By Darlene Barss
This playlist stream started with one Canadian Indie song and then a word in the title of that song led to another Canadian Indie song and that led to another Canadian Indie song and another and it could keep going and going and going as it is only at 20 songs right now but if you try you may be able to keep the stream going and add on to it and then someone else can add to that and so on and so on and so on…
Caught up….UP…turn up the volumes…TURN…turn your love…YOUR…your master’s wishes…MASTER’S…when i write my master’s thesis…WHEN…kiss me when I bleed…KISS…Fight & Kiss…FIGHT…get fighted…GET…
Now take the word LONG and go see where it takes us.
Playlists ‘more popular than albums’
According to the Music Business Association, playlists account for 31% of listening time across all demographics, while albums lag behind on 22%.
Where does Canada’s accent come from?
The way Canadian English is pronounced is close to the US accent – but it’s still utterly unique and the product of singular forces, writes Thomas Rogers.
Gluten moaning!
Good Morning Everyone.
HI Russ & Tiffy
Monty Python star and director Terry Jones is diagnosed with dementia
garf, just saw that. Aaaaah, well. (…)
Good morning! Just listening to the end of Raina on Indie 88. Even tho never say never right.
So, hi and good morning everyone. Did all of you see the story about the woman from the Drumpf campaign in Ohio that resigned, after saying: “I don’t think there was any racism until Obama got elected. We never had problems like this … Now, with the people with the guns, and shooting up neighborhoods, and not being responsible citizens, that’s a big change, and I think that’s the philosophy that Obama has perpetuated on America.”
(Typo? I think “perpetuated on” = “perpetrated on”)
Good morning! I had heard about how racism in the US didn’t exist before Obama, but hadn’t heard that the woman resigned, but it sounds like it might be for the best.
@BfO, or it could be (perpetuated IN America) but the Guardian is famous for it’s typos
Yes, Garfield, but considering the tenor of her statement, basically (I exaggerate a bit) that racism didn’t exist when she was young, and that we can “thank Obama” for racism, it would be a worse (and in that case mental) lapse if she’d actually meant “perpetuated”. Besides, trumpists often overuse words; “perpetrated” fits in nicely with that.
@BfO, Oh don’t get me wrong she is the type of idiot that gives other idiots a bad name, her face should be under the word ignorant in the wiktionary.
(and before anyone asks
Here’s a story linked to on the book of visages; it’s very good, but mostly as it delves into “conspiracy theories” in politics, not only on the Drumpf side, also on the democrat side.
Pls remove the first “but” from my 7:06. Thx
The link in my 7:06 contains my first run-across the term “ratfucker”. (A red letter day)
Everyone I know’s got a big but
although it’s actually “but”, not “butt” in the movie
here’s the preceding bit…and I’ll stop now
I defiantly think she used perpetuated when she meant perpetrated.
krib, I also think so. (Voice of B. Bunny, esq.): “What a maroooooooon!”, that woman.
Good morning!
Hello, Shonica.
This is a project that my daughter’s beau is working on and his team made it into the top eight!
You can vote for the one you like but SPMB/1X1 Architecture is the one I suggest you vote for
Shon, I think that’s the one I preferred, yesterday.
From your first link: what the heck were the First Design(…) Banani people thinking?
And Coupland (the 2nd one): ??? It’s like someone digitally messed up their illustration!
are you getting washed off the map there? Not sure how big the swath of rain is, but southern SK has areas that may get up to 80 mm in the next couple of days
I don’t think the voting is the only way the final winner is being chosen. The final choice is being picked by a jury but you can also email comments on the semi finalists.
I like it best too even without her partners involvement. Some of the others are ???
not yet
Currently with the voting the Covit/Nguyen/Norr one is slightly ahead.
I just voted! Thanks CBC for not geo-fencing it!
Some of those designs made me wonder, I mean why have a tribute piece to Lord Stanley that seems to have nothing to do with hockey?
My daughter and her partner are visiting NYC right now and I got a text message early this morning from her to go vote for spmb/1×1 and at first I was like, What is this? haha!
I think the idea is that it’s skewed from a sideways angle, but looks correct when you look from the other angle.
The catch is that from the sideways angle, it looks like a giant stylized dildo
It’s cold and rainy in Toronto today!
