By Michael Wynn
It was late summer 2010, and my third week as a CBC Radio 3 employee. The indie and alternative wing of the CBC Radio network was going through one of its most colourful times in its devotion to promote new and emerging Canadian artists. I was hired as the main web developer at the time – I was the only one they had, as the previous developer left a few months earlier. There were only four of us who worked for Radio 3 out of Toronto: Host Craig Norris, producer Pedro Mendes, host Vish Khanna and myself. Everyone else from Radio 3 was based in Vancouver. In later years, many staff left, or shifted to Toronto and worked under the CBC Music umbrella.
That Monday – September 20, 2010, was not a regular Monday: It was Polaris Music Prize Day. This was Radio 3’s Christmas. The office was buzzing. That morning, it became clear that many more from Vancouver had joined us at CBC Toronto, such as Radio 3 Director Steve Pratt and a multitude of others for this day. Even Grant Lawrence, who would be hosting the gala beside Sarah Taylor of MuchMusic, dropped by before the show.
It was going to be a very special evening. All ten Polaris Prize finalists had confirmed to be playing at the gala. It was only the second time in Polaris history that all nominees had performed live, and it hasn’t happened since.
The 2010 Polaris Prize Finalists were Broken Social Scene for Forgiveness Rock Record; Dan Mangan for Nice, nice, very nice; Tegan & Sara for Sainthood; Owen Pallett for Heartland; The Sadies for Darker Circles; Radio Radio for Belmundo Regal; Shad for TSOL; Karkwa for Les Chemins de Verre; The Besnard Lakes for The Besnard Lakes Are The Roaring Night; Caribou for Swim.
Norris and Mendes were barely in the office as they were getting prepped for the show. As a media partner to Polaris, we were responsible for covering and broadcasting it. By early afternoon, the CBC Mobile Truck was already set up, and the CBC/Radio3 crew were getting things together.
I didn’t even bother asking if I could go. I knew only those involved would get tickets; but once I was in the office, I started feeling the buzz and the fear of missing out. Sometime around early afternoon, I ran into Steve Pratt, my boss. He looked at me with a smile and said, “Michael, would you like to go to Polaris tonight?”. It was a no-brainer. One of my CBC colleagues had come down with something and there was a ticket available.
At the gala, there was an air of excitement and anticipation. The broadcast was classic Radio 3. Khanna was roaming and interviewing bands, and Norris was the point person, with Pedro Mendes handling the producer role. Some Radio 3 listeners were there, such as Monica Skorupski – who would win the Radio 3 Fan of the Year award, a prize the station used to hand out to the most devoted listener- , Dawn Hill, and John Teeter, the first person to ever win the Fan of the year title in 2006. They had volunteered to be ushers and couldn’t partake in the freebies. I remember sneaking beer to Skorupski’s boyfriend at the time.
The whole evening kicked off with Broken Social Scene performing the always intense “Meet me in the basement”, an instrumental anthem about the friendship between the members of the Toronto band.
I believe The Sadies were next. They were great, if not laid back a bit. My highlight musically though had to be Dan Mangan. He started with “Sold”, which blew everyone away. He ended with the sing-a-long of”Robots”. I recall him standing on the tables in the middle of the venue getting us all to sing “Robots need love too…“
Tegan & Sara played acoustically. Owen Pallett – who had already performed his two songs – joined them for a tune. Caribou played an amazing set. Radio Radio and Karkwa also delivered amazing performances. It all ended with Shad, who really got the room grooving.
When Karkwa was announced as the winner everyone was very surprised. No one saw it coming, and it remains one of the most quizzing points in Polaris history. It was the first French language album to win the award, and also the last studio album by the Montreal band to date.
At the end of the evening, I went to check in on with my Radio 3 office mates. I walked in all happy, and said “Wow, wasn’t that amazing?” Everyone looked at me with tired eyes and groaned with exhaustion. To me though, Polaris 2010 was amazing. I was a fan boy at my musical comic-con. I’m still very thankful I was able to experience it.
Amazing memories. Good one.
I joined the R3 community (family?) soon after R3’s showcase at NaNE in 2010 so this would have been the first time I ever heard of the Polaris Music Prize.
Good morning!
Good morning! Thanks for sharing the amazing memories from 2010! I’m looking forward to tonight’s ceremony, though I have no idea who will win.
Great post Michael, what a show that must have been!

Hiii everybody! I’ve been busy with sewing & the kids. Seems like i can post again from my phone, yay!
