By Tiffy Leeson
So like, I’m in a band:
Indie Week Canada, which boasts having 300 acts take over 20 venues in Canada’s largest city, is now taking submissions for artists to perform at their week-long showcase.
Apply HERE all you amazing musicians. Keep on keepin’ on.
So like, I’m a fan:
For those not familiar, Indie Music Week sprang into action 13 years ago showcasing independent musicians, both Canadian and from abroad, in numerous venues spread across the city of Toronto. After seeing success here with their format, they have expanded to the UK market, establishing Indie Week Europe in 2015.
A large draw for participating bands is the chance to participate in Manchester, England for Indie Music Europe’s Showcase (flights and accommodations included)
Indie Week Canada takes place in November and this year falls between the 15th to 20th.
So like, anyways:
Since the move away of the intimate venue-centric version of NXNE, it will be interesting to see if the independent music festivals such like Indie Music Week will expand and flourish to fill the void that a lot of us so longed for this past year from our city’s most-profiled go-to venue-hopping staple.
Time will have to tell.
In the meantime, check out Indie Week’s socials to see who will be hanging out in Toronto and where you can check them out:
Indie Music Website
Indie Music Week Twitter
Indie Music Week FaceBook
Insta Indie Music Week
Indie Music Week Alumni Include:
The Dearly Bereft – (More to come on these guys in the future)
Sumo Cyco
Walk Off The Earth
Good morning!
Morning. I’m still in bed. Ugh. Don’t feel well.
Also I noticed tons of mistakes in this article that I will fix later.
tiffy, did you notice “sprung”? Should be “sprang” (
Sorry you don’t feel well. Hope you’re better by tonight…
I wrote this at like 1 am
Good morning! Great post @tiffy! Hope you’re feeling better soon!
How refreshing to be able to apply for something through means other than sonicbids. Not that I have anything against sonicbids per se…
Mr Lucky took the kids to Wonderland today. The hills are alive with the sound of silence. (Mash-up idea!?)
If someone was willing to attend IWE ( on behalf of this site would they be allowed to submit an expenses claim for travel and accommodation?
garf, I say yes, absolutely.
Send the bill to the CBC.
@BfO, I can just imagine the swear words I would receive in response
Good morning!
I have often wanted to go to Canadian Indie Music Week in Toronto, now with all the changes to NxNE, it might happen. November or June?
Ummmmm, those would be spoken or thought.
I suspect that you would receive a nicely-worded letter stating that at no point had you been authorised to act for or on behalf of, or at the request of, or as an employee of, the CBC.
A proper kind of letter.
This morning’s awwwwww
I’m feeling a little horse
To compensate…
(Irregular performance; I tried again)
the second link doesn’t have an extension to mark it as an image (the first one ends .jpg)
Ben Caplan is playing Young – Dundas square Aug 5.
I highly recommend going to see him
Yes, I would also go see Ben Caplan if I was in TO.
I’ll be in Regina that weekend. Will you be at RFF?
I will be there Saturday and Sunday. Friday, I’ll be in Edmonton, seeing Mary Chapin Carpenter and Jason Isbell at EFF.
reminds me: I need to message smalliebiggs. He’s going. I may finally meet him
Smallbiggs! Say hello for me if you do get to meet up with him.
or Smalliebiggs
An interesting article; I’m halfway through:
*How Two Facebook Developers Could Decide the Election*
Good morning everyone!
Hi Justin
KEXP is really funky right now! I love it.
@loweeda… I’m also streaming KEXP, now on Wolf Parade….
@justingrady: that Wolf Parade song is on my running playlist! John Richards knows the perfect tunes.
At the Black Mountain show, I re-met Greg, who used to listen to R3 but stopped when the hosting stopped. Quite the character!
There was also another R3 shirt there I chatted with for a moment.
A day in the life of a music librarian: someone just dropped off about 120 CDs in these two really nice canvas carrying bags and said, “I don’t want these. If you don’t put them in the library just give them away.’
So, I think I’m going back to Merrell bare access, away from the Altras.
they are nice and cushy, but the heel padding wore out pretty quickly on mine.
I put on the old Merrells today and they are super nice, and light. Time for a new pair
Good morning all.
@garf Hi!
