Sometimes a song is so good it inspires multiple visions. Jon Mckiel’s “Unknown Source,” from the Memorial Ten Count album released March 10th on You’ve Changed Records and Headless Owl Records, is paired with two distinct videos made independently by artists Andrea Thorne and Paul Henderson.
Andrea Thorne’s “Unknown Source” is made of moving and still footage from locations at the Bay of Fundy near Sackville, New Brunswick. A collage of warm VHS textures intertwine with the sonic and lyrical narratives present in the music. For his version, Paul Henderson “found the right weight of impermanence in an iceberg and thoughts of labour in the song’s structure. Found footage on the Internet. Cut to the boom, boom, boom of the kick drum. So turn it up and/or put on your headphones, laptop speakers just won’t do.”
“Unknown Source” – by Andrea Thorne
“Unknown Source” – by Paul Henderson
Or listen to the full album via Spotify
Good morning!
In the second Mckiel video, I especially like the images of log drivers stepping oh-so-lightly. Thanks, garf.
If you will excuse me I am sulking a bit here because article 50 has been triggered
(insert your own joke about snowflake EU treaties here)
Well, good-sense moi says it’s nothing new, just the beginning of the process re what was known. Thankfully, you know, ordinary life rarely is gravely hampered by such changes. Because we’re lucky, as citizens (yeah I know, you’re a ‘subject’); we’re not for instance immigrants.
So, without wanting to devolve too far into an “I’m all right, Jack” attitude, I’ll say: “life will go on”.
None of which I’m sure is of any great consolation to you…
I’m hoping to attend the Canada Day celebrations in London this year, I might nip into Canada House and chack to see if I can claim political asylum.
Unfortunately, garf, I think to get to the front of the line, you have to be a multimillionnaire. Somehow, even presumèd even-handed Canadian treatment becomes more favourable. Huh…
So I need to talk someone like Bill Gates into lending enough money on paper to convince Canada I’m a billionaire just long enough that they give me a passport?
Oh, well, if that’s all you need…
Jon McKiel has been suggested in the Polaris talks. I haven’t checked out the album yet but today may be the day. Thanks Garf.
I was talking to a friend last night. She told me we could camp out by her art gallery in Bengough for Gateway Festival. It is 4 blocks from the festival site and we would have access to the building for bathroom facilities and such. Some could sleep on the floor in there even. Her daughter and friends use the space as well so she would like numbers. I can help with logistics and getting there. Maybe rent a van or RV or something. Anyone interested in coming to Gateway?
@DBS, I’d love to go but I’m washing my hair… and I’m broke
Too bad Garf. Still haven’t won that lottery?
Not yet, apparently you have to buy a ticket for that to happen
I am in the exact same predicament.
I’m looking for a rich woman with very low standards to marry
Bonus points if she is Canadian
Haha! I am still waiting for Devin to get rich and take care of me. He is kind of slow to make that happen though.
give it time, who’s ever heard over a broke voice over artist
Good day everyone!
Sorry about article 50 Garf. And Teresa May.. she’s clearly a bright person, versus Trump. But, still not a fan of her. Even though Cameron was a Tory I liked him. I usually like the Labour party better in Britain but I was never a Milliband fan. For Jeremy Corbyn, the current Labour leader, I know nothing about him.
Hi there Justin! How’s things?
Hey Darb! I am good, too busy with work, I need it to calm down a bit. While I am down in Phoenix I want to run around and enjoy it, instead of being overwhelmed and tired at the end of the day. One project is almost done, I’ll feel way better after that. How are you?
Hi Justin
Here is something I read the other day about Corbyn that made me reassess politics in this country
As a Scandinavian who has spent more than a decade living in Britain, nothing has made me feel more foreign than observing the current Labour leadership election. From his style to his policies Mr Corbyn would, in Norway, be an unremarkably mainstream, run-of-the-mill social-democrat. His policy-platform places him squarely in the Norwegian Labour Party from which the last leader is such a widely respected establishment figure that upon resignation he became the current Secretary-General of NATO.
Yet, here in the United Kingdom a politician who makes similar policy-proposals, indeed those that form the very bedrock of the Nordic-model, is brandished as an extremist of the hard-left and a danger to society.
could someone in Canada do me a favour and check I don’t know if it is down or my VPN in failing me
@Garf…. that’s in interesting assessment of Corbyn. Sucks that politics has gotten extreme like that in Britain. Similar here in the US. A mainstream Democratic proposal is also labeled extreme (by the right). It’s the pot calling the kettle black type of thing. The right over here has gotten way more the right, mean, and asshole since the late 90’s. Classic politics, deflect attention onto the opposition party of your own issues. I am heartened the see the Dutch rejected their right wing populist politician after they saw what happened with Brexit and Trump. Now…. for Leitch in our favourite country… keep her at bay Canada.
It seems to be unavailable Garf.
Hey Justin. I can relate to the busy part not the running part. My life has been pretty busy too but a good busy. I hope you get to do more running in Phoenix while you are there.
There is at least two member of the R3 community that have joined the conservative party just to vote against Leitch* and O’Leary
*I was going to point out that her name was fitting but I have seen actually leaches save peoples finger by helping with cirulation
@DBS, Thank you, I’ll have to catch up on 22 minutes tomorrow
I’ll just have to watch Mercer on Youtube
Thanks @Darbar! I just need to keep focused until the work is done… like a good student.
Speaking of Leitch and the CBC…. yuck.
Watching the out takes might make you feel a little better