This was fun, I’m not a writer though! All the cool parts/words are some really good edits by Regina. I hope Pup wins, but I’m sure it will be the one we least suspect.
Some more tidbits, Dave Hodge (sportscaster) was also in attendance to my surprise, apparently he goes every year and is a huge music and canadian music fan.
Also He-who-shall-not- be-named was on the GRAND jury in 2010. And when Grant began the show, he called Sarah Taylor his “Babysitter” in the opening remarks, because she is about a foot taller than him. It was pretty funny, she gave him a real “come on” look afterwards
Thanks @lucky!
My bet is on – 99.9% by Kaytranada, just because I’m the least familiar with it.
Good morning! I really enjoyed this trip down memory lane. Thanks Michael.
@Wynn… oh man. This sounds awesome! I had just discovered R3 in April of 2010, or so. So at the time I didn’t know what it all meant. Great write up.
Thanks All! BTW – I may be jamming tonight at Hemingway’s Open Mic, in Toronto, if anyone is around. I know, i know it’s Polaris Day, so you’re all busy.
I’ll be doing it again in a couple weeks, for those in the TO area, anyways. So I guess I’ll miss the show tonight too
G’day, g’day. Trust you all had a fine weekend. Mine was nice; filled with woods, water, mosquitos, hockey, brunch & beer. Team Canada looks like a fine force indeed.
Polaris 2010… I was freshly settled in the west. Living on Wallace St. in Regina and I recall streaming the Polaris Prize gala on my old laptop, kind of half paying attention, mostly watching it for the live performances. In previous years (Or maybe just the previous year?) I had only streamed audio for it. I definitely remember listening to an audio stream the year Fucked Up won. The year Karkwa won, I don’t have any concrete memories of watching/listening, but I must have been. I don’t think I really knew any of you people at that time.
I kind of doubt I’ll be watching/listening to the Polaris tomorrow… maybe a little. I don’t think I have see/heard it the last three years or so… the last time I remember actually watching, or attempting to watch due to technical difficulties was when Feist won. I think this year White Lung – Paradise will win, but that is pure speculations.
An enjoyable read, Michael.
And hello everyone.
Oh, helloooo.
Very nice write up by Mr. Wynn. A piece of history!
Are ya ready for Polaris Night? Part of me feels like it’s my super bowl.
Also, the US Dollar exchange rate is making me sad. 10 years ago was 10 pesos – 1 USD. Today it reached the 20 pesos mark. First time in history
I still have very high hopes in Andy Shauf. I think he coooould.
Also rooting for Pup and Basia Bulat.
I had a great weekend! Friday was chill, Saturday I went out with a group of friends and had too much fun. Yesterday, I had a third date with a new girl. She is a professional opera and musical theatre singer and a voice pedagogist. We had a great time. I watched her rehearse yesterday at Portland Opera. Then we did at 13.66km run around the river and trail near downtown Portland, then off to a cool place for beer and great food, we then really connected well. 3rd date is on Tuesday, hee.
@Justin She sounds cool and great!
Good luck!
Thank @Reg!
@justin, she’s a runner? Sounds like a good match!
Good morning/afternoon all.
Thanks for contributing this article Michael!
I remember a Polaris broadcast (or some other awards show) where Grant was wearing a white or cream coloured suit, and he looked kind of ridiculous, and kind of like a deer in the headlights.
That sounds awesome Justin! BTW – I dropped in to Talia’s going away party last Friday, she had her whole family there, it was pretty cool. I was the only other outsider, felt weird to say the least.
@Wynnzie you’re no outsider! You’re a good guy who needed to be at that party.
(You cool insider!)
My (long) weekend:
Mexican Independence Party on Thursday night. Food babies for everyone!
Slow Friday. Went shopping and hunt Pokemon at large park I haven’t been to in ages, too bad it’s so far away ’cause it’s very nice! Like, picnic material even.
Saturday went to a wedding with Mom. Realized I need to save a lot of money for my dream wedding that is actually going to be my dream mini-festival. Wondered about what you guys dance at weddings since you don’t have cumbias.
Sunday. Slept a lot
hello everyone.
reg, what is a cumbias
@Tiff It’s a tropical music genre (from Colombia I think). This is what you dance at weddings, bahaha. (Does this embed like this?)
Like all tropical/regional genres, it is regarded as veeeeery tacky, but they are very fun to dance to. I can’t really dance those (I’m terrible at couple-y dancing) but it’s always fun to try.