I always seem to miss you when I stop by our basement. I hope you’re sleeping better these days and feeling well.
@Tiffy I’m impressed with your 1am work, nice job on today’s post. It’s fun.
I hope you feel better asap.
Merrell “bare access”? Really? Not hi-ooooo bait?
Hi Samara
they’re shoes, Benoit
damn sexy shoes, but still shoes
Hello, Samara.
Paper Lions announce new album, Full Colour, release date Sept 16. The album includes a colouring book. Announced a Canadian tour
Fascinating article from npr on coffee in three American Wars: the Civil War (aka the War Between the States), Vietnam, and Afghanistan.
Nice to see your post Tiffy! First one on this blog?
Interesting. If post without clicking the FB icon, it still uses FB somehow but not my photo. Now, after clicking said icon, it’s using my photo.
If no one goes to NXNE next year, will we still have the picnic that weekend? Probably we should pick something else, like this Indie Week, to do at the same time. But that’s in the fall so maybe some other Toronto event.
has anyone gone over to the remnants of R3 recently?
I dialed up said remnants yesterday. Scanned. Left.
I’m not getting a player of any sort anymore on the CBC Music site
on both FF and Chrome.
even the R2 live stream
@krib, I drop by the site once in a while to grab the R3:30 for the wiki but I don’t hang around long
krib, me neither. No mention of how to actually listen to “Radio” 3 anywhere.
I do like the simplified look of the site.
@Benoit, belated greetings for you to read later – or perhaps I should say: for you to read belatedly.
I admit, I have not spent any time getting to know the new site. I have not listened to the stR3am. I’m still feeling stung by the dismantling of R3, I guess, and I don’t want to give them my clicks. Those precious, precious clicks are all they seem to care about.
Check this out…. “Take a deep dive into Hamilton’s rich electronic music scene”
And pretty much bye ( ._.)
Very busy at work today ’cause tomorrow I’m going out of town to cover a film festival. I hope I’ll be able to drop by these days (’cause we can comment from mobile!)
Take care, kids!
Bye Reginula, have fun!
I share your concern about the picnic, Wesley. We have to keep meeting, even if NXNE turns out to be a gong show. I need my R3 friend fix every summer!
Is there anything I can contribute to ourbasement when I attend Roots and Blues here in Salmon Arm (Aug 19-21)?
Hey Funhug – can you send Reg, myself and Nick a group fb message about it
Oh… maybe this place isn’t _completely_ deserted.
How do you post an image in the comments (like Benoit’s)?
ok tiffy, will do.
I got the stR3am on Chrome, but had to wait quite a while for an ad I couldn’t hear. (Mostly because KEXP was on loud.) Then, it finally showed graphically that it had “arrived”. The Zolas were on.
Back to KEXP.
that’s a great tumbleweed image, even if we have to click through.
ya, I mean, it’s no “R3 blog in its hey-day” here yet, but all things start small. I’m determined to support it and the people who help make it happen, because it’s a good thing.
Image post: mine was an url link with a .jpg extension
Maybe it only works in Chrome. Sigh.
Hahaha! Best tumbleweed pic!
@loweeda 10:27 – Agreed!
@Funhug 10:32am, I’m using firefox, I think yours didn’t work because of the “?v=1406838410” at the end because when I removed it the image posted
Hi Folks!
Thanks for the post Tiffy!
I’m really busy and have to go!
We could change that picnic to a different time and/or place. I know how hard it is to get Ontario folk to leave their province though. hehe
I say we have the picnic at DarBars house
@garf, that was me, not Funhog. But thanks for the tip anyway!
Sorry Wesley
I have to say that when I do listen to the stR3am, I enjoy the music on there. Yamantaka //Sonic Titan on now and I added a song from The Balconies to my playlist.
@loweeda, I dunno about the blog’s “hey-day”, but I actually like this one better. We can post images and videos! Better blog posts! Lovely font! I can use my FB account! On the other hand, it doesn’t auto-refresh.
Hey Benoit, did you see my note about me coming to Ottawa in a coupla weeks? It was in one of those FB groups, don’t know if you’re a member.
