By Mariposa Bressey
It is not the end of the year, nor is this a best of list, just some thoughts on woman who have been releasing some wonderful music in 2016. I realized last week that for what ever reason I have not been listening to our creative Canadian ladies much this year. Has there been a lack of releases from them? As it turns out, I have simply been remiss.
We are going to make our way through some gals with guitars and some that are “the girl behind a piano” despite themselves and as a side bar to their other band. Some of these ladies are more lyrical and one other who prefers to growl, not the technical term for throat singing but, you know, this is for fun and not a serious write up.
Both Amy Millan and Emily Haines have albums that are celebrating their ten year anniversaries in 2016. Exclaim! has an interview from Emily’s release a decade ago if you care for a stroll down memory lane with someone who is not shy about daily orgasms and spending money on wine and hotels. I took a stroll down memory lane and it landed me at The Be Good Tanya’s and the realization that they too have a decade release to celebrate this year.
There are some other female artists that have been in the biz for a long time on this playlist but this year they put out a stellar collaboration. The Case/Lang/Veirs project has had a lot written about it so I will just say what a thrill it has been for me to listen to a project where each song is so individual and at the same time the album is mesmerizingly cohesive. A tribute to these powerful ladies talent and ability to collaborate. Someone newer to our ears is Lauren Mann and on this playlist she intrigues us with two very different songs from her surprise album drop, without her Fairly Odd Folks.
Veda Hille has a new album out, but Spotify has failed me here so I have put in a song of hers from 20 years ago. You can also peek here for a 2016 song. There are some families out there making music for us too, so I made sure to incorporate them into this playlist. Two families came to mind; a collaboration from the Barbers, and the now fully popified pair of Tegan and Sara. I have to say that I miss their sound from a decade or so ago that I heard at The Culch where I also saw Veda Hille, yes, 20 years ago!
Here are some ways to get to know two of the artists on this playlist that were completely new to me. Here is Julie Doiron, and Vancouver gal Skye Wallace has two vid’s that need to be watched back to back.
I recently saw Basia Bulat, and she did not disappoint! She even sang to me in Spanish! A sweet and memorable experience. Her openers Oh Pep were great. They made use of many strings including a slide mandolin. They gave a huge shout out the The CBC (not R3) but I figured that gets them an honourable mention even if they are Aussies.
I hope you find some new-to-you music on this playlist; I certainly have through the process of creating it. One thing is for sure, I am glad I spent some more time with these talents hailing from Canada.
Hey ho! (Not here today, hope the people come on…)
Good morning!
Good morning! Great article this morning!
well, the Sadies put on a great live show. They played for 2 hours, and they can play some mean guitar
Where is everyone today? Still sleeping? Or, *gasp*, working?
Nice to see a new(?) contributor to the blog. Who is Mariposa? The article mentions a playlist, but I don’t see a link.
I saw Dan Bejar open for Guided by Voices over the weekend. DB was pretty quiet (it was just him an his acoustic guitar) and not much more talkative than he is when I’ve seen him play with the New Pornographers, but I really enjoyed it. GBV were fun, if a little loud. They didn’t take much time at all for any kind of banter, just went from song to song to song to song.
hehe…smashing pumpkins for charity….
Good morning everyone!
Hi all! Yay morgana!
Try this link for the playlist:
@janet, I prefer some banter or story telling at concerts. The Danny Michel concert I saw in September was really fun that way. Opener Jim Bryson was hilarious.
Ah, it’s Morgana. Nicely done!
I like a little banter as well. One reason I enjoy live shows is to get a little bit of an idea of the person behind the music.
Sorry about that, I have added the playlist
Did everyone enjoy their long weekends?
well the “mean song 2” official video link comes up with “Blood Moon”
boo hoo
can someone delete my now double post please?
OK, Exclaim! has both videos and an article
I put both of the Skye Wallace videos into a playlist and and linked them to her name in the article
I like banter as well, I agree, I feel like I get a better understanding of the artists’ personalities. Not so much for either artist on Friday.
I had that same problem with Veda Hille when I was making the Spotify Polaris long list playlist. I will have to check out that link for the new stuff.
Also today is International Day of the Girl, so this post seems appropriate. For more of these artists and more, you can check out the playlist I made for International Women’s Day.
