By Regina Sienra
Tomorrow, August 20, Canada will pause to celebrate the legacy of Gord Downie. To pay tribute to The Tragically Hip, a band that captured and reflected about a everyday life in the Great White North, and created a particular brand of unity in a country as diverse as wide by doing so. The band of Canada will take the stage as the Man Machine Poem Tour comes to a close at the K-Rock Centre in Kingston.
The historic event will be showing across the CBC. On your TV, tune in CBC Television at 8:30 ET; On radio, the show will be on Radio One and Radio 2, as well as Sirius XM Channel 169. From your computer and mobile devices, go to,, or just bookmark this page and stream it from here:
Pretty much every bar, restaurant and home in the country will be showing the concert, but here’s a map with several locations where you can be part of this historic event.
Get ready for the show
Check out our review of the first night of the Man Machine Poem Tour in Toronto or listen to this playlist that features songs that have been played during the Man Machine Poem Tour.
Where are you watching the show tomorrow? What songs would you like to hear? What does this show mean to you? What is your Tragically Hip story? Let us know in the comments and join us on Saturday for a live discussion with fellow fans of The Tragically Hip.
Here are some stories by of our readers on what The Tragically Hip means for them.
“I first saw The Tragically HIp in a basement hall and Gordie had long flowing locks. I remember being amazed at the energy of that lead singer jumping around and how great the band was. I saw them a couple times after that, once with The Sadies opening for them. The last time I saw them a couple weeks ago in Edmonton. It was like no other concert experience I have ever had. The music was tight and great, of course, but the energy of the crowd and the love in that stadium are what I will never forget”.
-Darlene Barss. Regina, SK.
“I have had my share of moments with The Hip as the soundtrack starting way back in ’89. I regret never having seen them live as I’ve been told by many that their shows were epic. Honestly I’m not so into nationalism but I agree that the Canadian identity has been hugely influenced by these men in a meaningful way. It’s all very emotional”.
-Miriam Hookings. Bancroft, ON
“The Hip were my first arena rock concert, when I was in grade 9. I’ve seen them in concert another five times after that. Always a great concert, and their opening bands were often some of Canada’s finest indie bands. Plaskett, the Rheostatics, Weakerthans, etc. I feel lucky to have seen them as often as I have. Even during all my musical fads and phases, The Hip were a constant to me, even when it was uncool to like them, I still did. Sometimes they were more prevalent in my life than others but they were always there”.
-Tom Westoll. Winnipeg, MB.
“I have a Hip memory that relates to the Olympics. I drove down to Atlanta in 1996 with my friend Terry Cutts to watch the Olympic games down there. The Tragically Hip was in heavy rotation on our long drive. I don’t know if anyone else experiences this but there are certain songs that evoke memories of hearing them in specific places. ‘Wheat Kings’ is crossing the border into the USA for me”.
-Frank Hannan. Toronto, ON.
Someone on the air at CBC pointed out that the show in Kingston will happen in a venue that holds some 600 people — a stark contrast with the large arenas where the other shows took place.
Good morning!
Cool map!
thank you
I figured a map would be better than having a long list
Good morning!
@garf map was a great idea. Very cool! Except it looks like reginula is out of luck in Mexico City.
Thank you
I am surprised there isn’t more screenings in other countries (or I couldn’t find them)
Don’t worry, Samara! I’ll still be throwing one for me and the poor boyfriend.
I’m guessing there are more chances of it happening in a town with a bunch of retirees or at the beach, rather than here. Still, I couldn’t find anything.
Honduras has one but I can’t find mine. Hmmmmmmm
@reg – you need to find an ‘expat mexico city’ facebook group lol I guarantee there is one.
Good morning! I’m back again
I’ll be watching the concert over You Tube from the comfort of my living room, since there is nowhere in the Washington, DC area broadcasting the concert. I was really lucky to see them last year in a small venue in DC on their Fully Completely re-issue tour.
Also, thanks to Darbs for the playlist and to Garf for the map.
