Bison (B.C.) – You Are Not the Ocean You Are the Patient
In Europe, July 7th in North America
You are not the ocean. You do not orchestrate a beautiful cacophony of life and death, struggle and destruction, creation and dependence. You are not the sole reason for the existence of a nation of creatures to live and abide your stark and simple rules. You are not married to the moon. You do not allow the constellations to be your map. You do not destroy cities and drown their citizens. You do not embrace land’s golden hem as your child, with calm and tenderness. You do not crash and spray craggy shores with fury and passion. You are not unstoppable. You are not powerful. You are not necessary. (The Monolith)
New Swears – And the Magic of Horses
[New Swears] come from humble beginnings, forming in 2012 when all four members (Scru Bar, Sammy J. Scorpion, Beej Eh, and Nick Nofun) shared a room and ran a notorious DIY venue they called the Fun Boy Club House. The space also accommodated two bars, a mini skateboard ramp, rodent infestations and, by all accounts, was the scene of some pretty raucous live shows before they abandoned it in 2014. (CBC Music)+stream
Good morning!
Hey ho! Beautiful day here in Ottawa. The grass is long, birds are a-chirping, and the sky is blue.
Hello hello! Another hot, muggy, and gross day in the Washington area
Yeah, the Ottawa Valley — it’s a slight thing, but there *is* the River… — has a deserved reputation for being humid, at least on some days in the summer and in the winter, but I’m sure I’d be completely miserable living in Washington, if only for that reason. Here at least, it’s very easy to leave the Valley for the hills on the Québec side, or for Canadian Shield-type cottage country in Ontario.
We do have a large swamp — sorry, they’ve been ennobled and dubbed “wetlands” — just East of the city, “Mer Bleue” (= blue sea), but it doesn’t influence the weather here.
The weather isn’t too bad here today. We are around 19°c (67° in old money) with a little rain expected over night
19 to 23° is my preferred range. I much prefer cold (:dress for it) than ridiculously hot. Which keeps me away from many parts of the world, and I don’t mind.
I’m off to borrow my sister’s power mower (I let the grass get a little too long for my push mower). L8er
I would much rather dress for the cold than work with too much heat
I’m another one who prefers the cold over the heat. I’m definitely living in the wrong area for that!
I must admit I do enjoy pointing out Canadian temperatures whem my housemate complains that it is too hot/cold
I have to go out for a bit. If anyone asks the Raccoon is in charge (wherever he is hiding)
Hello? Is anybody here? I have a customer service complaint, but the so-called “manager” just hissed and threw an acorn at me.
I should bake some cookies to curry favour with the Raccoon then.
I’m back, what did I miss?
Good idea Janet, but I suggest you make them without curry.
He might like spicy food
Fair enough, garf, but it’s really light on the (mild) curry. The problem with curry powders, of course, is that they’re really strong and assertive. Which is, I suppose, exactly why there’s so little in your interesting recipe. I’d like to try some. I need sugar, I should make some.
Hmm. I agree with the basic premise that sugar cookies are shit, but not with the suggestion that ginger and/or curry would improve them.
Ron Howard has been officially announced to replace Chris Miller and Phil Lord as the director of the Han Solo film.
I like sugar cookies a lot, I might give those ginger curry ones a try.
I didn’t know anything about the previous directors of the Han Solo movie, but I feel like it will now be more watered down and family friendly with Howard directing it.
Hello all! People are making comments. Hurrah!
I was just looking and that Bison album is out June 23 in Europe but July 7 in North America. I like Bison for my heavier moods.
New Swears have been on my radar and I look forward to checking out the album.
@DBS, (trying not to sound snarky but failing) that’s why I mentioned those dates just under the title up there, otherwise we would only have had 1 release to report on this week (according to Album of the year, Exclaim, and NME at least)
Yes there it is Garf. I am not in luxury of fully reading things at the moment. Work and all. My apologies.
That’s ok
that was meant to be a bigger smile
My boss keeps popping in so I can’t spend long reading. I will catch up eventually.
Can we just pretend that I said some disparaging remarks about your boss?
I think she is a nice person.
Hehe okay.
I enjoyed Bison and now on to New Swears. How about that album cover? Ha!
Do you think they were trying to top the three wolf moon shirt?
It’s pretty hilarious and fantastic. I dig em.
I haven’t checked out either of the artists from today, but I’m hoping to later today when the office quiets down and I can listen to some music.
Bison would be best at home where you can play it loud!
New Swears is more office friendly. I particularly enjoy their vocal harmonies and cool vibe.
Geez. This weekend is New Swears weekend at House of Targ. First night is all ages. I may just have to go.
I have to say I enjoyed the New Swears album
I have to run, but I look forward to chatting with you all tomorrow!
Ciao Janet!
ttfn Janet
I saw Lana post something about that. Looks like fun. I will have to check it out later.
That’s who I “borrowed” it from