By Regina Sienra
Grand Analog’s new video is a love letter to Toronto. To be more specific, it is a shout out to the colourful and always bubbling neighbourhood of Kensington Market. It features “Love Is a Battlefield”, a tune soaked in reggae elements that enhance the hip hop craft, reminding us why this band is a key figure in the Canadian hip hop scene. This song will be on their upcoming EP, which will be out in the fall.
“’Love Is A Battlefield’ is a song I wrote about the city itself, and one’s love and hate relationship with that city,” said frontman Odario Williams to Clash, who premiered the video. “Most dream chasers fall in love with a city before migrating to it, then find themselves fighting to maintain that adoration as adversity, everyday struggle and the inevitable heartbreak takes toll.”
Williams, who has been a fan of old Western movies, wanted the video for “Love Is a Battlefield” to reflect the inner city, and found Kensington Market to be perfect for this. The video was directed by Toronto photographer Jason Cipparrone.
Check out the video for “Love Is a Battlefield” below:
Good morning!
Good morning!
Former bloggie Kathy G. is on CFCR right now.
…and every Thursday from 8A – 10A ET.
I have been thinking (no sarcastic comments please) about putting together a page containing a schedule of radio shows people should listen to as recommended by the users of the this very site.
Outstanding idea, Garfy.
I think that’s a great idea! Now that I can’t listen to Radio3 I’ve been relying on all of you to tell me what you’re listening to!
Agreed, great idea Garf.
I just have to work out how to create it now
What other shows would you recommend?
Benoit turned me on to Friday Morning Car Tunes – 9:30A – 1:00P – on CKCU. I enjoy The Dylan Hunter Show that follows.
I never thought about shows starting (or ending) at anything but the top of the hour
My fave is The Signal with Laurie Brown. But that’s not live while people are on the blog.
@Wes, I will be posting a 24/7 schedule type thing
Hey, live comment updating out of beta! Very nice. Did you get the posting clunkiness sorted out too?
Dig it Garf…. I’ve been sort of lost since R3 went away.
Good morning everyone!
CFCR is great most mornings.
@Loozr, iPhones don’t seem to like the auto-refresh system, they are causing the comments to be wider than the display and pinch zoom isn’t helping
Well if we’re voting on issue priority, my vote is for the “you’re posting too fast” thing
Followed by broken Unicode emoji, I guess.
@loozr, I will look into that as soon as I have finished working on the radio station recommendation schedule
So do former R3 hosts who have moved on to crummier stations qualify for the list? I’m actually not sure when exactly Lana’s show is, but I occasionally hear parts of it.
Lana is on Indie 88 M-F from 2-7EST. It’s not awful,but there is a lot of repetition in the music, and not as many Canadian artists as I would like.
Just running into it, but this a.m.’s 2nd half-hour of *q* features Josh Dolgin (SoCalled), genius of many things incl. the Jewish clarinet; his musical choices.
@Janet, I am torn about the idea of adding that to the schedule
Pros, It’s Lana!
Cons, It’s Indie 88!
Here, if anybody is wondering if they should bother giving Indie88 a listen, I made a little flowchart to help with the decision making process:
@Garfield, that is exactly how I feel about it!
That’s a great idea, Garfield.
And speaking of former R3ers with radio shows, Jenelle Jakobsen (I think her blog name was jljakobsen) has a morning show on Tuesdays on CJTR in Regina called Morning Scramble. Flannel Tom used to be on it, too!
haha, good one Loozrboy. Once I was listening to Lana and they played the same song 3 times in the space of about 2 hours, IIRC. And it’s a song I hate.
Nothing to do with Lana. I still like listening to her.
On more than one occasion I’ve switched from one station to the other and found them playing the same song at the same time, or within minutes of each other.
Still, they both play stuff I like more frequently than the other stations I can easily listen to in my car.
I love Lana….but I just can’t stomach Indie88. The mainstream garbage and cheesy ads and distorted-voice song intros….gag!!!
Odario (& grand analog) are pretty dope and I really like the new song. Hoping they tour it a little bit!
Loweeda, she does indeed and it’s true I co-hosted every week with her until I moved away from the QC. We had a lot of fun, I’m thinking of coming out of retirement here, I know some guys at CKUW and need to get in on that. I also used to be on a show that originally aired on CKDU but was syndicated to many other community/campus stations called Lets Get Baked, which we started in 2003 and ran until I moved away in 2009. We had a lot of fun doing that one, baking and cooking with bands.
