After many years on the road touring North America as a member of the Neilson Family Band, Tami Neilson followed her heart to New Zealand. While there she built an award-winning music career that is attracting attention back home in Canada.
She was 12 when the whole family joined her father on the road as the Neilson Family, starting out as a gospel act before moving into country music.
They performed across North America, opened for Johnny Cash and Loretta Lynn, and had two top 40 country radio hits in Canada.
The family band stopped touring when she was in her early 20s. Around that time Neilson met the man she would marry before returning with him to New Zealand.
Her fan base began to expand beyond New Zealand a few years ago when Toronto-based label, Outside Music, released Dynamite to Canada in 2014, and followed it with last month’s release of Don’t Be Afraid..
While Neilson was getting ready to record the follow-up to Dynamite 18 months ago when her father fell ill with a lung condition that left him barely able to speak.
During his time in hospital, the life-long musician and songwriter couldn’t get a song out of his mind so Tina brought her father’s guitar to the hospital one day and suggested he play the melody while she recorded it on her phone but he could only get through the first verse. Tina and her brother Jay continued work on the song, Don’t Be Afraid, and performed it at his funeral.
Tina has begun writing songs for the next album, and plans more Canadian tour dates early in 2017.
Good morning!
Did some chainsaw work yesterday, as well as carrying and stacking rounds of wood. I yam feelin my muskles, like Popeye. *Stretch*
Sounds like a spinach omelette is in order.
Hmmmm, a spinach omelette. Except given my availabilities, it may be a spinach-free omelette.
Sharp cheddar? And I have one (count it) one rasher of bacon left over from a sandwich. Maybe that.
Omelet you talk among yourselves. (Yourself?)
How do you sharpen cheese, I can only ever find the blunt stuff
It has a grater degree of difficulty than you might think.
Takes skill and a fine wire.
Good morning everyone! How are y’all?
I’ll have to try more caerphilly next time
so, picky, I know, but up there ^
it should be last month’s release, with an apostrophe
@krib, thank you
Hi, justin. I am well. Sunny, mlldish back end here.
As long as we’re being punctilious, there’s a period missing in “The family band stopped touring when she was in her early 20s Neilson met the man she would marry before returning with him to New Zealand.” I think, anyway.
@BfO, Thanks, I think I fixed it
Off to meet with my sister. Ciao!
@BfO… getting to be winter here in Bend! Was -1C this morning…
Hey @Tiffy! How are you?
Fine thanks – just sitting at a coffee shop on Ossington
@Tiffy… I’m at a Starbucks here in Bend, doing work. And hanging out here on the blog….
it was the same temperature here this morning. -5 with windchill.
made for a chilly ride to work
@krib… it’s beautiful here, sunny with a bit of wind, going to get to 20C here today, might get the bike out and hit the trails. Glad you had a good ride to work!
hmm…I think the temperature is going to rocket all the way up to 4 here today!
greetings friends!
are we discussing weather? There’s a storm a-brewing on the coast. Batten the hatches and break out the rain gear we are being warned.
Hello hello! It was a beautiful day here, crisp and cool in the morning, but close to 20 degrees this afternoon!
Obviously a topic beyond weather is required…
Deep Fried Pickles! Has anyone tried them? Disgusting or delicious? Why do chefs continue to push the boundaries of what can be deep fried? (my kid said to me this summer that she really wanted to go to a fair where they were selling DEEP FRIED BUTTER because she wanted to try it. No, we didn’t find her any. But perhaps this illustrates our culture’s deep-fried fascination).
Sunny here.
Deep fried ice cream?
I had deep fried pickles last Christmas at Montana’s. They are surprisingly good. They are not something I would have every outing but once in a while is good.
Is deep fried ice cream like baked Alaska? I have not tried either
Have you tried chicken fried steak? I heard the line in a country song (I forget what song)
When I was in San Antonio, Texas I found it on a restaurant menu. of course I had to try it, not bad but it wouldn’t be my first choice.
I’ve never seen it since.
‘cuz everything’s better once it’s been in a deep fryer!
deep fried pickles aren’t too bad. like salty zucchini sticks
deep fried oreos kinda suck, though
@garfielduk thanks for leading me to this music. I have to admit I am not a country music fan; later KD Lang and The Bahamas are as close as I get. Tami has a powerful voice and I like the gospel influences but I did have to skip over a few twangy cuts in the playlist.
What I am trying to say is that I am surprised that I like as much of it as I do and that is a testament to her quality of music which gets me past the twang!
I am posting and running; it has been a busy morning and now I am off to work and then yoga after.
see you all tomorrow though … no deep frying please
deep fried oreos? were they battered?
yes, deep-frying is a strange phenomenon.
yes, they are battered and deep fried.
like a mars bar
Deep-fried is the only way I’ll eat pickles. It’s also my preferred way to eat fish, potatoes, chicken, and tofu.
Deep-fried butter isn’t as nasty as it sounds. The butter melts into the batter and it’s basically a buttery fritter. You should probably still consult your cardiologist before consuming it though.
Wait a minute, is this yesterday’s topic? Where is everyone today. Talking to myself about deep-fried butter like an idiot over here…
my daughter and I resolved that the best way to eat potatoes is pan fried, with the skins on
although the skins is probably me
@Loozr, Yes this is yesterdays post. I couldn’t think of anything to post today, sorry.
Tsk tsk. Is it really so much to ask that you create a compelling piece of on-topic original content every single day in addition to your also-unpaid site maintenance duties?
