For the last few weeks I have used each Thursdays post to list all of the music the music that had been released from that week (with a slight overlap for anything that had slipped through from Thursday and Friday of the previous week). But, as you can see by this being a much shorter post, I have decided to house the list on its own page due in no small part to how long it was taking to load.
As you may have seen if you were around last week I was playing around with the idea of replacing the cover art with the embeddable (is that even a word?) media for each respective release. The problem is that they take a lot to load and with the entire page reloading every time the user comments I felt it was a better idea to simply house it elsewhere and link to it. This does mean that you can have the list open in a background tap without interrupting the music if you comment but, unlike in past weeks, the page would have to be updated meaning there would be no “permanent” record of what had been released that week.
Should I go back to the old system or keep this one?
Should I separate the lists by genre?
Should I make a distinction between singles/EPs and full albums, and if yes what criteria should I use to make the distinction?
Good questions. Pondering.
Hey Garf, ya having less load on the page is a plus, maybe you can create separate posts for Album Releases, Eps, and Singles? Or even cut it down by genre, this would give you more posts I think, which isn’t a bad thing. Just a suggestion.
I was thinking of having separate pages for each genre so the user have more control over what they see
I was also thinking of making the releases with 4 or fewer tracks appear on the same page but in a different list in a smaller format
Good morning!
I see it’s busy in here again
A weird ticket that I’m thinking of getting (I, who rarely, almost never, goes to the National Arts Centre): Rose Cousins and Kid Koala. Feb 17, 2017.
That sounds like a great show to go to Benoit. It does seem a bit of an odd combo.
I wouldn’t mind seeing them myself
@Garf – Making a page easy to load is important. I haven’t checked on my phone what the new release posts are like but the simpler the better I would think.
We asked Rose Cousins to say “buttertart” for us.
It was pretty cool.
I know the new releases post was large before but in that version it was only grabbing static images from bandcamp. Now it is grabbing a load of little media players (in this weeks case 97 of them) and that takes time.
Going back to how you were doing it would probably then. How many people are going through all those out of curiosity?
It’s only had 8 page views today I and doubt many, if any, people are checking the music out
I don’t like looking at the stats, they are getting me down a bit. I’m wondering if this site is worth the tine and effort at the moment to be honest.
I hear ya Garf. Sorry to put a dampener on it. I am hoping a few more people will show up but how long to we keep trying? It could be such a great place. We have to do recordings that read people’s posts or something. Start podcasting to give them that interaction?
I would love us to have a podcast but we don’t have the money… yet
I’ll get over it. I’m hoping a lot of the downturn is due to a mixture of people being busy at work on the run up to the holidays and us losing a lot of page views when we added auto refreshing comments reducing the number of times people need to reload the page.
Afternoon, Garf. If it makes you feel any better, I have indeed been listening to the music on the new release page. I can’t speak for the other 7 people… :-/
It’s nice to know it’s useful
my 2 (5) cents is this:
1. If you’re enjoying managing the site, keep doing it
2. If you have the time, keep working on it.
3. If it gets in the way of life, then time to abandon it
4. I enjoy it, and look forward to checking it out. It is not the same as CBC Radio 3, and to be fair, it never can be the same and shouldn’t be the same.
5. Working at something, even when it seems futile is sometimes reward in itself, don’t forget hardly anyone at first was looking at Radio 3, it took years of them just pushing through, I think the same applies here, and I am appreciative of your time to put this together daily. I do feel like some have abandoned it, but I think for them #3 kicked in, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Keep up the good work, and don’t worry about the stats!
For a while, if I looked at our stats I would think of TB3 being the only person commenting on the R3 blog
FWIW, I like having all the genres on one page. Makes it easier to explore random weird shit you wouldn’t normally listen to, which I feel is kind of the point.
Not really sure what to suggest re: having a separate page. Seems like it’s kind of a technological necessity at the expense of usability, which is rather a shame. Were the page loads reasonable when you were using the image only format? The embedded players are convenient, but maybe they cause more problems than the solve.
FWIW = Frozen Wombat In Whitehorse
Ya I remember looking at old posts on R3, and it would be the 2 Johns chatting back and forth, i.e. John Paolozzi & John Teeter. Too bad we can’t search for that anymore
FWIW = From Within I Wonder
FWIW – First Wynnzie I will
Furtively Wanking In Woolworth’s
@Wynnzie, I wish I knew how to back up the old site (or how to obtain a backup) so it could be preserved online somewhere
I am planning on sulking a bit over the holidays and then having a better outlook in the new year
FWIW – First Winter in Winnipeg
@Garf, nothing wrong with Sulking, we only know our ‘ups’ from our ‘downs’, they foster inspiration IMHO – DAWTM
FWIW = First Whiskey Is Worst
IMHO = It Might Hurt Others
DAWTH = Drag A Waiter To Hell
Without darkness there is no light
Woolworth’s? you’re old, man
it’s an “M” at the end not an “H”, that should give it away completely
@krib: That I am. But isn’t Woolworth’s still operating in some parts of the world?
I hae a week off!
Time to listen to music and sprinkle some more festive times into my life:)
Nice morgana!
@michael wynn
I had a nice in person chat with John Paolozzi at the grocery store two days ago. I love that he lives here now … a few houses away that is.
@darbar indeed! We just had a very cold snap here so the people who are usually up at the ski hill were at the community complex instead making my time there very busy. It feels good to be home and sort out a few final details like cinnamon buns for Christmas morning:)
If I recall our old blog home became very quite at this time of year as well as over summer.
I am ever so grateful to be able to find you all here.
can anyone save me a trip to the Elster site and tell me what time we are opening presents?
@morgana, he’s a good guy that Paolozzi!
maybe? a quick search revealed a page
@michael wynn
from the little we have interacted I would agree.
oh hay! I have good news on the music front for my town. This winter is still bleak but come spring we are getting some acts in; Mother Mother, Jenn Grant, Old Man Leuedecke, The Rural Alberta Advantage and Deli to Dublin … so far.
Can you guess the two stocking stuffers I got for myself? Hint, Jenn Grant is not on sale yet.
Hmmm The Rural Alberta Advantage and Old Man Leuedecke?
whoa, she is scary good!
I have seen MM before and d to D multiple times so I will spend my money on the others first and see if I can do repeats or not. I will go and see Jenn again but like I said the tickets are not for sale yet.
Sounds like good plans and yay for artists coming to town. It is usually pretty quiet on the prairies in the winter but Regina Folk Fest started Winterruption with Saskatoon last year so I have that weekend in January to look forward to. They bring the artists in for both cities and it seems to work out pretty well. Ellitott Brood, Danny Michel, Northcote, Begonia, Said The Whate are my main attractions.
Re Winterruption; I saw the line up announcements a while ago and was pretty impressed/jealous. Will you do a blog post on it for us? Or a few based on who you plan on seeing? I am curious about STW. When I last saw them it was billed as, “An Evening With STW”. The first half of the night was all new material which was musically great but a big departure from their previous young and fun anthems. Anywho, their upcoming tour does not take them here so I am counting on you for the DL.
I don’t know how you do this for hours on end @darbar?! I am creating a slide show for mr morgana so there is a lot of editing. we have a lot of pictures from the trip to Inuvik …
I should attempt that morgana. A review would be good.
Music is how I do it for hours on end.