By Regina Sienra
Vancouver’s The Tourist Company has gotten some airplay and has done well on contests like CBC’s Searchlight and The Peak Performance Project. Still, the Vancouver four-piece had yet to release a debut LP. Apollo, the band’s first full album will be released on October 21st, and the title track is available now.
This eclectic band has a huge appeal to astronomy and the human path to exploring the final frontier, and has approached the topics of adventure, discovery, and homesickness on previous material, like the EPs Space Race (2014) and Mercury (2015).
Apollo was produced by BC musician Jordan Klassen, and the title references the space program that took the first humans to the moon between 1969 and 1972. The band has been praised for incorporating magnificent string arrangements and synthesizers to a unique brand of harmonious pop-rock, which are bright as ever on this new collection of songs.
The Tourist Company are Taylor Swindells on vocals and guitar, bassist Josué Quezada, Jillian Levey on vocals and keys, and drummer Brenon Parry. The band has also announced almost 20 dates across Canada in support of their new album.
Check out “Apollo” and The Tourist Company tour dates below.
The Tourist Company Fall 2016 Tour Dates:
Oct 20 – Edmonton, AB @ The Mercury Room
Oct 21 – Calgary, AB @ The Gateway
Oct 23 – Winnipeg, MB @ The Goodwill
Oct 26 – Thunder Bay, ON @ The Foundry
Oct 27 – Sault Ste Marie, ON @ Loplops
Oct 28 – North Bay, ON @ Raven & Republic
Oct 29 – Ottawa, ON @ Avant Garde Bar
Oct 30 – Montreal, QC @ Brasserie Beaubien
Nov 2 – Halifax, NS @ Gus’s Pub
Nov 3 – Charlottetown, PE @ Baba’s Lounge
Nov 5 – Kingston, ON @ Clark Hall
Nov 6 – Hamilton, ON @ The Casbah
Nov 7 – Toronto, ON @ The Horseshoe Tavern
Nov 10 – Regina, SK @ The Artful Dodger
Nov 12 – Lethbridge, AB @ Owl Acoustic Lounge
Nov 18 – Rossland, BC @ Flying Steamshovel
Nov 19 – Kelowna, BC @ Habitat
Nov 25 – Victoria, BC @ The Copper Owl
Nov 26 – Vancouver, BC @ Fox Cabaret
The Weeknd and Daft Punk had been in the studio together and today we can hear the fruits of their labour, on The Weeknd’s new song Starboy – now on Spotify and iTunes.
Good morning!
Good morning!
Good morning!
The above sounds like a Beatles song…
To you…
I have some good news and some bad news
Good News, external links should now open in a new tab
Bad News, the comment layout has changed slightly (the white lines are gone and the comments are slightly more spread out) in other words they have returned to how they looked before we added autorefresh
I hope this will be seen as an improvement overall
Yours, the idiot that should have worked this out sooner
New Daft Punk?!? That makes me happy. I’m a huge fan.
New comment layout looks good!
@Garf… I will repair the CSS today to make the comments look better.
Justin – the # of comments at the top is missing too
@Justin, thank you
@Tiffy, I hadn’t noticed that bit, sorry
all good!
Good morning!
shonica, you going to the wintr3peg supper hang avec le old abe and mark on saturday?
ft, I’m planning to yes, might not go to your game though, I’m doubtful the Tarp King will want to go, a little too late.
Today marks the fourth anniversary of my first trip to Canada!
It was love at first sight, y’all.
no worries, I’m surprised anyone wants to go haha! What’s your restaurant pick?
(to go to the game that is)
on topic: anyone interested in going to Mars? In my lifetime, I think it will happen that people will go there and set up camp. Whether or not that’s a good thing…
The planet or the company?
If it’s the company, I’d love to go and go full Homer-in-hell but with M&M’s (How do we insert gifs here?)
@FT I was checking the Mars One site the other day. I still find it pretty awesome and scary that people are willing to do one way trips to Mars.
Mars bars makes M&M’s?
Can’t recall the last time I had a mars bar.
I thought this tourist company band was all aboot space, re: my comment. then the other day some friends and I were talking aboot going to Mars. Too many places on earth I’d rather go than get shot up into space to never come back.
I would go on a one way trip to mars
@FT They are! Or they seem to, at least.
I also read the other day that they locked up like four scientists near a volcano in Hawaii or something around there that resembles Mars. All was good: Water, growing food, electricity, etc. The only issue was that they couldn’t stand each other by the end. I’ll look up the link.