As for recommendations on what radio to listen to…. I don’t have any! I pretty much only listen to the radio in the car so it’s either 97.5, CKUW, umfm or even sometimes radio 2.
Speaking of radio 2, the crtc has ruled that they cannot air paid advertising anymore. Not sure if that’s related to how weak their signal seems to be over the last few weeks I’ve noticed.
I remember Let’s Get Baked! Before I even knew you, Tom!
And you should definitely come out of retirement. You have a great radio voice and it needs to be heard.
I forgot to mention, re: the grand analog video – either odario is wearing the Tallest Tall-T ever, or it’s a dress. Just an observation.
Re the CRTC “no-ads-for-you, CBC” ruling, it said that the CBC hadn’t fulfilled condition #4 accompanying the original authorisation –> invest more in radio. Critics retort “and how will interdicting CBC from even airing 4 minutes of ads an hour actually help that situation? Of course, the CRTC isn’t saying, to my knowledge.
Why thank you loweeda. And happy birthday!
Even though the R2 ads were less annoying than most radio ads… they were still kind of annoying. I’d still rather chip in my my couple bucks share of subsidy through my taxes and have it commercial free.
oh yeah, happy birthday, Loweeda!
a month before me. well, a month and a day.
this year’s kind of a big one for me, I guess.
I, for one, will weep long and hard for no longer hearing from Bloor Radio.
Centropomus! Welcome to the basement! (Correct me if I’m mistaken and you’ve been here before)
And hi everyone!
I enjoy Radio 2 more often than not. In the car I basically switch back and forth between R1 and R2, or put in a CD. I can’t connect my phone.
Hmmm, why didn’t that insta link work? Embed I mean.
Wes, yeah I still rock CDs in the car too, and sometimes even my phone
Ah, love that TUNS album cover. Reminds me of John Lennon.
Thanks for the birthday wishes, gents.
Hi Reg! Yeah, I was here a few times on the old site, but this is the first time in the newly remodeled basemane (kudos to garf and whoever else is responsible!!! I do follow the stories and read them, I just don’t have much time to hang out). I hope Mexico has recovered from the visit by the Make America Great Again crew.
Re: R2 — again, way too much mainstream garbage. I don’t want to hear Adele singing anything, much less butchering a classic Dylan song. When I can, I listen to CFRC out of Queens U. They have a decent show in the mornings called “Indie Wake Up Call.
Oh, and happy birthday, loweeda!!! I hope you have good beer/wine/booze/smoothies/other beverages of your liking on hand to celebrate! (and a bacon sandwich, because…bacon…unless you’re not a carnivore, in which case I hope you have some high-end tofu…ok, shutting up now…)
@centropomus, that’s funny; I actually really liked the Dylan cover. I can’t stand that other song by Adele though… the biggest(?) hit.
Ugh, why did it autocorrect basement to basemane? That’s not even a word?
I agree that Radio 2 plays too much mainstream. It’s a pretty crazy mix sometimes though.
@Wes — hey, different strokes. Adele is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me, no matter what she’s singing/wailing at the time.
That’s just the thing, she wasn’t wailing on that cover (unless I missed it).
Hmm, just noticed that when I switch back to the tab and it loads all the comments that were posted in my absence, they are listed in reverse order.
I would love to have a bacon sandwich, centropomus. Thanks for the idea and the accompanying wishes
Loozrboy, yup, a known issue. Reload the page. Hopefully we’ll find a fix.
I wonder if the Elwins will cover Adele’s cover of Dylan.
Joan Osborne did the best cover of that Dylan song ever, in 2000
Also, I’m going to start calling this the “basemane” now, in the good old R3 tradition of vocabulary adjustment. Contrats on another new word!
the thing about Adele is that, even though she’s got a great voice, she just sounds so forlorn all the time.
Win Butler sounds like that to me, too.
loozrboy, yes, there is a glitch, in that “batched updates” (f.i. when you were on another screen and they accumulated) display in reverse order. F5 (refresh) will correct that.
the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand, krib.
Also, I recommend (and keep forgetting to do) copying your post before posting it, against a possible You’re posting too fast. (LIKE RIGHT THEN. HAHAHAHAHAHA!)
Thanks for that Joan Osborne link krib. Very nice.
Yeah, Joan did it justice. Thanks for that.
@loozr, I have added a plugin to the
dev site that deals with Unicode emojis. let me know if you have any problems with it before I try it here.
Good morning beautiful people!
I have created a Google Spreadsheet for the radio schedule but it looks like I will have to use good old HTML tables instead
Unicode emoji test
@Funhug, what about us ugly people?
