By Darlene Barss
I struggled with what to call this list. It isn’t exactly top 100 because I limited it to one song per artist. It isn’t my favourites though it is strongly biased to my personal tastes. There is no ranking in the list just 100 fantastic songs that came out this year. I ended up landing on calling it 100 Canadian Indie Artists of 2016. There are old favourites, local favourites and new artists you should know about on there.
2016 was a great year of music for me with Black Mountain, Holy Fuck, Operators, Royal Canoe, Suuns and so many more of my favourite artists releasing new music. What a year! There was no shortage of music for me to listen to this year that is for sure. I hope you listen to this playlist and enjoy it. My hope is also that you may discover someone you haven’t heard yet and investigate more of what they have to offer. Music enriches our lives so much and my heart is full from what 2016 had to offer.
What were you listening to? What are your favourites of 2016?
Good day!
Here we are, on the penultimate day of 2016. Which celebrity has died lately?
Boy. I swear this place is dead in itself, Benoit.
Hi all. Holidays and sickness keep some of us away.
How’s it going in your worlds?
Hey Darlene,
Going quite well, In my last year before retirement. Peggy and I are having a great time together. And, next weekend, we’re going down to Berkeley to see our own Grant Lawrence and his Smugglers perform for the first time in 13 or 14 years. I find it hard to believe that their only reunion show will be in the states, as someway, somehow, they have to perform some shows in Canada, you would think. Regardless, we’ll be there for first, his book reading at the Berkeley library, then the show at 924 Gilman. Maybe I’ll get a chance to write about it. And maybe some photos.
But I’m going to have to pay attention – the lows next week from an artic air mass should reach 24F/-8C, temps that could well destroy my oranges! So it’ll either mean stripping the tree and brining the oranges in early before entirely ripe, or figuring some way to provide enough heat to keep them from freezing. I guess it’s another present from Canada.
Good luck with your oranges. Keep them warm!
Even if the Smugglers toured Canada, I highly doubt Regina would be a stop anyway. They should play Vancouver for sure. Have fun for all of us Lee!
Good day!
Hello Doctor Detroit. How are things in the partially abandoned Motor City?
All good and plenty of room to move about.
Hello, Lee at 9:42. Yeah, well, whaddaya want? I think it was a valiant attempt, but since even some of the initiators have other things to do…
Benoit, it just seems like the circle keeps getting smaller. Probably inevitable.
Done any skating on the canal this year?
I haven’t skated in years — perhaps should take it up again — since having a small side-tendon inflammation of the knee. I prefer to concentrate on cycling, and as the winter doesn’t stop me, that’s what I do. (Besides, tha Canal’s not open to skating yet. Hasn’t been cold enough yet.)
Benoit, but haven’t you been afraid of the bike on ice?? When I was in fifth grade in Kansas, I was known as that crazy kid from California who rides his bike to school in the snow. And yes, I went down several times.
Lee, there are better bikes now (mountain bikes since, here, the mid-80s*). Even simple and unsprung, when fitted (as you should, IMO) with normal knobby tires, which you can underinflate a little… But then, there are subsidiary rules like don’t use your front brake (unless it’s safe) — on ice, you’re down in a split second –, don’t bank (or angle) much unless, etc…
If there is a problem., you can use your rear brake and put down a leg to stabilise yourself (slippery for one thing, slippery for everything)
Lastly, physics don’t work the same way for a bike as for a car (similar to differences between a car and a heavy truck). So it’s differently risky.) Sometimes, the worst problem is with less-competent drivers, even though they are REALLY TOLERANT of bikes in Ottawa, and try hard.
*invented in California in the early 80s
And I am back. Just took a trip to the doc and got some meds. Hopefully I will feel better by 2017.
home from another day at the sweat shop to find yet another present from Ourbasement! Thanks for the 100 tunes @darbar:)
I hope you enjoy the list and find some new nuggets in it.
Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year. We should have some new posts soon.