@garfielduk well that is just too tricky for me not to see the address. now that i have had my tea I can see that her name is highlighted. Thanks for making it user friendly for the masses … just not little old me who was out at Basia until the wee hours last night.
@justingrady how was your second birthday weekend?
@Morgana, I wish links were in a different colour so that they stood out more
@garfielduk oh good, thanks for removing my morning blunders from the blog
@darbar, I have not listened to all of the Veda Hille yet either. Let me know what you think.
case/lang/veirs was so so very good at Interstellar Rodeo in Winnipeg this August. Those are some very talented ladies.
Basia had a little banter in her last night. Someone shouted out for her to sing in Polish. She responded by asking in Spanish if anyone spoke Spanish … I replied from right in front of her that I did so she sang to me for a bit in Spanish. It sounds like no one else was in the room but they were, but it was just for me
@Morgana, You are welcome. I always feel strange editing comments, as you can see it doesn’t stop me though
@darbar there were so few Canadian dates on their tour that I had no chance to get near them. Glad you were able to soak it up though.
Let me try this again:
Good morning! Peggy and I are back home after a lovely long weekend in Oregon!
What a fantastic moment to have with Basia morgana!
Hi Lee
But I do have some very unfortunate news. On Saturday, while I was away in Corvallis for an OSU football game and to visit friends, tickets went on sale for the Smugglers show in Berkeley, California at the venue 924 Gillman. Sad to say, Saturday, the day when they are going to play, sold out the tickets. Oh no. There will be a handful of tickets available at the door, but that’s a poor travel risk. My hope now is to get on the guest list. What a bummer. There are about six bands playing that night, so there is a lot of draw.
@darbar it was indeed. and i also have a special treat to send to Regina as soon as she get’s me her address.
I am digging the playlist that goes with today’s story! I’m going to check out DarBar’s International Women’s Day one next!
@mcfflyer oh i am sure mr lawrence can sort that out for you!
your trip looked amazing but i don’t think you will have to choose trip or tickets; cake and eat it too!
@janet I am glad you are liking the compilation. I am playing it in full for the first time too
I really enjoy Lisa LeBlanc.
and the sentiment of the song on the playlist works for me too … just translate coffee to tea.
I loved the let me finish my coffee part as that is so like me.
@darbar how much of your old Halloween playlist from CBC made it over to Spotify? If you are looking to add to it you may want to check out those Skye Wallace new releases. Maybe more the videos but maybe the music too.
As I mentioned this is the first time I have listened to the list in it’s entirety. The old Veda Hille song sure makes me think of the stuff Sarah Mclaughlin was putting out around the same time.
I have quite a few songs on that Halloween list but I will check out the Skye Wallace ones. Thanks for the tip.
Blood Moon would definitely fit. Hopefully it gets on Spotify soon.
Looking at her 2014 album, there are a bunch on there that would work for Halloween as well. Interesting.
Morgana! great article!
Awesome that there’s a spotify link so I can listen up a storm.
We had our first frost last night here on this part of the coast. No denying summer has passed now.
Good morning!
Great article AND playlist Morgana!
I love Canadian indie women!
First frost last night here in Salmon Arm as well. I rode my motorcycle to work. It was cold, mostly on my neck.
Shit! I hate when that happens. I had a long post I forgot to copy before attempting to post.
@funhug glad you are enjoying the Canadian Indie woman … maybe your very own one will give you a special birthday present …

we have snow on our mountain tops but the town is still full of fall colours
I am going to go out for a walk on the lake to enjoy those fall colours before the snow gets down here
have a great day everyone!
thanks and enjoy!
woke up to a couple of cm of gross, shitty, white, shitty, slippery, shitty, slushy, shitty white stuff on the sidewalks this morning
So how do you feel about the snow krib?
We have a dusting of it here but nothing major.
No snow here, unsurprisingly, but it was 3 degrees when I woke up this morning! That counts as winter to a lot of people around here.
I love snow in winter.
At Thanksgiving, not so much…
Hi, back from the Laurentians, where the mercury skirted zero last night, but didn’t hit it; and where the leaves are still mostly on the trees. Lots of red and orange, yellow too. Colourful beauty. It was so quiet I could hear the different sounds that different leaves made hitting the deck.