from AJJ? Where will the details from that be going? I am just getting into them but my girlfriend is a HUGE fan.
@sitrucj Hi! I did! it’s for the magazine I work for (Which is in Mexico, and it’ll be in Spanish (._. )) but I’ll keep you posted! I already listened to their new album and it’s amazing! I interviewed Sean, the singer-guitarist I think. He was really nice.
@sitrucj Also, I think they are playing in Toronto!
Lee’s Palace Sept 27. Only Canadian date.
Hey! Lucked out! Didn’t get over 100° today! Only 99° right now. But tomorrow’s forecast, scorching 106°. That’s 41° in Canadian.
And trying to be ever so slightly on topic, so glad Peggy and I saw The Weakerthans on two successive nights in San Francisco three years ago.
@darbar wow, that playlist of yours needs to come with a warning!! that nice andy shauf let me come up for air but other than that i am panting:) the good news is that when you vacuum and mop at twice your regular pace you are done in half the time!
@mcffler we were a whole 10 degrees less than you and it was plenty for me! any chance your neighbours would let you back into their pool?
@b from o i read, “come on dear ” … listening now.
do i detect some banjo o’clock potential?
@darbar royal canoe is one of the bands that should be playing here but is instead at a smaller room in a smaller town 1.5 hours on the highway from here.
it is a very cool room. it used to be a fire hall and the pole is still there
and how do i put links on this page?
it is funny how links and emoji cons show up after you “post”
That was me, I posted about Common Deer, they followed me so I went to listen and liked what I heard.
I notice that this morning when I typed a smily face and it turned into an emoji
: )
Oh so now it didn’t do it
Come on, dear…
(just having a bit of fun)
Comme une deer?
But it did in your “so now it didn’t do it”! There’s a gremlin about!
@reg They are! I am tempted to go but it is a couple of hours from me. I can’t wait to hear their new album is going to be rad as heck.
@morgana – I do tend to like to rock out. hehe
That venue looks cool and has some great shows coming up. Too bad it isn’t closer.
Ms. NVP just stopped by. I now have a memorial card for nvp!…and an itch in my eye.
[…] just keeps getting cooler. After a captivating edition of their long-running Folk festival – which featured a Weakerthans reunion – a new festival is coming to the city of 46,000 inhabitants. The first edition of the Summer […]
[…] Tait and Smith joined John K. Samson on stage at Brandon Folk Fest in late July. There, the Weakerthans’ singer performed some new songs that may appear on Winter […]