Our playlist this week is all about new songs on our radar this month. Spotify has their Release Radar playlists and now we have an OurBasement Release Radar playlist. This has become a monthly playlist as there are so many songs released every month that 2 months was just too long. All the songs on the playlist today have been released since our last Release Radar in mid November. Some were released with an album but not many. Some singles are in advance of an upcoming album and some are new remixes of an older track. There are a few seasonal tracks in there as well.
I was excited about many tracks on the list, like Certainly by Heavy Bell. Heavy Bell is a duo made up of Royal Canoe frontman Matt Peters and actor/singer-songwriter Tom Keenan. I am loving this first track and look forward to hearing more from this project. Galaxie, U.S. Girls, Donovan Woods, Bahamas, Michael Rault, Wet Secrets and so many more all had new tracks for us to hear. It feels like Christmas!
Melted Wings don’t have tracks on Spotify but Land of Fallen Snow is a personal favourite this month. In case you missed it you can find out more about Michael Wynn’s project on our site here.
I am also really enjoying the track called Beat Wave by Holy Gasp. It is described as big band punk/orchestral hardcore sounds. In the great tradition of The Holy Gasp, no one can quite agree on what to call what they’ve created. The song features 17 players, including Karen Ng (Andy Shauf, Feist and Broken Social Scene), Jessica Upton-Crowe (Beliefs), Nixon Boyd (Hollerado), and many other notable Toronto musicians.This was the first song written for the album, and the first song written after frontman Benjamin Hackman’s divorce. His thoughts on that time below:
Upside Down is an ode to the decline of our modern world and our values, which for us was punctuated by the US Presidential election, and the fallout thereafter. Everything is so backward lately, we think many of us are feeling it, no matter which side you’re on. When Lexie was writing the lyrics, she couldn’t shake the imagery of Lady Liberty in bed with Donald Trump.
There is so much more new music for you to discover. Take a listen and see what new favourites you may find.
Hello, great post, thank you DBS
Good morning!
Thanks Garf.
Geez, looks like I’ll be listening to more new tunes, today — these. There’s also the everlovin’ Friday Morning Cartunes, starting in a few minutes.
Hello hello! Thanks for a the great playlist, Darbar! I’m loving checking out the new releases.
Hello Benoit and Janet.
I added the SoundCloud tracks just for you Benoit. And anyone else that doesn’t use Spotify.
I am glad you are enjoying the playlist too Janet.
Yeah, I’m not drawn to Spotify in any way. Thanks.
Spotify works well for my needs and is the easiest way for me to share playlists but I get some don’t like it.
Well, you’re pressured this way, and forced that way, and they pay artists piss. (I once saw a figure — they may have changed — and it was horrible. Just awful.)
No answers here, but it does paint a good outline: https://www.forbes.com/sites/quora/2016/10/25/how-much-does-the-average-artist-earn-per-play-on-spotify/#675a04396e48
Good morning everyone! Looking forward to checkout out your Spotify list today Darb.
I would love to use a streaming service that was widely accessible and paid artists well. If anyone knows of something I should try let me know. My hope and goal is to share the music and help people hear these artists, love their music and go buy it.
Hi Justin! I hope you enjoy it.
While I agree that Spotify isn’t good at paying artists well enough, at least I have a feeling that are getting paid through subscriptions or adverts*. But when I look at the likes of Soundcloud an Bandcamp, I can’t see where any money is coming from to pay the artists for me listening to their track.
*This could be faulty logic
Artists themselves are using Spotify a lot to share their music and playlists. It can’t be all bad. :p
Here’s the Heavy Bell video and an article about them on Paste. https://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2017/11/daily-dose-heavy-bell-certainly.html
I just added a few songs that came in on my Release Radar to the playlist.
thank you
Speaking of artists getting paid for streaming their songs, does anyone know if paying for a subscription to Spotify means artists get paid more? That might encourage me to pay for the subscription.
Listening now Darbs….
Enjoy Justin!
I am not sure Janet but I would be very interested to know the answer to that.
Right now the difference is about .0015 per stream from free users and .005 from premium users
source https://community.spotify.com/t5/Content-Questions/Do-artists-get-paid-less-when-free-user-listens/td-p/1208522
Interesting indeed Garf. Thanks for looking it up.
is that per song? so if I listen to an album, they’ll make a nickel?
I think the idea behind Bandcamp is that people buy the music.
I haven’t listened repeatedly to bandcamp tracks, but I recall at one time, after so many plays, being asked quite regularly to pony up money to buy the damn album, already…
I’ve used SoundCloud a few times, but I don’t know that I’ve ever used Bandcamp.
Good morning friends.
It looks like Christmas has come early! so many tunes to unwrap!!