Cumbias, is that pronounced like Kumbayas? I’m pretty sure I know what a Kumbaya is. Or at least I’ve sung it around many campfires, “Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya…” etc.
@Wynnzie haha, no no. it’s pronounced like coom-bee-ass (I think. Where’s Steve Venegas? Or Chopz? haha). Kumabaya is too slow and chill and drama-free, haha.
Here’s another!
Wait, Talia is no longer at CBC? Wha…? Where is she going? I was wondering who that imposter was on Radio 2 this morning!
Talia Schlanger joins World Cafe as Contributing Host and Radio Producer
My friend Karen’s piece on the new ‘play nice’ rules for the polaris jurors – specifally what did or did not come out of Grant and the guy from Canadaland’s beef last year.
@Tiff Great piece!
(Tho I wonder what this means to Grant’s status as a juror)
@garf (I’m guessing) thanks for fixing the embeds. (Now dance!)
That Canadaland guy ( is a cry baby. Did you read his piece last year about it?
de nada, all I did was move the links onto the next line
@Tiff That piece I remember as “Grant Lawrence made a joke and I almost started World War III because of that”?
@Tiff He is a cry baby. I know people who worked with him at the Ceeb. They’ve mentioned similar things to me about him.
Some thoughts on that article and the Polaris changes:
Not allowing negative comments in the forum doesn’t make sense to me, if it does go beyond the music though and is actually criticizing something else, I hope the group can at least call that out. Kind of like the whole free speech thing, which allows people to say what they want, but is open to public scrutiny.
There was a poll a few years ago about the most favourite/popular Rock band in North America, turns it it was Nickelback, You know who was the least favourite? Nickelback as well. Just goes to show that seeing the whole picture is better than just one side.
Good morning gang!
Great memories Wynn!
Costa Rica trip is a go. Flights and accommodation are booked. Staying in a quaint shack for 3 weeks @ $20/night in Playa Negra.
Thanks @Funhug! (? used to be funhog no?) @Tiff, sorry I meant the Canadaland guy himself… not the “johnniereg” dude, I don’t know him at all.
I thought bullying was bad? Or is it ok? I don’t know these days. Maybe it’s ok when it’s a crybaby on the receiving end?
yep yep and yep to all.
I’ll try to listen as most Polaris short listed albums as I can today. Three down already.
Is a negative comment bullying? I don’t think it always is, but it can definitely go too far. And when it does, I’d hope someone would call them out on it. How can you have a debate without negative comments? They don’t have to be personal attacks though, it’s all subjective anyways,
I like the colour blue while you like the colour red because blue makes me feel better inside.
From what I remember Grant was accused of calling someone a “social justice warier” but when someone else went back through the conversation they couldn’t find him saying that anywhere.
Good read on Billboard about how the Polaris Prize works….
If Grant called someone a Social Justice Warrior… seemingly he did not though. But wouldn’t that be a compliment? I guess it could have had a negative tone. And I just don’t see Grant getting personal is that way.
tiffy 10:56 fully agree, I read his stuff (Regalado) last year, and hooooo boy. Looking forward to reading about the new rules.
there’s a cool new music video for Mind Over Matter by TUNS
Love this article Wynnsie! Thanks for the memories. The Regina R3 crew gathered in GibsonGuitarist’s basement that year and watched the show and commented on the blog with our laptops. It was a fun night and I will never forget Matty’s face when Karkwa won! Priceless. He is still pissed off about it. Ha!
I think perhaps the Polaris is all the more “fun” for the variety of people it pisses off when their artist or band doesn’t win.
I gotta say Carly Rae is better than the regular-pop-I-hear-on-Uber-rides. I understand it aims that same audience, but its production is cleaner and it feels a bit more honest, to say it in a way.
(But I’m on song four and i’m very conscious of it. Oh, Uber music)
“Gylve ‘Fenriz’ Nagell has made a career evoking dread and evil with the legendary Norwegian metal band Darkthrone. Now the musician has a new gig – town councillor – and he’s not too pleased about it.
Kolbotn, a suburb of Oslo, will have Nagell as an alternate representative on the council after residents overwhelmingly voted him in despite his attempt stay out of local politics.” (…)
Black Mountain and Andy Shauf are on the top of my Polaris Prize hope list. PUP, White Lung and US Girls in the next grouping. I still think Jessy Lanza is in the running to win it.
