By Regina Sienra and Tiffany Leeson
Imaginary Cities, the powerful band from Winnipeg, MB has announced their new – and sadly, last for the foreseeable future – EP Leftovers, which is out August 12th. . The band had been on an hiatus since the ever busy Rusty Matyas threw even more things into his schedule by producing records, joining big bands as a touring member – he just played in a Weakerthans reuion – and pursuing a degree in musical therapy.
Now, the Leftovers EP is just a break before an even longer indefinite hiatus album. The songs on it are unused cuts from their sophomore album Fall of Romance (2013). They left us with this tweet:
This is our way of saying thank you and farewell (for now). More tunes to come!
— Imaginary Cities (@Imaginarycities) July 27, 2016
“Set my Heart on Fire”is the first track they’ve release as a preview to their 4 track EP and you can have a listen here:
It’s not all about the good-bye-for-now though! Marti Sarbit, the lead singer, has announced that Lanikai, her new project, will be releasing music this fall.
Hi you guys! Tiffy (or Regina, but she comes on later), “reuion” in the text.
Which I enjoyed reading…
Good morning!
Good morning!
Good morning, everybody.
Hi garf.
Hey kids! (Even you Benoit!). Good morning! It’s gonna be smokin’ hot here in Sacramento today! 106F/41C. Even for us, miserable!
I should have worded it, “That includes you, Benoit!”
Tiff, nice post on the R3 FB page. So true.
@mcflyer: That’s more than hot enough to spontaneously combust horse poop, as I just learned.
Although I guess that might be the least of your spontaneous combustion problems in California :-/
Loozer – at least we have low humidity! A lot of relief just getting into shade.
Good morning.
I have to say goodbye to my super dear friend Pip today as she travels out east for a couple of months. Clear Lake will be lonely the rest of the summer:(
Day after day, excellent posts, I’m so impressed & happy y’all are doing this. Thanks
Good morning everyone!
You know, “all those bands” we used to hear on R3 (and some are still played) are being played on R2 and on R1.
N.B.: “all those bands” = “not all those bands”
R1 + R2 will NEVER = R3.
I’ve just become aware of this (as I don’t watch C’s new show): “Due to legal complaints by Viacom about his use of the character Stephen Colbert on CBS, Stephen Colbert introduces Stephen Colbert’s identical twin cousin Stephen Colbert as a permanent correspondent for his show.”
A colour image placed here is like switching from an old cathode-ray black and white tv to a hi-def colour flatscreen.
Well, I hadn’t been watching (to repeat myself), but, roughly speaking, Colbert has managed to leverage Coal-bear (‘s identical twin cousin) into CBS’s Late Night Show. As well as the editorial, now “WERD” (not “THE WØRD”)
@BfO, I watched that clip this morning and wondered why one arm of Viacom was sending a C&D to another one until I found out that CBS split off in 2005
Thank you Wikipedia
“it makes voting like golf”
“mostly old white people do it.”
this is what I’ve been listening to.
John Doe, from X. I’m sure Russ knows who X was…anybody else?
Hot track. Also, J.D. looks like he’s known (ahem) hard times.
no doubt.
he’s also 63 now
wonder who the original “cowpunk” band was?
here’s another. This is much more Jason & the Scorchers than X, though. More traditionally country sounding
I was wrong, too. Jason was much heavier rock and roll influenced than Turnpike Troubadours. I think it was the country-sounding vocals that made the leap in my brain
haha! interesting choice of song, Russ
I thought of the Beat Farmers, too.
There was a bunch that I think hung out at a place called Bodie’s (pronounced with a long o). I remember Mojo Nixon singing about hanging out at Bodie’s with the Beat Farmers
there’s social distortion, too. pretty sure they started up later in the 80’s though
Rank and File….ever see a sheep in a pork pie hat?
I may have just made the best grilled cheese sandwich of my life just now.
Thanks for the Imaginary Cities homage, ladies! (and I caught that Hamilton reference, Regina. Don’t think I didn’t ;))
I’ve also learned how to make generally the best grilled cheese sandwich; I say “generally” because then being the actual best depends more on a) not blowing it, and b) my appetite vs the actual taste – the cheese and the spices may vary, for instance, and the bread.
Still, any of mine puts to shame that version made with cello white bread and orange oleocheese.
loweeda, any special cheeses & stuff in yours, today?
edit: then,
Guess this group isn’t all that keen on cowpunk…
Damn shame…
*spits tobacco*
k.d. lang and the reclines
Just GISed “cow punk” for shits and giggles: Not bad
you just did what now?
