Lots of news from the Dine Alone empire this week:
The Dirty Nil debuted their new video on Monday for ‘Friends In The Sky’, and today announced an 18 date European Tour (November through December) with Monster Truck and Billy Talent.
It was also announced today that garage punk / power pop group ‘New Swears’ hailing from Ottawa have joined the Dine Alone Family:
Stoked to announce that @New_Swears have joined the family! New 7″ drops Nov 4. Video premiere via @ImposeMagazine: https://t.co/7BbG5cjMhl pic.twitter.com/a77CLGqabb
— Dine Alone Records (@dinealonemusic) October 5, 2016
Check out their video ‘Brand New Spot’ – a single from their new 7″ out November 4th 2016.
(Feature Image: The Dirty Nil sourced from their facebook page)
Good morning!
Hi there!
Good morning!
Hey, gurf.
(new pronunciation)
janet also, hello.
Got to go out. Hopefully to return.
to face unafraid, the plans that we made
walking in a shitty wonderland
Saskatchewan, from the Cree word for shitty weather
I thoroughly enjoyed the Dirty Nil video, it’s pretty funny. good times. .
… and they’re touring with Monster Truck over in europe, which is pretty sweet. Monster Truck has actually been opening for the World’s favourite band, Nickleback, on their Euro tour. So that will be good for exposure no doubt! I also find it amazing/unbelievable that Billy Talent is back around for more. I’ve heard them on the local rock station… I think it’s not bad? I can’t remember. Oh, and speaking of things that are back… Sum 41 is coming back!?!?? It’s true… I saw the story somewhere… ah, here: http://www.skatepunkers.net/2016/09/sum-41-release-video-for-god-save-us.html
everything old is new again
I enjoyed both those vids. New Swears, Brand New Spot was a catchy tune.
I had heard about Sum 41 having a new album and I just shrugged.
Good morning y’all! Thanks for keeping me in the indie music loop!
Hiya Funhug!
Good morning Flanneldarhug and Kribottfield and Missy Janet
I think I woke up on the silly side of the bed today
Deryck Whibley was on q last week, I listened to the podcast, where they played some new music. Wasn’t feeling it the first time around, not really feeling it the second either.
And good morning Morganasaurus
Have a great weekend guys! Hope you all get into all kinds of fun and exciting things! I am headed to a work conference, so my weekend will be informational, but probably not fun and/or exciting!
I hope there is room for some enjoyment in there janet.
a shrug is about all sum 41 is worth probably, although they were certainly of importance at one point. I saw them play for my 19th birthday. (it wasn’t actually on my birthday because I was in the hospital on my actual 19th) and it was a super fun show. Half Hour of Power era, that was.
As for something else, how about this? A Sloan (SLOOOOOOOOOOAAAAANNNNN!!!) superfan (not binsy or jDurly as far as I can tell) ranked every one of their songs from worst to best:
Things are really slowed down here today eh. No more Reginula either? What happened, she get fired from the basement?
Good day everyone! Just cruisin’ on through… a lot of work today.
I am listening to Basia Bulat in preparation for seeing her on Monday. Reg is still around, she asked me to get her a TShirt at the show. She is just a busy working lady.
The music is also helping me get ready for the crazy pace that the family will be moving in and out of this house with guests over the long weekend … plus work.
I guess nobody wants to be stuck in a dark basement on such a beautiful day. (Beautiful in Toronto anyway. YMMV.)
14C and sunny here in Bend… but I’m stuck inside on a conference call… so here I am.
Regina’s on the book of faces recently.
Cold and snow on the ground in Regina.
Reginula is busy right now and took a step back from writing duties in ourbasement. She will be back.
Hey there Humanoids
24 but feels like 29.
Sorry Darbstar.
It will find you eventually Steve. Last weekend was beautiful and warm and sunny an in the 20s. Now we are at zero and I had to clean snow off my car this morning. Crazy!