@Tiff hahaha, I’d feel like opening Pandora’s box by doing that (and then if I found one they would think I’m lame and I would feel sad)
Good morning!
I was unable to see the Hip play live, but like every Canadian their songs are part of the soundtrack to moments in our lives. I was fortunate enough to see Gord Downie and the Country of Miracles at Winnipeg Folk Fest in 2010. During that fest I saw him perform several times. One workshop, Too Close For Comfort, was with Gord Downie, Jim Bryson with the Weakerthans and Sarah Harmer, what a line-up, I’ll never forget it! That year was the first time The Tarp King and I went to the Folk fest, our kids regular folk fest attendees, generously shared those moment with their parents and now we have been going to or volunteering at WFF ever since.
@janada59 Good morning! That’s great you got to see them. How was that?
Also, bummer about not having parties in our cities! Oh, well
Morning. Small map correction: given that the “Trinity Square” event is being presented by the Distillery District, I presume they are referring to the foot of Trinity St., not the Trinity Square beside the Eaton Centre.
reg, 6:48 They would NOT think you lame.
That is all. ;-s)
Good morning, team. No, won’t be watching tomorrow night because Peggy and I will be at a New Pornographers show right here in River City.
But my very first show of a Canadian indie artist, Joel Plaskett, in San Francisco in 2007, Joel was the opening act … For The Tragically Hip
My ears are still ringing from that show.
Good morning! Another great article!
I had to look up cotidianity, wasn’t much help…spanish word?
I’ve been avoiding all the Hip hype because I’ve blubbered enough lately but I’ll be brave & watch it at The Arlington after a fundraiser for the local high school program.
I’m not a fan of farewells…
@reginula it was amazing, we were close to the stage, and lots of people were wearing Canada hockey jerseys or Hip t-shirts. I felt like I was at a private show for fans only! After such a good experience, I don’t mind watching from my place, I don’t know how I could top that.
A picture from that workshop, this happens to be a photo taken by a former R3 regular commenter from back in 2010 CodyL, blog name was something like SantiGold
Good morning everyone!
Yay! I have an official account on this site now. On the fence about my nickname. Gonna stop using it for now.
Never been a big fan of the Hip. Does that make me less Canadian? But I do plan to join the crowd in Waterloo Town Square tomorrow night.
NOTE: Just got a “you’re posting too fast”, when I hadn’t in maybe 20 minutes.
I miss having an avatar icon. OK, let’s try this sign-in-via facebook thing.
I feel like we will watch the concert here at home, but you never know we may end up at The Cube, the weather, and the current mosquito population escalation will be a factor in our decision.
@Lucky That’s because that word does not exist *facepalm* BUT! I’ve fixed that.
BfO I just got the same message.
And I just lost a message twice (fuckety-fuck). I’m going to start typing in Word, to avoid that in future.
–→ Lucky, at 7:02, look up “cotidianity” spelled with a “qu” at the beginning.
Looks like I’m heading to Hintonburg on Saturday. Just a ten minute bike ride.
Cody was Silvorgold. has “quotidian” but not “quotidianity”. It means daily, ordinary or customary.
Need to do some actual work now. Later!
Wes Reiner: no, the “Hip —> Canadianness” relation is a one-way thing; it’s not necessarily reversible. As with many things, liking the Hip is a matter of taste, and also often of circumstance or timing. So you get a pass on this. ;-s
I’m listening to “q the Hip” on R1: Sarah Harmer and a band are there live.
@Loozr 06:54, I have made that modification to the map, thank you
Thanks Russ!
Listened to The Verge on Sirius last night while chopping up branches, Tragically Hip Radio.
I know more Hip songs than I thought.
That was my first WFF as well Shonica. I didn’t realize it was your first time there. I don’t think I saw that workshop though.
Another comment about the Hip: People really agree about the great songs — they are often mentioned. Very rarely is one mentioned that’s a lesser light. The Fully Completelys, the Courages, the Boots or Hearts, Wheat Kings, New Orleans, etc: everybody agrees are great.
