It’s Polaris Music Prize night. A band, or a performer, will walk home with the $50,000 novelty cheque for creating the best Canadian album of the year, based on artistic merit. The gala will take place at the Carlu in Toronto.
Take a final look at the 2016 Polaris Music Prize short list.
Andy Shauf, Black Mountain, Basia Bulat, Carly Rae Jepsen, Jessy Lanza, U.S. Girls and White Lung will be performing tonight. Grimes and Kaytranada, who are also shortlist nominees, will be attending. PUP won’t be part of the ceremony since the band is in the middle of an European tour.
You can follow the gala on the live stream below.
Who are you rooting for? What has been your favourite performance? Is your favourite album of the year in the shortlist? Join our live discussion below.
Andy Shauf for the win?
(But also rooting for Basia Bulat and PUP)
I tried to listen as many shortlisted albums as I could today. Five down now!
excited to listen/watch the show tonight – not sure I will get to chat cause I am in victoria and that is dinner/bath time with the kids -but also really happy this site exists and that there is a place to chat!
Black Mountain!
definitely cheering for Basia Bulat or Pup but there are a few good options to win this year
I’m going to meditation, but i’ll be back in an hour all zen’d out to watch the awards show
Hi Tyler! Thanks for joining us! It’s a very good shortlist indeed!
@tiffy my class is later tonight so that is why i will be missing the polaris fun … or maybe i will try this
Andy or Basia!
Andy or Black Mountain!
@Darbs I wonder what the win would mean to your local boy!
i have distracted from the short list by the new royal canoe and tribe called red …
Hello! I’m excited to watch here tonight! I have no idea who should win, but after listening to all the albums over the past couple days I discovered I didn’t hate the Carly Rae album, even though I thought I would, and I was surprised by how much I liked the Kaytranada album.
@Morgana Two strong competitors for next year’s Polaris! I’m 90% ATCR will be on the shortlist.
@reginula agreed! but we are getting ahead of ourselves;)
@Morgana Hahahaha, I know, I know.
The gala starts in less than an hour!
Hey team… I was “Trail” on the old CBC chat but my work blocked me from it and now I can’t seem to find it. but in my search came across this wonderful site! really happy it exists
Dum dedum dedum
Hi Tyler! Glad you found us.
doot doola doot doo
doot doot
hi tyler, welcome back to the party! a bunch of us share playlists on Spotify as well. Do you use Spotify?
15 minutes to go! Uuuh, please rescue me from work.
I’m back, I’ll be trying to keep an ear on the Goldeyes game radio only, watch Polaris and chat, plus get some work done all at the same time.
speaking of Spotify; do any of you remember me asking for upbeat songs for my Argentinian guests to use as background music for their web site?
I ended up making them a playlist on Spotify with some of your suggestions. Please add recommendations.
@reginula PFD tossed!
@morgana Not really related, but are your Argentinian guests familiar with Bajofondo? They’re my favourite Latin American band.
I’m also going to attempt to work while watching and chatting, we’ll see how that goes!
they have left now but i was promised a Spotify list from them of their favourite Argentinian musicians so I will let you know once they get it to me. For now I could sneak a listen …
5 minutes, last call for predictions
Gabriel Palatchi!
haha I had to refresh, but I knew who it was.
I want to go with DarBar to see BlackMountain perform live just to see her look for a keyboard when they start playing
Oh man, I just have to say this once, I do not like Tom Power. But I’m glad that CBC is playing such a big role with Polaris again. AUX TV was just too flashy, IMO.
@garfielduk ha ha!
I do love them so!
@DBS, I hadn’t noticed
@TRH hey, nice to see you! Homey not flashy for you hey:) Who is your pick tonight?
I”m read for Black Mountain to win if they’re going to use their winnings for nachos for the world!
I think they are after the Lana Gay vote
Does she know anything about Black Mountain? I think not.
@Garf – I do a lot of vocal Wooohoooing when I see them live.
She thinks they’re awesome. Nachos are awesome. I’m sure she thinks Einstein is awesome.
Where’s Vish? I prefer his interviews to that one.
So awesome!
Hello Friends! Just tuning in now:)
Hiya Old Abe. You missed Black Mountain!
Baseball update for Garfy,
Bottom of the first Goldeyes 2 Wingnuts 0
where’s the thumbs up thing on here?
Just got here from home… kids are in the bath… have I missed much?
I got chastised for posting too fast, does that mean I have to type it all over again?
TRH, Copy before posting
I see Kirk of Doom has been mentioned already
what is all of this dead air space?
