By Regina Sienra
“We are the tribe that they cannot see”, states John Trudell, the late Native American activist at the very beginning of We Are The Halluci Nation, the third album by A Tribe Called Red. Trudell goes on and lists names and categories that have been thrown at indigenous people in Canada and around the world. Names and categories soaked in otherness.
That’s why A Tribe Called Red is the spearhead of a much needed movement to make these communities visible. Through collaborations with musicians from across Canada and overseas, on We Are The Halluci Nation the Ottawa-based trio take the listener on a colourful and intense trip through indigenous music and contemporary sounds.
A Tribe Called Red are DJ Bear Witness, Tim “2oolman” Hill, and Ian Campeau, also known as DJ NDN. “This album is different. It is a bigger concept”, the latter told Mexican magazine Gatopardo. For We Are The Halluci Nation, the band got to record their guests in their homelands, whether it was swedish singer Maxime Märak or Northern Voice, recurring collaborators based in a remote area of Quebec.
Tanya Tagaq, winner of the 2014 Polaris Music Prize for her album Animism, is also a part of We Are the Halluci Nation. The singer from Cambridge Bay adds her signature throat singing to the A Tribe Called Red sounds, creating an incredibly organic and inspirational mixture. “It works really well in a way that her throat singing is very rhythmic”, said DJ NDN as he explained why both sounds complement each other. “[Tagaq] is a hero of mine and it’s really exciting to have people like that for my kids to look up to within popular culture right now”, he added.
Campeau pointed out that A Tribe Called Red has given indigenous youth a space within pop culture; a space where they not necessarily have been represented in a good light, or had ownership of their image at all. That’s why he advocates for “cultural continuance”: adapting traditional sounds by using contemporary devices. “All we really did was mashup dance music with dance music, right?”.
By incorporating more genres and sounds to their music, not only have they taken the discussion about the complexity of the indigenous cultures to a new level, but have made their album more universal. A Tribe Called Red have perfected their craft in the moment their craft is needed the most.
Good morning everybody (hah). Garf, do you know this guy? At the Black Sheep tonight, I think I will not miss. (Reddick is excellent in his own right. Real authentic blues)
Good morning!
Phog Phest 8 is tomorrow. Pack A. D. and BDR and a bunch of Windsor talent.
You know it’s successful, because it’s spilled out of Phog (while remaining there) and into the Rondo. Not bad at all!
Good morning!
Tom had it on the street the first year, and in the parking lot in the years that followed. His recent acquisition of the Rondo gave him a venue with good capacity.
Good morning! I LOVE ROYAL CANOE!
Morning all.
Enjoyed the Tribe Called Red review, Reg!
Sorry for the enthusiasm so early in the morning, but last night was incredible for our home town boys!
No sorry, it’s RC!
@Shonica YAY! I’m glad you had a good time!
Tomorrow I’m headed to Ford’s Theatre to check out Come From Away, the musical based on the town of Gander and how it became a second home to a bunch of travellers after 9/11. Should be good times.
@BfO, I have not heard of him before but I’ll give him a listen over the weekend, thanks
Good morning everyone!
Garf, it appears (from the covers of his albums) that Son of Dave is a harmonica monster.
@BfO, He sells them is his online store as well (final item)
“Carousel of Headless Horses” is apparently a band, John (of Fri. Morn Cartunes) reveals. Great name.
Son of Dave is originally from Winnipeg, formally part of Crash Test Dummies
janet, did you hear that some grateful Americans just went back to Gander on the 9/11 anniversary, a few days ago, and in oder to present the townfolks with a yard-long piece of I-beam from the World Trade Center? A very nice gesture, I thought. It was (of course) in remembrance of the hospitality Ganderites showed some 6,000 plus people who were stranded there.
Hellooooo. I’m typing this as I wake up at my Grandma’s couch. Independence Day, yay!
Thanks for reading, Centro! Means a lot!
I’m guessing that was more of and “on”and not so much of an “at”.
