Are you the kind of concert goer that saves the ticket stub after a show? Do you have dozens or hundreds of stubs at home? Your beloved pieces of cardboard can get a new life out of the box thanks to Lakeside Photo Works. This Louisiana-based company transforms these memories into a floor mat.
According to the blog Dangerous Minds, the ticket stub needs to be mailed to the company (Unless the fans have a really powerful scanner). Customers shouldn’t worry, for the stub will be returned alongside your brand new mat. Available sizes are 24×36’ and 36×60’ and they start at 34 USD + shipping and prayer to the Canada Post gods.
Does this count as wiping your muddy shoes on your memories or a chance to get inspired by them as you cross the door on your way in and out? That’s up to you.
Are you a ticket stub collector? How many pieces do you have? Where do you keep them? Would you turn any of them into a mat? Let us know in the comments!
Good morning!
Ticket stubs go in the record jackets and set lists get framed.
Hello! This is a fun idea and post, thanks Regina!
Also, ” + shipping and prayer to the Canada Post Gods” made me lol! Canada Post is… well, I won’t whinge. It usually gets things where they need to go eventually…
Hmmmm, I wonder if they would do a Wild Raccoon floor mat
Oh and, hello
Good morning,
I saw loweeda’s post of this last night, I’d have a tough time deciding which ticket stub to use.
Also, for Tom when he gets here, TUNS is heading to YWG in November.
Good morning. Such a cool idea. But a problem that I have is that all the bands that came through Charlottetown that I saw (many many bands) play at the local bar typically, so no stubs! I guess I must have had a few from the really big shows at the Confed Centre, but I must not have kept them.
Good morning:)
What a cool thing! I have an antique jar that houses my ticket stubs, unsure which I would choose!
If it were either Contrary Day, or maybe Full Logic Day, you *could* choose a ticket stub from a terrible show by a band you now hate. Because you’ll be scraping the shit off your boots on that thing…
@BfO Ha! In that case maybe Psychic TV because they were responsible for at least 3 of the separate tones in my chorus of tinnitus! (cigarette filters as earplugs insufficient protection…who knew?)
Off to yoga class & a busy day of visiting, life’s good:)
Be nice & don’t fall down.
Good morning! I do have a collection of ticket stubs, turning them into a mat is such a neat idea! Though I would feel bad wiping my feet all over a remembrance from a great concert I was at!
I might dig out a Fucked Up or Holy Fuck ticket stub for this…
So here’s a dumb question for people who still go to concerts: are ticket stubs still a thing? I would assume these days they just scan a barcode on your phone or whatever, right? Or does your extortionate TicketMaster fee buy you a little commemorative cardstock ticket sent in the mail like in the old days?
@loozrboy – they are sometimes. I think it depends on it you print at home or have your tickets mailed to you. Also, if you pick up at the venue they are in stub form…. Or when I go to rotate this, they are proper tickets and that makes me happy. It’s the internet’s 25th birthday.
loozerb’y – I was tinking that too – usually it’s scan on the phone these days or barring that, printing them off at home, so your ticket stub is really actually just a sheet of looseleaf with ads and a scanner code on it. That would be a hilarious foot rug. Door mat? Whatever they’re called.
To be honest, I don’t love these rugs, they’re a tad garish. I would have been more into them back in the days when I thought using a Wolf blanket was acceptable for a curtain.
That said – I used to have some old stubs… no idea if I still do (I have a feeling No) but as is appropriate for this week, maybe my first Tragically hip concert ticket stub would be a good’er. (1996!)
@shonica – I saw this morning that TUNS is here November 26th! Tix on sale Aug 24. I might just wait til the 26th, the day the album comes out then buy the record and the tix at the same time. Cha-Ching!!!!
Happy Birthday,
InternetWeb!I totally want a ticket stub door mat! I’m already thinking of what ticket I would use to get one (probably a Hamilton* ticket, if I get back to see it again).
*and you thought I was done talking about it. I’m sorry, I’ll stop.
I’d use one of my Paul McCartney show tickets.
I’m really happy the weather is starting to change. The air is already starting to feel crisp here. I love the change of seasons. It’s very energetic for me.
I’m ready for a fresh start. I had a crappy summer.
Fall is my favourite season. My summer could have been better in some ways, but it could have been worse, too. At least I got to see some of you lovely people–sometimes more than once!
my summer was pretty up and down, too
not really ready for Fall just yet, though. Hope it’s a long, warm one, like last year
hey loweeda, when’s the Plaskett dealy in Brandon?
haha, krib, I think they should subtitle it that.
Plaskett Dealy is September 10th. All day long on the Keystone Grounds! Are you coming out?
I’ve had a great summer, because I love summer so no matter what, it’s always great. But work has been dumb (anyone want to hire me?) and I haven’t had near enough lake dips and woodland adventures. I’ve had a few, sure, but not enough when you realize it’s already the end of August.
