After 1172 days away, Royal Canoe made a triumphant returned to Manchester last night for a performance in front of a small but very enthusiastic crowd at the Castle Hotel.
Their set comprising of songs from 2013’s Today We’re Believers and last years Something Got Lost Between Here And The Orbit came across, to my ears at least, flawlessly.
Since the venue was so small it was difficult for them to leave the stage for the, now mandatory, encore at the end of their set but when Matt Peters pointed out that the would be staying on stage a round of applause and cries for more went around the room as if they had left and the band played their part by acting as if we had been through the usual process.
Continuing backwards to the support act we find The Vanity Project featuring Rob Paterson and Flora Jackson. Self described as a “multi-instrumentalising, loop pedal-driving duo, playing messy, weird, yet poppy music and far more instruments than it’s wise for two people to play.”
I was worried when, before the set began they started throwing out party paraphernalia such as balloons, noise makers, party hats and, party poppers but all this was put to one side when the started playing and by the end I could understand why they were crowned winners of iSessions last year.
This brings us to the opener, as she says herself a chick and a cello who you should really hear live and you don’t know what you are missing until you here her cover of Hotline Bling by some Canadian bloke very few people have heard of (apparently he likes ducks… I said ducks!)
Good morning!
Get some sleep.
I have had 3hrs 22mins of sleep (according to my watch) since I posted that
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Hey Garf! Great review… really cool people RC are too. They were awesome when in Portland.
Thanks for the review and the new artists for me to check out Garf! I am glad you got to see them.
I sure wish Royal Canoe would come back to Regina like they promised me last year.
Half way through RC’s set I remembered I had heard them perform before when the were part of RedBulls homecoming in Winnipeg during my 2014 trip
Oh that’s cool Garf.
I’ve never seen Royal Canoe, but they are on my list!
I just reserved a bed for May 19th in Manchester so I don’t have to spend a night in the train station again when I go to see John K Samson in May
We served RC waffles one morning, years ago.
Royal Cola have started making waffles now!? I wonder what the taste like
So Janet, Garf, Darb, and Russ…. how is life these days? I miss the banter of the old R3 blog with a lot of people on there. Here in Portland today it’s ‘bright gray’. People are freaking out though, there might be an ice storm tonight.
Things are good with me. The DC area has decided to skip winter this year, so it’s been mild and rainy for the past few weeks. I’m excited to be seeing Japandroids at the end of the month too.
Justin – good luck with the ice storm, I hope it’s not too bad!
Hi Justin. I am keeping busy in Regina these days. The weather was mild but got cold again now. Winter ain’t over yet!
R3 got too busy for me to keep up with at times. Not so around here these days but I am glad we have this place.
Hi Justin, I’m good if a little cold*, tired and, hungry
I think our numbers are so much lower than the R3 days because we don’t have a hosted audio stream, or any single audio stream for that matter. Don’t forget the R3 blog would take a big dive when Grant was off either on vacation or working in a different area.
Speaking of our nobbled leader, has anyone heard what Grant is meant to be doing for the Ceeb when (if) he returns?
*This house is around 100 years old and doesn’t have central heat
I’m also curious about where Grant lands when (if) he returns. I was holding off on unsubscribing to the CBC R3 podcast until the January one came out with the hopes that he would come back to host it. Now that it’s out and is still Louise Burns I can unsubscribe.Nothing against Louise, I just don’t enjoy the format she changed it to once she took over.
@Garf – Check with Lee. My understanding was Grant wasn’t sure either.
I don’t think it was her decision to change the format (I could be wrong) but I remember Grant mentioning on his show that the popular opinion about the podcast had appeared to change from “shut up and play the music” to “you don’t talk enough about the music”
Having said that I can’t remember the last time I listened to an R3 podcast less than one year old.
I often think about asking Grant if he could host a podcast or does his CBC contract prohibit it and how much would it cost to hire him to do it. If the cost was low enough we could try crowd funding for it.
@DBS, I’m in semi regular contact with Lee through email and that was what I was lead to understand as well
Hi All, I was supposed to go to Vish’s thing last (Long) night, but I fell ill, and missed it, I’ve been out all day, just a really bad cold and sore throat, luckily not that flu that’s been going around in these parts [fingers crossed]
@Wynnzie, I hope you get well soon but we will have to dock you 10% of your fee for not going, sorry
Get well soon Wynnsie. I think that is a global flu going around.
I saw a vid from this before. It would be so awesome to be a part of something that huge.
I am going to bid you all a good night because I need to sleep
Sleep well Garf!
A late hello…
Speaking of hello and late I slept in this morning so the new music page update will be a few hours late
10% of nothing is going to kill me, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Hey, any more complaining and I’ll double it