*goes back to sleep*
I’m off to pick up my daughter and her beau to take them to the airport. They are going to NYC! Lucky ducks!
Feliz día de la independencia Regina
Well, Reg, I really did enjoy the review, but more importantly, it means a lot to me that you folks have given us this place to come and stay informed and involved (although not often enough for me). I read almost all of the daily topics, even if I don’t come in here to chat, and I appreciate them!
I hope your Abuelita will make you something good for breakfast. Perhaps some migas or a breakfast taquito?
@garf Gracias
@Centro Oh, you’re very kind. A lot of time is spent in these posts, so it means a lot. Thank you. Also, Grandma cooked a lot for yesterday’s party and she’s like “hahaha, no. we’ll get breakfast elsewhere”
@Benoit, I did! I was reading the story about it a few days ago.I thought it was a nice gesture too. I believe Come From Away is a fictional account of real events.
Happy Independence Day Reginula! I enjoyed your review of a Tribe Called Red’s new album, and look forward to listening to it soon.
@janet Thanks!
(Also here’s a playlist of classic Mexican songs played at Independence Day parties. So classic they are seen as tacky by all the people I hang out with, hahaha)
Not as tacky as that ice cream truck that comes by here in July and August, playing really terrible, plinkety plonkety, computer generated CHRISTMAS CAROLS! Aaaaaaaaarggggh!
Our Ice Cream Truck music is usually one of these
That exact um tonal quality, but serving friggin’ carols. O tan-your-balm. The First No-well. Red Alf the goldurn rain-deer.
Our ice cream trucks play Christmas Carols too. And the theme from Love Story, which also seems out of place to me. I was reading this a while back:
If I remember correctly though, the story doesn’t explain why the music includes Christmas songs.
now I want to watch Benny Hill…
janet: those must be the “rogue” ice cream trucks…
“Come From Away” is what maritimers, and apparently Newfies too, cal people who aren’t from there but have moved there. Applicable to retirees from Ontario, kids from Ontario who go to Dalhousie and American draft dodgers who moved to Cape Breton or Bear River (among other places) in the 60’s & 70’s.
Anyway, if I liked musicals, that sounds like a good one @janet athanasiou. But, I most certainly do not like musicals.
@FT, That is why I say I am from the province of Away
I like the expression “I’m from a ways away”
@BfO, my dad almost always does a major dad joke when he’s travelling, when someone asks where they’re from, he won’t say “Nova Scotia”, or “Canada” (depending on the scale needed, i.e. in England, or the USA, or Ontario) but he’ll just say “Truro” and when they inevitably respond “where’s that?”, he says “near Debert”
It’s a ways away from anything hahaha
I remember reading about someone… I believe it’s Scott Brison who wants “come from away” removed from the Eastern Canadian lexicon, because he doesn’t think it’s welcoming.
I used to take great offense from being labelled Come From Away, being Bluenose born, but since I really am CFA, I just go with it now.
Good morning!
Love that patch
I only found out about the term because Airfarce had a sketch called News From Away
I don’t know that I’ve ever heard CFA used seriously, seems like a politically correct over-reaction from Brison.
Could you imagine selling an app for $70 million dollars?!? Cheese and Rice and that’s a lot of dough.
Seems there is a high proportion of bluenosers on the site today. I from Yarmouth.
Would someone like to correct my grammar?
no, grammar good.
Right some?
Me type Englandese goodly
Right some good eh wha?
What’s crackin’ down Yarmouth way these days anyway? The Mariners are looking like they are off to a good start.
@reginula great write up — here and for Gatopardo! (I read the Google translate version.)
I’m a CFAer these days, been living in western US for a while now. We do make an annual trek home though.
It’s a beautiful September day here and I can’t bear to spend it in front of a screen.
Happy Independence Day Regina, and happy weekend all!
Nice work, @Reginula!
I clicked through to Gatpardo and it opened up in this tab instead of another! Is that the best for your web-clicking-metrics?
Party in the basement too!
Happy Indy Day
Good morning everyone.