Still think I might go see Zeus and Black Mountain at Yonge and Dundas Square tonight.
Hello all!
Anybody have a song with “Long” in the title to add to the playlist?
Long gone to Saskatchewan
New Royal Canoe video.
Long time running
There is Long Dark Night from David Myles’ Into the Sun album, also.
Already added Long Gone to Saskatchewan! I made the playlist collaborative so people should be able to add to it but I am not sure. Next would be a song with Gone or Saskatchewan!
Last Saskatchewan Pirate?
well, there’s Saskatchewan by the Rheostatics, but it doesn’t give you any other words to work with
Having another word to work with is a good plan. Last Saskatchewan Pirate it is. hehe
I put the Captain Tractor version in. Last or Pirate…
hmm….Canadian, huh? I can think of lots that aren’t…
Keep it Canadian.
oh, here’s an oldie…last song by edward bear
then train song by holly cole (although it’s a tom waits cover)
something about trains by jane siberry
krib also suggested the Hip’s *Long Time Running*, you may have missed it.
I have some of the artist’s work that did that video for RC!
we could go to something on by the hip instead, after siberry
probably lots of songs that have “on” in their title
I just went with the first Long song. I have to go for a bit now but I didn’t find the Jane Siberry train song.
doesn’t that one about virtute the cat have “on” in it’s title?
no siberry?!
okay, so train song then?
Plea from a cat named Virtute; A cat named Virtute explains her departure
oh, it’s “explains”
I thought it was “on her departure”
looks like we’re back at train song, though
song in my heart by jeremy fisher
I’m off for a bit, catch you later!
Train is actually the word we are at. We did Song. Old Train by Monster Truck has been added.
Old is next and I am off for a bit again.
If someone can try adding a song to the playlist I would appreciate it. It would be nice to know if it works.
Old Man by Neil Young
@DBS, it works, I added Old Man as Krib suggested
so the next word in Man
I can’t find the playlist in darbar’s spotify.
garf, comment #1 – I’m doing my part for albums!
comment #2 – Dang studies discounting regional canadian accents again! Try as I might I still can’t impersonate a prairie accent.
I’m half asleep. It’s 12:15 and just got to work.
VOTED: SPMB/1X1 Architecture
@reg – how was your work party? What was it for?
@Tiff The launch of a new project (That they didn’t invite me to join, and it’s the competition of the thing I was called to, bahahahh). It was at a museum in the very south end of the city, so it was like 35 km ride home -___- The museum was pretty cool, tho. And it must have been my favourite work party ever ’cause I had a place to sit (lol old lady), boyfriend and friends were there and the music was ok
@Garf – Thanks for testing the collab playlist out.
how does this game work?
Thanks for the list, Darbs!
@reg – I actually love work parties
I think it’s important for coworkers to bond outside of the office. And free food and drink is always nice too 
I like work parties when I like my co-workers. In the position I held before my current one you couldn’t pay me enough to see those folks outside the office!
And here I was thinking that “work party” meant a group of people getting together to chop wood or something.
@ft – I typed this out once and forgot to copy for attempting to post. Ugh…
A word from the title of one song leads to the next song with that word in the title and then another word from that song leads to the next. Old Man came from Old Train so next would be another song with Man in it.
*luckily I copied that time because again…
I do try to remember Benoit. Especially if I type more than a couple words.
@DBS check your gmail account
Work parties for me aren’t that exciting these days. My two bosses and I are the only ones that work here.
Back in the day, when I was a 20 something and worked with a whole bunch of other 20 somethings, now those were great work parties.
Every few years I think about organizing an office Christmas party for unemployed people. Why shouldn’t we have a chance to get drunk and do things we regret with the photocopier?
@Garf – Is an email coming from you or ourbasement? I don’t see it yet. Or something with my account?
I didn’t get to bond with anyone new. Since it was a promotional (? Tiff?) party for the thing, there were like 700 people there. And free booze. But yeah, they are fun when you’re with friends!
darbar, cool. So where are we at now? something with the word “old” or “man” in it?
“promotional” is probably perfect. Sounds right to me.
@ft – Man
it’s hard without my handy online gallery of can-con songs (aka my old cbc music playlists)
The Other Man – Sloan.
I was never any good at these games anyway.
@ft – It would be! I had moved the majority of my playlists on to Spotify. I would have a really hard time without them.
