Hey Our Basement,
We are thrilled to release our newest single “Rishikesh” – you can stream and share on Soundcloud.
We love this song and feel it has a certain power to it. It’s about choice and intention. The intention to trust your instinct, and to align action with thought. The song’s driving rhythm continually pushes forward, the vocals play off each other in a sort of call and response, the synths spark up a colourful chaos. All of that is built around a loop of voices recorded on iPhone on the banks of the Ganges in the holy city of Rishikesh, India.
You can read more about “Rishikesh” at Northern Transmissions.
We came together in Montreal in 2016 to sketch out a few songs, just to see where uninhibited brainstorming might lead us. New rules brought new possibilities, one person’s writer’s block became another’s building block, now we’re happy to be sharing our third single with you. The first singles ‘Shine’ & ‘Leave The Light On’ were released early this year to great notices.
Trust the flow.
Don’t think about the odds.
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Good morning!
Hi Russ.
Hello Benoit.
Please forgive me for the poor excuse of a post up there but I had a medical appointment to attend this morning(I am fine)
Ya daft, no forgiveness needed!
Talk about a terrible name! Death Metal Witch is playing at Pressed tomorrow, so I checked to see what they do (death metal, right?)
No. How about acoustic guitar played beautifully, for the first cut? https://deathmetalwitch.bandcamp.com/releases
D.M.W. (see above) explains it — I could have read it earlier, I suppose. Still a weird name for the music.
“This is an album I began writing in August. I wanted to write something completely different from my last release of electric guitar fuelled metal songs with Sundry Quarrel.
The songs follow a coven of seven witches who face a dispute with a group of judgmental hunters who stumble upon one of their peaceful ritual ceremonies held on the night of the full moon in the enchanted forest.”
Greetings and salutations! I really enjoyed the Chances tune this morning, I’m glad they shared it with us!
Benoit – definitely a weird name for the style of music. I feel like if you’re going to name your band after a specific kind of music you’ve kind of pigeon-holed yourself while building a fan base.
Today’s first interview, and later another segment, is (are?) with Bryan Cranston, he of the great Breaking Bad and many other roles.
Cranston: the guy can calmly explain things in (for instance) 4 minute monologues without repeating himself, fuddling, or going ‘umm’ à la Justin Trudeau.
The guy’s focking intelligent. Head screwed on right.
I try not to umm and arr when as it bothers me even when I do it, so if you see me take a deep breath consider ir an erm
I always enjoy Cranston’s interviews, because he’s so intelligent and well spoken.
I have never watched Breaking Bad but I do like Mr Cranston
garf: I wish someone would train JT away from all those ums. He ums a lot.
“Your synapses are snapping like *crazy*, on stage.” Cranston
(I’m going for a ride, to do errands. The first part of the B.C. interview last the whole first segment; continues afterwards. Just a heads-up as to length of the listen.) (And ciao!)
If you listen, listen ’til the end: he’s got a personal Charles Manson story, a brush with same. The second part is about 12 minutes long, so probably, the whole interview tops out at around 35-38 minutes.
I wonder if the full interview will make it to the podcast or if they’ll cut it down.
For the Vinyl Cafe fans: CBC Radio 1 will be airing Stuart McLean’s final Vinyl Cafe Christmas concert. It was recorded in Thunder Bay, ON in 2015, and will air December 17 at noon, December 19 at 11pm, and December 21 at 1pm. All times local, 30 minutes later in Newfoundland and Labrador.
The last time I listened to q was when Rick Mercer’s interview turned up on YouTube
janet, I suspect the whole thing will be podcast. And thanks for the Vinyl Café info.
Hi all!
Love Bryan Cranston. I might have to check that interview out. I would also like to hear that Vinyl Cafe episode. Thanks for the info.
Yup, the whole thing (see below the pix, left), or the entire episode. http://www.cbc.ca/radio/q
Awesome, thanks for the info Benoit! I’m going to listen to it as I prepare for US Thanksgiving tomorrow.
good morning
Matt P of Royal Canoe has a side project called Heavy Bell. Check out the article and video.
Related to a discussion a couple of days ago
Hi Morgana!
Thanks for the new music, Darbar, I’m looking forward to checking it out
Good evening Morgana
Hi morgana and krib.
My pleasure Janet.
that was a nice view and listen @darbar
It is true, I should just say, “good day” given our time zone differences
@B from O Death Metal Witch is very nice? Canadian? Are you going to see them tomorrow?
FaceBook makes me crazy!! This morning I saw a post from Paper Bag Records with a code for black Friday 50% off but can I find it now? Did anyone else get it and keep track of it?
I don’t know of any Canadian EP/album releases this week
I have no idea what I will post tomorrow
@Morgana, the code is BLACKFRIDAY
Silly Canadian artists with no releases this week, don’t they know we want to talk about them?
I know, right!
It’s a little early, since it’s only the end of November, but you could start listing some of the “best” releases of the year.
I have only looked at albumoftheyear.org so far, I’ll have a better look in the morning
morgana, Death Metal Witch: yeah, I expect I will go. I think (not sure, but I gather this from his bandcamp page) that he’s a guy from Ottawa who didn’t ditch the moniker he uses when doing metal. But indeed, this is acoustic guitar, and the lad plays very well.
The main act is The Night Watch: https://thenightwatch.bandcamp.com/music
@garfielduk well that is a very tricky code indeed!
@b from o
I am on Spotify streaming Death Metal Witch.
Thanks for the introduction and enjoy the show!
I have an audiologist appointment so I am off.
I got an email about a new track from a band we could post about if you need something Garf.
I have started thinking about my favourites for 2017. There will be a playlist with them in December some time.
Oh, I’m excited for that playlist! I still struggle with remembering which albums came out when, but there were a few that came out this year that I really enjoyed.
Yes it will take a bit of searching to remember which albums came out this year but because of Polaris I have a much better idea of that than I have in the past.
I am very much enjoying the Bryan Cranston interview. The section he talks about theater is timely for me. One week to opening night.
I should get off the ps4 and use a real computer so I can type and check email
Along with a deeper search
Heading out a little early today, I’m trying to get a jump on Thanksgiving prep. It’s just the two of us, why in the world did I think a full turkey was a good idea
Hope to chat with you tomorrow!
Have a happy Thanksgiving Janet!
What she said
TTTT (tata ’til then”
oops ” = )