Hi all.
Nope, cowpunk ain’t my thang.
I just might make a grilled cheese for lunch today….. with bacon.
The Luyas have a new EP coming out.
grilled cheese with bacon might just be the best sandwich in the universe.
I think mine was just particularly good today because a) I was really hungry, b) I used lots of butter, and c) I just happened to catch each side when it was perfectly browned. that doesn’t often happen.
I do love fancy cheeses, though. Let’s be clear about that.
grilled halomi (or haloum, if you prefer that spelling) cheese.
no bread required
@DarBar …. checking out that new Luyas track now…. good so far.
I liked it justin. And then it led me to Paper Bag Records Soundcloud where it reminded me of how much I like Princess Century.
I called this number when the album was released. He actually had his answering machine (because it was before voice mail) set up to ask for you to describe your Elvis sighting
wonder if the people who have that number now get the odd weird call about Elvis sightings…
Okay I listened to Mojo, now back to Princess Century. Ahhh….
So how’s the weather? It’s a perfect mid 20s here.
Weather in Portland 27C with a high of 33C, excellent summer day! No clouds, no wind.
They actually play music on R3 that they quit playing. Elliott Brood is playing now and they are one of the bands that got the shuffle.
It’s lonely in our basement and my basement.
Well I am off to Edmonton tomorrow to see The Hip. Yay!
Darb – I’ll bet you are one of the few of the survivors who listens to “Radio3” at all.
@Lee – I am one of the few anyways. As much as I hate what they have done I am enjoying the music. DFA just played and now The Dirty Nil. It’s good stuff. I don’t listen all day every day like I used to, but I do tune in quite a bit.
You can take that anyways off that first sentence. hehe
And now Mary Lou by Black Mountain.
I would sure like to see a chart of the amount of listeners who have listened to Radio3 over the years. I’ll bet right now it’s got to be the lowest since 2008. And I should say the “Canadian listeners”. Those of us on the other side of the fence don’t count.
The numbers are probably down but it is still a pretty good choice for me for my music listening. I don’t know how any new listeners would get to it.
One thing I’m really curious about: whose decision is it to eviscerate Radio3, and take away everything that made it so special, and now, just an empty music stream. Who is this person and what is their justification?
And darb, you’re right, how could someone find Radio3 (brings up my feelings that the Radio3 name should be retired and replaced with Canadian Indie), and is there anything there that would compel them to remain, as the original hosts did. We listened for the music AND we listened for the hosts who told us about the music.
I’m glad it still works for you.
I think that 8 out of 10 CBC board of directors are conservative supporters appointed by Harper.
Darb – do they serve at the pleasure of the PM or do they have a specific term?
” Each Board member is appointed by an Order-in-Council for a term not exceeding five years. The term can be renewed. Board members perform their duties until they resign or a new director has been appointed to replace them.
The tenure of Board appointments are “during good behaviour” (i.e. the Governor in Council may only remove them for cause). ”
Thanks for that Benoit.
” What is the role of CBC/Radio-Canada’s Board of Directors?
The Board is responsible for overseeing the business and activities of the Corporation. The Board approves the corporation’s corporate and business plans, annual reports, financial statements and strategic direction. “
So, do they program the “radio stations” too? Or do they let non-political types handle that. You know, people with knowledge and experience?
I’m just trying to understand the how and why of this whole thing.
I don’t know the inner workings of the CBC Lee. They are the ones that approved the strategic direction. What gets played is probably out of their realm.
I have to go. I have some things to do before my ‘road apples” trip tomorrow. hehe
Have a great weekend!
Later @DarBar!
mcfflyer, this’ll give you an idea of the many, many different activities of CBC; you’ll be on the radio page, see the other services too.
Some Russians are just as stoopid — sorry, crassly ignorant — as some Weeterners:
You know, if there’s one thing that can summarize our crazy North American society, it’s that people are really big on their rights (the famous “I know my rights”), but are completely ignorant of their responsibilities — and of the agreed limit that one’s rights stop where they impinge on another person’s rights. People are really ignorant of this last part.
A second thing, “everybody” thinks they’re entitled to yell.
frig but *O My Heart* by Mother Mother is good. It still plays so well, esp. when you haven’t heard it in months. Virtually every cut a winner.