Midnight Oil on KEXP!
Russ, why is that surprising?
The song choice is amazing.
oooh, Obscure Poetry Reference Points, Wes. Nicely done!
Wait, now Wes’s comments have disappeared from view! What’s up with that? Is it just me?
@Loweeda, if the comments appear in a clump, usually after you have been using a different tab, they appear in reverse order, but when you refresh the page by posting a comment (or hitting f5) they reappear in the correct order.
Right, OK, thanks Garfield. I know you’ve posted that explanation many times already, so I apologize for not trying that first. All good now.
Thanks Donna. Hope you have a great birthday!
The line came to me as I remembered it from a song; then I looked it up and found the source poem:
Got my motorbike back from the bike shop. Fresh top-end rebuild and it’s running great! Rode it to work this morning. SO MUCH FUN!
@Loweeda, It’s OK, we only worked it out yesterday
Hello, I’ve been listening to the BCIT station this week. There isn’t a DJ, but maybe because classes haven’t started. It’s also not geo-fenced for us south of the border.
Hello all!
Grand Analog! Woot!
I’m embarrassed to admit this, because the music selection is pretty awful, but I’ve been listening to Sonic 102.9 out of Edmonton in the mornings. I like the way the host (Garner Andrews) engages and interacts with his listeners. Sort of reminds me of Grant Lawrence. I don’t know that I would add this as an option to the list though.
it’s a damn cryin’ shame Joan Osborne is only known for that one song, when she’s done stuff like this
My Spotify Discover Weekly playlist was off the mark this week. Algorithm wasn’t quite right. So I am listening to someone else’s Discover Weekly and it is much better.
I still listen to R3 some but if it quits working KEXP is up to bat.
another great Dylan cover from the 90s
@janada59 … I’ll give 102.9 a shot in the mornings.
I wish my city had a decent alternative rock station.
@Justin – As I said the music is pretty mainstream, but Garner takes a lot of phone calls and text messages and makes it seem like he’s having a conversation with people while playing music.
Interactive hosts on the radio? Say it ain’t so.
Ha ha…the R3 stream is puking out that godawful Taste Like Sugar song. I’ve missed it! (NOT!)
What will they think of next!?
@Garf — Animal Master, clearly.
Welli just googled alternative radio Winnipeg and came up with a thing called 204 the hitz which is an online only station… I pressed play and it’s playing monster truck. Good start !
@centro – I heard that yesterday when I was listening and thought…nope still hate it.
Awesome FT! I was looking at CJTR schedule because I can’t just hit play and leave it. I need to find when shows I want to hear are on.
wow, I think I’m going to look into that “204 the hitz” station, Tom. sounds promising…
I am going to check out QCIndie. I followed them on twitter, time to take a listen.
@darbar … QCIndie is in TuneIn too.. so you can stream it with the app on a smartphone. Dig it.
I’d venture to say most local stations take calls and texts, it’s really only CBC radio that doesn’t unless it’s Rex murph y’all cross country checkup. CBC doesn’t do live radio so it’s kind of impossible to take calls and stuff. Interestingly to me at least there are a number of CBC podcasts on the top charts for podcasts so it’s not like they aren’t making good shows. Just no good music shows.
I don’t know if YT’s using past plays or what, but I’m listening to Severed Heads right now and it’s got Great Lake Swimmers in the recommended videos list on the right side of the page.
not exactly alike, in any way
oh I see…the common thread appears to be Nettwerk
I was making a tongue in cheek remark on how our R3 used to be interactive Tom but I will quit beating the dead horse. No need to go on.
Thanks Justin. I found it on iTunes where I can use the equalizer to make it sound better. Cool.
Does the CBC produce any new music podcasts? I have not seen anything lately, but I have not looked either.
according to TuneIn the last R3 podcast was in June
CBC also tweeted that they released a new CBC R3 podcast today, but I can’t seem to get it to download. Can you geofence podcasts too?
CBC Radio 3 Podcast featuring Hannah Georgas, Jay Arner, The Highest Order and more
Hi blog.
I like this new Grand Analog. Thanks for this post, Regina!
As I listen again, the reggae/island vibes in ‘Love is a Battlefield’ are reminding me of Fat Freddy’s Drop… a band that some of you may enjoy, if you aren’t already familiar. I’m going to link to a video for one of their older songs mostly because it’s packed with kiwiana and NZ national treasures, haha.
