The playlist this week is to celebrate Canada and the music we have here. Like many people I have some conflicted feelings on Canada 150. I don’t want to celebrate the genocide of a culture but I do love Canada. I am not qualified to express any deep insight into the discussion but I am listening.
The 150th anniversary of Canada, also known as the 150th anniversary of Confederation and promoted by the Canadian government as Canada 150, occurs in 2017 as Canada marks the sesquicentennial anniversary of Canadian Confederation. Some indigenous people including famed artist Alex Janvier and Senator Murray Sinclair have opposed the Canada 150 celebrations stating that these celebrations ignore the more than 10,000 years of indigenous history in these lands and the grave colonial legacy of the Canadian government. (from Wikipedia)
Roberta Jamieson, president and CEO of Indspire suggest there is a way to mark Canada Day and still acknowledge the country’s difficult history. “The intergenerational trauma, the way that our people have been treated in Canada — it is a fact,” she explains. “I want people to go into July 1 and beyond — eyes wide open accepting our reality. But it’s a time to recommit. It’s a time to re-energize. It’s a time to move beyond what the Indigenous people in Australia call ‘gesture politics’ and it’s a time for sustained and serious action.” (from CBC)
I am hoping for healing and unity going into the future of Canada and not only having our eyes open but keeping our hearts open as well. Music often has a way of bringing people together and that is what I am concentrating on today. Last weeks playlist focused on music by indigenous artists of Canada and you can listen to that or this weeks playlist that is focused on songs about and celebrating this country called Canada. Or you could listen to both and revel in the abundance of talent we have in Canada. Let’s celebrate that!
(The playlist is a long one running 4 hrs. You have been warned.)
Good morning. In a (typical?) Canadian move, the First Nations tepee on Parliament Hill has been allowed to be re-set up closer to the centre of the space, next to the stage, rather than having been left just inside the Wellington St. fence.
Nice de-escalation. I like.
Good morning!
Where are you now?
Off for a cycle before the rain. later!
Hello hello! Happy Canada day eve!
Thanks for fixing the pic for me Garf.(I assume)
Happy Canada Day eve indeed!
Me? I’m still at home. I don’t leave the house until 4:30 in the morning for a 5am train to get into London at 8am.
Noisetrade has a pretty awesome O Canada Canadian Music Mixtape.
BBC Radio 3 did a show about Canadian Indie Music from Ontario & Quebec
@DBS, Not me this time
@DBS, the new image was uploaded by Mr Wynn
Hi Everyone, @Darbs & @Garf ya that was me. Just saw the blurriness and thought I should fix it up. I’m just quickly in and out of here, I am getting ready for my vacay. Will be gone 3 weeks! yeah!
Happy Canada Day all!!!
Thanks Wynnsie! It was late at night when I stole it from a t-shirt. I was hoping to get a better file for it today.
@Wynnzie, I hope you have a great vacation
Thanks @Garf! No problem Darlene!
Happy trails Wynnsie!
Garf, ah. I was ahead by a day.
@BfO, the plan was to have an early night last night so I would get up around 4am today meaning that I could get some sleep this afternoon/evening and get up for 2 am to watch the National before finishing getting ready ro leave at 4:30am in the morning
Canada Trivia Quiz
I got 24/50 (F)
Aw yiss, just in time for me to download it to my phone for my Canada Day weekend road trip (assuming I can figure out how to do that).
I have faith in you Loozrboy. Happy weekend listening.
Loving the playlist Darbar! And I’m also hoping I can figure out how to download it to my phone to bring with me on a road trip next week!
I hope it works for you Janet. There are a lot of hours of listening on this playlist!
Hi guys, happy Canada day long weekend Friday! Just purchased a shirt! Thanks for being awesome. Sorry I don’t hang out more. With the demise of R3 I saw it as an opportunity to move on and be more productive and focused at while at work….
Hi Funhug. Thanks for dropping by from time to time.
Going to see DOA perform at Crannog Ales tomorrow!
From the last time we saw them perform there:
enjoying the playlist!
I am hoping to catch Library Voices, Colter Wall and The Dead South tomorrow at the park. I can skip Marianna’s Trench though.
I’m jealous of everyone going to see Canadians play music on Canada Day! I’ll have Darbars playlists on repeat all day tomorrow
I have until Thursday to decide on my Polaris ballot. Here is my Top 10 as of today.
I feel like I’ve had the Weaves album on repeat lately!
It’s so good! I am worried that since it came out last June, other jurors will forget about it.
I am headed out now! Have a great Canada day weekend everyone!
You too Janet!
Hello again, I didn’t sleep as long as I had hoped
Hi Garf. Are you going to have some sleepy travels?
I should be fine on the way there but by the time the event ends at 8pm I will have been awake 24hours
Oh that’s not good Garf.
I usually go without a nights sleep when I fly to Canada
If it gets really bad I can leave early and go to bed
Leaving early isn’t a good option
I should be fine