Thanks tiffy! “Other” is the next word.
Other could be a tough one. We may have to use The again if we don’t come up with anything.
Oh Other Side by Metric.
Free booze?!!! but you don’t drink right Reg? “old” “Man” now does it have to be a song? or can it be an artist too? I don’t think I’m following this exactly.
There’s also an “Otherside” from Ohbijou, right? but no space there.
@Wynn I don’t! But the free booze helped me lure my friends into (onto?) coming to the party. There were free esquites, and I did binge on those.
sideways attack by priestess (sideways not side…best I’ve got haha)
The company I work for now is very lame as far as party’s go, as in, there are none and that’s fine with me. The company I worked for in Regina however … let’s just say I saw some things….
Haha Wynnsie. I see where you are going there. So far I have kept it to titles not artists.
I will change to Otherside by Ohbijou and the next word would be Side still and then I will try Sideways and Way would be next…
I found Sideways Attack by Priestess. Attack could be used as well.
And that is what you told me. doh…
Sidecar by Kathleen Edwards!
What are everyone’s plans for the weekend?
I will accept that. Free flowing. Car would be next.
@Tiff Mom is away D: She went to the beach with grandma and my aunt… so… Home alone. Bahahaha. I have to go to a baby shower tomorrow, and I’ll probably drag the boyfriend to the movies ’cause there are two movies I need him to see.
I’m having a bday party because I’m away next weekend, which is when it actually happens. And I’m actually poaching on another friend’s party because his birthday is today. Is it a cuckoo that lays its eggs in another bird’s nest?
I sometimes have trouble believing I’m as old as I am. Then my knees hurt and I remember…
huh. car…
what was that AF tune? keep the car running? or was it engine?
It is Keep the Car Running
I forgot to copy again!
I will be attending our Playing for Change Day event. There are 219 events in 47 countries going on to raise money for music programs for kids locally and globally. Playing for Change has 12 music schools around the world that enrich the lives of children and their communities. Playing for Change uses music for positive social change. Find an event near you!
I didn’t know that. I guess I’m not as cool as I thought…
since some guardian angel set up an account for me to log in after complaining about that “posting too quickly thing” it hasn’t happened anymore
Keep the Car Running was added. Now we can use Keep or Running.
Running back to Saskatoon
Saskatoon Tonight
Done and done.
if I throw Tonight, Romanticize the Automobile out there, it might be painting us into a corner…
Sounds like everyone has very entertaining weekends planned.
I’m going to Yoga tomorrow morning, followed by working on my resume. I always get these stupid mental blocks when I try to work on my resume. I am determined to finish it this weekend. I don’t really have a choice….
Sunday is Yoga in the morning and bootcamp in the afternoon. I’m trying to lose a ton of weight right now because I let it get a little bit out of hand….
Tonight my friend Danielle is coming over and we are going to the gym and then she is cooking me dinner at my place
What word are we at now?
tonight’s the night by neil young
@Tiff Have you seen those very fancy resume templates online? Guess that could help?
Tonight is a Wonderful Time to Fall in Love
That’s a song suggestion, not a statement
@reg – thanks for the suggestion. I am actually designing my own in indesign. I found a bunch on pinterest that I like.
@krib – I mean, depending on your relationship status, it could be both, right?
Haha krib!
So shall we put all of them in?
You’re the boss of this thing, Darbar. Just tell us what the next word/s is/are
what word are we at? i’m confused….
After looking for the suggested songs, I am going with none of them! I am going with Neil Young but Where is The Highway Tonight? instead because I didn’t find the other one.
Next word could be Where or Highway.
where have all the good people gone by sam roberts
well, I just have to throw up – I mean out – Life is a Highway…
go with Tom’s suggestion…please
yeah, I guess so. The people I’m going to be hanging out with at the party tonight are a fair bit younger than me, though, because people my age are boring…
Where Have All the good people gone wins!
Have All Good People…4 words to work with from that one!
And yes it is a better song than that one krib. hehe
Fashionable People – Joel Plaskett.
But then we’re stuck with fashionable.
Goodbye Blue Monday
Darbar’s taken some poetic license before…could probably leap to “fashion”
except for the people my age on this site. they’re all cool and not boring at all
Thanks for adding 12:24 krib. :-p
I did stretch things a bit making the list. Let me see where we are at.
