By Darlene Barss

This playlist stream started with one Canadian Indie song and then a word in the title of that song led to another Canadian Indie song and that led to another Canadian Indie song and another and it could keep going and going and going as it is only at 20 songs right now but if you try you may be able to keep the stream going and add on to it and then someone else can add to that and so on and so on and so on…

Caught up….UP…turn up the volumes…TURN…turn your love…YOUR…your master’s wishes…MASTER’S…when i write my master’s thesis…WHEN…kiss me when I bleed…KISS…Fight & Kiss…FIGHT…get fighted…GET…getupgotoworkgohomegotobed…HOME…jenny come home…COME…come back…BACK…give the devil back his heart…HEART…heart in two…TWO…two-way mirror…MIRROR…twin mirror…TWINkling…twinkling stars…STARt…start again…AGAINst…against the grain…THE…the bray road beast…ROAD…the road is long.

Now take the word LONG and go see where it takes us.

Image by John Atkinson. ©John Atkinson, Wrong Hands