By Regina Sienra
Royal Canoe, the extraordinary band from Winnipeg, released the vibrant album Something Got Lost Between Here And The Orbit less than a week ago. The record, the first in three years, has been praised for its colorful sounds, experimental textures and full-on groove. Now, the band is taking their new sounds to the road.
“We spent the better part of the last two years holed up in our little studio space developing the ideas for this record, exploring and indulging every possible angle of failure, wrestling with the absurd”, reads a statement about the new album on their Facebook page. “It was the most fulfilling, difficult and inspiring period all at once. What an absolute honour it was to work with Ben Allen, John Paul Peters, Andy Rudolph, Joe Lambert and all of the other wonderful humans without whom this record would never have happened”.
The six-piece is well known for their vibrant live shows, and if there’s anything we’ve learned from Something Got Lost Between Here And The Orbit, is that Royal Canoe can always get more brilliant.
Check out the new Royal Canoe album and their tour dates below.
SEPT 23 – LOS ANGELES, CA @ The Hi Hat
SEPT 24 – DAVIS, CA @ Sophia’s Thai Kitchen
SEPT 25 – SAN FRANCISCO, CA @ Brick & Mortar Music Hall
SEPT 28 – PORTLAND, OR @ Holocene Portland
SEPT 30 – VANCOUVER, BC @ Imperial Vancouver
OCT 1 – VICTORIA, BC @ Lucky Bar, Victoria
OCT 3 – ROSSLAND, BC @ The Flying Steamshovel
OCT 5 – CALGARY, AB @ Marquee Beer Market & Stage
OCT 6 – RED DEER, AB @ Bo’s Bar and Grill
OCT 7 – EDMONTON, AB @ Up + Downtown Music Festival
OCT 8 – SASKATOON, SK @ Capitol Music Club
OCT 18 – KINGSTON, ON @ The Mansion Kingston
OCT 19 – QUEBEC CITY, QC @ Bar L’Anti
OCT 20 – FREDERICTON, NB @ The Capital Complex
OCT 21 & 22 – HALIFAX, NS @ Halifax Pop Explosion
OCT 26 – ST. CATHARINES, ON @ L3 Nightclub
OCT 27 – TORONTO, ON @ Lee’s Palace
OCT 28 – OTTAWA, ON @ Zaphod Beeblebrox
OCT 29 – MONTREAL, QC @ La Vitrola
OCT 30 – BURLINGTON, VT @ Higher Ground
NOV 1 – BOSTON, MA @ Great Scott
NOV 2 – PHILADELPHIA, PA @ Boot & Saddle
NOV 5 – NEW YORK, NY @ Mercury Lounge
NOV 7 – COLUMBUS, OH @ Rumba Cafe
NOV 9 – CHICAGO, IL @ Beat Kitchen
NOV11 – DES MOINES, IA @ Vaudeville Mews
NOV 12 – MINNEAPOLIS, MN @ First Avenue & 7th St Entry
Good morning!
Hello! How are things in the proximate US?
Scary if you read the news.
Sad if you watch World Cup hockey.
Good morning!
Russ, re scary: The cops are completely scared for their lives, I think. (Not trying to whitewash them, you’ll see) It’s gotten to that. I personally can’t explain these killings by assuming bad intentions in the cop every time — many times, well…, yeah; but there are many other times where it’s hard to understand the action otherwise than because of “hyperaware cop” — they behave as if they were on the front line in Afghanistan. Shoot first and ask questions later. But “To serve and protect”, where does that go?
Let me throw a few factors together:
(next post; tech. bug)
Let me throw a few factors together:
Open carry, or concealed carry, or even just the huge number of guns MULTIPLIED BY cop training (self defense first, shoot to kill, not disable) MULTIPLIED BY everyone’s exposure to media, which inevitably multiply the apparent size of risk through mere publication. And cops know of cops being killed, in addition. It’s actually a wonder things aren’t worse.