Darbar, I had not met any R3ers at that point, I knew you were all there and even spotted some of you but didn’t say hi.
I rather like Fireworks and Nautical Disaster.
Anything from 2009’s We Are the Same also holds a special place in my heart.
@reginula 06:43 Old Abe and I will also be having our own ‘in-home Hip show viewing party for two’.
I might be going to watch the concert screening at Assiniboine Park, they’ll have a big screen and beer garden set up apparently. The other option might be downtown but I like the park better. I’ll PVR it too. My wife asked me why I’d do that if I was going to watch it anyway and my reply was that if I had a VCR still, this would be the kind of thing I’d tape “for posterity”. I then went on to explain to her how I still have VHS tapes with the ’93 World Series (Joe Carter walk off homerun!) and game 7 of the ’94 finals (Rangers defeating Vancouver in a great game).
When I saw The Tragically Hip in 2007 in San Francisco, I’d pretty much stopped listening to new music for over 20 years at that time, so I knew none of their music, that really put me at a disadvantage to getting into them. And the fact that the amps at The Wharfield were turned up to 11 didn’t help either. We ended up leaving halfway through their show, if only to protect our aging hearing. Easily the loudest and most painful venue I’ve ever been to.
And that show, Plaskett/Hip was the subject of my very first post on the Radio3 blog. I ended the post with, “Is that Canadian enough for you?” And it also resulted in the very first time that Grant read one of my posts on the air.
Paul, do you know the Hip’s 2006 World Container?
It’s worthwhile. S’got at least two or three good rockers (The Kids Don’t Get It, Family Band), and a couple of completely tragic songs too. The last, and title, cut could serve as an obit for the man.
(Oh, a tip. Instead of writing this in Word so’s I don’t get it stolen by a ‘you’re posting too fast’, I simply the whole text before pressing da button.)
I don’t know if I will be watching live because it is on late here
RE the warning “You’re posting too fast, slow down.” I think it isn’t about the frequency of posts, but clicking the “Post Comment” button too soon after typing one’s comment.
Edit of my last (this place hates ‘v-brackets’): “I simply COPY the whole text”
04’s In Between Evolution is Criminally Under-Rated, but I’ve said that before.
@BfO, that is because the site thinks they are part of some html code and tries to execute it
I remember knowing you were there Shonica. Was it you that made that tea towel flag? How do pics work in here? 38256_411735936529_6357868_n.jpg
It didn’t. I had to test that out.
@darbar Oh, it seems to do it every time I try to “post comment” within a second or so of finishing typing… Oh well. Still a mystery then…
@DBS, if you type lessthan img src=”full address” morethan it should appear
…and you guys are talking about something else.
I’m going to go make myself useful for a while. See yous later ow.
Oh hey, is this where Radio 3 folks hang out now? I wondered where everyone went…
Hehe Samara. I was confused. I still am actually. The image didn’t have an address. I pulled it off of FB because Shonica doesn’t have FB.
@FT I agree. Heaven is a Better Place Today, from In Between Evolution, is one of my favourites.
@Martin, Hello
@DBS, send the image to me via facebook
Hi Martin! Welcome to OurBasement!
@Garf – Next time I need to figure it out I will. It is not worth it right now. I need to get going. Thanks.
Martin! When are you coming back to visit? You were my first R3 visitor! Bring the family! The wineries are still there!
Martin, yes, with occasional incursions onto the (mostly inactive) R3 Facebook page; but this page is the result of the work of (at least) four of our stalwarts.
No it was not me.
Hi Folks. Everyone looking forward to the weekend? I sure am.
Ok, this (beginning) sequence of comments from reddit is pretty funny.
remember how crazy it was when gord downie cut all his haor off? It was canada’s version of when Billy Corgan did it. Except Billy Corgan is a weiner.
Anyone watching the bronze medal soccer game?
should I keep quiet about it?