Here’s The Guardian’s story on that:
I would totally go to Mars! The one-way part intimidates me a little, but the idea of the trip sounds amazing!
I’ll open the first Beer Store,
Well, then Russ, I’ll wait for you to go first
Looks like my top pick would be Harman’s, then Peg City, apparently the right pic for our visitors dietary choices is Harman’s.
@Janet, You might want to go at the same time because there may be no stock left by the time you get there
there was a Simpsons episode about the private companies in the race to get to Mars. last season, maybe 2 seasons ago?
Basically Lisa wanted to go to spite marge and Marge wanted to go to spite Lisa then Homer and Bart were feeling left out so they went too. In the end.. I don’t remember what happened hahaha.
I’d open a library in Mars. But then, I wonder if it would be needed to be like, physical. Hmm. Not lots of space
shonica, cool. I don’t care either way. I’ve never had Ethiopian food before, I hope it doesn’t make me shit my pants (figuratively speaking). There’s probably some lamb involved.
Before a game last season, I had mexican food … it was delicious, but it wasn’t the greatest idea hah!
A beer store and a library? Mars is starting to sound like my idea of heaven!
“You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down, MF!”
okay, WP…the last comment I posted was yesterday, I think…
anyway, when I hear “Mauna Loa” this pops into my head
had to go delete a couple of cookies to get it to work
I hear you can grow potatoes on Mars (I watched a documentary about it so we could open a poutine place as well
New Suede on KEXP!
Krib, Haha, I have that album!
they sang about potatoes, too, sort of
Breaking from what I understand: Raina is going to Radio 2?
Did any one see Late show with Stephen Colbert last night?
Woah, that has not happened before.
@Shonica you video only embed if you place the link on a new line
Okay thanks Garfy,
Here is another one from last night
Re: Raina
Wait what!? We want Lana back on the CBC too.
This account is saying it too:
Does this mean she’s leaving Indie? It’s the morning show too…
Wow, I can’t believe it, I hope she is making the right move, she is probably getting paid very well. They are looking to get a younger audience. They were really hurt when she left 3 years ago. This is really unbelievable.
She is definitely leaving indie, I can’t see how they would keep her on after this.
Is it wrong to hope that they’re going to announce that Lana is going to be Raina’s co-host on Radio2?
It’s not wrong, but I doubt Lana would consider going back after what they did to her.
“and drummer”. The drummer doesn’t have a name? hehe
@Darbs Oh geez. I’ll fix that.
(This is why I ask to be my proofreaders when I’m typing after 10 PM)
Wow! About Raina…
So, if insider Wynnzie is surprised, I’m very confused. WYNNZIEEEE.
Thanks for fixing that reginula. I have to watch out for the drummers you know.
@Darbs you do very well by doing that.
I like asking people why they turned their back on music and became a drummer
@DarBar – not related to drummers at all, but I can’t stop searching for more Begonia. After you posted the video yesterday I ended up watching the other sessions they did, and then checking out Chic Gamine on Spotify. I love discovering new (to me) music!
this “comments too quickly” thing is really tiresome
You guys I just discovered this marvelous web comic because it set Kickstarter on fire. GUUUYS.
Oh right, I remember seeing The Tourist Company last spring in Vancouver. They were opening for someone at Foxx Cabaret and I remember being glad I went for the opening act. Thank you for reminding me about them …
@Shonica No prob! Yay for seeing them! I remember Radio 3 used to play a song called Irrepresible (sp?) Future because they were on Searchlight.
So the troops are starting to return to CBC! I hope this is just the beginning of a resurgence that spills over into our world of R3 type music.
First day of Autumn.
@janet 11:05 – I love that too! I am glad you enjoyed Begonia. I really liked her at Interstellar Rodeo in Winnipeg this year and wanted to find out more myself.
@Garf – Re: drummers…har har. Whatever!
@reginula – Is 11:14 for 11:09? I am just confused and was trying to find what shonica said.
irrepressible; 2 esses; that cannot be repressed
@Darbs I’m an idiot, you’re right. That was for Morgana. Sorryyyyy
Darbar, I think Reginula was talking with Morgana, but put my name instead
@Benoit Cool cool
Got it. Haha! I have now read all of Shonica’s posts today though.
On my Mac I can’t seem to stay logged in today and have to put in my email and name every time I want to comment?
Are you sure you didn’t put in morgana’s name by mistake? ;-p
Meet Me In the Basement on my R3 feed right now! Love that tune!