I do love fall too though. Although fall on the prairies is a much shorter version of the fall on the east coast.
you got a couch I can surf on?
it’d mean coming out Friday and back Sunday. Not even sure how far the drive is from here…6 hours? is it 2 hours to WPG from there?
Hiya! Happy Tuesday! I just found out BSS are recording their new album at Bathhouse (The Hips’ Studio, and my mom’s neighbours in beautiful Bath, Ontario).. so maybe they’ll meet my pup and be friends with my mom like Kevin Drew.
Hi all, this is the first time i have seen the new site, amazing work. Is this the equivalent to the daily topic? There is so much more here I got a little lost.
I am actually streaming CBC Radio 3 today. First time in a while. Looks like they put back in some of the little features that differentiated it from the other streams. Still pretty sad though, except the music has been pretty good so far this morning.
I have a single bed in my basement, krib. I need to get better guest accommodations. And I guess it depends on how far you want to drive to see Joel Plaskett.
124th Not that I’ve been listening much, but yes, the music there is often good — especially when you haven’t listened for a while. However, I’ve found that, as before, it gets repetitious pretty fast.
well, it would be as much about socializing as anything else
and I’ve never seen Said the Whale or Terra Lightfoot, either
Addendum to my 9:21: Also, there’s no life thereon the sR3am. On various college and community stations, including KEXP and CKCU, there is. Which means that there’s also… programming! Just like R3 used to have.
@laura_beth Those are awesome news! I really can’t wait for that album.
(We should make your mom our spy in the premises to get news first. Jk)
And hiiii. I think a stub mat would be nice! I wouldn’t know which one to use either.
Good morning.
Peggy and I had a great time at The New Pornographers show here in Sacramento on Saturday. The venue, Ace of Spades is a new rock venue in a trendy spot downtown. If the venue could hold 500, they had about 400 there, a good crowd, and I was surprised to see a local radio station out front having some sort of event, so maybe TNP actually get airplay here. Of course neither Neko Case or Dan Bejar were there, but it was a great show, lots of fun, and sure appreciated the 15 minute drive home – instead of two hours from San Francisco!
@Reginula I know! I want her to go down with my dog immediately and make friends with them! I wish I lived at home at times like these.. other times, not so much hehe.
wait, laura_beth: Kevin Drew is friends with your mom?! Is that what you’re saying there? Is that the truth or wishful thinking? Because if it’s true, *I* want to be friends with your mom!
Hi, BBC 6music just played For The Widows of Paradise by Sufjan Stevens. It is very good I will have to investigate further. apparently an American musician. Pretty cool banjo in there, but then I like banjo tunes.
loweeda, I seem to recall that story from halcyon R3 days…
Sufjan Stevens is amazing! I would recommend his Illinoise album, if you haven’t heard any of his stuff before.
You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.
Thanks loweeda. I’ll look into it when I get home.
The work computer is pretty well locked down.
Russ, yeah, that’s mysterious. At times, I’ve taken to copying my post before hitting the button.
Scott, many people think S. Stevens is just as loweeda said. What little I’ve heard by him was good.
oh, I guess I missed that “Kevin Drew is friends with Laura’s mom” story back in the day, but it’s still a good one.
I was simply going to mention that Sufjan Stevens is originally from Ann Arbor, MI.
@loweeda he and my mama met at the park where she walks our dog, across from the Bathhouse (locally known as the Hip House), and got to know eachother over the time he was there recording. She told me Kevin Drew told her a secret and she WON’T TELL ME!
I LOVE SUFJAN! I missed him last time he was in Toronto and I need him to come back!
Omigod, Laura, not knowing that secret must be driving you crazy! And your mom is probably loving every minute of it.
@loweeda I KNOW. If it were me, I would realllly struggle not telling the secret. I respect her for it, but I’m absolutely dying to know. I know they talked about Jian a lot actually because it was during that time.
@laura The secret is still not out? I would have thought it was out (in some album or tour form) by now.
reg, I always understood it to be a real confidence, not an “artificial secret”. Something you might only say, never write.
And laura, it’s been YEARS by now, hasn’t it?
did anyone post this? the world’s first website. Come along way in 25 years. Now it’s all click bait and porn!
Yeah I think it was an actual personal secret!
Good day everyone!
Maybe it was his secret blend of 11 herbs and spices.
Interesting article re no press allowed at the Hip show this weekend:
I’m glad it shortened its name from “wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative” in 25 years. That’s not too catchy.
krib: Just like a large part of the WWW!
loweeda: but “Wahiri”! (Pronounced Wah-heeree, I say). Great acronym!
The article on “no press access” reads somewhat like “Canadian Press Whinges and Invokes High Principles”. It was a public event, they say. Yeah well, it was actually a private concert (the K-Rock thing itself, which is what CP wanted access to), for which CBC, not everybody else, had exclusive video and distribution rights. Granted, the show actually became close to, or literally, a public event, but that’s more “as things occurred” than “everybody knew it would be that big”. IMO
That said, taken as general discourse on the subject raised — press (video) access to ‘events’, the article does have value.