Interstellar Rodeo in Winnipeg would be a great opportunity! There will be a good size prairie R3 contingent and nvp’s wife Liz will be there too. It’s not far from Ontario either. haha
Then Plants and Animals played and now Mango by the Highs. Quite enjoyable.
@wesley: All those things are true! And who am I to assign hey-days, anyway? The hey-day can be anytime. And auto-refresh will come, and THAT’LL be a hey-day, bigtime.
@darbar: Ontario is pretty great, though–which I wouldn’t have believed until I actually lived in it for awhile.
A radio 3 gathering in Manitoba or BC might work for me as I have relatives in both.
@loweeda – It may be great but that doesn’t help me get there cheaply. :p
And then Longitudinal Centre by John K Samson comes on.
@darbar: there are probably Ontarians who feel the same way about Saskatchewan
But then again, look at what @wesley just said!
(Wes, you should come to Interstellar Rodeo in Winnipeg, Aug. 12-14. That goes for anyone! Prairie R3 folks are pretty awesome)
“The Atlantic and Pacific are the very same far away”
@loweeda – But I have made the trip to Ontario. I want people to come our way too.
Look into it Wes!
What about Euro Picnic 2017?
That would be great fun Garfy. I am not sure if I could swing it for 2017. How about 2018?
Re: Ontario – Why would we want to leave Ontario? WE HAVE EVERYTHING HERE!!
I am remembering a couple Ontarioans that came to the prairies. DawnH made the trip to RFF and was it LauraS that went to Calgary Folk Fest with Cicero? (all the Laura like names get mixed up in my head)
@Old Abe – You don’t have me!
hey, that’s the old tumblin’ tumbleweed profile pic!
not that I would know… *shifty eyes*
@darbar: I’ve made the trip to Ontario multiple times, so you’re right–that should be worth a few ON –> Prairie trips for a few people!
Laurita Snow, yes, went to CGY. 3 years ago, in fact
she just shared one of those FB memory things recently about it
@loweeda – Exactly what I am trying to say. We all go to them all the time, they could return the favour once in awhile.
*people know I am not really mad about it or anything right?
Seriously this R3 stream is fantastic today! Dearly Beloved rocking it right now after a Pink Mountaintops song. Is it tailored to my tastes? Seems like it.
No more out-of-province trips for me this year. Already went to BC for my parents’ anniversary (and no time for R3 meetups, sadly). Maybe next year.
@darbs, what do you have to do to get the stR3am? I can’t see it on the Radio 3 page or the Music Streams page.
@Wesley – Keep Interstellar in mind for next year. We will report back on how it goes this year but I am guessing it will be pretty great. All I did was click the R3 and then a pic showed up with a play button. I have had it where nothing shows up but other than trying a new tab I can’t remember anything in particular that got it working.
Holy Fuck Xed Eyes on now! Loving it!
I am on Firefox and it was frustrating to get working at first, but I haven’t had any trouble lately.
Thanks. I had AdBlock on; that’s probably what broke it. It’s working now.
That would probably do it. Yay that it is working! I have Operators now what have you got playing?
Ya, sounds like Operators even though the player says something else.
Hey Ontario , yes you should come to Winnipeg!
Hey Shonica and others who were interested in NxNE before the format change, who like the idea of the club hopping festival, it might be worth checking out Halifax Pop Explosion 19-22 October. It’s one of those multi venue fests that would be a fun way for a visitor to check out the city too. It’s a lot like NxNE was in some ways, but on a smaller scale.
They just released the lineup:
OMG they are even paying Atlas Strategic for me!
I saw that this morning. I would love to go to Halifax Pop Explosion!
I have one more thing: kestrels, a halifax band by way of truro, sort of, have a new album coming and here’s a new song from them:
They’ve been putting out music with various lineup changes since ’08- ’09 or so, have even had some R3-30 success back in the day. If you like Dinosaur Jr. at all, you will enjoy kestrels.
I saw a posting about Halifax Pop Explosion this morning as well and thought wouldn’t that be nice. Halifax is a city I want to get back to. I had a brief visit in 83 and haven’t been back since. I even considered moving there a few years ago.
Pop Explosion seems to have a really be solid organization running it now, it’s grown a lot since I lived there but it’s still very Halifax scaled. I’ve only ever had great times during HPX. It would be interesting to try and get the timing of the annual visit home and the pop explosion to line up.
