Bloor Ossington Folk Festival goes out with a blast

    By Regina Sienra After six years, the Bloor Ossington Folk Festival is saying goodbye. Defined by its organizers as a “punk expression”, this free Toronto festival has fought for a fair treatment of local musicians [...]

    By | September 14th, 2016|Categories: Festivals|Tags: , |150 Comments

      Listen to the 2016 Polaris Prize Podcast

      By Regina Sienra The Polaris Music Prize gala is just around the corner. The winner of the $50,000 will be announced next Monday, September 19, at the Carlu in Toronto. For fans who are still [...]

      By | September 13th, 2016|Categories: News, Polaris Music Prize|Tags: , , |118 Comments

        Amy Cole departs from The Rural Alberta Advantage

        By Regina Sienra Multi-instrumentalist Amy Cole has said farewell to The Rural Alberta Advantage. She was a long-time member of the Toronto-based trio. On Monday, September 12th, the band posted the following statement on their [...]

        By | September 12th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , |108 Comments

          You Should Be Listening To… Our Good Wolf

          By Regina Sienra A good mix between folk and rock is always welcome, but Edmonton’s Our Good Wolf  has taken this formula to a new level. The five-piece released their third LP, The Last We [...]

          By | September 11th, 2016|Categories: You should be listening to...|Tags: , |69 Comments

            Stream of thought – An OurBasement Playlist

            By Darlene Barss Welcome to the  Stream of thought playlist (as in "music stream", get it?), where a bunch of song titles from Canadian indie bands and performers become a little story. Let your thoughts and the music [...]

            By | September 8th, 2016|Categories: Playlists|Tags: , , , |88 Comments

              Summer Lights Music Festival

              The Keystone Centre Grounds in Brandon Manitoba will be playing host to the premier Summer Lights music festival this Saturday. The 12 hour event starts at noon and focuses on local indie music along with [...]

              By | September 8th, 2016|Categories: Festivals|112 Comments

                We Are Wolves announce new album

                By Regina Sienra Montreal’s We Are Wolves are back with their fifth studio album. Wrong, the new record will be out on September 30th. This is the first LP the three piece has released since [...]

                By | September 6th, 2016|Categories: New Music, News|Tags: , , |175 Comments

                  Review: Slow Down Molasses – “100% Sunshine”

                  By Regina Sienra / Picture by Lindsey Rewuski Life on the Canadian prairies seems to be marked by extremes. Think of the weather, for example: blissful summers and harsh winters. The starring antagonisms and paradoxes of [...]

                  By | September 5th, 2016|Categories: Album review|Tags: , , , , |87 Comments

                    Saskatchewan: An OurBasement Playlist

                    By Regina Sienra For reasons we don’t fully understand, Saskatchewan’s indie music rarely gets the appreciation it deserves. This unique community has been shaped by their multiple and diverse influences, their will to push the [...]

                    By | September 1st, 2016|Categories: Playlists|Tags: , , , , , , |178 Comments