I’m listening to World Container. That was my Hip port of entry (Which I guess isn’t a good idea, but you tell me). Nice nice album.
Hip albums don’t really vary wildly from one to the next. You could start anywhere, really
Looks like Indie88 has also latched onto this, gotta wonder if they saw it here first.
Coincidentally, I was just thinking about my idea of hell the other day, and one option for me would be called Endless Road Trip and it would involve me being in a car with someone I barely know and forced to make small talk with that person forever.
loweeda: and you can’t swear…
That mat thing was tweeted by Consequence of Sound yesterday, so my bet’s on that for Indie 88’s source. Give the basement time, though.
I wonder which I am?
reginula, have you ever heard New Orleans Is Sinking/Killer Whale Tank? It’s something… (No video, just concert audio)
Loweeda, in my experience, those types of trips have been the best, because I usually go in, with low expectations, dreading the upcoming interaction, and then these people somehow surprise me, and turn out to have a lot of interesting things to say, and upon reflection I enjoyed it. I guess one person’s hell is another’s heaven.
(friggin’ huge picture again)
Michael: I’m glad you’ve had that experience, and I admit that I have been pleasantly surprised as well, sometimes.
I just find it takes so much energy out of me to keep up my end of the conversation (extreme introvert, yo!) during the road trip that by the time I get to our destination I’m already mentally exhausted–and then I still have to deal with all the people at the place. At this point in my life I can kind of do it, but it’s still not my preference.
We’ll add that large picture / YouTube post problem to our list of things to fix.
Loweeda: Agreed! If the person doesn’t know how to shut the f### up it can be grating and exhausting
can you insert a picture (jpg, gif, etc) into a comment?
I do like how youtube clips and other media types are auto-inserted into the comments when you paste the link in your comment.
That’s an interesting Personal Hell, loweeda. I take it you’ve never been one for hitch hiking?
no hitch-hiking for this Loweeda, that is correct. For various reasons, I suppose, but dislike of small talk is probably one of them.
loweeda, I must say that I have had some excellent hitch hiking experiences as both the ride giver and ride taker. It’s been years since I’ve partaken (partook?) but i definitely have some hitchin’ stories I can tell you whenever I see you again.
But then, it could be a different story altogether when hitching as a solo female. Not to say I don’t have female friends who have hitched because I do. But you never know I guess.
@FT, you need to use html code to insert images into comments or they appear as links
you’d progress past small talk pretty quickly, unless the person you’re stuck with is completely hollow
which is possible, I guess. Lots of hollow people in this world.
it’s funny. I’m not overly talkative as my (now ex) girlfriend would say
but I’m not an introvert, either.
And if a subject sparks my interest, just try and shut me up…
you don’t really seem like an introvert to me, loweeda.
maybe it’s because I kind of knew you already when we first met,and you were surrounded by other people you knew?
I don’t think I have any ticket stubs from any concerts I’ve gone to
oh, and I guess I did see Rheostatics live at Another Roadside Attraction II.
It was a long time ago and I think I probably only owned Whale Music at that time
I really don’t remember them because they were on early. Looked it up, though, and quite the line-up
inbreds, eric’s trip, rheostatics, blues traveller, matthew sweet, spirit of the west, ziggy marley, the hip
dammit, I keep trying to post comments and it says “you are too fast; slow down” and then I don’t feel like typing them again.
krib, 14:03: helluva lineup. (And I just got a Post too fast, when I hadn’t for 11 minutes…)
I’ve gotten a succession of them…
loweeda: copy your posts before hitting the button: it’s what I (forgot to) do (the last time).
Library Voices’ Carl and Snake River’s Chris have this on going twitter thread about songs that are also album names. I had Left and Leaving and Let It Die. What else can you think about?
After one, you have to reload the page, right? (copy)
reg: I don’t do twitter, but: The Hip’s latest album, “Man Machine Poem”, takes its title from a song on their *previous* album, “Now For Plan A”. If you want to use this nugget based on Wiki, go right ahead.
@Benoit It’s true! It’s too specific, but that makes me uncomfortable. Do you know Kings of Convenience? They have an album called Riot on an Empty street and a song of the same name on a different album.
I never know, where they too fond of the concept to let it go? Was it a take that didn’t fit the rest of the album?
Regarding Kings…, no idea (of course); regarding Gord Downie, he’s long made a habit of dragging lines of one song into another. He does that on World Container, did you notice? “If I ask you a question, are you gonna lie tto me? Is that one your question, ’cause that one is easy” makes it into two songs, of which “Pretend”.
@Benoit I did not notice. Sounds good! I’m listening to it again (I’m at In view) so I’ll pay attention.
(…) The other is The Kids Don’t Get It, just before “Pretend”.
I bet at least a third of all albums in existence use a song as the title track
A one-liner about organ donation has been named funniest joke of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Masai Graham won with the gag: “My dad suggested I register for a donor card, he’s a man after my own heart.”
garf, I like.
Sorry – Donna are you saying that if you type a comment it’s giving you that error?
I’m going to bid you all goodnight