“The Land of Fallen Snow” is exactly were I am today. Glad we went out into the forest and got our tree a few days ago.
Not many are using Reverbnation these days. Not sure how that fit into the mix.
more presents!
Good afternoon, Radio 3 remnant.
Spotify pays artists significantly more than YouTube does. I tried Apple Music but found the interface confusing. I like the community aspect of Spotify.
Thanks for the playlist Darbar; I’m enjoying it.
Hey that fussy font guy! Glad to hear it.
Apple Music only works for sharing if the other person is using it too it seems. At least with Spotify they can listen with a free version.
I listened to that yesterday morgana! It was pretty good.
Hello @mrfussyfont. I too use Spotify. The “intuitive” part of Apple Music was lost on me. I have not really gotten into the social options on Spotify. Can you give me an example of what you mean?
I suppose I should live up to my name and complain about the 3 different fonts in the article!
This happens when you copy and paste. Look for a “paste as plain text” option or “clear formatting.”
@morgana, mainly the Facebook integration. I also like that it tells me when my favourite artists are playing near me.
@darbar after I am done your offerings I will play the dine alone playlist. Today I am taking on the last of the wrapping and other paperwork type stuff so I can do a lot of listening. The tunes will surely take the edge off of the paperwork slog; happy day:)
@mrfussyfont I do enjoy the notifications of who is playing near me but I don’t recall anything showing up in my FB. Perhaps I have to make a selection on Spotify or FB so they can talk …
@morgana, the right sidebar in Spotify shows me what my friends are listening to. You can “follow” your friends and look at their public playlists.
I like those features in Spotify as well.
I forgot to fix the fonts. One day I will have time to make proper posts. I am usually doing them around midnight Thursday night. Ha! I will try to get that fixed at some point. Thanks
Ah yes, I guess I have so few “friends” that I don’t notice that feature much. Thanks for the run down. Now I know what I am missing or not.
Because I follow you morgana, I can see that you have 9 followers and are following 53 but they are all artists. You aren’t following any friends. (follow me, follow me)
@morgana you’ll have one more friend if you accept my friend request.
Darb… I am on Ink for a Star by the Great Lake Swimmers…
That is a lovely track Justin. It may appear next week on the Holiday playlist as well.
Hmmm, Spotify figures that none of my FB friends are on Spotify ….
the “intuitive” part of Apple anything is lost on me…
Also, do you remember this?
@krib, I generally love Apple products, but iTunes/Apple Music is a mess.
@krib I am an Apple user but I find it a cop out when they use that language.
@morgana, in Spotify did you click “Find Friends” at the bottom of the right sidebar?
@mrfussyfont my version has the find friends at the top right but yes, that is what i did. some options opened in the middle of the screen and told me that none of my FB friends are on Spotify.
@morgana, how is it possible that Darbar can see you on Spotify and you can’t see her?
Thanks for including me Darbs in this! Unfortunately I can’t listen to anything from Work as it’s all blocked. And Janet I think that’s a great question whether artists get more from paid subscriptions. Thanks Garf for clearing that up with that Spotify info about the difference between paid and free streams.
I myself have a subscription, but mostly because I started to want things on demand and my wife & kids also wanted to explore more music.
Hi Wynnsie. My pleasure! I wanted to put you on my playlist but without you being on Spotify yet, that was the next best thing.
Oh man…. That PUP version ‘You don’t get me high anymore’ is badass
Justin – I agree, I loved it!
I agree too! That was one of the tracks I just added. I was happy to see a PUP song.
@mrfussyfont, beats me!
I think it is because I am following you morgana but you haven’t followed me back.
You can find my profile here: spotify:user:darbarspecial
or here: http://open.spotify.com/user/darbarspecial
well when you spoon feed it to me it works! thanks @darbar.
otherwise i can not make Spotify find any of my FB friends; logged into both, checked through preferences to see if I need to change anything … I did see that when I upgraded to the three month trial of Spotify it did not automatically upgrade my audio experience so I threw that switch.
My Spotify isn’t finding friends right now either. My OS is getting old and I thought that might be why. You can look through my followers or following and see if there are ones in there you could add.
Gabrielle Pappillon sounds like Shred Kelly’s Sage at times … anyone else think that?
@darbar ok, glad it is not just me. thanks for the hint on how to find more friends through your list.
I have spend enough time on that for now though.
Just listening for a while now.
thank goodness for good music to get me through paperwork!!
thanks again.
my reward for not procrastinating is a nice walk with Suki.
have a nice weekend everyone.
I’m headed out! Have a great weekend, everyone!
I hope you enjoyed your walk with Suki, Morgana.
Have a great weekend all!