I’m guessing they are changing over between bands
It happens if someone else is posting at the same time.
Longest break ever!!
For sure but we need to be entertained while the technical, behind the scenes stuff is being done!
We should just hire Craig and Vish to fill in the breaks for us next time
Guys, I have to be honest, Jessy Lanza does not do it for me. I just can’t get into her music.
I was just about to write “nope” – not doing it for me either – talented? clearly… just not for me.
Ah, I see. I wondered how you could push a button too fast. Copy before posting it is.
What I was saying was hellooooo Morgana. I’d be happy if any of the louder bands won, I do love that PUP album. It’s a good list this year though.
Old Abe, you are in my city! It’s not normally this windy, honestly!
That has been my stance on Jessy…she is talented and it is a good album but noy my thing.
I do think she has a good chance of winning it.
I recall one of the fill in R3 hosts trying to convince me that I’d like her because she was electronic. Yikes.
I just got home!! I feel like i’ve missed it all lol
I’m hoooooome
@theradiohead. I will be in your fair city tomorrow morning
@darbar – I just realized that. I trust I will be able to find it somewhere,
(and I’m livetweeting on @our_basement. Well, trying to)
Oh man, I can just go back in the stream for the Black Mountain! Nice
Hi Old Abe!
@Old Abe – Glad you can see it!
Oh good, Old Abe. The winds brought in some nice warm, dry air just for you guys.
4-0 Goldeyes after of 2
Grant is tweeting about Polaris
Hey everyone! This Black Mountain is making me very happy.
The Basia Bulat show here at WECC just sold out yesterday. Glad I saw her this summer, she is really something. I do miss her more frequent playing of the autoharp though. I guess part of a symphony is a good replacement.
Basia just doesn’t do it for me.
Really DarBar? I am surprised!
I think Basia performed the songs I like the least from her album, hahaha
Good evening. Just tuning in. Not a fan of Ms. Bulat either.
You know what it probably is? Not enogh percussion for me. I am so predictable that way and I am just realizing that is probably what it is.
It has always been my dream to introduce a band I love at Polaris, Bahaha. maybe some day.
“A lot of crying, a lot of shouting” what about the years Grant isn’t on the Grand Jury?
@Garf BAHAHA, you should totally put that on your Twitter and tag Grant
did you guys notice that Loweeda’s tweet was featured?
@Darbs, I don’t like her voice much, and generally the music’s a bit too mellow for me.
@Tiffy, so was KirkOfDoom earllier
@Wes – Her voice is pleasant and I do like when she plays other instruments but mostly I find the music boring.
@Reginula – you’re Polaris famous
@Janet What?! Am I?
I saw Regina’s tweet about being like Basia.
I missed it! hahaha. But thanks for letting me now! CMac sent me a screenshot
That was great, I liked Finn
Go Andy!!
It really is a great album!
Yes, Darbar I agree and he will be here next week! Go Andy!
If I ever see him live, I’ll cry like at a funeral.
Reginula, If you can get here by next Thursday you can go with me I have two tickets for Andy.
my stream keeps unstreaming!!
YES make it happen please, Jeff and Andy!
That was pretty fantastic! I hope it does happen.
@Shonica I’d love, love to.
That is what it sounded like! But then he said “We’ll see”
Great job Andy. It is one of those albums that gets better and better each time you listen to it.
Whoa. I’ve become an Andy Shauf fan
HAHAHAAHAH, I just saw my tweet about Andy Shauf.
Old Abe, I saw him open for Jordan Klassen in a same venue here in Winnipeg so long ago and loved his songs right away.
small venue
to be honest, I have no idea what carly rae jepsen’s music sounds like. Other than call me maybe song.
There has been Andy Shauf buzz around here in Regina for a long time. I am glad more people are finding out about him.
@tiffy – The new stuff is a little less sugary.
reg, so did I. King of your tears!
Why do I have to live so far east of Canada? I need caffeine!
What are these albums they’re reviewing? I wasn’t paying attention to the intro…
Oh, vote for best album of yesteryear?
You’d think she’d be embarrassed being there in a room of talented musicians.
Wes, yes, the whatever family award for them past hit elpees.
I don’t think the sound mix is quite right for White Lung.
Not sure it’s the sound mix.
Her voice is brutal.
I think she might be sick.
It’s punk man.
I liked the White Lung album, but something seemed off during the performance
It is part of it for this type of music. White Lung rocks!
Who endorsed White Lung? Turned away for a sec
Amber Tamblyn
@Reg, Amber Tamblyn (I’m far too slow)
How many is that now, I’ve lost count
Ha, a @snares tweet up there, Winnipeg electronic composer extraordinaire. I wouldn’t have imagined he was interested in Polaris, but he’s endorsing US Girls.
