By Darlene Barss
Playlist Friday is all about dance to celebrate Dance Marathon Day.
I found out that there was such a thing as National Dance Marathon Day and I stole it as my inspiration for a playlist to celebrate dance even though it seems to be an American thing. The dance marathon part that is as dancing is a very global activity.
Dance marathons are events in which people dance or walk to music for an extended period of time. They have been going on for a long time. They once attracted people to compete as a way to achieve fame or win monetary prizes. Today, over 250 colleges and high schools nationwide (in the US) participate in dance marathons of some sort to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network. Each year, students organize and host different types of dance marathon events in which participants stand on their feet for 12–40 hours straight. Find out more at the dance marathon Wikipedia page.
Me, I just want to dance for the love of music and dancing. Music can make you want to move, whether that is just a toe tapping or really shaking it on the dance floor. You feel that beat and you just gotta dance!
The playlist has music that should help keep you dancing for a couple hours. It may not be a marathon but it’s a good start. So get on that dancefloor and feel the joy of dancing!
I love playlist Friday!
Not to be a downer (but…), 30s dance marathons were the subject of the movie *They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?*
Which I never saw.
It’s a book as well. An emotional roller coaster of 2 strangers who spontaneously enter a dance contest at strange times in their lives.
I just read the wiki on the movie, and it is right depressing! A 1969 Sidney Lumet picture, Jane Fonda and many other then ‘name’ actors.
I was looking for ‘marshmallow cereals’ when I came across a site where… Well, just read this poorly-written, but very engaging text. Comes from an horrible site.
“Here at Cereal Marshmallows Our Goal is to Deliver you the absolute best and Crunchiest marshmallows available and I believe that is just what we have. I searched the World Over Japan, China Mexico, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, UK, Australia, NOWHERE could I Get a Crunchy Crispy Marshmallow I ordered everything you could imagine and tried to get manufacturers to make it for me to no avail. I ended up with a pile of soft Yucky marshmallows big enough to fill a Dozen Trash bags Then Right here in the USA I found the perfect Marshmallow only Problem was I had to order over 10,000 pounds WOW and Marshmallows are LIGHT this is a SEMI Truck full well a big step but nonetheless one we made and now we sell out every 4 months or so I’m sure you will love these marshmallows”
Happy Friday! I’m digging the dance marathon playlist today!
@BfO: That looks for all the world like a web site created by someone who would buy 10,000 pounds of cereal “marshmallows” on a whim as a sideline to their discount herbal cleanse / used car business.
I especially like the prominently placed linkback on his car site. Just in case you land there and are briefly under the impression that this might be a reputable car dealer.
Oh good grief, he also builds and sells custom cars. I’m tempted to fire off a email to that numbered aol address and find out if they’d be willing to throw in a couple hundred pounds of marshmallows if I order a $29K homemade car.
I checked out a few used cars and 100% of two brands were SOLD SOLD SOLD.
I’d trust the guy for marshmallow bits — if I lived in the US and… Man, who wants to add more marshmallows to Lucky Charms anyway? (Perhaps the person who doesn’t like cereal interfering with the marshies.)
It’s not like there is anywhere else to buy that type of stuff
Hello all! I am glad some enjoy the playlist.
I read about They Shoot Horses, Don’t They. I should add a song of the band of that name to the playlist. Yes I think I will!
If he has an AOL account (and also going by appearances), the site is probably quite old; perhaps things were as he states, in pre-mouse days…
We had a copy of They Shoot Horses on VHS when I was growing up. I never watched it, but I knew of it’s existence as a depressing movie. I didn’t know it was book though.
Regarding old and terrible websites:
and the obligatory:
test posting
The above test was because Mariposa says (FB chat) that she hasn’t been able to get on this morning. “Unavailable”
Hmmm it must be something on her end?
did Mariposa mention what error code she was getting?
First Play: The Wooden Sky, Swimming in Strange Waters
Streaming ends on Apr 07, 2017
I always wondered where the Easter Bunny got those damn eggs.
Hi Bye! tonight I’m going to Said the Whale, will be with some of our regulars…
Have a great time Wynnsie!
Sweet little chicken bunny.
Wow, thanks Darbs, will do!
hehe I realized how that looked after. You sweet little chicken bunny you.
Darbs, wow!
Hey hey, he’s a “happily” married man
Well, this could get awkward
@Janet, Could?
Betting back to mariposa, if it’s not yet fixed, her message was: “are you able to comment in ourbasement? it is not available for me this morning … playlist and everything else is working.”
Dutch student flies to wrong Sydney
A Dutch student who intended to fly to Australia found himself in Sydney, Nova Scotia in the middle of winter.
Ok now, now, is this exchange about me and my wonderful friend Darlene?
From mariposa, 2 messages to me: “I refreshed. closed and reopened. swore. pretended I didn’t care and walked away … nothing seems to be working.”
“Basically I get the text that says to put comments here but there is no type able comment box.”
@BfO, The only thing I can think of is for her to remove the browser cookies for our site and reload the page to see if that does the trick.
Mariposa troubleshooting:
Other than clearing the cookies, and application data, she should try another browser as well. Other steps could be restarting the browser, i.e. closing all open windows. Or restarting her whole system.
Or even trying it on another computer, agree with Garf on this, if none of us are having issues it is all on her end.
is anyone else using safari?
The iPad will let me come and play!
Hello Morgana
this should walk you through the process of removing cookies*
*we better be careful or that raccoon might turn up with all this talk of cookies
I am sure it is all on my end Winzie. I am a bit slow when it comes to buttons. Thank you for your suggestions.
That link will be most helpful, thanks garlielduk.
Glad you could come join us Morgana!
I blame the technology. It’s always the fault of tech, rather than user error
@Janet, acctually in this case it probably is the techs fault, or at least it isn’t Morganas
Thereby proving my point!
If you will excuse me the dog is informing me that it is past my bed time so I will bid you all a good night and a great weekend
Have a good weekend, Garfield!
Nighty night Garf. Have a great weekend!
Hey all… Grant is going to be on R1 in a few minutes to talk about Canada 150!
Thanks Justin.
Hearing Grant was great, really made me miss live R3 though. Was expecting him to go into some dialog about Tokyo Police Club or something….