Basement Revolver – Agatha
Well, this is just delightful. Basement Revolver’s ‘Agatha’ EP is a sombre affair, focusing on mental struggles and their physical manifestations, but there’s something sweet amongst the bitterness. Four tracks of poetic, anatomical and environmental imagery, it’s a dark but beautiful record and one to turn to for a moment of peace or clarity.(Punktastic)
Holy Fuck – Bird Brains
After delivering their first LP in six years with Congrats last year, Holy Fuck aren’t letting up in releasing more music. The band have revealed that a new EP titled Bird Brains will land on July 21 through Last Gang/Innovative Leisure.(Exclaim)
Matt Paxton – Hunter Street Station Blues
There’s a kind of forlorn, raw vulnerability about singer/songwriter Matt Paxton’s Hunter Street Station Blues EP: A humbling mix of acoustic folk and blues strikes a poignant chord through the illustrative lyrics and stark, heartfelt melodies in a four very sad, very honest songs of longing, love, and leaving.(Atwood Magazine) Autoplay Stream
I just wanted to stop in and let you know that I do regularly read and enjoy the posts. This past year has been a rollercoaster and my participation in many areas has slipped.
I recently signed up for the emails and it’s great to get them. Thanks everyone at Our Basement <3
‘Morning. Having a little bowl of cereal before going out for a short cycle. It’s going to get hot again today.
Hi Samara, Thank you, I’m glad to hear that you find our little corner of the web useful.
(Molly Dog)
In a shocking turn of events it is raining again in (this part of) England
Hello hello! Sending some positive vibes your way, Samara!
I’m surprised by how much I enjoy Everything Now. I’m not a huge Arcade Fire fan, but Everything now is a catchy little ear worm for me.
Thank you Garf and Janet. <3
Molly says ''arf", which is close to Garf!
@Garf it's raining here too. We've had a very rainy summer so far in this part of ON… I just keep reminding myself that at least it's not snow! However, for the first summer EVER we will not have enough tomatoes or peppers to make any relishes or sauces. It just hasn't been hot/sunny enough.
It’s only 158 days until Christmas *runs away*
Good morning!
I did not dislike that Ummagma from yesterday.
What did you / are you planning to have for lunch today?
Soup and a sandwich for me
I just had my second breakfast. First was simply a bowl of mixed cereals (3 kinds + cranberries); second, after cycling and finally cooling down, was a 2-egg omelet with 5 year old cheddar, plus a nice piece of toast Canadian style: warm, done just so and heavily buttered. Nummy; it actually was a nice omelet.
I just got back from lunch, the president of the university where I work took a bunch of people who helped out with commencement for lunch, which was nice, even if the conversation was a bit awkward.
I ate the last blueberry pancake.
I didn’t realize Canadian style toast was a thing, but that does sound like how I like my toast.
all dressed toast
Anyway, my lunch sucked. Leftover supermarket BBQ chicken from last night, sliced and slapped into a hamburger bun left over from the night before that, served with a side of potato chips left over from god knows when. My lunches on work-from-home days are usually crap. Never any decent food in the house, and nowhere around here to get any.
Loozboy, my work from home lunches are pretty similar to yours: whatever I can find, which usually means pieced together leftovers.
Blueberry pancakes, however sounds like a great lunch!
If the weather’s decent and I have some time to kill (neither of which applied today), there are some interesting options within a semi-reasonable biking distance; I hope I’ll get some appropriate days for that at some point this summer.
I miss living in the city.
I see there’s a new Wolf Parade album coming out in October. I’m looking forward to checking that out!
Former sports star and actor OJ Simpson granted parole after serving almost nine years for armed robbery
Thanks Janet, I have added that to the schedule
Hello all! I have to catch up but the Holy Fuck blurb is twice up there and nothing about Basement Revolver. And yay new releases!!
Oops, sorry, I’m not even going to pretend that was deliberate
Thank you DBS
hey kids. it is another scorcher out there. Unfortunately winds are kicking up; pretty much the worst thing when there are forest fires everywhere.
Hi Morgana. stay safe
Loozrboy, about toast, I just put that because I happened to flip across one of those abandoned locker shows the other night, and the buyer had just come up with a (very nice) toast rack: holds 8-10 slices perhaps, that you toasted, slotted, and brought to the table. Where they would be enjoyed more or less cold. With English temperature butter, i.e. also cold.
@BfO, Hey… I wish I could argue that
Now I want toast
I knew I liked the Arcade Fire number, Basement Revolver was enjoyable but in a background kind of forgot it was on way, Holy F*** has still got it but not always what I want to listen to and Matt Paxton is not my jam; baby just go!!!
I love the variety that has been played at our ears/laid at our feet this week. You guys do such a great job of keeping me in the loop!
I see Samara dropped in this morning. Nice! Hi Samara if you come back to check.
Busy busy. My bosses took me out to lunch and I am finishing up for my long weekend off. Woot!
Durbar, have a Pistacioliscious good time!
Thanks morgana!
oh, I forgot to share this earlier
morgana: Yet I hate how those samplers get taken up by iTunes: each track generates a separate item! It’s going to take a lot of typing to integrate them.