By Darlene Barss
This playlist stream started with one Canadian Indie song and then a word in the title of that song led to another Canadian Indie song and that led to another Canadian Indie song and another and it could keep going and going and going. So far it is at 83 songs, but if you try we may be able to keep the stream going and add on to it and then someone else can add to that and so on and so on and so on…
How come you never go there … THERE … There’s no one like you after all … AFTER … Night after night … NIGHT … When the night feels my song … SONG … Apartment song … APARTMENT … The old Apartment … OLD … These are the good old days … OLD … You will say the good in everyone … EVERYONE … Everyone’s a winner … WIN* … Can’t win … CAN’T … Can’t do without you …
Now you can choose between the words DO, WITHOUT & YOU to see where it takes us.
Good morning!
Hey ho! Cold here in Ottawa, -26 Celsius (15 below, F.) I wonder if my car will start. The cat doesn’t much want to go out. Waiting for some snow. Winter.
Lovely Canadian news from the BBC: Canadians Warned About Car-Licking Moose
I wonder how many Albertans drive there for a free car wash and some youtube footage
A moose once licked my Celica…
Russ, that almost sounds like a euphemism.
Did it buy you dinner first?
Did it polish your beaver before licking your Celica? And did you glow?
Who wouldn’t glow after seeing a moose polish a beaver?
Good morning. In honour of Christmases past, today is our office Christmas party, an the most Christmas coloured scarf I have is one of my formerly highly coveted CBC3 scarves that we used to highly covet. Almost a Christmassy red. Waves of nostalgia overwhelmed me so strongly that I almost missed my bus. Good day!
Hi Lee
Hey Garry
Of course, I meant CBC Radio3 scarf.
I knew what you meant
Speak for yourself @mcfflyer! I *still* covet the R3 scarf.
And… Good Happy cold/snow Friday everyone!
Hello all!
I have added “First I Make Love To You And Then I Make Love to Christmas” to the Stream for a dash of holiday spirit. That has a few words to work with as well.
Next week’s playlist will be a holiday special of some sort.
@Darbar!!! Haha! “First I Make Love To You And Then I Make Love to Christmas” …. the imagery of that… keep it classy!
It may not be classy but it is classic!
Hello all. @Russ are you going to Holy F tomorrow night?
How about We Can’t Be Lovers With These Guns On Each Other by Rae Spoon next?
Is Love the connector?
Yeah but that’s cheating when we don’t need to so how about Adam Called Me Over Christmas by Adam And The Amethysts instead
@Wynnzie – We considered it, but it’s not going to happen.
OK just checking.
Just added. Santa Never Brings Me a Banjo by David Myles.
As I listen to the playlist, I can tell very easily when I hear a song suggested by krib or myself. I quite enjoy the stream I must say.
And now added:
Power Pop Santa by Pointed Sticks
Hi to all you fine folks!…I just discovered this blog when browsing around, and I was surprised to see some names I recognized from back in the day at Radio3. I hope you all don’t mind me leaving this very long comment, but I used to avidly read and occasionally comment back on the R3 blog around the 2005-2010 range (saw broadcasting go from real radio on Saturday nights to online only, podcast being released less and less, etc.). After a while, I started coming back very infrequently, but noticed many hosts leaving, live hosting being cut, R3 merging with CBC Music, etc., and would sometimes still lurk and read comments.
All this is to say–a few months ago, I went back recently and found blog posts going up wayyy less frequently, and no more community of commenters. I was really sad to see that the community of fans engaging with the hosts was nowhere to be found. I also tried googling to find some old blog posts about certain milestones that I particularly remembered, and all I get are “404 not found” pages. Basically, just wondering what the hell happened, and how some of you ended up here??? It was always comforting to go back and update myself on R3 happenings even if only on occasion, and it makes me very sad.
Hi Blinger12! Welcome to OurBasement! I have to run out for a bit now but hopefully someone gives you some answers before I get back.
Hi Blinger
Radio3 stopped “live” hosting at the end of March of last year and basically became just another stream on CBC Music.
