By Darlene Barss
Happy Hallowe’en to all. On this Halloween day, I am going to tell you a frightful tale. It may or may not make sense and it may or may not be scary, but just start up that playlist and let’s see how it goes.
It started off when I found the perfect Halloween Mask and headed out to get me some Candy. I was imagining a whole lot of it, like Candy Walls of it and was lost in my dream of all that super sugar goodness. I soon realized there was somebody Creepin behind the bushes. That Creeper gave me the heebie-jeebies. It just Creep On Creepin On and Freaking Out the Neighbourhood. With A Windful of Screams I ran from that neighbourhood but the Other Spooky Is the next neighbourhood seemed to be Cursed. There were strange things going on that made me think the Devil was behind it all. I thought maybe if I could Give the Devil Back His Heart we would be okay. But the Devil’s Got a Gun and is hard to make a deal with especially when you aren’t sure just who he is. I finally figured it out and shouted “Plastic Man, You’re The Devil I can see it in your Devil’s Eyes!” He just laughed and that Satan is The Whistler and summoned his Demon Lover. I certainly was in no mood to be a Demon Host so while he Fed From Her Hand, we took off on a Death Drive and unfortunately found ourselves on the Boat Gas Death Train.
That ended as you might expect, with a lot of Blood. Blood On Our Hands, head to toe and everywhere else. It was like Blood & Honey all mixed up and I could even see Blood in the Sun. It was definitely Killing Time around there so there was nothing left to do but Lay Down In the Tall Grass under a Willow Tree and hope for some Cemetery Breeding and a Proper Burial. At the Burial where they were planning to Bury Me, a bunch of people ran in and were saying Dig Gravedigger Dig we need more Graves. So many Graves! It is a Grave Situation Pt.1 and quickly becoming a Grave Situation Pt.2. We are going to need Mass Graves/Dance Caves to deal with all these Dead Things, Pt. II. Can’t you hear the Cries of the Dead?
It was then We Saw Ghosts. There were so many Ghosts. There were wispy Ghosts and Weighty Ghosts. Whole Ghost Towns of them. One Tuff Ghost really put on the Ghost Pressure and Let Spirits Ride. I really wanted to Haunt You because after all I Died So I Could Haunt You. I was focused on that as others went off to do some Mansion Haunting and went into Witchwood looking for the Night Witch. They brought her to the Boneyard and Shook Our Bones. She made This Bed of Shattered Bone into a Danse Macabre much to the Zombie‘s Delight. Those things are so stupid and Zombie Eyed and eat Brains For Breakfast but there are other much worse Winged/Wicked Things out there. Like the worst Vampire the Vampire of the West Coast. He is such a Monster. He can put a Monster into Monster Hospital that is how much of a Monster he is. Did I mention that he was a Monster? I don’t mean just a Creature. Sure Creatures Of The Night are scary as are the Lovely Little Frankenstein but can they Destroy The Orcs?
They all have their Evil Ways and all This Terror is enough to make you Scream but let’s have some fun. Let’s go do some Bad Boogie Ballin’ and Nightcrawlin in our Makeshift Kingdom. It is Still The Same even if you think you are (Not) Superstitious and just out for Cheap Thrills. Beware of all that Black Matter out there. It may get you too.
For some more Halloween fun, go check out Google’s game.
Good morning!
Great story.
Good spooky morning
I don’t know if I should go to the store today, wait for cheap Halloween candy day tomorrow or, go twice
I’m excited to listen to Darbstar’s playlist today in the trailer.
@Garfy…maybe kale chips would satisfy your craving?
Go twice. Definitely.
@MissMaloo, I wouldn’t be buying candy if I went today but the walk would do me good
Good morning! Great story, can’t wait to listen to the playlist! Garfield, if it’s a nice day I say go the store twice, even if it’s just to get out of the house and walk around for a bit. Of course I say this after spending the last 3 days stuck in my house working on a paper, so my comment might be tinged with what I wish I could be doing right now.
It is currently 14°c and sunny here
Good morning! (Two above and bright grey)
Name Harpers IQ and skin tone?
Good morning. Halloween costume contest here at the office today.
Wow. So many Canadian Halloween songs! Who knew? Great job darbarspecial!
Morning all! This playlist began a few years back on CBC Music site and got added to every year. I brought it over to Spotify and lost a few songs but I have since added a couple more.
