The Keystone Centre Grounds in Brandon Manitoba will be playing host to the premier Summer Lights music festival this Saturday. The 12 hour event starts at noon and focuses on local indie music along with a headlining set from Said The Whale.
Other artists set to take part include Joel Plaskett and Terra Lightfoot along with Crooked Brothers, Attica Riots, Sol James, Begonia and Slow Leaves.
The festival was created as an extension to the city’s three date Summer Lights concert series of free shows that have been taking place for a number of years. The new event will sit alongside Brandon’s pre-existing annual folk festival on the music calendar.
Along with being the director of the festival Dylan MacDonald is also a member of Brandon band the Middle Coast and intends to establishing Brandon’s musical reputation and show that Brandon is a spot for touring musicians should play in future.
For more information check out
Good morning!
Hey garf, Old Abe, what about that Formula 1, eh?
I have to give Eddie Jordan credit, he said it would be happening on Sunday
Well, ya, but it’s F1, these things take months to happen. Predictions about F1 I find to be almost as correct as the ones made in advance of international meetings. I.e. sometimes completely wrong, but mostly right on. Not meaning to diss Eddy, F1’s definitely richer for having him, then and now.
Radio 2 must be reeling at this news:
I just ran into her here at the Metro hall food court, and she is leaving for Philly in a couple weeks.
@Wynnzie, Wow, good for her!
Ya, she is very excited, as she should be. Sounds like a pretty cool place to work.
I’m just going to leave this here (if it works)
Wow, that’s great for Talia!
Talia: I am not surprised at all. Prime radiomike material, she is; could also make it on t.v., if there was much t.v. left.
Who’s turn is it to get the leaving gift this time?
Good morning!
Yet another event that makes me wish that getting to MB was easier. One day we’ll have our RV, an all ages Shaggin’ Wagon…wait, that doesn’t sound quite right…the Wagon without the Shaggin’…& will finally get to some of the awesomeness that Manitoba has to offer!
I hate to comment & run but duty calls…

Be nice & don’t fall down!
the post shaggin’ wagon?
(why does me colon & bracket/parenthesis turn into a square?)
@Garf HA! : D
*my… jeez
@MissMaloo, because you are missing the character for that emoji on your computer
I wish I could harness this power for good, or even evil…
I had Fast Car going through my head this morning while getting ready for work
now I know why….
if my premonitions could only come up with 6 winning lottery numbers
also, I noticed some interesting behaviour on the blog here. Don’t think it matters enough to fix, because it’s literally yesterday’s news at the point it happens.
For me (in FF), if I leave the blog open overnight and come in the next day and go to the tab, the auto-refresh never happens. I have to hit refresh to see any additional comments.
@krib, do you leave the browser full screen or minimized when you turn the monitor off?
@Garf I’m planning on going to her going away party, so I could deliver something
Me: (*submits my first comment of the day*)
WordPress: You are posting comments too quickly…
Me: eat a dick, WordPress.
it’s nice for brandon that they haveshows there… I grew up in a small town and we didn’t really have shows.
my wife has played concerts in brandon, but then, they’re a different sort of concert than your said the whales and your joel plasketts. they’re doing one in brandon this winter, at B.U. although it hasn’t been announced yet so you didn’t hear from me.
Anyway. I was just trying to post a nod of acknowledgement to Michael Wynn for pointing out XPN, which I am currently listening to and which is pretty OK. Always looking for alternatives to CBC Music, which persists in not working for me.
full screen, I think. When it’s the daytime, I leave it full screen and when I come back to the Basement tab, it refreshes automagically. In the morning, it doesn’t seem to do that
don’t think it’s all that important. IMO, things like opening a link in a new tab or window is a bigger thing
also, jump to top and bottom of page would be nice…
Just out of curiosity, has anyone else who is not in Canada tried either downloading or streaming the new CBC Radio3 Podcast? I use Doggcatcher, and it keeps telling me there is an error loading the feed. When I go to the website to stream it, I can’t seem to get it load. I don’t know if it’s me, my location, or something else entirely.
@Janet, I could only get it to stream when I tried and noticed it was missing from the RSS feed. They said they had just switched servers causing them trouble
Thanks @Garfield! I guess I’ll see if I can stream it, and if not just cut my losses until (if) they fix it.
Good morning everyone!
@Janet, you can see the twitter interaction I had with R3 via twitter here
@Janet… I did listen to it last week, and the was not geofenced, which I was surprised by actually. Here is the links to listen from CBC Music.
but it does require flash to play
Curses, CBC Music is blocked at work. Thanks Garfield and Justin for the info and the link, I’ll have to give them a try when I’m home. I appreciate the help!
Good for Talia! Sad for us.