Sloan returns to their One Chord to Another tour. They ended the tour in San Francisco in April – on the day our grandson was born which took precedence over a drive to the City, and they pick it back up on Wednesday in San Jose, which I assume they know the way to. But San Jose is 140 miles away, and that’s just too far on a work day – to get there, and then the dreaded drive home. I told Mike Nelson who is their manager, and it happens to be his birthday today, that he should have restarted their tour here in Sacramento! Ahh, next time.
Hello all!
I look forward to giving A Tribe Called Red a listen. I am especially excited about the collaboration with OKA and the Tanya Tagaq one.
Hey Cam! Nice to “see” you here.
I have a couple of traumatized kitties at my house. My friend moved out of her house and couldn’t take them with her so I agreed to take them in. The cats weren’t very happy with the situation and will take some time to adjust. Especially the older one that she has had for years and has never been out of the house. Yikes!
It was indeed a very good night for Royal Canoe. I had totally decided not to go as I’m tired of throwing good money after bad at that venue. I spent $65 on a jazz fest ticket there and the sound was atrocious. I’m starting to believe that touring bands don’t know how to make the sound work for that place, but the locals do. The sound and lighting was perfect.
Anyways, my friend’s husband decided he rather see the Goldeyes in playoffs than Royal Canoe, so his loss was my gain. Or I dunno, maybe the Goldeyes played great too.
Re: royale canoodle, My wife said the sound wasn’t that good! But she said it was a great show. And that she has been at the record release shows for all three of their albums so she’s qualified as a super fan now.
I love Royal Canoe and wish I could see them.
They did promise me again that they will make it to Regina.
She also said she didn’t like the first song they played, and yet everybody went nuts for it. But everything else was great. And there was some chick in front of her that was on her phone texting/snapping the entire show. Why do people do that? Is real life not interesting enough? The people you are there with not cool enough? You have to constantly be talking to someone else who’s not there? It’s one thing to snap a pic or two, it’s another to be constantly on your phone in public. Resto’s, concerts, bars, arena’s, etc, etc. (those are my thoughts, not hers). Personally, I like Royale Canoo, but I don’t love them. Too much electonica vibes for my personal taste. This is not too say I don’t listen from time to time and I’ve seen them and they put on a great show. I was busy sportsing last night which is why I did not attend.
I don’t want to work today. It’s a beautiful day. I’d like to be out on the river in a kayak, then off to the climbing gym later
unfortunately, I’m in the office…although I will be climbing after work
Good luck with the traumatized kitties, Darbar! It was very kind of you to take them in!
I was tempted to go see them in Ottawa as they still play small clubs everywhere else but fill a soft seat theater here. Where would they play in Regina, DarBar?
Who was L with FT? I saw Cali and her guy (his name escapes me), but basically everyone that wasn’t sportsing was there.
I get why they’re not totally your jam, but they do exactly what I look for. Lots of instrumentation, complex time signatures, samples. I love them in a big way and I’m lucky that I got to go.
@ft – Re: Your comment on “some chick in front of her that was on her phone…” Tom, I experienced that on my first visit to Vancouver in 2009. I was with a bunch of the Vancouver group (before it really developed into the YVR3), and we were at the Biltmore to see The Danks, Spiral Beach, and the band I came to see, Two Hours Traffic. It was a low stage, only about two feet high, and right in front were two girls who were constantly taking selfies of themselves with the bands in the background. I thought it was astonishingly rude, and a distraction to both the band and everyone around them.
not a ton coming for shows here that interest me
the Sadies are playing at Amigos, which is good, because I can go solo and not look awkward, but also kind of sucks because my underage kid would love to see the Sadies but can’t
And MBF will be here mid-Oct. Looking forward to that
(Michael Bernard Fitzgerald. Largely ignored by R3)
@radiohead, yeah I’m pretty much a fan of guitar, drums, bass hahaha. She was with a whole other crew of the usual suspects but they had different seats than cali and ian. I would have liked to have gone though, sounds like it was a time!