MARTIN (SuckaMC) IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@paul knowles – that’s a great song, and a good tribute to Snider, the young dude that died when Heatley drove his car into a tree.
Also, Gus, The Polar Bear From Central Park I remember being a great tune.
I’m not watching so if anything exciting happens, do tell! Although it’s soccer, so there may not be anything exciting that happens for the whole game.
I’m at work, so unable to actually watch the game, so spoilers welcome for me!
I did watch De Grasse run last night, getting a Silver. That was cool. Usain Frigging Bolt is an unreal human being though, nobody can beat him. He’s insane.
FT @ 09:12 “Except Billy Corgan is a weiner.” I’m not exactly sure why, but that made me LOL.
It was a much needed laugh too, so thanks!
Good morning!
I saw the Hip at on of their Road Side Attractions, Gord still had hair and they frickin’ rocked. I’ve kinda grown away from them but Day For Night will always be one of my favourite albums.
That’s a pretty nasty thing to say about wieners. Harsh.
well, okay then.
the Canadian women are a fast team. they seldom seem to apply lots of pressure, but are masters at breaking out quickly.
They did just that in the first half and are up 1-0 at half time.
yeah, anyone who thought De Grasse could beat Bolt was dreaming. But De Grasse definitely is the future. He only started sprinting in 2012 so he’s got lots of room for improvement. If he can get himself started faster, he’ll kick some serious but for years
@FT, Insane Bolt?
I’m watching a bit of the soccer game while at work. But I didn’t see them get that goal.
I just found out that The Burning Hell are playing near here on December 4th, I had better start begging for a lift from the housemate
I don’t own any Hip albums, but have been enjoying Rich Terfry’s Hip Check shows, featuring an album a day. Always liked the one about not giving a f*** about hockey. This morning Tom Power played the Hey Rosetta! cover of Ahead by a Century from the CBC Music Festival show I attended.
Wes: “Fireworks”
Sinclair just scored goal #2.
Yep, that’s the one. Thanks Benoit.
CBC told me to “do some digging on Fb as there may be a number of places in my area showing the Hip show”
I’m pretty sure there gotta be more places showing it in Iqaluit than in my city,
And Canada just hit the post on another breakout chance
The Flatliners (canadian pop punk band – but good pop punk, not lame pop punk) very recently released a cover version of Ahead By A Century. That was such a HUGE hit for The Hip, it was everywhere.
@Reg, I would imagine that is their stock answer at the moment
reginula @10:14, I’m not sure that’s something that would qualify as “surprising” though, is it?
Ahead By A Century is apparently the Hip’s best seller ever. Which is amusing, considering it started out so “filthy” — sexually frank — that it would have been completely unplayable on radio. There is a Youtube video of an outdoor concert where they sing the original version. “First thing we’d climb a tree and maybe then we’d talk” is what it became.
CBC, reginula: robot robots everywhere
How is it the CBC’s fault for not knowing who/where would be streaming the Hip concert in Mexico City? Let alone Toronto. They’re not responsible for that, give it a rest eh!
The thing is there was an article that said international parties showing the Hip show in places around the world – including Mexico, but I looked it up and didn’t found much. What I was hoping for was that someone here would see the tweet and reply.
And Brazil goes nuts. 2-1 for Canada.
Waiting for my computer tech to arrive and help with some Windows/Parallels stuff on my mac.
It’s been a few weeks of attending festivals for me. So while I wait I’m just putting all the music I have picked up on my computer. It sure has been a fun time. Brandon! Regina! Jim Bryson House Concert! Interstellar Rodeo! : )
If you’re bored, take a look at the stage schedule for roots and blues and let me know which shows I cannot miss. I have offered to write a blog post about this weekend for ourbasesment. I hope I don’t let you all down!
@Shonica Haaaaaave you seen this? You should sign up! (Wouldn’t it be awesome if we reported on this?)
