By Darlene Barss
Themed playlists can be fun to make and great to listen to. Think of something that connects the songs together. It could be in the title, in the lyrics or the name of the band, or just some personal connection you have made to the theme. We will give you a theme and you tell us why the song you suggest fits in that theme. We will put it together and share it with you next time.
We have to start somewhere so today’s theme is French Canadian. You don’t need to know what they are saying to enjoy these tracks but they sure can make you wish you did. Feel free to suggest more to be added to this list. Enjoy!
Theme for next time: Thanksgiving. Comment below with your suggestions!
Image from
Hey ho!
Being picky, I don’t agree with the above illustration: it confuses French the language and French the nationality. Outside of France being the origin of Québec, that province has nothing much to do with the French flag. Neither does New Brunswick.
Consider this: are English(-)Canadians represented by the Union Jack? Only some. (In Victoria, to an extent.) Very many English-speaking Canadians have roots other than English.
It’s a minor point though.
It was one of the few images I found in the time available that was tagged for reuse
Good morning!
would this be better?,_CEF.jpg
Hi Russ
Probably not, as it’s mostly know in the regiment. It’s certainly the first time I see it. Don’t worry about my previous comment.
(Oh a thought: a fleurdelysé — fleur-de-lys flaggy thing — which the French dumped at the Revolution, still means something in Québec. Viz the provincial flag:
known And —> )
I have changed it for a fleur-de-lys
Good morning! Great playlist Darbar!
Thank you Darlene. Looking forward to listening to the playlist later today.
Benoit, I saw your exchange with my brother-in-law on FB. He loves to debate but can’t match your intellect. Thanks for the points you made though, even though he didn’t get it!
Wes: noted. And thanks.
Garfield: Hahahahahahaha! A GIANT fluer-de lys!
Thanks for getting that up Garf. It was put together rather hastily. With more time I would have put the list in some kind of order and tried to write something more intelligent. Try.
@BfO, Don’t blame me, I copied your spelling from 6:25. I tried to reduce the size of it but it looks like it scales to width.
@DBS, You did all of the work, I just had to copy and paste.
I was just going to put the Galaxie cover as the photo but you had to find an appropriate image. Teamwork.
I have started the playlist for Thanksgiving so maybe I will be able to get that one in order for next week. Taking suggestions for both playlists.
I am sitting in the waiting room at the dentist while my son gets his teeth scaled right now but later I can add them.
also happens to be a symbol that Scouts uses – represents N on the compass is what I’ve been told
also from MTL:
Men Without Hats – I Like, or Hey Men
Me, Mom & Morgentaler – Your Friend (my personal favourite)
That scouts’ compass fleur-de-lys indicating North tradition, well, the latter part anyway, goes back a long way: at least 1690, going by this old compass:
There are a whole lot of Montreal artists I love but I was concentrating on songs in French more.
Happy Playlist Friday people! Thanks for making and posting it, darbar & garf. I appreciate all the effort that goes into creating these lists.
oh yeah, I should’ve noticed the lack of Boeckner love in that playlist
Okay, La Bottine Souriante and Les Freres A Ch’val
isn’t Radio Radio from NB?
nvm, I see they’ve moved to Montreal
I will look those up krib. It is French Canadian not just Quebec that I was going for. I think I will look for Etienne Fletcher from Indigo Joseph as well, but I doubt he has anything on Spotify yet.
howdy, nice work darbar.
are all the bands from quebec, can we drum up francophone bands from other provinces? I know most every province has little french enclaves… some more than others. I’m not familiar with any in BC or AB but I know SK, MB, ON, NB (only official bilingual prov), NS, PEI and even NFLD have fully french communities.
I’ll try and think of some to suggest… oh wait I see Lisa Leblanc who is from NB (although I think she is now Montreal based.)
And Radio Radio is as far as I can recall, originally from the French Shore in Nova Scotia (along the Bay of Fundy, towns of Clare and Meteghan) but they are also for sure Montreal based.
Yes I welcome all suggestions of other French Canadian artists from any province or territory.
Good morning everyone!
Just fired up the playlist now @Darbar.. thank you! And Garf too.
There was a french hip hop group called Dubmatique that I came of aware of because my uncle gave me a tape of them when I was in high school. It blew my mind that he had a) a rap tape and b)a french rap tape (although he is half french so it makes some sense)
I remember liking that tape and here’s a song I remember off it: Un ete a Montreal
and of course, there’s the Dead Obies who are all the rage in Quebec these days from what I understand (being from neither Quebec nor being up on things – personally I don’t like Dead Obies but it seems like sometihng the youth would be into)
I found La Bottine Souriante and dubmatique. Dead Obies has just enough French in there for me to accept it.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Radio Radio is awesome… always crank it when they come on….
I just added a song from a group I found out about when I was in Katimavik in 82/83, Harmonium. The record was from the 70s so it isn’t a recent one but I loved that album. I just listened to it again recently and still love it.
I love Radio Radio!
I could add one of Jill Barber’s French songs.
@Darbar … do! RE Jill Barber.
If you’re adding English singers who are singing songs in French, you could also add Quand Les Hommes Vivront D’amour by Serena Ryder from the If Your Memory Serves You Well.
ah, in that case, you could find some Fransaskois, like Hart Rouge, who originally came from Willow Bunch, SK
I think Mara Tremblay, who used to play fiddle with Les Freres A Ch’val, is recording on her own now
and Chanson pour les Ruelles by Rheostatics
Great! I will look them up!