Fashionable People. Try to find Fashion but we can use People again if needed.
Fashion Blues by The Beauties!
Blues or Blue would be the next word.
Blue Flares by In Flight Safety.. or not ’cause I don’t know if there are songs with Flares…
damn I was 2 minutes too slow with The Beauties – Fashion Blues
We will think of something even if we have to use poetic license to change it to flames or something.
or Illegitimate Blues by Joel Plaskett?
or goodbye blue monday
or Dave Monks, “Heartbeat Blues”
or Mac DeMarco – Blue Boy
I went with Blue Flares and then I added Flare Gun by Owen Pallett.
Gun is next…
are we on Flares now?
Whitehorse – Devil’s Got a Gun
Holy Oker – Love Like A Gun
Rae Spoon – We Can’t Be Lovers With These Guns On Each Other
Devil’s Got a Gun….Devil or Got
The Wailin’ Jennys – Devil’s Paintbrush Road
and then a cold road by danny michel
Nice. Cold is next.
*I seem to have some virus on this computer. Things keep popping up. :-/
Hot Panda – Cold Hands Chapped Lips
no virus scanner? malwarebytes?
your hands (together) – new pornographers
Sam Roberts Band – We’re All In This Together
No virus scanner on here no. It seems okay now but I may investigate further. A lot of us Mac people have felt too secure for too long.
So next words are We/We’re, All, In, or This.
Faunts – It Hurts Me All The Time
I’ll shut up and let someone else play now
I am glad people are playing along. Thanks.
I vote for TNP!
oh damn lol. My comments were backwards. ahaha
It does confuse things when the comments are backwards!
so next is it hurts me time?
@krib, if you are into that type of thing
that’s the words we’re looking for, not my plans for the evening…
Har har!!
nudge nudge wink wink say no more
my plans are more for it hurts me time in the morning, after the night before
maybe, because I’m older and wiser these days, theoretically
It is harder to bounce back when you get older.
I just got caught having a chair dance party in my office. Only slightly embarrassed by that.
All The Time by Bahamas. hehe
still have Time.
This is the last time by stars
This or Last…
The Last Last Word by the Weakerthans
Jason Collett – Love is a Dirty Word
Nice Janet but I found The Last Last One not Word.
Sorry Garf.
One would be the word now.
They Shoot Horses Don’t They? – One Last Final Push
Whoops! Sorry! I had a feeling when I typed before checking I was going to get the title wrong!
No worries!
Last, Final or Push…
Just don’t let it happen again
I shall do my best
Push & Pull by July Talk
Purity Ring – Push Pull
So are we back on Push then?
hehe so yes I think Push again.
I changed the playlist back to just normal public one since I am the one adding them all anyways.
I could be horrible and say
Rich Aucoin – Push
We could and then we would need another Push song still. I have been trying to stay away from single word titles but I am putting that one in.
I love chair dancing by the way Janet! Nobody to see me down here though.
Chair dancing is getting me through a slow, unmotivated Friday!
When Push Comes to Shove by Monkeyjunk
Have a great weekend, everyone!
You too Janet!
Matt Mays – When The Angels Make Contact
Cool Garf.
If We Don’t Make It We’ll Fake It. Death From Above.
my friend just cancelled for dinner

This playlist is actually pretty good. Well done team.
Hawksley Workman – We’ll Make Time
We’ll Make Time (Even When There Ain’t No Time) is the actual full title. More words!
I Don’t Mind by We Are Wolves
Wrong! Cancel that!
Zeus – Are You Gonna Waste My Time
No Worries Gonna Find Us – Plants and Animals
One more song will make it 60. I am thinking we should stop there for now.
I think we should add to it each month
We could take the last song today and start the next one with it. I would be game.
we could just continue this playlist so we can reduce the chance of repeats in the style of The Chain on BBC 6 Music
but we only need 6111 more songs to catch up with them
Oh cool!
I added Draw Us Lines by The Constantines to make it 60.
I have to bid you goodnight because the dog is telling me it’s past my bedtime
I forgot to ask, is the image I chose OK with you?
That image works just fine Garfy. Night night. Sleep well and thanks.
I just noticed the typo of my name up top. It is Barss with one r two s’s.
Thanks for playing along and have a great weekend!