Have a Spooktacular Day!
Once again, you all forget Ivan Hrvatska. You can’t have a holiday party without Ivan Hrvatska.
He put the HA in HALLOWEEN?
Added! Thanks Wapuche.
@MissMaloo, No Kale but I have a bag of mixed chips with parsnip, beetroot and carrot
Young Rival’s 2016 Halloween Monster Playlist
Young Rival were just great at Zaphod’s the other night, opening for TUNS. Who were also most excellent.
Bought the t-shirt. (Chris didn’t have the CD, although he did have some on Big Oil-favouring vinyl….)
(The TUNS t-shirt.)
Hardy Har Har
Hi All! Speaking of TUNS & Young Rival, anyone in the Toronto area want to use my tickets (2 tickets) for this Friday at Lee’s Palace?
I can’t go unfortunately, and I’m not looking for money, just want to see them get used.
Ha, Ha, Great I’m going to use those this evening
The Matinee made a Spotify Halloween playlist.…/…/playlist/63xiqppzjafS64MivPky66
Try this one
Which reminded me to add their new song Dancing On Your Grave to my playlist.
Only 2 more years and you can have him back
Bank’s Mark Carney says he will leave in June 2019
That dog costume is amazing! But I have no doubt I would have screamed like a crazy woman if I had a similar situation!
@darbar you have taken this to a whole new level; a story and a playlist!
Hey everyone! Happy mid-day Halloween! Got to hang out with Deiru last night. He and a bunch of his buddies where partying in Portland for his bachelor party weekend.
Great article @Darb! Firing up the playlist now.
We are hosting half a dozen teenagers tonight. The decorating is done. Candy apples and apple bobbing ready to go. Movies and snacks queued up. I just have the main to make, a dumpling stew, and the punch to assemble at the last minute so that the frozen hands are at there best. I knew I could count on @darbar sharing her playlist so now I have the music too!
The story barely makes any sense but it was fun. Ha! Thanks
Very cool that you got to hang out with Deiru, justin!
@justingrady of course the beer lover goes to Portland for his stag! Did they find someone to film the wedding “Shred Kelly style”?
Nice morgana! That sounds like a pretty spooktacular party.
@darbar, I am having mr morgana bring home a bottle of gin to make sure I make it through.
Oh, and some lychee nuts to put into the punch … eye balls of course!
Haha! Awesome!
Photos of @Deiru’s and I’s debauchery… cool crew of people that came down with him from Vancouver, Edmonton, and White Horse.
Morgana, the party sounds amazing! I hope the teenagers have fun!
How’s the Halloween playlist working for you? There is 5 1/2 hours of music on there. It is keeping me entertained at work today.
@Darbs… playlist is awesome! Has kept me going during my code/programming. Especially like the Chan Van Gaalen, such a weirdball.
Great to hear Justin. I just had another song of his come up for me now. He is a pretty strange guy. Ha!
@darbar Oh I am having fun! I put lights under the glass punch bowl. It will be a cranberry and pop situation with frozen hands (filled latex gloves with water and put them in the freezer last week) instead of cubes. I have plenty to do still and the tunes are keeping me inspired!
@janet I hope they do. It can be hard to tell when a teen is happy or not /: I am just trying to have fun!
Fantastic morgana! I wish I could be at that party!
@darbar oh you are! that is the beauty of sharing music, you are where your music is:)
@morgana – Happy to be there!
so much good music but i know what is going to be stuck in my head …
“dig grave digger dig!”
Not a bad one to get stuck on. Try out the Ivan Hrvatska one that Wapuche suggested.
I just scared away the best props ever!
I went out onto our wrap around front porch to check on morgana jr’s decorations and frightened the yard FULL of crows away!
morgana, I think the crows are of the opinion that your appearance makes for a scary yard!
(less polite) morgana, you scared the shit out of them!
Happy Halloween!! Have a ghoul night.
@b from o I know! I am so sad that it wasn’t the kids who got to startle them away tho … all of those wings at once make a great sound!! starting for the human too.
@darbar thanks for coming to the party … popcorn and mulled apple cider and bowls of sugar are up first.
Oh hey @morgana… I don’t know about who is filming Deiru’s wedding. Shred Kelly style would kick ass though!