Hello all!
when’s the big date/nodate? this weekend?
That Karaoke Said The Whale was fun at the end of the vid playlist. Haha!
@DBS, I wanted something you wouldn’t usually see on playlists like that
Nice Garf.
I don’t think I’ll be going 2 hrs down the road to Brandon this weekend – it’s manyFest here in Wpg (basically a food truck fest) and me and the dog are flying solo as the wife is at a yoga thing all weekend. So I think I’m gonna take the dog to the woods and go for a hike out in the Whiteshell area.
I’ll listen to some Shotgun Jimmy & Joel Plaskett in the car on the way though!
Not doing the Banjo Bowl thing? A hike in the woods with the dog sounds like a much better plan to me.
Banjo Bowl is pretty well sold out I believe. I went last year and wore my Riders t-shirt and was heckled mercilessly by dumb bomber fans. The dog does love football too, so we’ll watch on tv probably haha.
Silly fans.
my hockey team has our first game of the season this Saturday night, I’m so excited. It’s like the first day of school for grown-ups.
I saw our old friend Grant Lawrence post that his teams first game of the season was the other day, it looks like they didn’t fare too well (or he had a rough outing between the pipes)
Mobina Galore on my R3 stream. I really like that band and look forward to hearing what’s next from them.
pretty sure they are in Regina in the upcoming days, darbar. Not sure the venue though.
They are doing a house show I saw on the 11th.
Should merge or collaborate with Kirks site, 3am Revelations? Was this ever considered? Kirk’s been doing his site for a while. We miss his google-fu and such around here.
I wonder whose house? I went to a house show or two in my time in Regina, I remember the first one i went to I was surprised at how many people showed up. People I had never seen before (I think its because they were younger than me).
@Krib… I am not sure yet. RE date. The one last night was a nodate and that’s cool.
For this weekend,
My stepmom’s funeral might be this weekend and the definitely takes priority. After I know the time of that then I will schedule the date with another girl I have been messaging with on
3am Revelations is pretty Vancouver focused but not a bad idea partnering somehow.
I can’t tell where it is yet but I marked the event as interested so maybe details will follow.
sorry to hear of your step-mom’s passing, justin grady.
@justin – Sorry about your stepmom. She seemed like a pretty great woman to have in your life. Good luck with the meet.
you have any issues with pronation? I’m wondering if the knee issue on my non-injured knee has anything to do with that. When I look at shoe wear, I don’t think it’s an issue. I’m guessing it’s just age. Altra Canada has these babies on sale. Not sure what they’d be like to run in…
@Justin, I’m sorry to hear about your step-mom.
well, a little looking makes me think it’s old-man knees and not pronation.
also, discovered that, according to this guy, I’m a glider
Hello, folks! I just wanted to drop in and say that although I am completely overwhelmed at work these days I do check in here every day and read the post and your comments, et al.
Yay, Summer Lights Festival on Saturday! It’ll be fun. Here’s hoping it doesn’t rain or be cold, etc. Manitoba in September…you never know.
@Justin, Sorry for your loss
@FT, I asked if we should just join another blog or start our own before they removed comments on the R3 site and most, if not all, people said we should have our own site. I don’t know how Kirk or CMac would feel about merging our sites, as DBS says they are very Vancouver centric where as we try to cover the whole country.
The Exchange here in Regina cancelled a Black Pussy show. There are mixed feelings on that decision.
Did they say why the show was cancelled?
Never heard of that band. BRB, going to google it…
The Saskatchewan Cultural Exchange has decided to cancel the show previously booked by an outside presenter for the Club on September 18.
Artistic freedom has been a value for the organization over its decades-long history across the province.
In managing the Exchange and the Club, two Regina venues that self-sustain through outside bookings, our venues sometimes host artists who provoke thought and challenge audiences.
In this case, those values are superseded by this artist’s creative choice in the band name Black Pussy, which is appropriative and contributes to a culture of objectification of Black people, people of colour, and women.
The final decision was reached through a collective conversation within the organization. As an organization that strives to reflect and represent a province as vibrant and diverse as Saskatchewan, we felt it necessary to take the extraordinary step to cancel the show. It is our hope that this contributes in a small way to increased awareness on these important issues.
The feedback received on this issue is appreciated.
Haha! Good luck with that loozrboy. :p
Is this band by any chance made up entirely of white men? (There’s nothing band-related in the first 6 pages of results, but I’ll keep looking).
@loozr may a recommend adding band on the end. From the piece I read yes they are white men
Next you’re going to tell me to turn safe search back on.
Anyway, the band name is tacky, and the tendency towards moral outrage social media mobs getting tacky and mildy offensive things banned / boycotted is irksome (see also: Viet Cong)
Black Pussy in Calgary
I hate the name but banning a band just based on the name doesn’t seem right.