@mcflyer, some people are just socially inept (or maybe just plain dumb)
I am addicted to my phone for sure, I get told that all the time, but I’ve made a concerted effort that when I’m out with friends or out to dinner or whatever, that I don’t whip it out and play with it. Nothing is more depressing than looking across to another table and seeing the couple (or a couple friends) sitting there in silence while they both look at their phones. Ugh.
krib, i saw that CFCR lineup – sadies, sheepdogs and public animal (dude from c’mon)
@krib – And I keep thinking most of the artists I want to see are going to Saskatoon. Ha!
@trh, darbar – they’d likely play the Exchange club there. That’s where most bands play.
Agreed. I would think the Exchange would be where they would play here.
O’Hanlons might work for them too.
ummm… tech support? (for 12:03 comment)
I saw public animal at Ness this year. They were really good. Rocked the place, all right
I’ve seen Sheepdogs a few times, and they’re good. Only saw a snippet of the Sadies at Ness a few years ago because we had small kids then and had to tend to bedtime
who’s coming who you want to see?
@krib – Other than Royal Canoe and A Tribe Called Red, I can’t remember at the moment.
@FT, you need to use the full address at the top rather than the link youtube offers you under share
garf, thar she blows. thx!
Peaches was another
oh right, A tribe called red is coming
I’m not sure about Peaches…whether it’d be entertaining or just weird
PUP, July Talk…
I would definitely be making the trip for Peaches if I didn’t have another event going on. I would love to experience one of her shows!
Leopold’s should be opening soon, too…looking forward to checking it out
July Talk? how did I not see that?!?
oh…I see, because it’s not until Dec 6. Have to put that in my calendar
Leopold’s serves Scotch Eggs. Looking forward to that; haven’t had one in ages
I am loving A Tribe Called Red especially with the OKA boys. I love those guys.
I bought my Wintersleep tickets.
pat’s all gung ho to go see peaches here, i don’t think you could pay me to go to that show (especially since i have a hockey game on that night anyway)
chicken shit
exsqueeze me?
Haha! I was inferring that Peaches scares you. :-p
She doesn’t scare me. I don’t like her music, and I don’t give a shit about “performance art”, or whatever you call it that she does. I’ve watched some of her videos and I’ve heard some of her songs. It’s not for me. Why would I go to her show?
that came off as terse, it’s not – just a little more matter of fact than I intended it to be.
You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down , MF!!!
It’s okay, I guess. I was just being a grammar nazi, anyway
You posting 12:49 gave me the “too fast” message which allows me to change my take it easy Tom message now.
I knew it wasn’t your thing and was just teasing.
Was it about my use of the word inferring krib? Save it. *wink
Peaches does scare people though and it seems men most of all.
Darbar: not surprising. Some men might actually like to deal with women like Peaches, or at least like her act. But…
Hi again. Thanks Samara! Thanks Boders (!) Welcome to OurBasemeeeeent. Your comments mean a lot <3
(and thanks a lot for reading the Spanish version too! That’s the version I did for work)
I’ve commented too much today, sorry I’m such a Chatty Cathy.
ft, naw, you’re just being flannelly.
maybe I was about to imply that infer is what the reader does
OMG flight to Costa Rica are booked!
I inferred it and then I implied it.
Gratz funhug!
@reginula great work you! I tried to read the Spanish version but got frustrated with how lacking my skills are so I am very thankful for this post:)
@funhog looks like you may need to brush up on your Spanish as well!
that needs to be added to the R3 dictionary!
I’m going to try to get Old Abe and MarkGage to go to Peaches when they are here next week! I also tried commenting on this site from my phone and was not successful. The site is too big, I think.
si amiga!
Ho bisogno de studiare l’espagnola
Have a great weekend all!
Krib, did you say I need to study spanish…in Italian?
nyett, comrade
I said I need to study Spanish, in Italian
no entiendes ….
Spotify is blocked at my work/camp which I am stuck in for the next 3 weeks, is ther anywhere else I can listen to this. NEED TO HEAR this album