It is officially autumn and we have a playlist for the season. Autumn is from Sept 22 to Dec 21 and hopefully will ease us into the next season gently. It may feel like summer where you are but where I live it has been a little cooler and the sweaters are coming out and the leaves are changing colours. The days are getting shorter and the geese are doing their practice flights. All signs that the season is changing from summer to fall and onto winter but let’s enjoy this season while we are in it.
I actually enjoy autumn. There is something about it that is just chill and relaxed. A lot of the songs in our playlist reflect that feeling very well. There are a few not so chill songs on there as well, maybe that was the dread of winter talking. For the majority of the playlist, I can imagine enjoying it with a blanket and a cup of tea or out walking with a sweater on and kicking up some leaves. Either would work I would think, or at least help you to imagine that is what you are doing. However you do listen to it, I hope you enjoy A Canadian Indie Autumn.
Do you have any Canadian Indie songs that aren’t on the playlist that make you think Autumn?
Good day. I wonder if any of the people here have ever seen Jay Arner live. Tonight at Pressed.
Hello, My sister & I went to see RPR at the Roxy Theatre in Owen Sound last night. They are a quartet with Rob Ritchie on the keyboard, Steve Ritchie on guitar, Al Parrish on the bass guitar, and Beaker Grainger on the drums. They played a rock/folk type of music. Rob, Steve & Al were members of Tanglefoot which I heard one critic call the Van Halen of folk music. They are all accomplished storytellers, and share the inspiration for the songs they sing when introducing them. They played a couple of songs that could be interpreted as comments on our times. One song was a song Rob wrote for a hurricane Katrina fundraiser called the Temporary Song. There was an old song from the Tanglefoot days called Fire & Guns which is about the loyalist’s (refugees) coming from New York to Upper Canada. They also debuted a song that Steve wrote called The Cashier. Which seemed to speak about the death of the cashiers husband by a young suicide bomber. They all share the spotlight each singing lead to one or more songs. a couple of times Steve went behind the drums so Beaker was out front. They also sang the opening & closing songs a cappella. All in all I would say it was a great show. I would recommend seeing them if they are in your area. They have one CD out now and are working on another release for the spring just before they start their UK tour.
Good morning!
Good Venus Day everyone! I’m having fun thinking literally about the days of the week, all named for old gods.
Hello all!
Great review Scott! I will have to check them out. They sound pretty interesting.
I have not seen Jay Arner live Benoit but I feel like it would be a good show. Happy Venus Day to you.
I tried to get tickets to see Matt Mays last night at the Hayloft but it was sold out.
I will listen to this as I drink my Beau’s Parliament of Trees. I had some at the Oktoberfest and its tasting notes are spot on. It tastes like Fall.
Nice Frankus. Seems like a lovely pairing. Sorry about not getting to see Matt Mays last night. That would be disappointing.
huh. I had assumed Friday was associated with Freyja
From the wiki on Friday: “The name Friday comes from the Old English Frīġedæġ, meaning the “day of Frige”, a result of an old convention associating the Old English goddess Frigg with the Roman goddess Venus, with whom the day is associated in many different cultures.”
That’s the case in French, where “vendredi”… But here’s the FR. wiki: “Le mot vendredi est issu du latin *Veneris dies*, signifiant « jour de Vénus », le nom de Vénus au génitif en latin étant Veneris” — that last part simply states that “Veneris” is the genitive case of “Venus”.
That really drummed up the comments.
haha! Didn’t it just? Krib will be back to say something else about it I am sure. I read it and thought interesting but I have nothing else to add.
Monster Truck did a rockin rendition of Saturday Night. They lyrics didn’t improve but it rocks more.
sorry, I was busy trying to find why I couldn’t get CBC TV to work on chrome even though it works via firefox
I am being told that track is unavailable
yeah. I did the search, just couldn’t be bothered typing up a bunch of stuff. I just figured that, since (in English) there’s Odin’s Day and Thor’s day, that Freyja’s day made sense
fun fact: Odin’s day is Mercury’s day in the Romance languages
And, in the Germanic-y languages, it’s midweek – those no-nonsense Germans…
Well that makes sense.
Devin has an interview for a job today. Fingers crossed he gets it!
11:38 was in response to Monster Truck doing Saturday Night but it also works for krib’s comment. Ha!
An imposter Shad?! This track came up in my new releases but it doesn’t sound like the Shad we know.
why would you make me listen to that! I thought you liked us!
Good day everyone!
Ha! Sorry Garf. Spotify made me do it.
Hello Justin! How was your b’day?
yeah Justin, sorry I couldn’t attend last night but it was a bit too short notice
I think my kid just got a job!
I am pretty happy and proud of the boy.
I couldn’t post I quit my job, he only just got it
Hello friends old and new.
Anyone taking part in Culture Day activities?
@justin hope your party was a blast
@garfielduk i need more notice as well!
@darbar what job are we pulling for for your boy?
Haha thanks Garf.
Hi Morgana! It’s just a job at Sobey’s but finally someone is giving him a chance! He got the interview through one of our new theatre friends.
There is something going on upstairs for Culture Days that I may go check out. I am hoping to get to see a few bands tonight and am taking my sweetie to Joe Bonamassa tomorrow night. Sunday will be full of a full day of theatre and drumming.
@darbar nice! way to go!! my teen and i have been having quite a few conversations around making sure we support individuals and make sure our community is inclusive. oddly the conversation started around a boy who we had to call the police and school about but making sure she is aware that we all have our ups and downs and parts of helping people can be difficult. not your scenario at all but basically not all of us can work a 40 hour work week and sometimes need chunks of time off but we still have a lot to offer our community (talking about me here). Yay for giving people a chance!!
my daughter and i are going to do some culture days events tonight but first i must nap. i have something going on that has caused my iron to plummet so i am as energetic as a sheet of single ply tissue. i am in the lucky position of having a party to attend tomorrow night and New Porno’s on Sunday but man I need some energy!
@morgana – Important conversations! I was having a debate with someone recently about this. He obviously comes from a place of privilege and didn’t get it at all. I hope this job helps Devin continue to grow and make those positive changes in his life. This past year I have been seeing a lot of positive changes in him. So proud.
Yeah, krib, Odin or Woden, = Mercury from the Romans’ point of view: “The earliest records of the Germanic peoples were recorded by the Romans, and in these works Odin is frequently referred to—via a process known as interpretatio romana (where characteristics perceived to be similar by Romans result in identification of a non-Roman god as a Roman deity)—as the Roman god Mercury.” (from the wiki on Odin)
That makes it tough Morgana! Sending you some energy to get you through and enjoy!
@Morgana, No culture here, but I have been thinking about contacting the Assembly of First Nations for a number of reasons.
@darbar it can be difficult for people to sympathise when many are ingrained to believe that “normal” is best and it fit’s into this 40 hour a week box. something that i love about my community is that by enlarge we strive to work so we can go and play at what makes us happy. we also let people be themselves. i do have times when i wonder if we are serving those who really have challenges by letting them be too much but grey areas are hard to manage.
@garfielduk thanks for the virtual hug
you almost blew me over with it though, I am delicate 
I am confused how the Assembly of First Nations Plays into the towns bid for biggest and best and deepest culture (or how ever culture is gauged?)
Indeed. There probably should be some conforming encouraged.
@Morgana, they don’t, I was just trying to share something about culture over here.
I have other reasons to contact AFN.
@garfielduk ok, so what’s the reason to contact AFN if you don’t mind me asking?
ha… no prob Garf. My birthday get-together actually is on Saturday.
@Morgana, it boils down to asking for advice as to where I should look to learn more about indigenous culture along with finding out who’s land I have spent time on so I can thank them and apologize for not doing it sooner.
damn it, I got my dates mixed up
I can get to Portland for 5:50pm tomorrow, does anyone have £500 they could spare?
@garfield there is a resurgence of proud indigenous peoples in Canada now so I doubt you will have any difficulty in sourcing information. I can certainly send you info as i encounter it through FB if you like.
some silly tv shows here but also some news that does not make the headlines or just from a different angle Is it geoblocked?
Not after I pay for my flight I don’t. If I had money for my flight that is.
echo! echo! echo!
durbar and i are saving up so we can do a festival together next summer …
@Morgana, I am using a vpn that makes me appear to be in Canada
Darbar… I am loving the playlist today! Gasoline | Dave Monks playing now.
Garf, thanks for the thought of flying to Portland! I live in Bend, Oregon USA now, so more remote even.
@garfield I am not tricky enough to know what a VPN is but I get the idea. Fake it until you can make it;)
@Justin – I don’t remember having Gasoline on the playlist. hehe. I am glad you enjoyed the playlist.
@justin Bend is beautiful, but I too like more remote. sometimes means you have to travel to get to shows but such is the trade off. do you think you will make the trek for Said the Whale?
i must nap so i have strength to parent a teen in an hour.
have a great weekend everyone.
You too Morgana!
ttfn Morgana
Night! Have a happy autumn weekend!