Harvest Picnic organizer files multimillion lawsuit
Many musicians who performed at the festival have yet to be paid; Hamilton Music Awards also in jeopardy
Anyway, getting the conversation back on topic here:–_i0JZbs
@Loozr, I’m being measured for my short handled broom tomorrow
Hi, everybodeeeee! Mmmmmmmm, deep-fried shirts.
Garf, what?
German top court backs EU-Canada trade deal CETA
Germany’s Constitutional Court has rejected a legal challenge to the EU-Canada free trade deal (CETA) from campaigners who call it undemocratic.
The campaigners object to the fact that parts of CETA will be implemented before all national parliaments in the EU have voted on it.
@BfO, If I am fitted with a short handled broom I can sweep the floor as I go
Garf: ah! thx, I had no idea about the reference!
I note that NPR, streaming John K’s latest, IS NOT GEOBLOCKING IT. (I think I’ll post this on CBC-R3 o n FB.)
About the word “batter” up there, I’m conflicted about the two different meanings, as in “battered Mars bar” (or chicken), and “battered woman”. It’s an uncomfortable juxtaposition.
Talia in her job at NPR
and good morning from wet and cold Nelson … but it is snowing up at our local hill so I suppose that is good.
mmmm Whitewater….
@funhug I know!!! I am just on MEC looking at there last years ski’s. My kid is over 6ft now so her old 162’s just won’t cut it any more!
may be getting her these from a friend of a friend who is a sponsored athlete … she prefers to tele so they are barely used. Man that would be great! I love a good deal to help keep my family out there playing:)
morgana: Talia did real good, there.
I got sucked into the MEC website earlier this morning as well…probably as a result of the same MEC email.
Might go to the Vernon Ski swap this Saturday.
@b from o I agree; Talia has spread her wings but is taking us with her!
@funhug I am trying to avoid the ski swap here. The line is long and it is too manic for me. Plus, I don’t know that much about how to put the right ski, boot, binding combo together. I am looking at $550 all in for the barely used Savory 178’s with new in the box bindings. Myy friend can deliver plus he may have some boots to give us. Man I hope it comes together and I can call this done!
Hi all! I enjoyed my first volunteer shift yesterday with BreakOutWest. I will head to shift 2 in an hour and a half. I do enjoy being a part of it and hope I get to catch some great music this weekend!
not sure if I’d call that SATE’s debut album, given that she released a couple as Saidah Baba Talibah
wonder if that’s pronounced like Sade?
Talia and Tom like telling people Andy lives in Bienfait. He has been in Regina for years.
Nothing gets lost on the internet. You guys were easier to track down than I thought.
Is it just me, or is the cbc radio 3 group gone from facebook?
Hey Tiff, did you see New Pornographers and Tokyo Police Club are playing a show as part of the Grey Cup weekend?
Nvm, just saw your FB post.
I’d love to go…to far away, though *sad face*
@tiffyleeson: The group page is still there, but it’s disappeared from my sidebar and it’s showing zero members.
@kirb – I need to see how much the tickets are going to be. It’s for the grey cup festivities.
I can’t find a pre sale code….
They apparently don’t like us posting a bunch of CBC bashing on there.
$29.50 (Friday only); 2-day passes available for $49.50 from
T&C IS BACK!!!!! (Maybe? If that is T&C?)
@T&C glad you found us! What have you been up to?
we are all pitching in to keep the dream alive here.
check out the “contribute” in the top right to learn more.
Hi everyone.
I woke up from a dream this morning that I was listening to Craig and Pedro on Radio3. Just like the old days, although we only really heard from Pedro on the R3-30 podcasts (remember those?), but it was it was like stepping back in time, and I did awaken with a smile on my face. Gosh, the days when I’d get up and use my iPhone to listen to Craig as I got up and got ready for the day.
When I was up in Oregon last weekend, I saw that the rental car I had for four days had SiriusXM, but I never even tried to find out just what Sirius channel “Radio”3 is on now. Really – why should I bother? It’ll just be a string of unhosted songs from bands that I probably won’t know anything about. If the CBC Radio/CBC Music people don’t care about us, why should I care about them?
@mcfflyer that looked like a great trip you and Peggy made. I don’t think you would have found anything on Sirius if you had have looked. I seem to recall that that plug was pulled as well. What did you two listen two while you were cruising the coast?
@darbar have fun volunteering! let us know what the newest/hottest/bestest sounds are:)
darbar, re the CBC R3 FB site, perhaps the lack of members is somehow automated: there have been (loose count) maybe 15 posts since mid-August (no counting comments). So, it’s mostly disaffected, I like the word.
@morgana – Actually, we never turned the radio on during the whole time we had the rental car. I didn’t bother with trying to figure out how the radio worked, but we were sure excited to be there – and boy, did we ever choose the right weekend to be there, as the weather was mostly good, and it was really nice during the football game where OSU beat Cal 47-44. But this weekend, it’s going to be a full out storm!
And to be honest, since we “lost” Radio3, I hardly listen to the radio any more – and don’t even listen to my Canadian indie albums and CDs much either, although I will occasionally listen to some of the few podcasts that I still have. I’ve always said that I’m most interested in “radio”, and I thought “Radio3” was the best “radio” I’d ever heard, what with the two-way communication with the hosts and the community of all of us – which of course, CBC has destroyed. The music was a bonus and I really embraced it. Whereas before I’d have music on all of the time, now I don’t. What’s more, when I do put on music, now it’s about 50-50 if its even Canadian or not. Now when I drive in my car, I usually have it on KCBS, a new radio AM station from San Francisco.
That magic period where Canadian indie music, brought to me daily by CBC Radio3, is gone. I didn’t leave them. They left me.
ignore this