By Darlene Barss
Still Flux, composed of John Castillo, Johnny Syriani, Luke Winer, and David Hernon is a collaborative rock outfit started by singer/songwriter John Castillo in September 2015. Borrowing elements from Pyschedelia, Metal, and Pop, Still Flux brings forward a fervent mix of sounds from the past and present. Born out of house shows and a passion for bringing people together, the collective can be found performing monthly in assorted venues at their hometown of Montreal, presenting their unique brand of danceable riffs and technical artistry. (From their website)
Their new album is coming out June 29, 2017, and I have had a few listens so far. I am sure I will have a few more listens in the days to come. The instrumentals are by far their strong suit and what I liked most from this rock band. There were times I enjoyed John Castillo’s plaintive melodic vocals especially when blended with other vocals such as on the track Fragile Mind, but the title tracks are my favourite part of the album. That the first track Habits and the last track Dreams are both instrumental and the album is called Habits & Dreams, seems fitting to me. A great groove and beats to start and finish the album. Their description of danceable riffs and technical artistry is pretty bang on.
I am not a big lyric listener so it will take me a few more listens to get into the message of the songs on the album but I am sure they have something to say. You can check out the song Come With Me from the album in the video below and let me know. And on the 29th, go to Spotify or Bandcamp to check out those instrumental tracks.
Today marks OurBasement’s first birthday and to celebrate this we have a brand new line of t-shirts that can be bought via our Tee Spring page
Good morning!
Hey ho. T-shirts!
Hello hello!
Hello all!
Happy Birthday OurBasement!
I have ordered my shirt
For those that are interested the black shirt with a white design is available with different coloured shirts (for those that don’t like black shirts)
Happy birthday, Our Basement! I haven’t ordered my tee yet, but will tonight when I’m home from work.
I ordered one as well.
@DBS, We ordered the same one
I figured so. I wasn’t sure I was going to go with white but I will for this one.
I don’t usually go for white shirts but It helps with the flag
White is good for a daytime shirt. Black’s awful for that. But has more cred in the clubs. Ah, decisions decisions.
I don’t usually go for white either but I was thinking summer shirt and it is slightly cheaper. :p
@BfO, the Black version is also available in light blue, dark blue, and dark green.
I like the white one because it reminds me of the Canadian flag, but don’t wear a lot of white clothes because I’m prone to spilling things all over myself. I’ll probably order the black one, but in dark green.
I was going to order the dark green version as well, but with shipping it would have brought my order up to a little over £40 ($50us, $67cdn)
janet, perhaps you don’t own a bottle of SHOUT? It’s the only way stains wash out, I find.
Benoit, I think I might keep Shout in business
Ah well, then. Try battery acid?
@Janet, You remind me of someone I used to know, he would say that you could tell how much he enjoyed his meal by how much ended up on his shirt
I usually just try to avoid white clothes, which seems to work pretty well.
I will have trouble keeping my white shirt clean as well but thought I would try again for this occasion.
A local theatre group is putting on the play Footloose this summer. My son and I agreed to work on the stage crew. I don’t really need more things to fill up my time but it should be fun.
anyone know what the diff is between a Hanes tagless T and a premium T?
krib, I had a look online, and I think you should take each of them at face value: “tagless” is indeed without that pesky tab. H.P. I’ve mostly seen for women’s things, but also in one case for men; strikes me as a brand more than anything, and it may not exclude tagless in some cases.
hello friends!
has it really been a year already?!
Still Flux; I was completely unaware of them so thanks for the intro. I do like the guitar riffs and tight drums but the vocals are goofy as far as I can hear … is he really referring to Transformers?
Hi morgana! Yes it has been a year. Woot!
I am not a big fan of his vocals either but no I don’t think he was referring to Transformers unless I missed that. haha! There was another track that will be on the album called Fragile Minds that has more blended vocals and harmonies that worked better for my ear.
@gary re colour of shirts. just blue like on their web page or others if i go through the ordering stages?
“Be the optimist you need to be” not Optimus haha!
There were a few colour choices to pick from.
“be the Optimus you need to be” I thought he was talking about Optimus Prime … but maybe that is because he looks 15;)
I don’t see the album on Spotify yet but will listen to other songs once they are available.
They should be there tomorrow. They sent some files to OurBasement for us to listen to.
Thanks for dropping in everybody. Have a great evening!