About my 14:16 (complete with band picture), I’ll venture that not a single one of the name-protesters would go see the show in any case, whatever the name of the band. Sensitivity these days often coincides with protesting what you don’t like for starters, IMO.
Now, I realise there’s a whole bunch of internal logic to that coincidence, but still.
Still doesn’t beat the time the Barenaked Ladies were barred from playing at Toronto City Hall, back in the last golden age of “political correctness”.
@BfO, the huff post article was the one I read as well
So Black Pussy got their name from the original title of The Stones Brown Sugar. My non lyric listening has become apparent again. I had no clue what that song was about. Raping of slaves. Yikes!
Or the time a New Pornographers were due to play a show in a school but somebody didn’t like their name and it was cancelled
I never was a Rolling Stones fan
Yeah, I think the name’s “origin story” makes it even more offensive. And the people lobbing threats of voilence at the complainers need to chill the fuck out. Everyone needs to chill the fuck out.
Darbar, I don’t go as far as you, but I do think the name is coarse as hell; and I agree with you on the reasoning.
Basically, you have softer, more considerate people who want to curb self-naming by some of the more contentious segments of society. Like rock and rollers. It’s none of their fucking business. The entire metal genre, pretty well all categories, tries to be scary and marginal and perhaps insulting. In band names, album names, etc. What gives gentler people the thought that they have the right to be offended, to shame others (with special language*) and to curb the freedom of speech of rabblerousers?
No-one ever said free speech was clean, or inoffensive. There is no right not to be offended. But…
* Appropriative? Really??? Are they unaware that expression goes waaaaaaay back? (One last point: the above announcement by the Sask. C.E. refers to the band as though it were one artist. Or maybe it’s just apostrophe slippage.)
good day friends.
i was all ready to hate the beeb’s again because Fast Car is one of my favourite songs but he didn’t murder it so i am happy.
Also: the Stones suck. Satisfaction is definitely in my top ten least favourite popular classic rock / pop songs (#1: Stayin’ Alive)
@Morgana, it was the fact that he did it so well that made me want to post it
Heya! This is wonky, the comments are showing up in broken-up chunks of time…I’m confused enough, this hurts my head!
I listened to the stR3am today & it was actually slightly comforting. Some good songs, some I’d heard, some I’d not & I never thought I’d be grateful for the stings but it was sweet to hear Grant & Lana’s voices, even if they were recorded like 1 1/2 years ago.
Is it delusional for me to daydream that when Grant gets back from pat leave there *might* be something R3-ish for him to do?
Oh hey! After posting a comment the feed fixed the time wonk.

Yay! Thanks you computer gnomes (not to be confused with underpants gnomes)
Right, I forgot… : )
@Loozr, I always preferred Paint it Black
@MissMaloo, the emojies don’t work on my kindle either
@garfielduk did you see my botched last post last night?
i was asking what flavour you liked your coolies because I can’t make tickets in my kitchen …
luckymaloo, refresh (F5), and they resettle. It’s when they’re posted in gangs that they reverse-order. The sillies. (Also, reminder: copy your posts before posting, then you can laugh at the throttling program.)
@Morgana, I did and I am leaning towards blueberry and white chocolate, thank you
@garfielduk I don’t think I have ever made a cookie with blueberries! and yes, that is a k not an l in cookies … how did that get by me in #10777?!
@BfO, I am looking for a way to make the regulars a members of the site so you wouldn’t have that problem, but all of the membership plugins I have seen so far are for sales but I might start testing some on the dev site in the morning
@Morgana, it’s either that or try to think of something the housemate wouldn’t eat and I don’t think bacon cookies would work that well (the dog would be happy)
Only 53cals for 48 cookies that’s just over 1cal per cookie… What do you mean that’s 53cals each?
@garfeilduk I don’t understand calorie computations.
now i just need your address to ship them to. PM on FB?
Sure but you don’t need to do this you know
I am back everyone, had a couple meetings. Met a new business contact over coffee, was great.
Thank you for the kinds words everyone, regarding the passing of my Stepmom, it still does not seem real, strange. I have had close loved one’s pass before so I know the process, but still.
Hey @Krib! You might be gone by now, but let’s talk running tomorrow, and as usual leave everyone else wondering…
@Justin, I don’t tnhink we ever become accustomed to that feeling
Well if you are going to talk about running I’m going to sleep (I was hoping to be asleep 3hours ago)
gotta fuel the friends!
@Morgana, just keep your eyes open for wild raccoons.
G’night folks
Ha! Sleep well @Garf….
Cookie! Om, nom, nom, nom