Jake Vance was ready to hang up his guitar for good until he received the affirmation he needed to keep going when he was nominated for the 2016 Canadian Folk Music Award for Young Performer of the Year last month. The 20 year old alt-folk singer’s honour came mere weeks after he decided he was done with the life of a struggling musician.
Last spring Vance released Eden, a five track EP that took him six months to create with a little help from Russell Broom, Jann Arden’s songwriter.
Vance was coming up through the ranks as a folk musician but was unable to secure enough gigs to make a living from music. At the start of last year he had a thirteen week stay in Toronto through the Artist Entrepreneurship Program and performed at the Juno Awards held in the TD Green Room in Calgary.
Vance had been gaining recognition as an up-and-coming folk musician. Last January he was awarded a three-month stay in Toronto through the Artist Entrepreneurship Program and played in the TD Green Room at the Juno Awards in Calgary.
Vance also to perform as part of Canada’s Walk of Fame Festival in Toronto last month due to being one of the top seven in the Emerging Artist Mentorship Program. He was also top regional finalist in this years CBC Searchlight competition during the summer.
Good morning!
Good morning or afternoon.
(A thought: how do flat-Earthers explain talking on the phone to someone in Australia, when it’s night here but day there? And there’s also the summer-winter inversion…)
Aaaaaaand: I did not know such a fiddle existed. An octobass. Not quite twelve feet tall.
I see yours Benoit and raise you
I note that we don’t get to *hear* any of its music. (I bet you elephants would like it.)
Hello, hello! I’ve never heard of Jake Vance, but I’ll have to check him out. I don’t know if this matters, but Jann Arden’s name is spelled wrong in the article, she spells it with 2 n’s.
@Janet, congratulations, you spotted my deliberate mistake, left there to see if anyone read it *shifty eyes*
I though you meant EVE Arden…
@Garfield, I used to do that with newsletters I sent to students too
Thanks, Garf, that was great. And I repeat my speculation that elephants would, at least, be very interested in hearing an octobasse, especially those lower notes.
From BBC Newsbeat
Small music venues are still not being valued as “little sanctuaries”, according to a charity trying to stop them closing.
“We’re still not seeing investment coming into the sector,” said Mark Davyd, founder of the Music Venue Trust.
He was speaking before a charity gig at London’s Roundhouse.
Everything Everything, Public Service Broadcasting and The Carnabys were all on the bill to raise funds for venues.
good morning.
I don’t remember Jake Vance from Searchlight. Bad me. Thanks for bringing him up @garfielduk. The first song reminds me of Dom Fricott for some reason …
@b from o are there really still flat-Earthers out there still?
Hi Morgana
Howdy folks. Thanks for the new music to check out.
…and, morgana, there was some guy with a very astral projection attitude to things, whose name came up the other day. (I forget it.) In any case, among other inanities, he’s a flat-earther.
It’s one thing to bullshit killer vaccines, but to deny the Galilean universe takes carefully-applied stubbornness.
I’d like to shoot some of those people um about 100, 150 km up. In a rocket. With life-support, I mean, what’s the point if not to laugh at them when they come back down?
The latest theory I heard was that GPS doesn’t exist and all the tracking is done by cell tower triangulation (how this is meant to work in the middle of an ocean I know not)
Howdy everyone!
@garfielduk the dolphins are holding towers up in the middle of the ocean of course … duh!
@justingrady howdy to you too!
@Morgana, Of course, how foolish of me
Dolphins are snart.
One of the video objections (not watched) says ships don’t “go down at the horizon” (it’s just the air getting thicker). Sailors of old knew the reverse is true, as you could see a faraway ship from the masthead, but not from the deck; also, that the rigging would first appear, then the lower parts.
They can’t be that snart, I’ve never seen one send a enail
They prefer snail mail.
Not sending a message in a bottle?
Snail mail is problematic: imagine making chains that tiny?
Another set at BreakOutWest I really enjoyed last weekend was Ryan McNally from Whitehorse. I especially enjoyed the washboard playing. I talked to her after and found out she is a kit drummer that is just figuring out the washboard. She did a fantastic job of it and her facial expressions only added to it. Ryan’s old timey music was very enjoyable.
g’night folks
Night Garfy.
looks like the Jays are on some pretty thin ice right about now down 3-0 in the 8th
ha! Canadian band touring Canada in the snow sees a grizzly eating a moose…how much more Canadian can you get?