I mean, in many parts of the States, you’re supposed to be able to publicly carry a gun; but what good does that do you if the police take the attitude that you’re armed and dangerous??? Which is something that happens a lot to Blacks, familiar with being stopped for DWB (!). It’s a constant trainwreck waiting to happen again and again…
(As a single post, it was so long that it was making the Post button disappear.)
Well that really stirred things up…
Out for a while, TTFN.
Good morning everyone!
I’m bummed that I won’t get to see Royal Canoe while they are in the US, I’m digging the new album and think they would be fun to see.
Hey….Royal Canoe plays in Portland on my birthday! And at Holocene which is a great venue…..
No DET date.
JG, you’re a Libra, too?
RC is playing here the same day as the Sadies are in town for a CFCR fundraising show, and it’s Thanksgiving weekend. So, assuming I’m around and going out to a show, I’ll be at the Sadies
They are playing Manchester over here in at the end of January and I am thinking of going
I don’t get any Royal Canoe ’cause I don’t get anything Canadian and cool 99.7 of the time.
Russ, Columbus is your closest. Not exactly your backyard.
Hi friends. I’m back home. Now to recuperate the rest of the week.
Now, for a rare on topic comment from me: Royal Canoe is here in town – or actually 15 miles west over in Davis at Sophia’s Thai Kitchen, an odd little place where the venue is actually on a patio outdoors, where I’ve seen Said The Whale, The Matinee and The Wooden Sky at. September 24. This coming Saturday. Any other time, but I’m not in any condition to go out and stand and watch a band play. Heck, if I wanted to do that, Sloan is in San Jose 140 miles away, tonight. But I’d probably opt out anyway. I’ve seen Royal Canoe before, and more important, September 24 marks five years since Peggy and I met.
So Justin, enjoy seeing them in Portland on your birthday!
@mccflyer… I have not see RC yet, so yes, will be total fun.
AND… I can wear my R3 Toque to the show! … thanks again @Deiru! (Secret Santa)
Good morning folks! Off to YEG later today.
I wish Royal Canoe were coming to Regina! They have promised me that they will be soon though.
Congrats Lee. Rest up and feel better!
That would be a fantastic way to spend a birthday justin!
liking the Nirvana coverage on kexp this week.
@Funhug me too! The music and the stories from the hotline!
Howdy folks.
What’s YEG?
Hellooo. Just left the third interview. O_O
yay reg!
i’m on my couch sick
I plan on sleeping until tomorrow and waking up not sick. That is the plan.
Feel good reginula?
Good luck with that play tiffy!
Yeg. A term referring to the city of Edmonton, Canada. Originated from the airport code yeg. Frequently used on Twitter. #yeg traffic is crazy today.
Playing for Change Day is this Saturday! Find an event near you or start one! Bringing global social change through music. It’s a good thing.
I feel unsure, hahaha. The lady I talked to said she will be checking with the team and HR and I could be hearing from them later this week. At one point she said “you like the city? You’re in the right place?”. I think I hugely screwed in some parts but oh, whatever. Please cross your fingers for me.
And toes…
Everyone always feels like they screw up interviews lol. I know that feeling!
Hoping you get the good word soon reginula! *fingers crossed
Thanks, guys!
@Tiff Bahaha, i do feel this!
Fingers crossed Reginula! I always feel like I screw up the interviews, but the ones I feel worst about I usually end up with an offer, so I’m sending that karma down to you!
@Tiff… YEG is the airport code for Edmonton.
I could recite all kinds of airport codes to you, especially little ones you never even heard of. CYAV and CYBW for example. In my job I’ve been in a lot of rinky dink little airports.
I have a hoody that says YWG, NVP’s partner wanted one when she was here but mine was just screen printed by some dudes I don’t even know. 1 of 50 maybe. All Canadian airporsts are CY_ _ . Like all boats are HM_ _
Get well soon @tiff!
sorry, HMCS __
speak airport codes to me
your so kinky, funhug!
I love airport cooodes.
