The music of life flows from a basement

There are no signs, and no advertisements; the only indication that there’s a music school in the basement of Dixon Hall Neighbourhood Services in Regent Park is the children carting instrument cases down the stairs.
(Globe and Mail)

AI is music to recording industry’s ears for recouping song royalties

Nearly 20 years after file sharing upended the recorded music industry, Canadian musicians are looking to digital technology in a bid to recoup money they’ve long been leaving on the table.
(Globe and Mail)

CDs still look for a place in the digital music landscape

Adrian Doran knows he’s clinging onto what many consider an obsolete music format, but for him there’s still plenty to love about compact discs.

And Finally

Alvvays took the number one spot in last years R3:103 (see yesterdays post for a playlist) so I decided to share the audio from a recording of them performing live in Chicago on November 3rd, 2017.