By Darlene Barss
Playlist Friday is about The Pitch of Prince Edward Island. It may be the smallest province but it is full of talent.
PEI is known as a home for traditional Celtic music. The epitome of PEI musical culture is the fiddle, piano and step dancer. The Ceilidh (Scot’s Gaelic for gathering essentially) has long been the most common place for this type of music to be found. This music was imported straight from the Highlands of Scotland and remained unchanged for centuries. On the island it mixed with Irish and Acadian musical tradition, but Scottish style still dominates. Today musicians on the island are expanding beyond the fiddle in many cases, incorporating other Celtic instruments. Traditional Celtic Music on the island also takes the form of popular Maritime or East Coast Music, which is what some have described as an amalgam of Celtic Music and Sea Shanties. This type of music is also heavily influenced by the traditions of Newfoundland and is very commonly found in Pubs all over Atlantic Canada.
Such bands as Two Hours Traffic, Boxer the Horse, Coyote, Haunted Hearts, The Danks, English Words, Racoon Bandit, The North Lakes, Milks & Rectangles and Paper Lions were successful on the PEI rock/pop music scene. PEI also has an active blues scene with such bands as The Blueprints, Plain Dirty Blues Band, and the blues-rock band Bad Habits. The indie rock culture is quite strong in Charlottetown for its size and can be heard at several venues throughout the city. There is also a small but growing Bluegrass music scene on the island, as demonstrated by such bands as the Saddle River String Band and Nudie and the Turks. (Taken from Wikipedia)
On the playlist you can hear some of the up and coming artists from PEI such as Whitney Rose and The Lonely Kid. You can also hear some of the 2017 nominees for the East Coast Music Awards from the province such as Dylan Menzie, Ten Strings and a Goat Skin, Lennie Gallant and Paper Lions. The ECMAs are being held April 26-30, 2017 in Saint John, NB.
Take a listen to the playlist. How do you find the pitch of Prince Edward Island? Is it perfect?
Great playlist!
I love it!
Glad to see Tim Chaisson made the cut. He’s from the end of the island my family is from. I used to see him every summer. Last time he toured I went to his show in Newmarket. Only 8 other people were there but it was still a good show.
Good morning. Quite the article, D.B.!
Most, if not all, of my knowledge of the PEI music scene came from listening to Moe and Martin
Righto. Busy Friday (snow is back, but sticky, and not a whole lot. Still.)
Don’t remind me that R3 used to be something. *&%$@*&?!!
I’m reminding you that MyNameIsMoe and suckamc (Martin) had a podcast
And me without a car. It needs some deep motor work (timing chain, water pump at a minimum), so I’m left with the bike to get around. Not complaining. Though if work goes over today, it’ll be the weekend in the same situation.
2) Ah, Moe +suckamc. I’ve never much been into podcasts, so I remained blissfully unaware of that detail.
Hi all!
The Moe and Martin podcasts were great!
(There is much to miss but lets keep on trying to build something)
@sless – I am glad you enjoy the playlist! Tim Chaisson made it on twice, once featured with Amy and Rachel Beck. Did he have a father that was a popular PEI musician?
Thanks Benoit. Most of it I lifted from Wiki.
Ah yes I just read this “Tim Chaisson is a member of the Chaisson family, who are prominent in the music scene of Prince Edward Island”
And Tim Chaisson is also in The East Pointers apparently, so appears 3 times in the playlist.
I learn so much doing these playlists!
Yeah, I eventually noticed the Tim Chaisson overlap too.
The Chaisson family organize the Rollo Bay Fiddle Festival each year ( (last years lineup: ) ). It has a huge turn-out. Bands from all over the world come. Mostly fiddle based music, but they’ve been shaking it up in recent years. A lot like your playlist suggests. People bring their RVs from all over North America for that festival, as bands and as attendees.
Fun Fact! –
PEI’s history of prohibition runs so deep that many music festivals, concert halls, and ceilidhs, in the more rural areas especially, are still all DRY events. Last year, in its 40 year history, was the first time the Rollo Bay Fiddle Festival had alcohol for sale at it.
Very interesting Jeremy! I did come across something about that festival and it may be what a couple people I know went to. Thanks for the additional info.
Good day everyone! I’ve been tuned out for a while, what’s going on?
Hey All, sorry for not being here lately, I was away last week and have a very busy work week. What’s new? What’s going on????
Yo Wynn! How’s you’re programming life going?
I’m almost doing zero programming these days, and more architecting, even though I keep myself up to date, and still do it on my own. But it’s pretty good, laid back, etc. How is going with you Justin?
Nice to see you both here Wynnsie and Justin. Hi!
Hey Darbs!
I’m programming a ton. For two different clients. One is a media company based out of Detroit, although I telecommute wiht the NYC office. A lot of javascript for that one. The other, I’m almost done rebuilding and *old* OS Commerce e-commerce website. Well, the older PHP is still there, but reskinning with Boostrap and redesigning, and some JS for that one too.
Gateway Festival announced their initial line up yesterday. It is looking pretty good.
I don’t know if anyone is interested but it is Red Nose Day over here
I think it was Christine(flagpole) that I saw post about it earlier.
I do miss coding a bit, but happy that I don’t have to deal with some of the issues.
Also I’m keeping my coding skills up-to-date by using, it’s a pretty good site and the challenges there can be difficult.
@Wynn… I’ll check out Hacker Rank. I was given a project with a major scope change with inherited javascript and a new library (underscore.js) that someone else wrote on a tight timeline. Was a pain in the ass, but got it done. I learned a lot though so that’s cool.
Fucked Up have a couple songs released today.
haha fun!
it’s just after 8pm here and the dog thinks it is past my bed time
Those animals always trying to tell us what to do!
Playing that new Fucked Up album now Darb.
And how did it go? I enjoyed what I heard but need to give that 25 min long song a less distracted listen.
Oh thank goodness! A playlist is perfect for this tired person. Lot’s done and lot’s to do so thank you “Playlist Fairy”:)
hehe you are welcome!
If I can’t have a fairy who cleans out my fridge then you are the next best thing @darbar!
My pleasure. I did have a fairy come and clean my house last weekend! My friend whose cats I took in, was checking in on them while we were away. She did a major cleaning of my kitchen and living room! Holy smokes!
what a treat that would have been to come home too!
@garfeiduk Suki does that too, but not usually until 10pm
Mostly. I haven’t found everything yet and some stuff just got piled in another room that I was trying to clear out. She got a lot done though and got me thinking about redecorating ideas. She is the type that will keep bugging me about it to keep me on track.
It would be hard to have someone move your stuff around even if the intention was to be helpful.
For a short period when I was convalescing we had a house cleaner. Mr Morgana hated the intrusion. If we had the cash flow I would have kept it going!
I would love to have a house cleaner. I would be forced to deal with the clutter before they come clean. Ha!
Uh oh! I sat down for a minute to visit and now I RELLY don’t want to put the fridge back together:(
Time for some good ol’ fashioned PEI spoon clacking kitchen party music!!
Haha! Good luck! Have a great weekend and party on!