@Darbs – I saw the pics. Troubling to say the least.
WTF, Regina? (the one in Saskatchewan, not the one in Mexico)
It’s a bit of a shock to the system.
Woohooo!! Devin and I both got parts in the community theatre play we auditioned for. I play an ugly hairy creature called an Awgwa and Devin will be a reindeer. Haha!
how much snow did you get Darbar? I think we’re at about 10 cm, but it’s stopped and is melting, very very slowly
How much longer until you get sick of all the “the role you were born to play” jokes?
We have snow on the mountain here in Bend… whoohooo!!! Soo excited! Bring on winter!
that Sloan list is…interesting. The general tone seems to be how much they hate songs until you get to about #80, then it starts to shift
I don’t think Believe In Me sounds like Boston. Maybe a bit like Some Kind of Wonderful by Grand Funk Railroad…maybe
Haha Loozrboy! I am not sure how long. I was hoping that I would require a costume and make-up and they didn’t just cast me on my normal appearance.
the rain is subsiding so Basia and the chores are being suspended.
I am going to go and listen to the birds while I walk the dog and get groceries.
I may stop by the ticket wicket and get a ticket for Wintersleep … last time I saw them was at a sold out show at the Commodore so I am having a hard time thinking of how it will all work in our tiny venue.
@darbar that sounds like so much fun! being a hairy monster that is:)
@justingrady so you will come and shovel the snow around my house when the snow arrives because you just love it that much;)
OK GTG back in a bit.
Halloween costume this year: Boba fett
Oh oh Wintersleep…I need to go check dates for them and the play. I hope I won’t have to miss Wintersleep!
Whew! I should be okay. Wintersleep is Nov 25 and the play is Nov 30 to Dec 3.
We haven’t had huge amounts of snow. I don’t have windows down here but I expect it to be mostly melted.
that guy didn’t really like the double cross
huh. according to the weather network, toontown got 29 cm. Didn’t seem like that much. I guess a lot of it melted as it felt. Seemed like about 10 on the ground this morning
as it fell…
wintersleep is here nov 23rd. i love how spotify tells me that.
i did not get the ticket today, those five extra blocks seemed like too much with 50lbs of groceries on my back.
Oh, hello.
Preoccupations tonight in Pontiac.
Earplugs required.
Russ, what are they, terrorists? Viet Cong?
(And hello.)
Buncha noisy Canucks…
I don’t know where hurricane Michael will go, of course, but I’ve seen one path — the only one then, on that site — that would have it curl back in an almost complete circle, and go back down to the Bahamas (or some such), though only as a storm.
Oops, not Michael, but Matthew.
(Spare the archangel, curse the saint.)
Did someone mention my name? i.e. Hurricane Michael
Expect high Wynnz.
Get back to your “work” activities!
Hello all!
Here is a Thanksgiving playlist for your listening pleasure.
Good morning all! How is everyone?
There’s precious few “everyone” here today!
‘Sup, Tumbleweed?
Hi DarBar. Listening to your playlist right now. Thanks!
hello friends.
those that are posting and those that are lurking.
does anyone have show plans for this long weekend?
Hi Morgana.
Heading up to Algonquin in about… 2 hours and 15 minutes. Wish we could be getting the same weather we’ve had today and yesterday, but looks like it will be half decent, anyway.
Wait, you said *show* plans. No. No I don’t.
Just fired up your playlist @DarBar…. great start! .. I have good memories to Slow Down Molasses.
@loozerboy my family is out in VW van getting the on and off weather that is fall. one of the best parts of being “out there” at this time of the year is that only the hardy are still on the road; no need to worry about finding a spot in a designated or stealth spot at all!
I missed the boat on exploring Algonquin when my sister lived in the area but I did make it to her new digs up in Whitehorse this summer. Enjoy your fall colors and feasting!
I work this weekend but will be rewarded; Basia Bulat on Monday!
@Justin and what do you have planned for your second birthday weekend?