My Mac’s acting normally, no glitches.
black mountain, along with some other bands, is playing a free show at yonge/dundas square in toronto tomorrow.
…other bands includes zeus…
@reginula huh? what was for me?
I’m out early tonight, folks. Have a good one and I’ll talk to you tomorrow!
woah woah woah.
Raina is going to CBC? what the heck!?!
@morgana the Yay for seeing The Tourist Company bit.
So I’m trying out the Google Play free streams as an alternative to the apparently permanently broken R3 stream. Kind of a weird setup. They have individual “radio stations” for each artist, that plays songs by that artist and other artists deemed (presumably by a bot or algorithm) to be similar. Which… I mean, it’s cool and all, but there’s presumably a lot of overlap, and, like, am I supposed to decide every time I tune in “hmm, should I listen to the Elliott Brood station or the Sunparlour Players station today”? Does it even make a difference?
Loozrboy – I know what you mean. and no, I don’t think it really does lol.
@Reg! I can’t know everything! Plus I think she just made this decision. I haven’t seen her in ages anyways. And they kind of hinted about a surprise back on Friday, while I was there. But there was no way they would tell me. That’s very insider stuff and unprofessional to even let that cat out of the bag.
I hope this didn’t burn any bridges with Indie, but I can’t see it going over well.
@reginula I’l take a Yay!

I have to go now for more appointments but I will be back to do more stripping in my kitchen …
Um, stripping dried herbs off the stems and bagging them that is.
Maybe I’m giving Google too much credit, but I suppose if I listen long enough to the stations of artists I like and click thumbs up / down on tracks, it’ll eventually just figure out what I want to hear.
@Morgana, You had me worried there for a second, It’s far too easy to see into your kitchen from outside
@garfielduk no easier than seeing into the outdoor tub;)
You guys, I’m very paranoid right now but
I think my boss just used her lunch hour to go to a job interview.
Long lunch hours, doctor/dentist appointments, it can all point to someone seeking a new job. haha, it’s very tricky. When I left CBC luckily the building where my interview took place was right across the road!
garfield: not from where you are (morgana’s kitchen)
@Wynnzie She usually eats at the kitchen with me. When she eats out, she usually tells me who she’s going with, and she’s wearing her “fancy” clothes.
<.< It would be nice if we both left, hahaha. Less drama I guess? It would suck if she was applying to the very same thing as me.
Did you answer any questions about your boss in the interview?
“I have the utmost respect for that POS…:
@Darbs Nope! Should that be a sign?
@Russ 12:56, Who has been asking you questions about me?
You’re the boss of Russ?
Hopefully she isn’t applying to the same thing!
Speaking of the boss of Russ
FIN are down TWO goals.
@reginula – No I was just curious and imagining the scenario if you talked about your boss and then she comes in for an interview. But I am pretty sure you wouldn’t have been bashing a boss in an interview anyways. hehe
@krib, Russ ignores me as much as he ignores anyone else
dammit, c’mon finland!
I’m knocking off a little earlier today, so smell ya’ slater.
does anyone else’s comments load backwards when they haven’t been on in a while…
@tiffy backwards? no, but i sure had one heck of a time on Polaris night. The comment box would not appear.
by backwards I mean in opposite order. Like the oldest would appear where the newest should.
ah! reverse chronology. i think that is what it is called anyway.
Yup they do that. They go back in order with commenting or refreshing.
I am so pushy when I don’t get my way.
You may have heard me bitching about not being able to get to shows because they aren’t being booked in town. I have gone on a fair bit about it so I know I am being sarcastic here.
Today I emailed the management company who is responsible for this and asked if they were making the drive and could I get a ride … they emailed back in less than 30 minutes!
No ride but very impressed he responded, and with many reasons for the booking choices.
I am still grumpy though. Tourist Company is booked in Rossland next month too.
@Tiffy, If you mean in reverse order then yes if you have been away from the tab for a while, I think that affects everyone
Whenever I’ve been away and get a slew of new posts, I immediately (after) do an F5. Otherwise, understanding (or even following) suffers.
Sorry, if we already saw this collaboration with Shad, Tanya and Chad?
fell into a new wave hole…listening to the Records on spotify, one of the greatest new wave bands nobody’s heard of
I’m reading the hockey comic I told you about earlier and I just want to throw my money at it.
Chad is such a talented guy!
So do you think that Lana will go on the morning show?
seems logical. She doesn’t strike me as a morning person, though
From what I remember of Lana filling in on weekend morning she doesn’t find early mornings easy