Playlist Friday : French Canadian

    By Darlene Barss Themed playlists can be fun to make and great to listen to. Think of something that connects the songs together. It could be in the title, in the lyrics or the name [...]

    By | September 30th, 2016|Categories: Playlists|Tags: , , |111 Comments

      Review: Chixdiggit – “2012”

      By Tom Westoll 25 years, 25 minutes. Chixdiggit’s new EP is a celebration of the road all jammed into one epic song. A giant shout out to the touring road life, K.J. Jansen, main songwriter [...]

      By | September 26th, 2016|Categories: Album review, Editorial|Tags: , , |166 Comments

        Secret City Records releases 10th anniversary compilation

        By Regina Sienra Since 2006, Secret City Records has been putting out amazing records that immediately became classics among Canadian music fans. Their star-studded roster includes Basia Bulat, The Barr Brothers, Patrick Watson, Owen Pallett [...]

        By | September 25th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |71 Comments

          Canadian Indie Stream of Consciousness

          By Darlene Barss This playlist stream started with one Canadian Indie song and then a word in the title of that song led to another Canadian Indie song and that led to another Canadian Indie [...]

          By | September 23rd, 2016|Categories: Playlists|Tags: , |231 Comments

            The Tourist Company releases new track, announces tour dates

            By Regina Sienra Vancouver’s The Tourist Company has gotten some airplay and has done well on contests like CBC’s Searchlight and The Peak Performance Project. Still, the Vancouver four-piece had yet to release a debut [...]

            By | September 21st, 2016|Categories: New Music, News|Tags: , |128 Comments

              Royal Canoe go on tour

              By Regina Sienra Royal Canoe, the extraordinary band from Winnipeg, released the vibrant album Something Got Lost Between Here And The Orbit less than a week ago. The record, the first in three years, has [...]

              By | September 20th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |95 Comments

                Kaytranada wins the 2016 Polaris Music Prize

                By Regina Sienra Kaytranada, the electronic producer from Montreal, was the winner of the 2016 Polaris Music Prize for his album 99.9%. The gala featured performances by Andy Shauf, Black Mountain, Basia Bulat, Carly Rae [...]

                  Watch the Polaris Music Prize 2016

                  It’s Polaris Music Prize night. A band, or a performer, will walk home with the $50,000 novelty cheque for creating the best Canadian album of the year, based on artistic merit. The gala will take [...]

                  By | September 19th, 2016|Categories: News, Polaris Music Prize|211 Comments

                    A look back at Polaris Music Prize 2010

                    By Michael Wynn It was late summer 2010, and my third week as a CBC Radio 3 employee. The indie and alternative wing of the CBC Radio network was going through one of its most [...]

                    By | September 18th, 2016|Categories: Editorial|Tags: , , |135 Comments

                      Review: A Tribe Called Red – We Are The Halluci Nation

                      By Regina Sienra “We are the tribe that they cannot see”, states John Trudell, the late Native American activist at the very beginning of We Are The Halluci Nation, the third album by A Tribe [...]

                      By | September 15th, 2016|Categories: Album review|Tags: , |121 Comments