@FT I didn’t realize I was blaming them, in fact I meant that they were probably inundated with the same question from other people
@Reg, I’m sorry I can’t be of more help but the map is made up of every event I could find on facebook and the CBC Music list
I saw this article,
I was not aware of some of the places it was happening in Winnipeg until I read this.
@Shonica That’s the one I saw! I was like Mexi-whaaaaaaat. As I said before, there are more chances of it being in a town with loads of expats (Like Ajijic or San Miguel de Allende) or at the beach… but you never know.
Also, I’m looking up where to find gravy to make poutine but I’ll predict I’ll just eat up with fries and a side of cold hard cheese.
it’s over. Bronze for the CDN women in soccer.
Haha! They would have a bit of a ride to get out to our house, but I would love if they did. I think one of the band members may have grown up in this neighbourhood, so he would be familiar with the area.
that’s two medals in back-to-back Olympics. Pretty good for a bunch of underdogs
Canada wins 2-1 for the Bronze!
garf, that was more in response to BfO’s “robots” comment. Whatever though, it’s neither here nor there.
@Reg, You could always try using a mild chili if you can’t find gravy
I know here you can get tins of stuff labelled “poutine gravy” but I don’t think there’s anything special about it
they don’t have gravy in Mexico?
gravy is dead easy to make. Even fake gravy made with powdered beef juice
Did everyone get off the Gravy Boat when Rob Ford told us to? Just wondering where we stand with the whole Gravy Boat thing.
@FT, I think I missed my stop
I do believe it was a gravy train. Probably carries more gravy than a boat. Depends on the size though.
Oh, and I’m all good with gravy. Just needs to be vegetarian.
Gravy is not common here. I need to figure out how to make it. Maybe it’ll be easier than finding the powdered (is it?) thing.
Okay, I preordered and made a donation, signed up for the Royal Canoe hand delivery party. I feel I can get enough folks(has to be 8 minimum) to come over to the house if I get chosen.
cook a turkey?
Ah yes, gravy train. It must be the seaman in me that made me think it was gravy boat.
Yes, the seaman in me.
hehe…flying bum
controversy…Canada awarded bronze in race walk after protest (and body check)
Ahead by a Century is “sexually frank”?
And now the Royal Canoe news is in your beloved website!
beef stock of some sort. powdered or liquid. mix as per instructions to make however much you need, probably a minimum of a cup.
in another jar that will hold at least a cup, a 500 ml mason jar would work….add a couple of tablespoons of white flour and then fill it about half or so with water. put the lid on and shake it til you can’t shake it no more.
strain that to remove lumps and gradually add that flour/water gunk to the simmering beef stock you made, stirring constantly. stop when it’s thick enough to be gravy. If you get it too thick, add a bit of water
easy peasy
@Krib, that would explain why they didn’t have a medal ceremony after the 50km race and just sent the first 2 to the press conference
@Krib Oh, it looks easy indeed. Beef stock is something I can get. Yaaay! Thanks.
Also, what kind of meat do you recommend adding?
Is bacon a normal thing to add?
only if you’re going non-traditional
when did the hip change the opening line of Grace, Too?
Ack, got busy at work. Thanks everyone for the welcome, it’s good to be here and see so many familiar faces, and new ones!
@Lee, it’ll be a lot sooner than I planned, I am working on a Water Conservation project and most of the clients are in California. Sounds like I’m going to get to go to Santa Rosa perhaps sometime in the fall! I’ll definitely let you know and we can coordinate a meetup.
Holy F, lotsa posts! Reg, from up there, if you can’t find (cheese) curds for poutine, I suggest mozzarella. It tastes sort of the same. Also, brown sauce or gravy, American, as powder in a satchel. People who speak of poutine ‘sauce’ in reverent terms are, in my opinion, mistaken.
Well, I do hope the Hip will play Grace, too. I’ve been obsessed with that song for the past two weeks.
@Benoit We don’t have cheese curds here, so that’s helpful. Thanks!
huh, seems to be just whenever Gord wants to substitute “tragically hip” for “fabulously rich”
krib, Ahead…century: the original first line, yes.
