Barenaked Ladies – Fake Nudes
“Fake Nudes,” out Friday and exclusively premiering today at HuffPost, finds Barenaked Ladies channeling the harmonies fans have come to love, alongside a fresh electronic-driven sound and lyrics filled with wit and empathy.(HuffPost)
Please let me know what I missed in the comments below.
This is the only Canadian release I could find for this Friday
The name of the e.p., how topical!
Incidentally, for when one gets a “posting too fast”, if the return arrow on the site doesn’t work, one’s own “back” arrow, in one’s own system, can do the job.
I can’t remember if I have been told I am posting too fast
I once or twice raised that warning with my very first post. I think it’s mostly set off by a conflict of signals — two people posting “at the same time”.
I think it might be due to the auto-refresh system we use which makes it look like all comments are coming from one internet address
as you can see here

So: the spoof bites our ass?
Change of subject: what about Rhod… hum, Zimbabwe, eh? I’ve been hoping for Mugabe’s exit for a long time.
Hello hello! Small point of correction, the “n” in naked, of the Barenaked Ladies isn’t capitalized.
All I can say is that the site I got my data from had it that way but that is no excuse so I have changed it
Zimbabwe, A coup by any other name…
Good morning!
Hi Russ
…is a putsch.
They advertise themselves as BNL, so I don’t think they can complain when people capitalise the N.
I wonder if Barenaked Ladies are the shady people behind Buy ‘n’ Large
Naked bears, ladies
That sound like a niche show in San Francisco
Patrick Watson released a video today. A beautiful new song.
it looks like that link only works in Canada
Too bad. Maybe the Spotify link will work?
There you go!
When I first tried the VEVO link I was interneting via Sweden and it wouldn’t work but when I changed to Canada it worked but not via the US of A, but the NPR sourced video will, NPR video doesn’t work in the UK, but the VEVO one does.
Don’t you just love how they try to geo-block content (sarcasm)
That link worked for me.
Where am I?
Physically or mentally Russ?
I so love geo-blocking! (more sarcasm)
you could always try Proton VPN, their free service allows you to pretend you are in America
I may try that if I feel the need to see something. Mostly it isn’t worth the effort for me.
it allows me to watch shows from CBC, PBS and, ABC (Australia)
I haven’t used a VPN, but my sweetie uses one to watch some racing every once in a while. I’m with you Darbar, it’s usually not worth the effort for me.
My son has pocket dialed me twice from work today. Ha!
accidentally, yeah, sure
Yup it is. I could hear him working.
or pretending to work -_-
If the boss is walking by aren’t they the same thing?
My boss lives in Toronto
He is new to the job and pretty happy to have one. He works.
Do you need to find a record store?
there is a record store on the high street near me but they don’t get much new stuff in and no Canadian Indie
and it isn’t on that map
I’m headed out early today. Chat with you all tomorrow!
Ciao Janet.
They had to be registered somewhere it seems Garf.
ttfn Janet
I love our X-Ray Record but I wish he got a little bit more Cdn Indie in than he does. He is happy to order anything he doesn’t have though.
our’s is more of a used record store, which is OK but it would be nice if I could have a store I could walk into and buy my CanCon from
(having said that I would have to find a way to pay for my habit first)
We do also have a couple used vinyl shops. One is small and the other is quite big. And the new Sunrise Records shops that took over a couple HMV stores.
It gets very costly indeed!
There are times I am happy to have no money, because even if I had a higher income I would be just as broke with more stuff
So true. Stuff clutters up my life.
hello. I am trying to be productive in other parts of my life today. I do intend on having a playlist for next Friday however.
Fantastic morgana!
g’night folks, i’ll try to do better next week