By Darlene Barss
Winterruption 2017 Saskatchewan is the focus of our playlist today. It includes music of most of the artists playing January 19 – January 22 in Regina and Saskatoon.
Regina Folk Festival have partnered with The Broadway Theatre in Saskatoon for a second year to present 4 wonderful days of musical warmth on some of the coldest days of the year. Winter on the prairies can be very long and cold and artists tend not to want to travel here in the middle of winter. These partners working together to bring the artists here is a brilliant idea and a very welcome one indeed.
In Regina, the focus is on music and the schedule includes 3 days, 3 venues, 40+ artists, 16 groups, 6 musical shows, 1 live podcast.
Here’s the quick and easy guide to Winterruption 2017 for Regina:
January 19th at The Exchange: Elliott Brood, Begonia, IsKwé
January 19th at The Artesian: Rosie & The Riveters, Quique Escamilla, Danny Olliver
January 20th at The Exchange: Said the Whale, Northcote, The Garrys
January 20th at The Artesian: Grownups Read Things They Wrote as Children (live podcast recording)
January 21st at Knox Metropolitan Church: Fred Penner matinee
January 21st at The Exchange: Connie Kaldor, Heather Bishop, Annette
January 21st at The Artesian: Danny Michel, William Prince, Mohsin Zaman
You can see the full schedule and find out more about the artists on the Regina Folk Festival website.
In Saskatoon it has grown into 7 venues , with more than 17 shows to give you a great reason to get out of your house in the longest, coldest, darkest month of the year. A variety of acts from live theatre, to podcast tapings to live music will be presented.
Here’s the quick and easy guide to Winterruption 2017 for Saskatoon:
Thurs Jan 19:
Cross Canada Fiddle Fest at The Bassment
The Pack AD and The Garrys at Louis’
Fri Jan 20:
An Evening with Steve Patterson at Broadway Theatre
Danny Michel at The Bassment
Canadaland with Jesse Brown at Cosmo Senior’s Centre
Elliott Brood with Begonia at Louis’
Sat Jan 21:
Vande Vasudevam at Broadway Theatre
Ali Hassan “Muslim Interrupted” at The Bassment
Grownups Read Things They Wrote as Kids at Cosmo Senior’s Centre
Said the Whale with Northcote at Louis’
Sun Jan 22:
Fred Penner at Persephone Theatre There are also a lot of what they are calling Satellite Events such as Amigos having TUNS on Friday night and Holy Fuck on Saturday night. You can see more of what is going on in Saskatoon at the Broadway Theatre website. Unfortunately due to a recent non-life threatening physical injury, the PACK AD show slated for Jan 19 at Louis’ was cancelled. WINTERUPTION organizers were sad to not see the show happen but totally support Becky Black’s speedy recovery, wish the Pack a great 2017 and hope to be able to bring them back to Saskatoon in the near future!
I went to the Elliott Brood/Iskwe/Begonia show last night and had a great time. The night started with Iskwe with powerful lyrics and her strong vocals. She was backed with drums, keyboard and violin and some digital backing voices and sounds effects along with visuals. Interesting but I had mixed feelings about the not completely live sound. Begonia came on next and was all real and live. Her voice is amazing and interesting compositions to accompany it. I look forward to the day she has an album out. Elliott Brood ended the night with their usual great performance. Guitars, banjos, ukeleles, drums, great voices and clapping. What more you could you ask for? They had a great mix of new songs with old favourites, ending on Miss You Now. Fantastic show! A great start to the weekend of music.
Enjoy the playlist!
Links for music from artists not found on Spotify:
What’s going on in your town? Any winter music festivals near you? Tell us about it.
Arcade Fire appear to have used the forthcoming presidential inauguration as inspiration for a new song called I Give You Power.
The track features Mavis Staples – a legendary American R&B and gospel singer and civil rights activist
The opening refrain “I give you power over me / I can take it away” could be a warning shot directed at the incoming President Trump.
The video, below, comes with a statement from the artists: “It’s never been more important that we stick together and take care of each other.
“Love, Mavis Staples and Arcade Fire”.
Good morning!
Good Morning!
Yay Arcade Fire/Mavis Staples!
Good morning! Thanks for the great playlist, Darbar, I’m really enjoying it!
Can’t wait to check out the Arcade Fire/Mavis Staples track too.
What happened to Becky?
She broke a fret finger apparently.
