For the first edition of “How Did I Miss That?” we go all the way back to Tuesday the 7th of November to look at Miracle by The Perm.
After returning from a tour of Spain and France, The Perms returned Vamboo Studios to put the finish touches to this, their most recent release. The band attributes the love and support they received on that tour as being a driving force pushing them to give more towards the completion of the recording.
The album features the band’s creative alt-rock sound, mixing catchy hooks with stick in your head melodies. The band’s chemistry stands out over these nine tracks. Their writing and musicianship is rooted in their ability to collaborate and work with each other to create music that showcases their shared love of music.
If you know of any releases we have missed please let us know in the comments below or, if you are willing to flex you writing skills, why not submit your own piece about it here.
Good morning!
Hello ,
That was some good sportsing they did last night.
Is it just me or do you think that a line judge would be very picky about their cocaine?
Hello hello! That was a fun Grey Cup, and I loved that it was snowing for the game!
It was snowing for sure, and it was cold as well — steaming heads always make me smile –, but the t.v. made it look snowier than it actually was, what with very bright lights, and telephoto shots 150 feet long and more. I live about a kilometre away, as the crow barks, I looked outside several times, and it wasn’t snowing as hard as it seemed on the bright screen. Things always look better on t.v.
Mostly for dar:
The housemate was walking past my bedroom door last night while I was watching the game and didn’t like the snow he saw.
Whenever he complains about being cold I tell he the temperature in Regina, He swears at me and stops complaining.
Complaining about the weather has always struck me as one of the most pointless… One can change one’s attitude and put on an extra jumper or a scarf, maybe a decent coat and gloves and hat, and then just deal with things. If you’re doing it right being active, you may even get too warm.
janet, 6:46: Yeah, the game coulda been in Green Bay, WI !
Benoit, 8:23, I agree! It’s easier to change how you feel about the weather, and complaining of the cold gets you no where!
There is no such thing as cold weather only the wrong clothes
Of course, there’s always the rare exception, such as a 100 kph, -40 blizzards at Station Focken Frozen, in Antarctica.
just shelter behind the wall around the edge of the earth disc
I’d be scared of slipping. (“Watch out for that first step: it’s a doozy.”)
The temperature in Regina is going up to +8C today. Too bad the Grey Cup wasn’t here this year.
Teenage Head – Fun Comes Fast – Nov 10
Maestro Fresh Wes – Coach Fresh – Nov 17
darbar: …or still here, but tomorrow: +11 !
Ridiculous weather!
But don’t forget, global warming is a myth created by the Chinese, or something
Why would you bring up global warming when we are talking about the weather? There is no connection.
janet, the blind leading the blind is one thing, but the blind leading the sighted! DANG!
dar: yeah, it’s TOO SOON after that tragedy to talk about it.
I’m these days often astounded at reversy-thinking even being stated out loud. “What is this, Contrary Day???”
I’ll just offer my thoughts and prayers then.
The reason I moved here was because it was quiet
This was the story about students I was actually looking for
Garf: “Too soon”, I see. From here: funny schoolboy antics, (over?)serious reaction from authorities. Too bad the writers at BBC didn’t include any comments saying “boys will b… persons will be persons”.

Imagine someone holding party themed on the Gastown riots. It’s not students being student, it’s upper class people not understanding what happened in the past.
Seems to me, Garfield, that the first and the second often overlap.
“My Thoughts and Prayers Are With Me”
I didn’t see this one coming — mind, what I know about Meghan would fit into something very very small.
true, I should have said “it’s not JUST students…”
I thought you only had one cat
Re: that student event, it’s amazing to me how people can be so tone-deaf to a situation they know nothing about.
I do. I was projecting to people who tell others where their thoughts and prayers are.
But janet, the second part is naturally what makes the first part so easily possible*. And the same goes, I would say, for people who deny this that or the other thing, despite those things being well known: they’re mostly ignorant, or else they’ve given up on trying to understand, and rely on belief.**
* The reverse is true: often, people drop their prejudices after becoming enlightened.
**I’m on purpose leaving out those people who don’t think so much, because what counts for them is simply belonging to their group. That’s also really common, isn’t it?
Benoit, that’s true, people can be tone-deaf due to a lack of interest in knowing anything about a potentially sensitive situation, or an unwillingness to learn more because it might ruin the “fun”.
In theory (and in my experience in higher education in North America), the student group should have had an advisor who could (and should) provide some guidance as to why this is a a bad idea.
Yeah, agreed, though it seems to me that (mostly) boys looking to fuck around large, probably while waving a finger, any finger, at authority, are not likely to ask for an adult advisor — especially as, not being entirely stupid, they’d heavily suspect a NO would be forthcoming.
I am off to do the sleeping thing