I was giving Carly Rae a listen and it’s not bad. Still too poppy for my taste but it didn’t seem as sugary as I was expecting.
I’m on a Grimes kick lately, meaning I’ve been listening to her a lot. But I don’t know that I could say that her album deserves $50,000 more than Black Mountain, or Carly Rae Jepsen. Which is why I work in education, not the music industry
“Just rate these ten albums on the scale of artfulness.” 1 to 10.
Easy. ;-s)
To me, I don’t think IV is Black Mountain’s best album but I need to grab it so I can get to know it better. I don’t really like their first (S/T) album either, but Into The Future and Wilderness Heart are both excellent. I wouldn’t mind if they won though.
10 Andy Shauf
9 Basia Bulat
7 Black Mountain
(and after these is where controversy is unleashed)
1 grimes anyway
And I’m not even sure of those ^ all those deserve to be an 8 or 9 at least.
So I suppose there’s a livestream? CBC Music maybe?
@Benoit CBC Music will be livestreaming it.
Reginula, do you know if it’s geofenced? Their Polaris music stream is.
@Darbs I’m noticing the “Really really really really really (really?) like you song” is as bubblegum as it gets, and it’s way bubblegummier (?) than the rest.
@Janet it usually isn’t. I don’t think it’ll be.
(It better not be)
I’m hoping not too. I know I’ve streamed it before, but that was when I could still listen to CBC Radio 3
reg, we need a scale of bubblegumminess
Carly Rae used to be a singer songwriter on Radio 3 and CBC Music (the sites), before 2012, I think she even put an acoustic version of Call me maybe up there, her sound wasn’t as poppy at first, it’s been popified for maximum selling potential.
Thanks Darbs for the compliment.
@FT I also need to listen to this latest from Black Mountain, I think I may have missed most of it.
I know this will outrage many of you but Basia bores me.
@Tom – You should listen to IV some more. I think it is one that the more you hear it the more you hear in it.
@Janet Just asked! Worldwide streaming. We’re good!
@Benoit I need bubblegum brands ’cause I’m only familiar with the local ones, hahaha.
@Darbar It’s ok! That’s the importance of a diverse jury.
Hooray! Thanks for checking Reginula!
I love that people have different tastes in music!
Spotify introduced me to Moon Hooch today. I like it but not everyone would.
BAZOOKA bubble gum, also DUBBLE BUBBLE.
Cute story: at the Sandbanks festival this Saturday, where I heard Sloan and Jim Bryson and Snowblink etc. — it was a snall thing, maybe 600 people — there was a private entrepreneur who pushed around a wheelbarrow full of candy and gum and chips and stuff (he’d bought huge containers, and was selling them by the piece — well, not the chips.).
Anyway, I asked him if he’d seen kids try their first DUBBLE BUBBLE bubble gum, the real, sweet stuff, and get all impossibly wide-eyed THAT SUCH STUFF EVEN EXISTS, he laughed and said yes, many times.
Carly Rae has some other bubblegum peaks. Like, you can easily point out which ones were thought of as potential singles.
@Benoit – From FB pics it looked like the Teeter family was there as well. Looked like a great little festival!
Oh Dubble Bubble. I loved that stuff when I was a kid. And the comics too.
Yes, Teeter & fam., & also Frank Hannan. (In person, tb3’s daughter is very, very shy. So don’t believe those wild pictures, in a way.)
I can relate.
I am very excited for Polaris.
It’s like my Super Bowl.
I may not like the outcome, but it’s a celebration of something I adore. Asdfghjkl let’s get snacks.
R3 on Sirius is doing NOTHING with Polaris?
@Reg, Do they have a brief interlude of sport at half time?
That reminds me, I should make one of those boards
Afternoon folks,
I have been having issues with the CBC music streams. I use the CBC music app, on my iPad mini and use a wireless speaker. It is forever stopping and I have to go in and restart it. It has an error message saying it will reload but it doesn’t. So, I usually give up and listen to anything else I can. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
BTW the CBC Radio app works fine for me, but it is only Radio One and Two as well as Tuned in and Spotify.
I’m getting ready for tonight’s Polaris Prize, I went to the CBC music website on my computer to play music there, but that will not play at all! WTF?
@shonica, Maybe ask CBC Music on FB, if they know what’s happening? Call them out on it so-to-speak? Russ @R3 on Sirius is just a robot programmed to play R3 Oldies… Plus maybe sirius doesn’t want polaris on their stream, as they aren’t the Broadcaster any more.
