Here’s a free, 17-track, download called “Hamont Music Recap ’16”, a round up curated by Dylan “The Dill” Hudecki that offers a snapshot of the Hamilton scene in 2016 and to amplify its noise well beyond city limits.
You already know that Arkells, Monster Truck, Jessy Lanza, Terra Lightfoot, Junior Boys and Dirty Nil are all doing great out there across Canada and beyond. But the rest of the #HamOnt indie music scene is still thriving as always.
Indeed, a few of these artists are people we’ve mentioned already. Some have even made it on to the some popular “Canadian Songs of 2016” lists found on so many music blogs around this time of the year. But if you take a listen, you’ll see a city that is hitting above its weight.
Do you like the album? Does your part of the world produce samplers and if not do you thing they should?
Tragic news, Rudolph the red nose reindeer dead at 53. He was over Barcelona when he was hit by a flock of seagulls and a 747. Eyewitnesses said that the reindeer in Spain was hit mainly by the plane.
Good morning!
Hello everyone, how are things?
Cold and sunny here.
Good morning!
Things are good here, I have finally sent off my Secret Santa gift today, so it will probably be late
Here, cloudy and… colder. About -11 F.
Some sun here, then turning cloudy later with a high of 7°c and a low of 4°c
It’s hovering right at the freezing mark here, but sunny, and we’re expecting a high of 4.
The Current this morning on CBC R1 has interviews around the Rubik Cube. Quite interesting, although I don’t play with those. (And a few other toys such as the Slinky; the Large Cardboard Box, etc.
On q this morning, Martha Wainwright is in the studio! Don’t know exactly when.
MW: 1st item
Hey OB peeps! Happy Monday. The snow is beginning to go away here, it’s raining and will wash it all away.
I sent out my Secret Santa gift on Saturday, hopefully will make it on time to my cool R3 person.
Hey @Benoit, MW is here
Hi MW. I meant the Martha Wainwright MW. (What the heck’s a wainwright anyway?)
Posted for the t shirt:
-4 here today. Feels tropical. Ran to work and was too warm, which isn’t a surprise because I overheat running in temps like last week, too; the big difference is that there was no frost lining the inside of my jacket when I removed it today.
I think it’s a 21-degree swing from Saturday; more if you include wind chill
basically, it’s the old version of Cartwright
Wain is (as Krib said) the old word for cart hence the Hay Wain
@Krib… Holey moley man a 21 deg swing. Nice run this morning!
well, it was a relatively slow run because I was climbing yesterday so the legs aren’t 100%
Ah, thanks.
I think that t-shirt is missing a comma
SaskMusic has a longlist of The Best Saskatchewan Albums of 2016. I look forward to seeing who makes the shortlist.
Copied the wrong thing.
Sask Music used to do samplers. Now they seem to have this
I am nearing 2 weeks with an annoying cold. The cold weather on the weekend didn’t help me feel better but I made it through. We had a combined 80th birthday party for my parents on Saturday. Dad’s birthday was the 12th and Mom’s is the 27th so we had it in the middle. It was a lovely time. There were a couple cars that needed boosting that night. Mine was dead over at my guy’s place so Sunday we boosted it a three times before I drove it home and got a battery charger on it overnight. We did get some shopping in yesterday but I still have much to get done this week. Ack!
Not Canadian… but *very* Portland…..
Portland’s cat rapper puts on live show from his bathtub
Is to raise awareness of adopting a cat this time of year.
That is pretty fun justin.
I’m always worried about going into pet adoption centres because I would either want to stay and live with the dogs or bring them all home with me
Me too Garf!
Add me to that list too! Except I would want the kitties!
I can just see the headlines now
3 armed bandits rob local animal shelter. Nobody was harmed but their entire stock of animals was taken. Police say they are looking for a big house with lots of noise.
That’s how I got Duke… went into the animal shelter just ‘to look’. And got sucked in… this pup, he’s been so good for my life! And me for him too.
He has such a sweet face!
Found on Facebook:
My dogs both came from Humane Society. Bo was found in a graveyard with a pack of dogs and had been bitten by a large dog. Sara was also a stray running wild and was super malnourished and poorly socialized. I had many happy years with both of them.
My cat was one of a litter of kittens my friend found in their alley and was fantastic. The two cats I have now I took in for a friend and may be permanent, we shall see.
I saw that about Lucky. So cool!
That video was awful Garf! haha!
Ho! Ho! Ho! Canada VIII!!!
That is hard to read but it is supposed to be VIII as in eight.
That took a couple of tries
I loved the Hidden Cameras cover of Log Driver’s Waltz! I’m going to download the album just for that song!
Jedi is not a religion, Charity Commission rules
Wow, the Doomsquad one is 30 minuties long. It isn’t for everyone but I am liking most of it.
anyone see Rogue One yet?
not yet
Not yet no and probably won’t until after xmas. I think we may go to Imax again to see it.
I just pre-ordered Rouge One on Blu-Ray for £1 more than it would cost me to see it in Imax 3D (and the deliver is less than it would cost to get to the cinema)
Different experience though.
True, at home I don’t have to listen to other people talk
I wasn’t trying to tell others what to do, just saying what I had done. I did it last year with episode 7.
And I wasn’t trying to say your way was wrong either just different.
I am off. Stopping in a store looking for more xmas gifts on my way home. Bye for now!