You can enter the name and then hit the “Look Up” button to find the aerodrome ID on this website. Then you too can talk the talk!
Qi talking airport codes
Ours is just MEX. Cancún is CUN, Tijuana is TIJ, Puerto Vallarta is PVR…
The Millencolin show I was interested in is sold out. Should have got a ticket back when I originally thought I guess. Frig.
@ft D’OH
Did you guys see the tweet from Mother Mother about the bassist, Jeremy leaving the band?
Begonia (Alexa of Chic Gamine) did a tweener set at Interstellar Rodeo. She had help from some Royal Canoe members. She just reposted this video today. Love it!
Portland… PDX. The locals often say pdx instead of Portland on many things, bar names, addresses, etc.
I hadn’t seen that Janet.
Loved the Begonia video, Darbar, that was awesome!
Let me see if I can find the announcement from Mother Mother.
Sort of sounds like it was a mutual, but not really all that mutual decision.
Hmmm….yes interesting.
Thanks Garfield!
I am sorry to have missed the convo yesterday after the Polaris but this is some juicy stuff to show up for today!
He probably realized mother mother jumped the shark (as pat likes to say) about 5 years ago.
The good news is that they are all great musician and it will be interesting to see what they come up with separately.
On topic; I am loving the latest offering from Royal Canoe but I am hating the venue choice for my area. Snowblink is at the same place tomorrow night and I have yet to find someone who wants to go and do the driving:(
@FT I need to be reminded what @TRH and you mean about the shark …
Has the term “jumped the shark” jumped the shark?
It began here.
while wearing a leather jacket, no less
Basically doing something outrageous trying to win back fans is the meaning of it.
@darbar … there must have been a lot of convo around it because the video is funny but makes no sense to me regarding bands splitting …
ah, and then came your next post!
I think TRH may think of it more as them selling out and trying to sound more commercial to win fans in regards to bands but I am only guessing.
That Happy Days episode was made when they were trying to win back viewers to the show. It was dying out so an outrageous jump the shark episode was made. I vaguely recall it happening at the time. It was a big deal. Haha!
I have to be honest and say I thought it meant something had out stayed it’s welcome, but that is mostly from online articles asking if something (usually a tv show) had jumped the shark
TV Tropes opens with
Jumping the Shark is the moment when an established long-running series changes in a significant manner in an attempt to stay fresh. Ironically, that moment makes the viewers realize that the show’s finally run out of ideas. It’s reached its peak, it’ll never be the same again, and from now on it’s all downhill.
I know I am not aging gracefully guys but no need to remind me that I am jumping the shark!

What should my outrageous, last gasp for attention be?
judging from the Royal Canoe picture used in this article, they have a strict no T-Shirt policy.
Looking at some of their other images and they do seem to coordinate their wardrobes.
yeah, although Happy Days was a hit show for many years after that episode
And they definitely wear t-shirts other times.
I am out for now, but might see you on later this evening!
Bye Janet! Have a good one.
I didn’t know the jumping the shark expression either, but now I can point out a few things that have gone through that.
Afternoon everybody,
I’m loving Alexa’s solo work. Thanks for the Begonia video Darbar. She song on Royal Canoe’s new album and was on the Burt stage with them last week for few songs.
Hi Shonica.
Fantastic Shonica!
I just saw this on twitter the window of a record shop in Toronto
I must have slept funny, woke up with a sore neck this morning. On the day I had appointments to go to and meetings to attend. I’ve had a cup of tea and now I’m going to lay down for 30 minutes.
My bosses are going to start paying for monthly massages for me. I go for my first one next week. Woot!
I want to work at a record store and make fun window displays like that.
@shonica i had to do some stretching to get myself out of bed this morning as well.
I completely agree with the cup of tea and nap remedy! I hope it works for you.
I am going to do my darnedest to get to yoga tonight instead of having a martini for my PM celebration;)
@darbar you have the best boss!!!
They don’t pay me enough but make up for it with stuff like that.