5 -0 Goldeyes, bottom of the sixth
US Girls are on my wishlist. I liked what I heard.
I hope I can get through this.
@Shonica, woohoo
Nice cello tho
Carly Rae’s got a voice, though. Whether my type of music or not…
If I didn’t know she is a bubblegum pop star, I wouldn’t be able to tell from that performance. Good stuff.
Ya, I’ll admit she sounds more mature, for sure.
nope. I don’t like her.
Carly and Basia are similar in my mind. They both have good voices and their music doesn’t interest me.
@Shonica, I think the Goldeyes have won this 7-0 top 7th
8-0 now
How many times can we hear Space Camp or whatever it is? I actually like it but ugh…
Carly’s not really my jam either, but I can see the appeal of the album
Just popping in to say hi to you peoples.
Hi Yort!
Hello you person
As much as I love albums as an art form, I’ve always been lackadaisical about Polaris.
Is that Basia on backing vocals?
I think it is
What kind of accent is that woman from US Girls singing in?
I am loving US Girls!!
@DBS, but there were no drums #confused
oh I like this.
They were snapping fingers. :-p
huge bowie influence
@Reg, I just spotted this on the twitters
Ryan McNutt @RyanMcNutt 3 minutes ago Halifax, Nova Scotia
Basia Bulat and Meghan Remy singing backup for one another: one of the coolest parts of tonight’s #Polaris2016 ceremony.
Fuck you, WP.
I was NOT commenting too quickly.
we really need to fix that
@Garf – It is not a hard and fast rule that it must have percussion for me to like it. I have just noticed when I really like something and when I don’t like something, percussion or the lack of it is usually a factor. Not always, just usually. Clearer?
this is my fave performance of the night (I missed a few in the beginning though)
@DBS, You don’t need to explain it to me A) I was teasing 2) My opinion doesn’t matter.
I know Garf.
Yay Buffy!!
Can I be outraged yet? Has the winner been announced?
Suspend your outrage for ten more minutes or so.
Not yet! Who are you rooting for, deiru? (and welcome!)
@Dale, Just pick something else to be outraged at to keep you going until the winner is announced
Also, that theme with the wavy organ…
who do we all think is going to win???
Well the chatroom on youtube is pissed. Mostly.
could all the outraged people form an orderly queue behind Dale please
@BfO, Now I remember why one of the first things I do on a youtube live stream is close the chat window
#justiceforjepsen now exists. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Well, goodnight I guess.
my alarm is due to go off in 4.5 hours and I am wondering if there is any point in going to bed
garf: yes.
I have listened to some of his music but not the album… not sure what to think other than he was not on my radar. Perhaps because they have never really embraced other amazing hip hop albums in the past.
produced by emma godmere!
@Tyler, Isn’t that the first Hip Hop album to win?
morgana, crikey! That would be buckets of sweat to produce!
prizes aside I think Andy’s performance was the best of the night.
That was his debut album right?
Ya, Shauf’s a serious talent. Ok, I’m off the ‘puter. Goooooooooooood night.
I am pretty sure that was the first hip hop album. I have always wanted shad to win with his albums that have been nominated.
10-2 now
Oh yeah? #JusticeForShauf
@reginula didn’t listen to all the albums this year, so not totally informed like normal, but I rooting for PUP
Also, it makes me angrier that he didn’t perform at the gala, almost like the Godspeed year.
@Dale They were my second choice, after Shauf. Amazing album too.
This guy from earlier today
Michael Wynn · September 19, 2016 at 06:36
My bet is on – 99.9% by Kaytranada, just because I’m the least familiar with it.
I can start being outraged at next year’s Polaris when A Tribe Called Red gets snubbed again. Man Halluci Nation was an awesome album.
@Shonica I was looking for that, hahaha.
@Deiru That one has to be shortlisted AT LEAST.
Wynnzie called it.
I have Nofa King who this is.
hahahahaha I so remember that post
It’s been fun kids. Night all!
Who? What album? How am I so out of the loop? Don’t even know if I can be outraged.
Talia just tweeted,
23, lives with his parents and shares a room with his brother. Makes Polaris winning record.
I had Kaytranada 6th on my list. I hadn’t heard of him before but did like what I heard. He has worked on other people’s albums though right?
Night everyone, sounds like I got some new music to listen to tomorrow.
g’night folks
Fish win! Fish Win!
Final score Goldeyes 11- Wingnuts 4