And reg, ignore my previous, which basically says nothing new about the sauce/gravy.
you think climbing a tree is a euphemism for something? or was it a different original line?
A lot of The Hip’s music on Spotify is “International Version”. I don’t know what that means but there may be some changes.
man, a wasp-like critter flew into my face and stung me on the lip on my bike ride in this morning.
my lip kinda hurts right now. Sure am glad I’m not allergic
The substitution of T. Hip for fab/rich, they’ve done a few times at shows I think.
International Versions = more maracas.
krib, a), I know (rather than think, because I heard it from a video); and b), yes, a different line, which I think finishes “… and maybe then we fuck”. If the little grey cells are synapsing right…
Mexico gets a silver in the Women’s 20km walk
11:59 hahahahahahaha
Mexico just won a medal!!!! Silver in racewalking! (? we call that “march”) She was leading the race for a while! But this is great.
Well, Garf beat me to it.
walking, eh? Next thing you know they’ll be calling ping pong a sport.
What’s that? They already have? And it’s called table tennis you say? Okay…
Haha Paul. Sounds about right.
I wonder if Pokemanning could be a tester sport at the 2020 Olympics? It would be a bunch of zombie minded people milling around in large groups, not aware of or looking at their surroundings, blocking the path of the other athletes as they try to compete in their own sports.
Mexico two medals nowwwww
Send help. Colombia has like a dozen…
Regina gets a Gold for Mexico at the Tokyo Olimpics
Queue the anthem
krib, I think I have it here: see the comment by the poster.
(holy crap, I blame u-2B)
@Reg, I was watching the race
@Garf I tuned in but got too nervous and muted it, bahahaha
Re the early version of Ahead…, nope, the bad words are not at all what I remembered.
FT, too many injuries in Pokemon Go players. too high risk
BAND NAME – Powdered Beef Juice
@Reg, This is how my computer desktop is set up at the moment
huh. yeah, that is a little raw
BTW, have you ever heard the Mexican anthem? lyrics-wise, it’s pretty war-sy
@Garf Nice!
That’s almost as good as Powdered Toast Man
reg, surely the Mexican anthem doesn’t top the French! One line of it goes “let impure blood sate the thirst of our fields”.
Ahem. And there’s the famous Citizens, take up your arms — but in Fr. it’s even better: Aux aaaaaarmes, citoyens!
powdered toast man was one of my favourite super heros back when I was a kid. I mean, who else flies ass first and takes off by the power of a fart?
No one, that’s who.
I watched a lot – A LOT – of Ren & Stimpy. It may have contributed to my current demented state of mind.
@BfO, I was going to blame you because I has started sing the Log advert song, then I thought “at least I’m not singing happy happy joy joy…. so thanks for that ya swine
and for everyone else
garf, hahahaha. (Saved post:) A good clip from the Vancouver show in July:
@Benoit I kind of new the French had a lot of war on it too, but not to that detail. The first line of ours is like “Mexicans at the cry of war”, and there’s like a list of arms across it… and then there’s a “Heaven gave you a soldier in each son”.
I had thought of how war-sy it was, but I was remembered by a Samsung (I think) add that shows bits of lots of anthems (Canada is on it), pasting friendly / hopeful bits of many. And I was like “wish we were there. Wait a minute”.
reg, however, as violent as it is, the French anthem is (naturally) rather poetic. Hunh.
@ Martin – Sounds great! Would love to see you again! And life’s a lot different – and so much better for me now! Santa Rosa is about two hours away.
are there any national anthems that aren’t wars-y?
@Krib Yours is pretty peaceful in comparison. Like, isn’t “we stand in guard for thee” the most violent part of it?
We don’t have one violence-free line in ours. ONE.
Like, the punchline is something like “The centre of the earth will shake (?) at the sound of canyons”.
reg, re Canuck anthem, the French-language version (the original) is more war-sy than the English. I’ll translate it for you some time (now I’ve got to go).