Hi Shonica. I have a problem with the stream a lot. I play it until it gives me too much trouble and then I move on to somewhere else.
@Benoit, I saw Jim Bryson last weekend. He opened for Danny Michel. Jim was hilarious between songs.
When I was in the office on Friday, I told most there that I don’t listen anymore, they didn’t seem surprised. But no one told me officially that the numbers were down, you’d have to think they are. The Hip thing gave them a momentary boost, but there isn’t much to listen to these days.
Apparently, the show ‘Q’ is now under CBC Music, I was surprised by that. It used to be a Radio1 show and was under that group organizationally, (it will still be heard on Radio1 though)
@Benoit, also, how was Snowblink? I like them.
Okay, I figured out I needed to update Adobe flash on my computer so that at least is working now. Phew
Operators is playing on R3 stream
I just realzed the Polaris is tonight… had been thinking it was tomorrow!
I saw a thing that PUP posted on instagram, saying they’re getting sauced in euprope tonight and their parents will be at the gala and running their social media from them, with the hashtag #PUPsParentsAtPolaris
I feel bad I didn’t make it out to see Snowblink last night, I did want to go. I was being a tired & grumpy cat last night and just didn’t want to go out.
Darbar, I went here to find some inform the cbcmusic app streaming issue, it is possible my iPad mini is too old, but it has no trouble with other sites?
I am mostly on an old computer at work that I can’t upgrade the OS on anymore. I will have to start playing it from the other computer I guess.
@DBS, My computer?
Yes, Wynn Funhog in a previous life. Someone put it like “Potential playground bully to playground peacemaker” or something to that effect. It was worded way better.
@Funhug [thumbs up]
D.O.A. and Dayglo Abortions this Thursday @ YEG! woot woot
y’know, I don’t know why, but FunHUG makes me think of these
I’m guessing that link is NSFW, Krib
@Garf – Yuppers!
maybe it’s a silly gag gift. Nothing to risque, except that one of the “customers who bought this also bought” links at the bottom is for vaginal tightener, so I guess it might be
no graphic pictures or anything though
and a thing called sex grease…eww
I got a text message on Saturday night from my daughter, she is on holiday in NYC!
– Hey! Just wanted to check in with you. There was a bomb that went of in New York today. We are safe!-
I’m not sure I slept much/well that night, even though everything is okay, it is a little nerve-rattling with her being there.
I always carry an extra pair of fundies!
New glasses day! I can see clearly now!
has the rain gone now?
Big game tonight for the Goldeyes! I’d go but it’s in Wichita.
@Shomica, I haven’t taken as much notice of them as I should have this year. Is this a 3 game series?
This is Game 5 of a five game series.
Ah, the news story I saw on their site was talking about the series being tied 1-1
Touchy Typophile, she-they were fine. All bands were excellent. Sloan, I must say, had excellent harmonies. On-note always.
@Garf Please come take a look at the meeting room, svp
[…] Polaris Music Prize 2010: A night with a surprising winner, ten magnificent performances and roaring CanCon spirit. […]
We’ve been scooped!
hello friends.
great write up @wynzie! it brings back ton’s of memories. i promise i won’t wax on about the golden years;) great to see the convo’s that have been sparked too!
What does this even mean o_o
@morgana – That night was one of those blog breaking nights with all the comments. There were so many of us online watching and blogging at the same time. Glory days indeed!
last weekend i was at a party and a fellow had a Karkwa t-shirt on. it started a two hour conversation!
@darbar are there plans to keep posting here tonight?
Now you mention blogging for Polaris:
We got you a shiny new post for Polaris live blogging. Tell your friends!
@shonica a text like that is sure to make any parents heart stop. so glad she messaged you with good news though!
Fantastic morgana! I was at a record store on Saturday and heard a guy asking about Wintersleep’s album. I asked him if he was going to see them when they play here. He hadn’t heard and was happy I told him. That also led to a long conversation but not 2 hours. hehe
And that is fantastic as well reginula! Woohoo!
@reginula COOL! You guys are doing such a bang up job in the basement. Thanks a million times over!!
I’ll be happy to see them when pick them up on Sunday morning.
Thanks you guys! Now please don’t forget to join that blog and chat a lot
I will do my best reginula!
I’ll be here
or there
People are chatting there already so feel free to be anywhere, hahaha
I’ll be back after I make and eat dinner
Again, I’ll be over there: