The Legendary No-Cover Music Night You’ve Never Heard Of
From The Strokes to Thom Yorke, ‘Nu Music Nite’ at the legendary Horseshoe Tavern became an epicentre of rock in Toronto.
YouTube star singer from Thunder Bay, Ontario draws on Ojibway heritage for debut album
Natasha Fisher has already racked up over a hundred thousand views on YouTube for her videos of covers and mashups by artists like Drake, Rihanna, and The Weeknd, but now the northwestern Ontario singer is gaining attention for the release of her original song Lie to Me, from her debut album Her.
Vice shuts down electronic music news site Thump amid global layoffs
Since 2013, Thump has covered international dance music culture – mainstream and underground – and has had a dedicated editor in Vice’s Toronto office. On Friday (July 21), the site’s Brooklyn-based editor Michelle Lhooq also confirmed the closure on Twitter.
Simcoe music festival rocks on for 50 years and counting
There is one key difference between the Federation’s performance at the first downtown Simcoe music festival 50 years ago and the local rock ‘n’ roll band’s upcoming set at next month’s Lynn River Music and Arts Festival – this time there’s less chance of a traffic jam.
(Norfolk News)
Aaaaaaand good morning!
Good morning!
Wow, what a great weekend.
Russ, you two certainly covered a lot of ground.
Out for a while
1115 miles, to be precise.
Nu Music Nite is legendary, as was Elvis Mondays, I only played the latter a few times, you had 30 mins slots to load, soundcheck and play your stuff, it was strict. Nu Music Nite isn’t quite like that. But I saw a lot of bands there over the years.
10 years ago I saw Hollerado for the first time, there were about 20 people there, including Bookie (who’s mentioned in the article). I asked him what he thought, and he said to me he liked them. Little did we know…
At the time I hadn’t seen my cousins for awhile (since they were much younger), Jake was maybe 18?? When I approached him, and asked if he knew who I was, he said: “I think we may be related??”
Nu Music Nite is still around.
Russ, 7:38: So, some 1800 kilometres (spelled that way too!) ;-s)
Good day, garfield.
Please excuse my tardiness, I was in the lounge awaiting the arrival of a parcel for my housemate. I am still waiting
You’re excused
thank you
(And he leaves)
(he does?)
(You *might* have taken ‘you’re excused’ that way. As with Pratchett’s Lord Vetinari’s “Don’t let me detain you”, there’s two readings.)
I did wonder if just writing “You’re excused” would lead some to think Garf was being dismissed.
It was too subtle for my too pick up on
Love that video, just hilarious, totally random to get that ‘U’ at the end
just squeaking in a good morning before both hands meet on the twelve in south eastern bc.
Is anyone going to see Arcade Fire on this album tour? I am gob smacked at the price in Vancouver. I have taken the days off and the flights are just bad, not terrible but the actual ticket price I am having a major problem with.
@Morgana, Hi, you still had 32 minutes to spare
Just dropped in to say hi. Hi! I will try to catch up and chat more.
who was that woman!?
Hehe…some people call me the flash. Look at that look at that. Ha! No not really.
@garfielduk thank goodness because i have a million and three things to do before the 7-12 VW Vans show up in town tomorrow! I could use more than those 32mins but I’ll take it:)
I’m going, but they are definitely pricey, I’ve never seen them so this is just the price I pay. I have nosebleed seats for the Toronto show, everyone else I know going has similar seats.
I am absolutely loving the new Barr Brothers single!
@Michael Wynn I had tickets for a AF show at the Gorge years ago but life got very complicated and we could not go. one of the biggest concert misses ever for me. i think that is why i really want to go this time. $320 odd dollars for floor admission. ack!!
I love the Barr Brothers and the new track is fantastic. I am very much looking forward to the new album.
I am assuming Arcade Fire aren’t playing around here but I will check. I am glad to have seen them on The Suburbs tour. We were first row on the floor for that one. I am not sure I would pay the big bucks to see them again though.
Yeah that’s a lot of money, but do you have to see them on the floor?? I know I hate being far away, but at least you’re in attendance
I’ve never seen AF, but I can’t say I have too much desire to do so, either. They’re playing the Verizon Centre here in September, I don’t know if tickets are still available though.
Oh I remember, I was wishing that Wolf Parade would play with them near here. I would be going then for sure. Looks like Phantogram is playing with them in Edmonton which is where I would go to see them because I have my brother there for accomodations. As is, only if I am in town anyways would I consider buying a ticket.
Darbar, if you can make it to DC in October you can join me in seeing Wolf Parade down here. We got our tickets yesterday.
@janet – That would be fabulous, but I doubt I can make that happen.
or you could both come here and we can watch them in Manchester next year
Oh man. That would be great too! If only …
That would be awesome! As soon as I win the lottery!
or we could all go and see them in Dublin instead
@Michael Wynn I figure if I am going to take days off and fly to Vancouver what difference is another hundred dollars? Well, it is a lot of difference but that is the theory. My bank account has not come to terms with the theory yet however.
@garfielduk does your house mate know we are all coming?
@morgana – That is pretty much my theory as well. If I am traveling that far to see a show, I want good seats to it.
I vote Dublin! Must buy lottery tickets.
I should by a lotto ticket for the weekend draw
@Morgana, The closest show to me (that I know of) is in Manchester (3 hours away by train)
Plus, if I don’t tell him he can’t say no.I don’t think the boss (the dog) would complain.
I”m in for Dublin! Now, off to buy my winning lottery ticket
OK, so if everyone buys one lucky dip (random selection) lotto ticket and if anyone wins big we all meet in Dublin for the first Friday in April
I have never bought a lottery ticket … ok. I’ll buy it on my birthday for extra luck:)
I buy one every 2 or 3 years
Deal Garf! *shake hand*
*shakes hand*
“shakes hand”
ha, the Sadies are coming to town in September. Way more affordable than Arcade Fire.
I would go for that
Dallas Good played with Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet and then the Sadies on Saturday night at Gateway Fest. Both bands were highlights for me. So good!
@garfielduk did you get past Fred Penner on this years Kaslo Jazz Etc playlist? The scifi guy in you will be happy if you do.
i must admit I have not, but I can listen to spotify on the PS4 downstairs while I am awaiting the package again tomorrow
Would you believe I never got into Firefly (do I lose geek cred points?) But to be fair I only got into Farscape many years after it had ended.
you are down at least ten geek points now …
i have no idea what the scale is tho
well i have been spinning around like a top since 8 this morning and now it is time for me to get ready for the “work” portion of the day.
until we type again friends.
Ciao morgana.
g’night folks