We Are Wolves – Magique
Karkwa – Oublie Pas
Bernard Adamusï – tre ici pis chez vous (I couldn’t find this track but you might have better luck than me or just go for a different one”
Bernard Adamus – Etre ici pis chez vous
@BfO, I blame the idiot that runs the site I got that from
That Karkwa song is on already but I will look up the others. Thanks!
Bernard Adamus is on there already as well but a different song.
Would you believe I’ve just finished listening to the playlist? *facepalm*
I like the We Are Wolves one.
They all won Bucky awards for “Best Reason To Learn French”
Once you run out of French music, don’t forget to think about Thanksgiving themed songs. I will attempt to get them in some kind of order unlike this list where there was absolutely no order to it.
Oh that’s great Garf!
A side thought about the American election: whoever wins, the loser’s fans are going to be some pissy for a few years. Before going “full ugly” in preparation for the (no) second term!
Please resume your previous thought.
I really like Pierre Kwenders. I remembered him from being introduced to him through Polaris Music Prize last year. Western Music Awards are coming up next week so I added some of the nominees from that.
I know what image we should use for the next playlist
It’s Friday!
additional musical groups from French Canada …
Arcade Fire
Plants and Animals
The Dears
Kid Koala
Barr Brothers
Young Galaxy
Bell Orchestra
Half Moon Run
It is not Throwback Thursday but what about
Cory Heart
Men Without Hats
Wainwrights (Martha and Rufus)
@garfielduk that is a rather creepy image! fit’s the bill for here but … are we a bit creepy around here?
@Morgana, That’s Lana’s old Thanksgiving image. I’m thinking of asking her if we can use it for the playlist post.
@FT well I can give Dead Obies a miss. I hope my youth of today will as well.
Last night my 15 year old asked if I thought she could dress up old enough for me to sneak her into the upcoming A Tribe Called Red show. “Awww, I would if I could sweetie!” She totally could but I don’t don’t want to open that can of worms now do I!!
@garfielduk I did recognize her for some reason.
Ask her for the image and suggest she drop by for a visit!
dashing out for a bit friends but i have the day off so i will be in and out to see how we are doing with our French Canadian Connection Playlist
Thanks morgana! I am keeping it to French songs this time around. I will check out your list for some french songs.
I love that photo.
Haha Garf! I love that photo.
After all the Frenchie stuff… got JPNSGRLS playing, pretty good.
@Morgana, The speed at which she is growing up worries me so it must terrify you
I’m about half way through the playlist. It’s superb! Thanks again DarBarSpecial!
Thanks for listening Wes!
Sorry, I went off on a tangent
I found Pomplamoose a couple years back and enjoyed their videos. Thanks for reminding me.
I found a French one
It’s Friday, is everyone off drinking beer already?
I wish
@Garf… Gin & Tonic’s then….
Any minute…
Yo Russ… is there any special drink or booze in Detroit or Windsor that us rest of North Americans and UK’ers don’t know about?
I don’t even have any lemonade for my vodka
I am 25 minutes away from beer! Hopefully I can make it!
I found a beer that might still be drinkable, I will report back
@Garf… that beer looks good man!
I’ve had it since late May so I was worried about it’s condition but it’s ok
Enjoy your beer Garfield!
I still need Thanksgiving suggestions!
@darbar sorry missed that detail re “in french”
Haha no worries morgana. I didn’t make that very clear apparently.
I’ll try to think of some over the weekend (I tried to cheat and look for a thanksgiving weld/meld but non turned up in the search)
G’night folks
@garfielduk yes it is rather terrifying raising a teenaged girl but I count it as a win that she talks to me about all of the terrifying things out there.
Sleep well!
Night Garfy.
You just reminded me I wanted to come up with a name for these themed playlists like the weld/meld thing.
@Darbs…. DBP’s…. (Darlene’s Badass Playlists….).
Ha! Nice justin.
Fusion…Fusion Friday Playlist….Friday Fusions….hmmm
Have a great weekend!
Thank F it’s Friday, let’s get Fused!
Friends Fabulous Friday Fusion
@darbar did you have any luck with finding French songs by any of the musicians I suggested? I could have a poke around but now for a few hours yet …
@Justin 13:27 – The NEW Stroh’s is pretty tasty!
Russ… Cool about Stroh’s! I thought you were trash talkin’ for a minute, but I watched that video, pretty cool! Have you tried it yet. The article stated that Pabst owns these regional beers like Stroh’s and here in the Pacific Northwest, Ranier. If they did this with Ranier that’d be awesome too.
@morgana – I struck out when I was looking. I won’t be deleting that playlist any time soon.
Arcade Fire – Funeral album, Haitiœur-de-pirate-simple-plan-talk-language-in-music-industry-1.1414677
an interesting article about french and english in music in Canada …
Thanks morgana!
I am off again!
Chrome – Business Casula album J’ai claqué la porte
I can not type!
Chromeo, Business Casual album, J’ai claqué la porte
and good night all.
Justin…It was hard to find at first, I found TWO six-packs a couple of weeks ago and then a whole two-four yesterday.
It’s good…like a Bohemian pilsner should taste.
Family reunion – Corb Lund