You can get the Vinyl Cafe podcast. I wonder why the new R3 didn’t show up when I was looking. Hmm.
And q podcast.
Thanks for Fat Freddy’s Drop Samara.
Thanks @Darbs! They use flashplayer to play the podcast on It actually is not geofenced, even though they could.
Sorry @Garf… I just re-read the posts, I should be thanking you for that podcast link.. so thanks!
@darbar you are welcome!
I went through a mad Fat-Freddy-phase when Old Abe and I were last living in NZ (05-07), it’s very compatible with relaxing at the beach with a beer…
I think the problem is that they haven’t added the latest episode to the RSS feed yet. If only they had comments where would tell them about it
@Garf… you can tweet back at them though.
@Samara – That was the vibe I got from it!
There are only 5 songs on that podcast?
@Justin, It’s not the same
@DBS, It makes you miss the road trip mixtapes
Those road trip mixtapes were awesome… and Sweatin’ to the Indies.
7.1 quake in NZ. No tsunami.
I can ace a gr 6 math test.
in your face, elementary school kids!
(did it w/out a calculator, too)
wow. this spaceX rocket explosion is something. The video shows how much faster light travels than sound, too
Benoit! This is news to me. I’m going to go look into where it happened…
Samara, just East of North Island.
@Benoit most of my family lives on that coast! But it looks like it’s going to be okay. I gather the tsunami waves are 30cm or so. Only people who live right by the water are in danger of flooding. Fingers crossed it wasn’t a precursor to anything more significant.
I tried the web address for the June podcast and modified it to try every date in August along with some from the end of July and the beginning of September but the file didn’t appear.
I then started looking at the code more closely and I think the file is in an encrypted location meaning that you can’t download it
but if you can’t download it … how is it a podcast?!?
Oh and here is the radio schedule page
Hello Folks!
I still listen to KEXP as my at work station. In particular, John Richards in the morning. 9-1 EST.
@FT, not in my mind no
Kick A Garf! RE radio list you just made.
Old Abe…. I listened to John Richards on KEXP every day before I found R3 in 2010…… now back. He’s pretty good.
kexp is definitely the grand daddy of indie/college/community radio and podcasts. I’m sure there are others out there, I would imagine NYC would have something good.
re: that I posted earlier: terrible name; from an iPad it played but from my laptop I can’t get it to; some of the tunes are all right, some are dumb. It’s fairly mainstream Alt-Rock if that makes any sense. Bad with the good – also depends n what your definition of bad and good are.
old abe, whe you guys are in wpg, wanna watch a saturday night beer league hockey game?
for example, now kexp is playing Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. One of my favourite bands and they just don’t get played on any rock radio in canada.
@FT – Sounds good to me, but I doubt Mark will want to attend. I will have to see. I definitely want to get a beer on Friday or Saturday with you. We will work it out. Are you playing that night? What time?
I like BRMC.
old abe, It’s a late one on the 24th at 10:40. There is a bar upstairs that you can see all three rinks from. I’m definitely not going to Peaches on Friday, but am otherwise down to hangout!
(if you remember binsy from the old blog back in the day, I’m on the same team as him so he’ll probably be around too)
FT – Right on. Pat says Peaches is a late one, probably a 12:00 start. So maybe before that? Or on Saturday some time. We’ll work it out closer to the time. I’ll send you my number in a FB message.
WOW!, Mom’s are the best! I love my mom.
That’s good. Did she do something in particular to bring that on? hehe
In this case, YES.
Great! As a mom I appreciate the appreciation from a son.
Anybody around?
Jeebus, can this week please slow down? So many things going on!
Hi reginula!
Hi Samara! Thanks for reading the post! I’m glad you like the song!
This week is flooded with news and I’ve been running around! D:
Reg: better too busy than “I’ve got nothing to doooo-oooo”.
Still, the weekend will be sweet! One more day. Chin up!
@Benoit It’s true (although less work would mean more time to work on tomorrow’s post)
I have high hopes for the weekend. It’s also my last as a 24-year-old!
I like news tho. I find amusing that there are so many things going on. I’ve spent most of the day writing about the Venezuela protests.
reg, hugs, and WHAAAAAT? You’ll be starting your second quarter-century??? I thought you were I dunno not 18, but…
I’m still here… working on another WordPress blog…
HI Justin!
@Benoit YUP! If I were 18 I guess I’d be 75% more clueless? I’d go all “Oh, I’m SOOO old” but um….
@Benoit (How old did you think I am?)
reg 22-23?
16? ;-s)
I am!