Mobina Galore came on my R3 stream and reminded me we talked to Jenna at Interstellar Rodeo. She said they have a big announcement soon. I am looking forward to hearing it.
at the sound of canyons?
are you directly translating that enya thing? is it cannons instead?
hmm…looked it up Reg.
I’m betting it’s cannon and not canyon in that last line
canyons tend not to make a lot of noise, except maybe responding to the odd “hello down there!!!!!”
well, the Canadian racewalker just lost his bronze again, when the Japanese appealed the decision
Hahahaha, it’s cannons. Pardon my ESLness
The things you shove great canyonballs into, y’know?
Bahahaha. I’m sorry. Canyons and cannons are the same word in Spanish (cañón)
Australia’s is quite non-violent
and doesn’t even mention convicts
Your cañón ends up meaning 5 different things in English:
Dick Assman is dead at the age of 82
tata, later; perhaps tomorrow evening, given…
@Benoit I’ll be hanging here too!
The Women’s (field) hockey final is 3-3 going into penalty shootout
and Britain takes the gold!
@Garf Did you ever see that quote by Daniel Radcliffe that he liked to piss of Canadians by asking “ice hockey?” when someone mentioned hockey while he was filming in Toronto?
Also, we’re horrible people and we’re laughing because a Chinese diver is called “Qiu Bo”. Which, written together, is a way to say “what’s up?”.
It’s actually “qué hubo”, but this sounds more like the way it’s pronounced in a endearing way.
@Reg, no, but I’m not surprised
we have been known to laugh at this German Soccer player
(search the the Germany squad from Euro 96, you will see him)
I killed the blog!
@garf I guess there’s something for every country/culture. God knows what our names mean to other people.
Like, look at my goddamn name
Good evening, getting ready to watch The Hip in Kingston, less than an hour to go now.
Good evening all. While you’re all getting ready to see The Tragically Hip, Peggy and I are getting ready to go downtown to see The New Pornographers here in Sacramento. Everyone have a good evening.
About to leave for the broadcast in Waterloo Public* Square! Would be nice to see some Radio 3 people there, but I doubt it… Steph R. may be there if she’s living in KW these days.
*formerly known as Waterloo Town Square.
Are we here? YAAAY
Reg, did you get your poutine made?
wow. listen to the crowd singing along
I’m here too!
hey shon
@krib I didnt have time!
but I got popcorn.
Question! I’m a Hip n00b. What’s with the Jaws t shirts?
Also, I gotta run to the other TV in five cause a Mexican will be fighting in taekwondo for what would be our only gold medal. Send sporty vibes!
Reginula, I saw silver medal in diving today for Mexico!
Hi all! Old Abe and I are watching the show from the comfort of our living room.
Hello from the UK
yeah, the Chinese guy blew the field away in diving.
Mexico also got a bronze in the mens modern pentathlon today
Hello from the Washington DC area!
@shonica @garf indeed!!
It was a silver in taekwondo but oh well. She did great. The Chinese woman was way taller than her
well, so far, this has been brilliant. and sad.
this is two concerts in the last few months I’ve seen of bands whose lead guy can’t go on anymore
and both of them are only slightly older than me
the other was spirit of the west
Currently watching with the family.
Pretty special
Hi Steve!
sooo good!!!!
oh man the internet is sooo sloww!!! right now, the whole territory must be streaming this concert.
And now I am crying. The campfire can only last for so long, This campfire won’t last forever, the hip only wrote so many songs (that line will take on a whole new meaning soon).
Dale I’m pretty sure that you have to get the CBC, like, by law.
we got satellite TV on site so the feed is good, but posting on here is slow.
Oh you’re up at site! Right, that makes more sense.
this has been absolutely brilliant!
g’night folks
This was amazing, wish I could find the photo of my friends sugar shack in Ontario that has a Hip poster next to a photo of the Queen…. most canadian thing I have ever seen.
That was pretty intense.
night all. be safe