Kat Burns, aka Kashka, just gave us hope in the world: Maybe you should read the comments! Actually, you can even sing them and make a very cute and very long song out of them. This singer spent fifteen minutes singing live on Periscope as she read and sang the comments that were appearing on her feed. And it was amazing! You can check this unique performance here.
Burns belonged to the Toronto indie pop band Forest City Lovers and has pursued a solo career. Still, one of the most fascinating parts about this musician is her will to experiment and take her art to new places through technology.
Her latest single, Heavy Ghost, was released on late July and it’s available for purchase on Bandcamp. Check it out via Spotify below.
Kashka is hoping to do an intimate shows across Canada tour this fall in winter. You can get in touch with her here.
First comment! That never happens to me!
That song title reminds me of Weighty Ghost. Now I’m going to think up other synonyms for ‘heavy’.
Hefty Ghost
how about ponderous ghost, or lumbering ghost, maybe corpulent ghost.
Oh, oh, zaftig ghost. I like that one.
OK, back to work
big-boned ghost
Good morning!
I have always known her as KAT Burns, not KATE.
Forest City Lovers was a secret crush of mine, in a manner of speaking.
Russ is correct, it should be Kat. EDIT!!!
I listened to the song. Weigh too mellow for me.
FCL is great stuff, but I enjoy Kashka also.
Good morning! I can’t listen to the song while I’m at work, but I’ll check it out this evening!
weigh? good one
Did an amazing work?
oh, and, hello
Garf, what do you mean? Is that English?!
Forest City = London, Ont. Is that where FCL are from originally?
@Wes, re read the first paragraph in today’s post (penultimate sentence)
Forest City Lovers began as the solo project of singer-songwriter Kat Burns, from Whitby, Ontario, when she moved to Toronto to go to school in 2005 and began to play around the city. Soon after establishing herself as a talented young songwriter, Burns released her independent solo EP For the Birds in early 2005.
Good morning everyone!
We have been working on the live comment updating. Over at the dev site it is installed and is in testing. Can a few or all of you go over there and try it out? It is on an older Polaris Prize post. See here. Try it, and please leave your feedback, bugs, etc.
Weaves is on *q* this morning, in the first half-hour.
husky ghost
“shout out to Tess Stickles”
A ghost just needs a home.
I watched this streaming live yesterday – what a fun idea. It was actually hilarious. I was laughing throughout the hole thing.
whole. dammit
Hiya folks.
So is everyone just hanging out in the beta live-updating thread, or what?
That seems to be the case. Although there isn’t much going on there at the moment either.
I tried to post in the other Polaris article in the hopes of seeing a comment pop up live but it won’t comment, just says ‘posting comment’…might be my signal here, will try again.\
That singing the comments was fun. The song on Spotify while lovely is not my jam though.
Hi luckymaloo!
Hi Darbs!:)
I can’t get spotify to work right now, will check it out later.
Is it just me or are comments refreshing here now too?!
What the font is happening?
Whoa, freaky! The font switched for a bit but now its back to the usual.
I might be tripping.
Off to help the Littlest fight off Hand Foot & Mouth disease.
It’s as pleasant as it sounds.
What fun! :-/
That Spotify link wouldn’t work for me at first either. Strange things are afoot.
I blame Grant
Or Wapuche.
Or CarlyG.
The auto-updating comments plugin uses a different font.
In that case I blame the fool that thought we should use this plugin
has comment auto refresh been installed here yet?
I am thinking no.
Hey look! Check out the commenting yo!
did a comment just magically appear?
I think it did!
Afternoon all.
Gosh, April 2009. Seven plus years ago. I just listened to Alex Cameron’s (AlexofAnders) Listener Co-Host Initiative show with Craig Norris. Three hours of a lot of music I hadn’t heard in a long, long time. And my friend Alex held his own with Craig and made for a great – and funny – show. And after it ended, there were a couple of songs, and then the start of Grant’s show on that day. Same theme song, but the “Well hello” that got more and more extravagant over the years was really just that, a simple, “Well hello!” Damn but miss being able to listen to Rado3. But so happy I discovered it and we had it as long as we did.
Wait did those comments just rearrange themselves on me? I was sure they were in a different order when I first looked.
@Lee, You might like to check our latest post for some details about Grant visiting not far from you in January
@Garry – Thanks. So who’s coming to California?
@Lee 13:43 , I either need to learn how to swim or sell off some of my body parts to cover the flights first
krib, yes, much discussed on the dev. site: http://dev.ourbasement.ca/2016/08/16/polaris-prize-announces-performers-for-the-2016-gala/
speaking of Alex of Anders…I’m listening to Bay of Pigs right now
evidently, the Hip’s entire discography is charting on the CDN billboard charts right now
Remember when Kaputt was released? Grant used to play “Destroyer or Kenny G?” with clips from it
The order may not always be correct on the auto update if it updates a few at once. They rearrange themselves though when commenting or refreshing.
BILLBOARD CHART, first 50: http://www.billboard.com/charts/canadian-albums
krib – When Destroyer’s Bay of Pigs came out, it was only available in vinyl and NOT available in Canada. So Alex purchased the EP from the company who would not ship it to Canada, and so had it shipped to my house. I, in turn, forwarded it on to him. I’ve had several instances where Canadian friends wanted to buy something not available in Canada – and the sellers wouldn’t ship it there.