By Darlene Barss
It is Playlist Friday and the province of New Brunswick is the focus of our playlist this week. I thought about making it an East Coast playlist but there was just far too much great music coming out of each province to lump them all together. We begin our East Coast musical travels with New Brunswick and will move on to the other East Coast provinces in the months ahead.
It can be difficult in New Brunswick to get your music heard. There are a lot of artists but not a lot of professionals working with those artists in the province. The musicians have become like one big family and are helpful and encourage each other. I am sure that helps.
Saint John, Fredericton, and Moncton are the three main music scenes in New Brunswick. There is a mix of cultures with English or French and a lot of different styles that come out of that. There are singer-songwriters, metal, indie-rock, folk and traditional acts, and a lot more. New Brunswick was primarily known for a lot of traditional music, but then there’s been a shift to indie-rock. You may get music of an indie style mixed in with folk and a lot of other styles. It is a melting pot of music.
The playlist is meant to give you a taste of that melting pot. Dig in and enjoy!
Do you have a favourite New Brunswick artist? Are they on the playlist?
Good morning!
Good Morning, I can’t listen to this, blocked at work! Any way we can post a Spotify URL to it somehow? I could listen with my smart phone.
Good morning!
I am not sure if what I did helps any. Refresh the page and check it out. Let me know what I should do if it doesn’t work.
I’ll have to check later, got some other stuff going on at the moment. But it looks like it wouldn’t work in a browser but maybe in a smart phone. I’ll let you know.
Thanks Wynnsie.
Good morning! Great playlist and article, Darbar!
Thanks Janet!
Doesn’t look like that will work Wynnsie. Hmmm.
So I was supposed to put the https://open part on to make it work?
@Garf Beat me to it! I was just about to post that, good work.
@DBS, the link you posted above is the internal one where as the http one is a standard web address
I think I get it now.
great, could you explain it to me?
Good morning everyone! Darb… checking out your NB playlist shortly….
Har har. No
@justin – Enjoy! The playlist is in alphabetical order by artist so the first 12 minutes ended up pretty electronic. I like it but I realize not everyone does.
I am out for a bit but will be back.
Got a typo there Darb… it’s St. John NB…. St John’s is in Newfoundland. My friend who lives in Bend but is from Fredericton clued me into it.
… Darb… fixed it.
I was going to check that but I took it off of a site that I figured they would know. Never assume. Thanks.
My car battery is shot. It is the last day of our super cold spell but she couldn’t hang on. I have it charging right now and will check on it in a bit. I had planned on getting a new vehicle before winter and don’t want to do any more repairs on it. One of these days I will find something I can afford.
@DBS, Roller skates?
Hmmm maybe they would work on the icy roads but the wind blew all the snow on the sidewalks so they wouldn’t work there. Snowshoes maybe or ice skates on the roads.
cross country skis?
That would work as well.
I’ve just looked at the weather in Regina and was reminded why I never complain about being cold
Today is nothing compared to the last couple days! It was brutally bitterly cold. We will be getting tropical weather in a few days.
Regina -24°c (feels like -28°c)
Houghton le Spring 1°c (feels like -5°c)
apparently we have to worry about flooding instead
We were -30 something feels like -49 or something like that. We will be melting in a few days. Weird weather indeed.
It’s 9 degrees here. Yesterday was 20 degrees Celsius, and tomorrow it’s supposed to snow.
This perfectly depicts one part of England’s north south devide
Sort of depicts how winter weather is handled in the US versus Canada as well. At least in this area.
I’m going to go and watch a movie
g’night folks, have a great weekend
good night Garf! Have a good weekend!
Night Garf. Happy movie watching and have a good weekend.
I finally got my car going and got to work. Now here’s hoping I can get home again. The temperature has warmed up considerably but I just hope the drive here was enough to charge the battery up. I need a new car!
I am listening to that song on the playlist by Fwlr, Kinley. Kinley is of Hey Rosetta.
Good luck Darbar!
I will have some catching up to do over the weekend after missing the past week here.
Seizures make it challenging to look at screens and listen to music. Certainly not both at the same time.
On the mend and coming out of the medication and electrical storms on the brain. Looking forward to a weekend of new music … the inter web tells me there is lot’s here and out there this past week!
Yikes! No fun at all Morgana. Hope things stay settled in your brain and that new music helps heal you.
I’m sorry to hear about your seizures, Morgana, and hope you’re on the mend!
Thanks ladies. No fun but my life is pretty darn good most of the time so trying not to have a pity party for myself;)
very true! the storms are tiring. life has ground to a halt basically.
you know what makes it better though? when your Mom sends you a goody box that just arrived in the mail!
Even Moms need Moms:)
Flaming Lips have a new album on Spotify today for more new music. Interesting stuff.
Have a great weekend everybody!!!
Nice job, darbar I appreciate your provincial playlists!