By Regina Sienra

The Polaris Music Prize gala is just around the corner. The winner of the $50,000 will be announced next Monday, September 19, at the Carlu in Toronto. For fans who are still undecided on who they are rooting for, haven’t given a chance to all of the nominees, or just would like to hear how the 10 shortlisted albums made it this far, the Polaris Prize has announced its first official podcast.

Hosted by Indie88’s Lana Gay, the 36-minute piece features the bands and performers that could go home with the big prize. Through short bits of the most representative parts of the albums, and a short interview with the journalists across the country that voted them in, the podcast is a good way to get to know these records and spike the listener’s curiosity about the shortlist nominees.

polaris short

Check out the Polaris Music Prize podcast below.