The blog was changed in late June after it had been decided that they didn’t need to run 2 different blogging systems, one for CBC Music and another for ICI Musique so they were combined. From what I understand it was agreed that ICI Muaique would have control of the platform and one of the things they demanded was that their would be no comments. Some of didn’t like this so we created a site of our own, which is where you find us today.
blinger, basically, CBC R3 abandoned all the preceding good stuff — hosts, the blog, and even artists’ pages, not to forget members’ pages and playlists — repeat, all that got deep-sixed a year ago, when they forded R3 into CBC Music. Seems to me they gave up because of a) no money, b) wind-it-down orders, ’cause R3 wasn’t popular, and c) nobody with any vision slash power was left anywhere.
The function that was R3 still hasn’t recuperated; they’re still *talking about* putting up some artists’ pages soon. Friggin’ lame.
So some people here (garf, darbar) and others currently absent set up this joint. Kudos to them.
(Right, I said a year ago, but garf is correct; a year ago is when Grant Lawrence went on paternity leave.)
The final day of hosting was March 27th 2015 and you can find more here
The final blog post was launched on June 24th 2016 (you can find a bad copy of it here)
You might be able to find some of the old podcasts over at
@BfO, I think it was around a year ago that we were first informed about the changes* to the blog
*My bid for understatement of the year
And don’t forget to add that what non-hosted music stream that “R3” has now is also geo-fenced so that not a peep will escape across the Canadian border. Sort of like putting up a wall. So if there’s anything new, someone like me can’t discover it on the radio.
I really hope Grant gets a regular show somewhere when he returns
I think he will, but it’s liable to be on R1 local.
Welcome Blinger12! sorta welcome back. We mainly rely on shared Spotify playlists, like today’s from Darb.
Thanks so much to you all for your replies and explanations, and those links are great, Garfield (like I said, I tried to sleuth around old blog posts but was shocked that they weren’t accessible, despite showing up on Google search results. What a mess). The geo-fencing is pretty abhorrent, especially since, if I recall, the R3 podcast was once really proud of its huge amount of international listeners.
My last question was going to be what happened to Grant–I saw that he was on leave, but is there any possibility of him returning to hosting the podcast? (having listened to a couple recent episodes, seems a bit phoned in these days…).
I would love for Grant to host the podcast upon his return but unless he starts it himself I don’t see CBC Music being too interested
We could always make him an offer to record one for us, What do you think, some Chocolate Chip Cookies and a six pack of Bitch Pops should do, right?
I was pretty certain people would step and give you some answers. Nicely done guys.
Couple things, artist pages *do* exist, you can find them here: but they aren’t editable yet by artists (don’t ask why).
Also ICI Musique & CBC Music were merged into a single platform, not for blogging/commenting but mostly for music and music related posts, etc. It’s really not a blog system/application.
Also I would say that the only factor for it’s demise was that the powers that be didn’t find any value in it period. If they were really independent music fans and Canadian music content fans, it would still exist. I.e. imagine Steve Pratt still being there, it would still be around.
Thanks again to you all for your friendliness and rapid responses! Listening to R3 was so, so formative for me back in the 2000s in my late high school/early university years, and remained a nice comfort I could come back to from time to time over the years. So given that I had an emotional attachment, I was super unsatisfied not being able to find any answers about what went down.
I knew I’d get something wrong
Thanks for the additional info again Wynnsie.
We talk and reminisce and grieve about R3 often around here. I am glad you stumbled on us Blinger12.
Now added to the stream: Sweet Milk Pop by A Tribe Called Red
Yep, CBC buried Radio 3 about as deep as that Gomeshi fella.
BTW – I know Andrea Gin is still writing stuff for Radio3, and James Booth is likely programming the stream, other than that there aren’t many more left, Louise Burns perhaps?
Here’s there top 103 tracks for 2016:
It seems to be missing a lot of good songs from this year, if you ask me.
I couldn’t tell you the last time I took any notice of the R3:30
Well it’s funny how all the streams (or a lot of them) including Radio3 are random playlists now, but they can’t even turn this type of thing into a playable list, shame really. Reflects the lack of foresight/planning.
That list led me to add No Milk, No Sugar by Islands to the playlist.
Song title with the word No or Sugar would be next.
No Sleep by little Sammy Roberts
Thanks Garf!
I thought it was getting too much like an R3 blog post with everyone ignoring the topic
I just decided to periodically add a song myself but appreciate you playing along.
Marshall Burns of Rah Rah has a holiday song.
I added Sing Me To Sleep by Chad VanGaalen and will probably end it here.
The New Pornographers – Sing Me Spanish Techno
Have a great weekend!
You too DBS