We haven’t heard much from Richard Laviolette recently but he just announced plans for a new LP. Following up 2010’s All of Your Raw Materials with the Oil Spills, Laviolette will release Taking the Long Way Home on March 10 through You’ve Changed Records.
This will be Laviolette’s fourth album, hearing him deliver a set of classic country-tinged songs intended “to warm the heart as well as the dancefloor.”
Andy Magoffin of the Two-Minute Miracles produced the 11-song offering that features Lisa Bozikovic on piano, Matthew Reeves on lead guitar, Jessy Bell Smith (Skydiggers) on vocal harmonies, Julia Narveson (Ever Lovin’ Jug Band, Lake of Stew) on fiddle and double bass, Aaron Goldstein (Cowboy Junkies, Bry Webb, Daniel Romano) on pedal steel, Heather Kirby (Ohbijou, Vag Halen) on electric bass, and Aaron Curtis (Two-Minute Miracles) on drums.
Initially started as a document of Richard’s own experience with health issues, the album’s title track, “Taking the Long Way Home”, it has “come to represent the roads we all end up on in our lives.”
Good morning!
Om Nom Nom Nom Nom
Geez, the ‘coon’s got two logins…
…and good morning…
Kerfuffle at the Academy Awards…
I didn’t watch, but I heard it was all kinds of a mess.
Janet Just at the very end; somehow, the ‘best actress’ card was* in the envelope handed to the presenters — Faye Dunawaye went with reading the movie name (also written down)… up until things got fixed moments later, in a very direct and honourable way (watch the video), with the director of the wrong winner taking charge of the situation, and handing ‘his’ Oscar to the director of Moonlight. He did a very good job of it.
*Although Emma Stone (‘best actress’ winner) had her own card in hand — I suppose somehow a duplicate was made and got mixed in the batch.
Wow! The La La Land director was gracious, probably a lot more gracious than most other people would be.
(thx, g.)
In a statement, PwC said:
“We sincerely apologize to ‘Moonlight,’ ‘La La Land,’ Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway, and Oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for best picture.
“The presenters had mistakenly been given the wrong category envelope and when discovered, was immediately corrected. We are currently investigating how this could have happened, and deeply regret that this occurred.
“We appreciate the grace with which the nominees, the Academy, ABC, and Jimmy Kimmel handled the situation.”
Good morning everyone!
Hi Justin
Hello all!
Hey Garf. One of those last couple sentences in the post can be deleted. I saw Richard Laviolette at a house party once. I really liked him. Chronic health issues are no fun to deal with.
@DBS, Thank you, I would offer you a cookie for that but someone gave the last one to that bloody raccoon
Damn raccoon always getting all the cookies!
Sorry, that was my bad today
I’ll get going on baking a new batch to share with non-racoons.
Did you watch the final last night Janet?
I did! It was a great game! Englot had Homan’s number in both of their earlier games, so I didn’t expect it to be quite so good.
@Janat, I missed a few of the early ends but watched from the 6th end until the finish
@Garfield, you probably caught the best part of the game then.
Did you see anything odd about the sleeves of the Ontario shirts?
They reminded me, and a few others on Twitter of Deafpool
They definitely had a Deadpool vibe!
I missed that while watching the game, but that is awesome!
But I wasn’t sure who was going to win for most of last nights game. I should search online to see if I can find video of the forth end steal.
Curling Canada usually puts full replays of the game up on YouTube after the event, but I’m not sure of individual ends.
The last game they have there is the bronze medal match
World Curling TV show a lot of games live via youtube
The continuing saga of Gloin the figureprint and his journey. I have received an email from the company apologizing for the mistake. They will reimburse me if I have a Paypal account or send me a figureprint of one of the World of Warcraft pets. Would I need a special paypal account to receive funds?
@DBS, no you don’t need a special paypal account
Okay cool. Thanks Garf.
Good morning.
KD Lang on Q.
Oh and Gloin will have to be returned to hopefully get sent to his proper home.
even though Paypal is mostly used by people buying stuff online it was intended to be used by anyone, both receiving and paying
I thought you had to pay for an account made to receive funds for some reason.
@Darbar, will the company pay for the return shipping as well?
you do have to have it attached to your bank account, though, right?
that’s something I’ve never done
Yes they are sending the courier to pick it up.
@krib, no the money would just sit in your paypal account
FYI picking just 5 albums for Polaris will be hard!
I bet! Is 5 all you get so submit for the long list?
That’s why you get paid the big (imaginary) bucks
It is! There are already about 90 recommended and there are more to come yet. Yikes!
This weeks playlist will be my longlist at this point I think. I am hoping to get some feedback on people’s favourites.
Last day to vote in Searchlight’s Round 1.
tonight is Rural Alberta Advantage here. i am finally healthy enough to go out to a show. looking forward!
@Morgana, thanks for volunteering to write a report on that show for Wednesday
have you seen my work schedule? i will try but this is a full week.
I was just teasing
I am glad you will be able to get to that show morgana.
I too will have a full week with Blues Fest stuff added to my regular schedule. My son tells me I volunteer too much but I enjoy it.
I’m off to get some beauty sleep (it has to start working at some point, right)
@Morgana, I hope you have fun at the show
Worth a try I always think Garf. Night night.
good night friends. i am off to work now then RAA.
Enjoy morgana! RAA will be easier to do that than work I know.
morgana for the win! (the show…)
Hey! Having a little catch up with the blog & was happy to read this! Our bands first show was opening for Richard Laviolette & the Glitter Bombs with other great acts. Nice fella. Plays The Arlington from time to time. Woo!
(@Wild Raccoon, cookie)