@DarBar: Could you not find a good song called “Pumpkin Pie”? Ooh, maybe some Smashing Pumpkins? Or would that be cheating in more ways than one?
@darbar I am saving your playlist for my weekend at home alone.
kinda bummed so i am saving gems like this to keep my spirits up so thanks.
Haha Loozrboy. I did not find any turkey songs. I almost added Year of the Pig but thought I would save that for Easter. I am open for suggestions still.
Sorry you are bummed morgana and I hope music helps you as it does me.
I was hoping to go to Andy Shauf Saturday night but it is sold out. I may go see Andino Suns and Stillhouse Poets instead. They are a couple of local bands. You may hear more about Andino Suns in the future.
@darbar that is a big miss, Andy Shauf that is! Any chance of tickets at the door?
Hey @morgana! I am in Bend and am meeting some friends tonight, a fellow web developer friend for lunch. Tomorrow am going to a film fest and good food/beer after with another friend. And, get some running in too. Feels so good to be here! There is a cute girl who *might* be single teaching a strength class tomorrow morning at 7:30am, you bet I’m gonna make it for class. I’m interested enough to ask her out if she happens to be single.
Just looked up Andino Suns on Spotify. They’re blowing up in Balgonie, SK! Like half the town is listening to them!
Looks like Reg has been listening to them too :>.
@justingrady you sure know how to pack in the good times!
do you know this bendy girl from anywhere else?
Bendy girl. hehe
A Tribe Called Red sold out there show here in just under 6 hours. I may try the “checking at the door thing” but I have a feeling not being 20 something anymore may reduce my chances of success.
Haha Loozrboy!
I hope that did not sound degrading … it is something my daughter and I started calling the Cirque performers (bendy people) and it has snuck into my vocabulary.
@morgana – I just found it amusing. Athletic girl from Bend seemed very appropriate to be called bendy girl.
I have seen Andy a few times around here so it’s not a huge deal to miss him this time.
RE Bendy girl…. I had met her over the summer once maybe. But re-met her again at our 5:50am strength class as she was the instructor. She was very attentive to my work in the class and she’s quite attractive and not ring on her finger nor did the topic of a BF come up and she talked about her work and kids some, so if there was a dude I figured he’d be mentioned. She does have kids, that’s ok. I think she’s around my age, maybe a bit younger. So, we’ll see. I’m not taking dating very seriously and that’s a good things for now.
@darbar honestly I missed on the location being funny as well! Too witty for my own good:)
@justingrady Excellent attitude of not taking the dating too seriously, unless of course the other party is … well have fun exploring the options of the dating world anyway.
@Morgana… right, the seriousness of things needs to be respected where each person is at. For me, I’m not getting caught up in things too early nor taking anything personally, to the best of my ability, right now. Just having fun getting to know cool women. Over the long haul yes, I want to have a badass wife and badass relationship between us.
@morgana/justin – That is the key part. That both parties are on the same page.
Mobina Galore are in Oregon this weekend. I think they said Eugene tonight and Portland tomorrow.
Andy should be playing in nelson on october 13th … sigh!
so we have “The Dude” and “Bendy Girl”. If she becomes “Badass Lady” then we know you are taking the relationship seriously @justingrady
the wonderful world of dating…
Even tumbleweeds are in the dating game apparently.
dating’s tough when you’re a tumbleweed; you’re never in one place very long…
and tumbleweeds are scared of tinder…
you could remove the words “scared of” from that and it would be accurate
Yes… if a woman becomes “Badass Lady” status, then things are serious between us.
this conversation made me think of this song…
they were Canadian, too. Well, the singer was British but lived in TO. Great album. Bit dated sounding these days because of the use of electronic drums and the totally fuzz-free guitar that was pretty much the trademark of the 80s
Yup but amusing. I gotta run.
Happy Thanksgiving!
@darbar thanks for giving us a playlist for Thanksgiving!
Happy eating everyone:)