I’d definitely recommend it to anyone that is even half considering it.
Really! Now some DFA playing! Wooohoooo!!!!
@loweeda… I still think John Richards and Grant should have beers… would be a total indie music geek fest for sure. We could all have beers together with them! Say they each meet halfway in Bellingham?
Loweeda, when do you and your intrepid travelling companion head out for Sappy?
@Tom 12:16pm,
They appeared on the R3:30 twice that I know of
@justin: beers with John Richards and Grant! Wouldn’t that be a great night? I bet those guys would have stories to tell, and I’d love to hear them
@Tom: alas, the Sappyfest trip is not happening, because my mom fell and broke her knee (she’s fine, but still, I’d feel super-bad going on a trip when she can’t even get around) and then everyone else ended up cancelling, too (there was a sick cat involved, among other things). So maybe HPX would give us the East Coast fix we’re missing now!
I remember Kestrels being played.
@loweeda – Aww. That’s too bad Sappyfest isn’t happening for you. And sorry about your mom’s knee too. Ouch.
MoSoFest in Toontown is a club hopping festival, too
it was pretty good this year.
the issue with those ones is there’s ALWAYS some overlap where you can’t see everyone you want to see
And Dawson City, too
little bit tougher to get to
huh, so usually if Adblock is causing issues, the site will pop up something saying “hey, we see you have an adblocker running”
but I now have a big band stream playing, so that’s cool
Ms. NVP just stopped by. I now have a memorial card for nvp!…and an itch in my eye.
Garf, 12:30 – that’s some great archival work you do there. It was interesting seeing those charts.
Loweeda – ah, that sucks, double. Shit. Sorry to hear that, on both counts! But way she goes eh. The east coast isn’t going anywhere and if you were to go to HPX, Octobers are usually quite lovely. Unless a hurricane blows through, then it can get a little wet. But it wouldn’t be a trip to the east coast if it didn’t piss rain on you at least once.
@krib, not always. The site has to be specially programmed to detect AdBlock. Sometimes things just silently fail. And you can check what AdBlock is blocking, or just turn it off for the current site and reload the page.
Peter Murphy on KEXP!!!
@tom: I guess if a hurricane passed through anywhere it could be a little unpleasant. Way she goes, eh?
You’re right, tho–the east coast isn’t going anywhere. We’ll get there sometime–maybe with you as a tour guide!
Thanks, @darbar. It’s hard to keep my mom down, so I’m sure she’ll be back to normal soon.
It’s my sleepy time now. Make some noise!
too busy today but wanted to say thanks for the great post!
@krib – I was really hoping to get to MoSo. Maybe next year! Dawson City Folk Fest is high on my fests I would like to get to as well. Mostly for location but it sounds like a good festival too.
@funhug – So glad you got to meet Liz on her travels and her #yearofneil
OK, I’m gonna listen to all those songs that tiffy posted now.
(I guess I don’t have to tell you what I’m doing but I just did anyway)
I don’t mind
I wish Dawson City Music Fest was those dates but in the month of August, then I would be able to make it.
@garfielduk I would totally be game to cover events with you at Indie Music Week in Europe … and submit receipts to The ceeb! Is it likely you will go even without the expense account?
the power keeps going out and I am trying to warm a pie to serve with tea. Guests to arrive shortly and it is pissing rain. So much for sitting in the garden

@funhug when/where did you catch up with Liz?
She stopped by at work here just before lunch on her way to SK.
I hope to meet up with Liz when she is in Regina and then again in Winnipeg for Interstellar Rodeo.
Interstellar Rodeo: bucking you across the universe
Featuring that galactic greased pig, Shrodinger’s Hog.
Tha galactic greased pig: yet another reason why the seasoned hitchhiker carries a towel.
pie and tea eaten and guests gone.
seems we are talking about lubed up swine here …. i feel like l miss a page somewhere!
@funhug nice, glad you had a chance to catch up with her.
hey, it is Dales Birthday today and the last time I saw you and Liz plus many others was with @deiru!
Did the rest of you know this already?!
I’ve had a lovely day. Now for some last minute cleaning so it looks like I’ve done something productive.
Nightie night:)