From FB: “Hey Saskatoon and Edmonton, unfortunately we have had to cancel our upcoming performances in your fine cities. One of Becky’s fret fingers is broken and she can’t put any pressure on it which makes playing guitar impossible. We had hoped it would be better in time but alas it is not. Argh…your band, The Pack a.d”
@janet – I am glad you are enjoying the playlist!
I hadn’t heard of William Prince before, but I really enjoyed his two songs on the playlist.
I just discovered him at BreakOutWest and had him on my Manitoba playlist. He had some buzz.
Whitehorse dropped a new single today, available for streaming and download. It’s called Boys Like You, and it sounds a bit different than their earlier stuff
so much for a “winterruption” – it’s not even winter here right now. It’s this disgusting mess of slush
Good morning everyone!
Krib… just about all the snow is now gone here in Portland, makes for better running though. It got up to 10C yesterday, I ran without running tights. Still wore a toque though.
Thanks for the playlist Darb!
Ohh!!! and Krib…. I signed up for the Lost Soul Ultra 100k yesterday, in Lethbridge, AB. Will be on Sept. 8th.
you, sir, are crazy
yeah, the difference between Portland and here is that a January thaw means you’re already thinking about Spring. Here, all it means is a disgusting mess that’s going to freeze solid when the temperature drops again, because we’ve got about 2 months to go until winter is near its end
Ha… @Krib… thanks man. There will be 3 Oregonians there. I have friends in Edmonton, I hope they can come down for it. Donna also mentioned doing a relay team for the Canadian Death race in early August, let me know if you are interested in running that.
For Portland… yeah, typical in winter is 5-10C and rain, like Vancouver. But, I am moving to Phoenix for a couple months around Feb 15 or so. Likely will be there until late April. Will be warm and sunny in Phoenix. I’m done with the rain.
@Krib… I hope the remainder of winter goes well for you. I am surprised that winter is so warm in Canada this year… well, for parts of it.
I apologize for my crappy phone photos up top. I am due for a phone upgrade Feb 11 and I am expecting better pics in the future. We shall see.
Thanks for the Whitehorse song Janet. I dig it.
@krib – I am enjoying the break in the weather but I get where you are coming from. Winter at a steady -10 would be delightful. If only that were possible.
Major thanks to who ever added the link to the Whitehorse tune up there, I can’t take credit for that
I am going to check out Kid Koala’s new album today as well.
that’s the thing, though; it’s not warm, it just swings wildly between extremes. Last week we consistently were dealing with temperatures that were near -30. this week it’s +5
I’m not really a racer. Running is kind of a solo meditation thing for me
Danny Michel is sold out here
I can’t listen to Kid Koalas new realease on spotify because it’s not available in the UK
That Kid Koala is not a party album. It is one I would like to have on vinyl though.
Grownups Read Things They Wrote As Kids looks to be our only sold out show at this point.
Our big printer at work was all paid for last week. This week it quit working and probably needs a $1500 formatter board. Isn’t that the way it always goes?
I’ll come up with a good reason to use that printer one of these days
Meanwhile… up in Hornepayne, Ontario….
Watch This Canadian Driver Avoid Four Moose Like A Boss
I would recommend a change of underwear for that driver
Hornepayne was the little town we invaded on the Tracks on Tracks trip. Ha!
he’s lucky that they started running away from him, so they were going the same direction.
he also took his sweet time slowing down at the sign of those big brown bumps in the road way ahead. If it’s that slippery that he’s going to lose control by tapping the brakes a little, then he’s probably going too fast
ha! this comment on youtube from moose guy is too good not to share
“Oh look we got a visitor, let’s try to block his way and spread the good word!” “SIR SIR, HAVE YOU HEARD THE GOOD NEW OF JESUS CHRIST?”
Moose will win… and not, if in the way.
mr morgana hooked up the speakers in the living room today … after six months. i am super happy because with Apple TV i can listen to all of my music on my hard drive in the other parts of the house on real speakers! Now, if only that record player would work ….
That would be lovely morgana. I hope you get that turntable working.
Enjoy your speakers Morgana!
I’m off, have a great weekend!
You too Janet!
okay, TTYL. Have a rockin’ weekend, everyone
for now I am trying to do some stuff on the computer and it keps crapping out. Grrr! I want to listen to the playlist for Winterruption!!
Have a great weekend krib! Enjoy Holy Duck!
@morgana – so frustrating.
@darbar thanks for putting such a vast selection of music in front of me. I appreciate it all the time and even more when I am house bound.
My pleasure morgana! I am glad someone gets some enjoyment out of them.
Good night fine folks of the interweb
I am off too. Said The Whale/Northcote/The Garrys tonight! Woot!
Have a great weekend!